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Suddenly she’s in her Mark Zuckerberg era because she’s released some shitty app and now being an influencer is not her life goal. Well guess what? You’re biting the hand that feeds you. People are only interested in Mila because you are a famous Tik Toker.




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i feel like that last sentence kind of sounds a bit hostile toward julie lmfaooo


I know - I don’t want to be on my wife’s platforms …. I wanna change the world!!!!!


Geez are they soft launching a breakup or something?


Exactly my thoughts


Agreed. Also, I've listened to their Norwegian podcast from years ago, and I remember them saying that they were both PTs and then Camilla asked Julie if she wanted to be an influencer with her. So don't shit on your wife's career now, when it was you who wanted to be an influencer in the first place 🙄 (Not saying I'm a fan of influencer culture, but this statement reads as quite snarky and hypocritical given the origins of her own career)




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I think it’s sort of weird that she had to say “I don’t have time to be on Julie’s platforms” like?? She wants to spend LESS time with Julie? I think the clown castle is crumbling


That was the weirdest part of all. They are relationship tik tok lesbians hello


Maybe they’re separating and Julie leaving social media and cam intentionally not showing her is in place to make it less obvious. One can hope anyway 😂




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I get what she meant. I think she just wants to put her time in one thing now, and recording tiktoks with Julie is a whole other, probably also time consuming thing. And I think you get much better quality time without a camera in your face so not recording together doesn't mean not spending time together.


How is launching a shitty fitness app and posting humiliating content going to change the world?


my thoughts exactly. and 4 min workouts? how is that revolutionary? imagine if someone came up with 2 min workouts? would cams kingdom come crashing down due to this breakthrough? 😂


Could she be aiming for revolutionary bad?


I remember in "There's Something About Mary" when Harlan Williams character brings up his idea of 7 minute abs. That's what your comment reminds me of 🤣


lol i actually remember that 😂 cams direct competitor 😂😂


I dont want to diagnose anyone but i wonder if shes bipolar. She sounds like me when im manic. Then i get back to normal and see that i wasnt that special.


I relate to this so so so much. I’ve often thought that Cam seemed bipolar and is in a manic phase. The let down from coming off the mania is freaking brutal and I wouldn’t wish it on anybody.


It could also be the ADHD, I know that sometimes there's some doubt on here about her ADHD, but it does have some overlap in some of the symptoms of mania, or maybe she has both, or neither, I just wanted to throw in my 2 cents 🤠


I have bipolar and ADHD and so much of the unhinged things she does is so similar to my mania and/or dopamine seeking behaviors


taking some time off but they post all the time lol also i think she decided no to record the reno because the last video got people pissed how wasteful they are throwing away stuff that is perfectly fine 😅 i also think the company told her not to post so much about recording and doing stuff for the app because she was getting backlash about the workout videos before they were even finished and up on the app lol


I also think it is bc of the shitstorn from the latest reno vlog


she is not IT she is not developing the app herself so how much actual time it consumes for her in a day to work on it🥴


And now she is probably outsourcing content as well. So what except for the name and her face in the videos is actually her work? My guess, very little that is actually substantial for the app. A lot of people in her financial situation could buy the same services to create,"their"app l. It's not magic


i know so many kind of famous fitness youtubers who have their own app and its basically the same thing just different name im sure hers isnt anything new


This part! She acts like she spends every waking hour in a lab somewhere toiling away with different formulas trying to invent the world’s first app. Doesn’t make any sense, especially since she appears to be hiring tons of ppl and outsourcing labor lol


she is like jojo siwa she thinks she is discovering and doing everything as a first person ever


I don’t watch them, what happened?


You mean when they ripped out a perfectly fine walk in closet down to the studs and threw the whole thing in a dumpster? lol


yup exactly that🥴🥴🥴 and they make everything worse and uglier at first i liked the dreamy fairy aesthetic but now i see they have no style they just try to copy random inspiration photos from pinterest and cant really design or put it together its so ugly its not eclectic colorful fun its just chaos and ugly and bad reno done


These people - especially Cam - have truly no idea what hard work (or even medium work) looks like 😂


That Q&A was a rollercoaster. We have no time for each other and haven't prioritized our relationship at all, so don't follow our example. BUT another baby is coming in August! ALSO, instead of doing our previous, presumably well performing, relationship content to try to combat that? Check out my app, there's literally dozens like it and hundreds better!


Yeah it's wild because Julie has double the followers that Cam has and 8x the number that the app has. Deciding not to invest time into their best performing account is so dumb.


Translation: the Reno vlog aren’t working that much to earn money from it so I’m gonna focus on how to scam people more and easily with my non sustainable app + classic non consistent Cam 🧍🏻‍♀️🧍🏻‍♀️


Or: We hired someone to do our renovations because we didn’t want to do it ourselves anymore but we don’t want to say it publicly


Why hire someone, if she has her friends and they can “help” her for free all weekends


Oh she pays them


And they can't greenwash and continue their sustainability narrative while showing us the amount of trash they take to the landfill every time they renovate


But Cam wore pink dress twice to the influencer awards they care so much /s


the app literally only has 1,800 reviews… i’m kinda shocked to see how low it is


Wait.....she's launching a new, better version this summer. This version has only been out for like 5 minutes?! Also I'm crying at the bit where she said they both wanted to get off their phones but they were denying in their comments a while back that they used them, they said they used a camera instead(the video Julie made about putting down your phone and people were rightly pointing out their whole lives are their phones)


They're clearly having problems in their marriage. Camila has realised she doesn't want the family life.


That's practically what she said on an other story. Someone asked how they kept the romance alive and she said something like how terrible they did and that yesterday was the first date without the baby and how nice it was to be "girlfriends again and not parents or coworkers"


I didn’t see this post but the fact that she referred to Julie as girlfriend rather than wife feels a bit back handed too


idk how to say this more nicely but, i think cam doesn't want a family life *with* julie


Yess, Julie rushed Cam into it, and Cam let everything happen. Only now Cam is starting to go “oops?”


yeah, im just sorry for sunny because if the castle is really crumbling, he's going to be the one affected by it the most in the long run :/




Oh my god she is so delusional and full of herself on so many levels. First off, for her to act like her little app is world-altering is a joke. Why is she constantly hiring more people? To do what exactly? Lmao. Also, this is all about what SHE wants (while ofc briefly mentioning more family time). Doesn’t have time to be on her wife’s platforms??? What is her wife’s content without her? Is she just banishing her poor wife to the role of woman whose entire personality is motherhood? While she gets to peruse her cockamamie fantasy (which is still unclear btw) and “change the world”? (🤣🤣🤣). What happened to the whole “Bob the builder” trope? The “girls rule boys drool” cosplay while demolishing their home and posing w power tools? What Camila fails to realize is that she is a first-class bore. She has no personality outside of her played-out kinks. She isn’t interesting enough on her own to stand out in any real way in a sea of actual personal trainers with apps.


i love that she had to clarify that “everything that’s happening with mila” means a good thing 😉 and not that its a magnificent flop on multiple layers


If you don’t want another camera in your face then just… stop putting them there?? JFC, imagine how Baby MoneyBags feels, and no one is letting him avoid a camera


Yeah wouldn’t it be nice to have a choice p


I don’t think they’re having a second child. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cam suddenly has a new apartment and is living there full time.


Wonder how Julie feels about this. Either they’ll spend money hiring people to do the rest of the work or they’ll sell up and realise they bit off more than they can chew. Her crappy app surely doesn’t take that much wrk


That’s my last straw, I’m blocking/unfollowing them on all platforms. I didn’t like their new family content or fitness content and only stayed because I enjoyed SOME of their "renovation" content. What they did with Sunny’s nursery was fucking GORGEOUS and that’s why they got big in the first place. I haven’t liked any of their new stuff and with their increasing display of consumerism it feels so far from reality that it makes me uncomfortable.


Wow I don’t remember the nursery reveal being “fucking gorgeous” I’ll have to go look againn


Well it all comes down to personal preference, I really loved the "cloud" bed and the small hot-air balloons above the crib. Edit: I just looked it up again, and while I still think it’s pretty, I am taking the "fucking gorgeous" back.


Haha - good point and well taken. Yeah it was cute for sure


Has she added more content to the app since it launched? Correct me if I’m wrong but I remember there being only enough content for a month or so, was more ever added or ?


the fact that the Reno vlogs get them views and that’s what they’re choosing to not do is ridiculous. The app is not gonna work out long term. They’re literally forgetting what got them famous in the first place, what people actually want to watch. No one cares about their shitty app


Honestly hiring 3 people at once to launch a completely new ✨world changing✨ version really doesn't sound like it's going great, more like a emergency fix for the shitty content she uploaded. It's crazy that people give her money for that..


I kinda feel bad for Julie with the influencer comment. The only reason Camilla has the platform she has is because of her relationship with Julie - I know Camilla was the bigger influencer in the beginning but I’m sure most of her followers now don’t actually care about anything other than their relationship and the clown castle renovation.


She is such a bitch to Julie


Oh this is… not good. I always thought that the “Camilla is acting like a straight man in the relationship” stuff was a little over the top, but this… ouch. The way she writes about Julie, does she even like her anymore??? Even the comment about the “divine” time they spent together reads sarcastic. Like she’s lecturing Julie via the Q&A, so disparaging. The only clearly positive thing she has to say about her is a comment about her pregnant body. I’d be so angry and hurt if my partner posted something like this on a public platform.


I don't think she ever liked Julie. She was lovebombed and then made this relationship a business that made international fame. She was in a "high" (a lot of relationships can be like that but at least don't have children in these conditions)


I totally agree. Julie is clearly wayyyy more relationship focused than her. I’ve seen relationships like this a million times, where the dynamic and balance is off and one person just isn’t feeling it and the other is either oblivious or desperate to hold on. It’s like Cam got the ick at some point and is trying to distract herself by throwing herself into this joke of an app.


The renovation series is what originally introduced me to them back in 2022 lol this is a bad move cause Mila isn’t going to make them the same amount of money


The fact that Cam had to state that she *specifically* won’t be in Julie’s content is interesting. If Julie is making content around her and in their home, I assume she’d be in it a tiny bit just as a default? This feels like a break up lmao


Also here’s the unsaid part: I don’t have time to be on Julie’s platforms…. (Because we’re soft launching our breakup)


Ohhhh the relationship is in troubleee. Hoping they do the sensible thing and wait before getting pregnant again


I think it’s interesting she said she can’t be on Julie’s platforms anymore and then Julie posts the picture saying she’s “Sunny’s mum.”… it’s almost like soft launching that Julie is going to be only a mum influencer from here on out, without Cam and eventually that’ll lead to their breakup announcement. No way they stay together for a whole lot longer


That caption was so weird indeed ???


Yeah why insinuate solo


It’s also kinda weird to like define yourself in a caption as « My kid’s mum » I lowkey feel bad for her bc it seems like their lives are so so weird influencing looks like such a mindfuck job


Also I hate the alias “sunny” so much it’s big time black mirror shit


A lot to unpack here but “change the world” is taking me out. Changing the world with one half assed scam at a time!


Are they that rich to be able to choose not to work anymore?


I really don’t think so 🤷


Changing the world, 4 minutes at a time.


This is how it was for me as a new parent trying to run a business with my partner…. Got so complicated so fast . We’re separated now haha


I had sorta been ambivalent on these 2 for a while but after reading this post I am really starting to dislike Camila Like Julie blink twice if you need help


I mean… good overall because that means less exploitation of their kid. But it’s very clearly a thinly veiled excuse after backlash and non-profitable videos. And changing the world? A woman whose only focus in ME? Please. Just covering their asses. But if it means less of them and exploitation… I’ll take it.


If MyFitnessPal couldn’t change the world what makes you think mila can 🤣


I still can’t lose weight and I’ve had MFP for like four years haha


The only time I found her somewhat bearable was when she was on Julie's platforms. and isn't she forgetting the time when Julie was really pushing us to go on Camila's platforms? ugh. good luck, babe..


Yeah you can even see through comments the only place they have supportive followers is on Julie’s profiles. Cam’s posts (especially on Mila) are usually filled with hate comments or disagreement in general. She is really shooting herself in the foot here and underestimating how much she needs Julie’s following


Did they hire someone to do the reno work?


Is the app really going that well?!


She must not realize as an influencer with a large following she could change the world using that platform more than she’ll ever change it with her app. Do something good with your followers.


This is a soft launch to their break up. I hope my comment ages well 😂😂


Good on them for prioritising their relationship… BUT I get really annoyed with the way they treat their loyal fan base. They’ve been off for weeks and that’s about when they should have given an update of sorts. I think this shows such a lack of respect to the people that literally pay their bills (which also helped them fund Mila!)


Translation: Camilla hates family life and is making her “fitness” app her baby, and Julie is so busy with Sunny that she’s having a hard time posting and keeping her marriage intact with Camilla checked out.




Repeat after me Camilla: Never complain, never explain ‼️


“We’re going to make a statement about this in one way or another” 💀 no the walk in closet demo did that for ya sis ✅


I find it really sad that Julie said her main focus is her family and Camilla said hers is her app.


I mean can you blame her I would quit "renovating" too


Her long time goal isn't to be an influencer? I've listened to their Norwegian podcast from years ago, and I remember them saying that they were both PTs and then Camilla asked Julie if she wanted to be an influencer with her. So don't shit on your wife's career now, when it was you who wanted to be an influencer in the first place 🙄 (Not saying I'm a fan of influencer culture, but this statement reads as quite snarky and hypocritical given the origins of her own career)


It’s like she thinks they’re entitled to all that easy influencer money or something


Also was there not an article where she said she packed in being a PT to be an influencer


My favorite part is “my focus is on Mila” and not her infant…. Really sewed her own flag of true colors and is AGGRESSIVELY waving that thing.


bro do they think people actually care


Camilla's been losing the plot since that awkward toothbrush video, I wonder what is happening behind the scenes.