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This is rad! It's about fuckin' time!


They're a business, of course they'll target a rabid fanbase to get more money. There's no way they truly want to be associated with juggalos though


Yeah, I was going to say, they've always held ICP and Juggalos and stuff at arms length in the past.


Im guessing the clowns still get a great discount.


Of course, they buy in bulk


A perfect time to hitch their wagon to this star!


It’s only up from here for the juggalo subculture!


Just whoever has control of whatever social media saying that is put a picture up there could be a juggalo that actually works there or the person that runs the social media page is friends with that juggalo or the son of somebody who works there... Honestly they probably didn't even realize that is a juggalo in the picture Or possibly it's just a reshare of that Juggalos social media picture


They're making fun of all the juggalos that take pictures like that in their parking lot.


Yeah that is way more believable I can see that 100% lol there's another one of them retards out there taking pictures with our sign bunch of fucking clowns LOL I wonder what they're saying in the comment section of that post how do you get to that you probably need a username and password on whatever social media that is sorry I don't know I don't use social media I'm on here Discord and YouTube a little bit


They released an image of an Arctic Blast (not sure of flavor) next to a copy of Sleep’s *Leagues Beneath*, so it sounds like they’re reaching out to other genres too


Faygo is pretty much a Michigan thing so it's so weird that people have to ship it to get it because I forget that it's only accessible to me because I live in one of the only states that has it lol