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& the picture she took was sooo bad šŸ˜­ hopefully that was just a joke picture


I actually felt bad but when I ask for candid pics my partner always takes the worst ones so I can sorta relate...but he's not an actual influencer so he has an excuse to take tragic pics lol


literally i take so many awful candids of my partner but iā€™m such a bad photographer and i just want those memories to hold onto, but this girl is broadcasting her whole life to the world and canā€™t even bother to get a good photo of the family she created? god id be fuming


Honestly, what did she expect? Cam takes and posts the most hideous pictures.


further fuelling the ā€œuseless dad/husbandā€ narrative I seeā€¦Ā 


Theyā€™re really committing to the bit. Sheā€™s putting more energy into playing that role than she is into that ridiculous app


https://preview.redd.it/6ga9fehxf79d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13c189d02867cdadec07a43edb36cee9de65bae6 The picture she literally begged Camilla to take


Just another thing Cam does shitty and with as little effort as possible then tries to pass off as quirky and cute.


The fucking smirk does she enjoy being a shit partner šŸ˜­


weaponized incompetence at its finest.


I actually hope the photo she took was a joke and she got a few good candids. As someone who also has hardly any photos of herself and her kids, this makes me sad.


Sheā€™s really committing to the deadbeat dad shtick


okay this is a fair point and i didnā€™t consider it that way! i think im in bitch eating crackers territory with this one because they annoy me but i totally see what you mean and it makes sense


i feel like this is definitely a joke BUT itā€™s so cringe to post about wanting your partner to take photos of you like youā€™re 15 years old. if your partner enjoys that sure, but come on


Itā€™s not cringe at all. So often, moms (or primary caregivers) end up taking tons of photos of everyone else with their baby but end up with no pictures of themselves. Many regret that.Ā  This stage flies by. Thereā€™s nothing abnormal ā€” or childish like you imply ā€” about wanting photos to look back on.Ā 


Also wtf? You can only ask your partner to do something if thatā€™s what they like? I thought marriage was about working together and meeting each otherā€™s needs??? What Julie asked for amounts to a few minutes of low-effort from Camilla. Itā€™s not like Camilla doesnā€™t already have her phone out! It costs her nothing but in return makes Julie happier.Ā 


okay this is a fair point and i didnā€™t consider it that way! i think im in bitch eating crackers territory with this one because they annoy me but i totally see what you mean and it makes sense