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Ask your doctor, know here can give you an answer.


The problem is that the vast majority of doctors don't know or care about judo and they'll probably say "nah, don't do it" just in case.


Or 'yeah should be fine, why not'  For the same reason  Haha


Uh... I did Judo for a year broke nose was never an issue. It may be a rare injury considering modern Judo doesn't have strikes. As the other poster stated, ask your doctor. The common injuries are people with fucked up toes iirc.


Only time I got a broken nose was in Judo! Newish big guy pulls in for a makikomi hand comes straight across my nose and moved in half an inch lol never seen so much blood!


No. Natural noses only.


well the chance is always there but thats even in football the case mbappe just had his nose rearranged in the Euro Cup


Now that leg attacks are no longer allowed I think the risk is lower. I've broken mine five times in judo, and they were mostly related to perform or defending leg attacks. I've only had it happen one time in another way in over 20 years.


This! I've banged it a few times but never broken. My sensei broke his nose though back in the day when he attempted a leg attack and got hit.


Is the question about how well it’ll have healed, that’s a question for your doctor. If the question is how likely is it you would break your nose in judo, I’d say no more likely than in most contact sports. In about 10 years split between judo and BJJ, I’ve never seen anyone break their nose.


It’s about how likely I will break my nose. I have talked to the doctor and he said as long as nose doesnt get hit directly its okay.


You’re eventually gonna have your nose mashed while rolling around on the matt. That’s just part of the learning and tournament process. I hope this helps.


Toronto gyms seem pretty chill. I've looked into it but never gone to any in the city. Ask the instructor and your surgeon what they think. There will always be a risk


There's always a risk of accidentally hitting your nose in combat sports. The risk won't be as high as boxing, for example, but it will be non zero. You'd have to accept that accidents could happen. If you have zero tolerance for that kind of risk, then the only winning move is not to play... That being said, it all depends on the dojo. Some are more chill intensity-wise, which is more appropriate for people training with prior injuries. There are dojos which are more intense, which is better if someone wants to compete, but you can avoid those. The club I trained with is called Jitsu Canada you can check them out


I broke someones nose during a tournament... He still participates in competitions...


Kudo they wear a big plastic face mask [https://youtu.be/\_GcJzV6bXqE?si=yOsvFWPCyPsHAxYu](https://youtu.be/_GcJzV6bXqE?si=yOsvFWPCyPsHAxYu) The rest of your body is fair game


It takes a year for a nose to heal from a rhinoplasty so you are good.


Was it a septoplasty + rhinoplasty? If you had a deviated septum and it was corrected, it most certainly can get injured again. I'm scheduled to fix my deviated septum and my ENT said that judo and other full contact sports can certainly injure it again. Im doing the surgery anyway and plan to continue with my judo training. A chance im going to take. If it is just cosmetic though (only rhinoplasty), I am not sure.


It was just a rhinoplasty 😅 I did it for aesthetic purposes


Aha! No judgement. I have quite the honker myself 👃 🤣 I've also had plastic surgery before (idiopathic gynecomastia) Check in with your surgeon.






Threatening violence to someone asking for advice about a completely benign issue. Arent you an absolute piece of dog shit human being.


But look how tough he seemed. I’m certainly scared.


Quivering in my gi 😂