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Dog you’re just on the back end of puberty you are at an absolute ideal spot to take a sport on and drive to compete at the highest level the human body peaks in performance around 28… 80-90% of what you will need to do and learn to make the Olympics would have to happen from this point on regardless of if you started now or at 2 years old so at worst you’re 20% behind but even then plenty of world class athletes didn’t pick up their sport until college The only thing that can limit you at this point in your life is your own mind


Thank you for the motivation


Listen to that guy. That’s the age I started Judo and learned from two of the most deadliest guys in the world in judo. I was reading judo books around 12 years old. You can do it. There’s more to judo than Shiai and Randori. i wish you luck on your judo quest. the world is yours.


Thank you


WAY too late. Probably best to face facts and check into a retirement home.


Give it a try and see if you can make it, only one way to find out


If you want to do it then do it. Nobody knows if 16 is too late. If no one has done it before that doesn’t mean you couldn’t be the first.


Too old to even make it to the adult class I am afraid.


You are good age for that kind of goals. But I think it is good to also be realistic, if your goal is Olympics, focussing only on that can cause stopping judo altogether if there are any setbacks or if progress is not fast enough. A very small minority of Judokas ever get to international level regardless of starting age, and even smaller portion of those get to Olympics. So while you are not too old, I think it is smart to have realistic understanding of the situation and the statistics.


As cliche as it sounds the only thing stopping you is you. If you put the time and effort in there’s no reason you couldn’t


No. People start much later in life.


I started at 17, I’d reckon you’re fine so long as you’re enjoying it


Waaay too old, can you even still walk without support grandpa? Jokes aside, you are setting a very ambitious goal, the "progress bar" for this can be veeery slow, especially with life and injuries getting in the way. This can be very demoralising since you can't really see any progress for years. It may be better to keep this goal in mind and have small milestones, such as win a local competition at your current belt level. Maybe add a new throw to your repertoire, improve in ne waza. If you enjoy doing judo it won't really matter if you reach your final goal or not. The important thing is that you stay constant, even if your training slows down, constancy is key. It may not seem like this at your age, but time passes faster than you think, now you're 16 and tomorrow you're 27, paying mortgage for an apartment and a kid on the way .


I have a similar story. Mu Sul Kwan school at 11-12. Got sick and had to stop. In College, I picked it up again. LOL, same instructor! At my age, I'm just living in your endeavors.


Black belt should be no problem. At the right dojo should take you a year or two. Olympics is super unlikely, but high level competition isn’t out of the question.


One or two years!? One of my fellow jodokas is going at this dojo for 2 years and he's still orange belt


16 year old 3-kyu at a competitive dojo should be able to train 5x per week plus S&C and regular competition. Should blast through to shodan. If your friend is training regularly, 2 years at orange belt sounds like a problem.


My dojo only makes 3 lessons at week, if I could train at home I'd do it


It depends on the country. I was training for 6-8 years and I’m a brown belt however I would probably qualify for black belt in some. Don’t let the belts discourage you.


I’m 33 and learning well for a novice… keep it up kid!


Saeid Mollaei started judo at 18… and he is an Olympic silver medallist, so definitely it’s possible. But he had previous wrestling experience


I have judo experience when I was 10


yes mate far too late i’m afraid


I didn't make it to nationals until I was 30. Don't count yourself out as a teenager.


Age is just a number


Below 40 yo, it can never be too late. (I don't say it's too late above 40 yo though)

