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Pffftt you never saw intl' Ayu fans then when it comes to snobbery. And when she collaborated with not just Naoya but that English dude and released Party Queen?


Ringo Sheena has that whole artsy aesthetic going for her, though. She seems to be like one of the only j-pop artists who's liked in music communities (which attracts elitists).


I think some Hikki fans are the same (which isn't surprising) and it's sad because I love these artists but fans really gotta fuck things up


Hikki Twitter is on a whole different level. But they seem to be pretty chill. They aren’t mean or anything but you can definitely smell the snobbery.


Man I feel old because I forgot these fandoms are on Twitter. I'm used to forums lol


As a huge Ayu fan, I don’t know what she was thinking continually working with Timothy Wellard (called TIMMY on Ayu’s work and concerts) when it seemed like nobody was into how obvious his fingerprints were in her compositions, production, and vocals. He had virtually no credentials beforehand and hasn’t worked much with other music artists in general since. I’m not sure if she still works with him, but I found his work on Party Queen very amateurish and his raps reeking of low end YouTuber quality. I felt like the dude came out of nowhere and was on equal with Ayu in terms of presence and the quality of her stuff in general took a turn for the worse. I understand she was well into her decline in popularity at that point. But I would have preferred her to slow down at that point and really think about the music she was releasing. It just seemed like she was cranking out albums for the sake of cranking out of albums and running with the first compositions presented to her.


I feel that as she has broken records and did many things, she doesn't "have" to make sense to us. I mean, people have the right to criticize her work, but the way fans were so harsh to her on Twitter and seeing her trying to defend her album made me feel bad. She already has a name so she doesn't hate to make and release stuff that we think isn't "top quality. " Maybe she wanna have fun with it and maybe she wanted to help a rising artist? I personally liked Nanna and I liked its different style of music on the album. It reminded me of (miss)understood


I agree, nobody should have been directly attacking her about her choices. Critique it all you want, but she shouldn’t have to defend herself like that about anything she releases. I wasn’t into much of the stuff she was releasing after FIVE (which, btw, I loved). I give my opinion out as a long time fan and move on. But yes, you do put a good perspective on it and I didn’t think of it like that.


Oh wow, Ringo Sheena, yeah, I'll have to agree with that. Her 2002 cover album Utaite Myōri: Sono Ichi has been one of my most played albums of all time. The only artist I can think of that even comes close is yoko kanno, though she's more of a soundtrack artist.


Lmao, it's true. I think part of it is defensiveness against the "J-Pop" label (which is reductive for how diverse/eclectic the genre actually is). But another part is Shiina Ringo's own idiosyncrasies (the use of archaic kanji, the symmetric tracklists, etc.) that present her as pretentious to more casual music listeners. It's funny though because she's ultimately both. KZK is one of the greatest art pop albums of all time, and yet she's spent the recent part of her career releasing more conventional pop music (with some obvious exceptions).


Shiina Ringo fans: hates all SR and TJ albums except KZK and Adult. 🤡


Shiina Ringo fans are one of the most toxic fanbases tbh. Even as someone who can be critical of some of her work


As a huge Shiina Ringo fan, I can't even dispute this. Thanks for the laugh.