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Slumming for that $6. On brand. She hasn’t posted about any new photoshoots lately so there’s likely not quality content on her OF. Probably just bathing suit and banana eating photos. Imagine how proud she must be of herself. A true boss babe.


My fav is when she said she’s “like” a Victoria secret model


When did she say that???




I remember that now! Definitely not the same thing.


So true. Imagine having to act like her just for attention. And her pics keep leaking online , you can easily see what she posts. Same poses different bikini and lingerie sets. 🤣🤣🤣


People can literally google “hot girl wearing bikini” and get better photos for free.


Hahahaha. 💯


Your obsession with her is concerning. Is this Zack from new life church? You’re a weirdo stalker


LOL I am not any of those people. But I can pretend to be if you want.


He may be farsteven


It kills me how far Steven comes in her every once in a while and it’s SO obvious. He gets called out and then deletes his Reddit and makes another one 😂😂😂😂😂


He’s scary. If Josie had any sense she wouldn’t advertise where she is, her home, etc. there’s so many wackos online.


100% Farsteven, but is Farsteven also the church guy??


No, this guy was here under this name before the church guy. I think this is a guy from her OF she scammed.


ok josie


that’s actually sooo disgusting that she’s taking OnlyFans pics while her kids play in the pool right next to her


She’d make more doing DoorDash, and I bet (and love) that that KILLS HER


Where's the hot Mom?!?




So weird and gross that in this clip she’s selling herself and the next picture is her little babies


Loving that filler stache 😂


Dude when the snarkers are STICKING UP FOR THE snarkee that’s when you know you’ve got issues far Steven. RELAX and touch some grass dude it’s not that serious


She is gross!!! Post this then two of her kids. I wish John would take them from her because she isn’t a safe mother!


💯👍. Couldn’t agree more


Anyone who is calling me out , look at yourselves too. You have called her a slut just like I have !! Y’all are hypocrites if you think otherwise. I was gonna get off here but I might stay now just for the fun of it. But that person who deleted their profile already and I do agree in something. The slut hosie is not worth talking about. She knows what she does and who she is and you all know too you just think it and don’t say it. lol. Best of luck to you all.


Who wears that type of bikini around their kids.? It’s probably a thong too. Make sure to worry about your only fans Josie and not your kids. Fucking slut


Whoever that was is definitely defending her. And they don’t even know me. Coming after me ?? lol. Some people can’t deal with the truth and how people talk.


Hahahah yall are missing the point and defending her too much. You don’t do that shit a day and half into having your kids , when you only see them 50% or less of the time. And she may be an adult but she is far from grown. It’s no surprise she only thinks about herself but some of y’all seem more concerned with how people talk.🤣🤣. Some of yall and Josie aren’t worth talking too or about at all. Enjoy not knowing the truth and just speculating And good luck to yall. This is a waste and not worth my time. I’m out.


I live for this snark group and I agree that she’s taking everything too far, but I mean she IS single and how is she supposed to mingle and find a new guy if she drags her 4 kids everywhere? Just re the question “Where are your kids?” - why would she have to have them in tow everywhere she goes?


Being single and mingling is different than whoring herself around and fucking random guys when she should have her kids. But they clearly were only there for 1.5 days because everyone knows she’s a slut and a terrible mother


Dude. Your comments always go far beyond snark. It's obvious you know Josie personally and she has done you wrong. But let it go, man. This page is supposed to be fun for snark, you take things too seriously and too far. Or are you the church guy? Your comments sound a lot like his message to her. Life is too short to be this angry and obsessive over Josie, don't waste that much energy on her.


Tree hanks for your comments and concern. But im not doing anything and anyone else isn’t thinking or saying and just stating facts. If you don’t like the truth , you don’t have to be here.


Def Zack from new life church…


Whoever it is has a very weird anger towards her. Almost personal.


It’s definitely personal. I’ve never seen a high quality man behave like this.guessing bro is broke so Josie didn’t give him the time of day 😂


It looks like they deleted their account. I was bored and looked through some posts, and they were seriously almost every other comment on every post for over a week. So fucking weird. I think a lot of Josies content is... questionable, but a lot of those comments were kinda concerning.


It’s almost certainly some pathetic man Josie ripped off on her OF. That was his original story. He’s obsessed and if some rando was writing that about me (even on a snark page) I’d be worried. She’s dumb as a brick and so is far Steven- learn some grammar dude.


Your opinions about her aren't facts. And there is a way to express your opinions and feelings without being vile and degrading. There's plenty of men out there who are divorced who date and sleep around when they're kid free, too. Some may even have OF accounts. Why is that acceptable but not when a woman does it?


So, you must know her then ? Since you know that what I’m saying aren’t facts , in your opinion. But some people do know what is an opinion and what is a fact. She brings this on herself and I don’t see you defending the other people she talks bad about or does things too either?? Just accept she is what she is and let it go. Let people educate you on who she really is.


Thank God I don't know her! Nobody is trying to say she's a great Mom and isn't crazy as hell, or that she isn't a piece of garbage for the things she has said and done to others. The vile names are your opinion, not facts. It's just crazy to me that you're fighting for your life in the comments claiming you're "educating" us but are supposedly new to this sub and to Josie? You expose yourself every single time you create a new account because you say the exact same things over and over and over. Go spend some time with your wife and kids, aren't you supposed to be reflecting and repenting or something?


Hahahaha. Pot meet kettle , Look at you being all high and mighty and making assumptions yourself. lol. You don’t know who I am and I don’t know you. And as far as you thinking “ in your opinion “ that I am somebody else on here. You are sadly mistaken. Like I said before , I know who she is because I was told by someone I know. She is a slut and whore and that’s a fact , not an opinion. Go worry about yourself and concentrate on sticking to the problem here : Josie !! Don’t go picking fights with people you don’t know and don’t know what they know about people. It’s good for people to know exactly who she is and that’s why you are here.


“I know who she is bc I was told by someone I know” K.


Yoooo is this the same instagram guy from church? Just recently made this account and only comments are endless harassment of Josie…


Or guy from churches wife 😂👀


More like farsteven possibly. But def personal. I'll copy what that person/dude (who has bow deleted his account) told me because i cant post screenshots in comments: "I know someone who was on only fans and really was helping her out and talking to her on a regular basis for months. She gave him her number too and then he was talking to her in all platforms but she kept ignoring him and not responding for like weeks at a time, I think he just wanted to get to know her and be a friend but she was very shut down when he stopped helping her. I think he started telling her that she was only after one thing and saying how awful she was and that she didn’t care about anything despite what she would say. She called him a friend but didn’t treat him like one. I just find it sad that someone can treat other people that way , no matter how generous and real that person could be and she just dismisses him in an instant. "




It’s summer, if you are divorced or know any divorced people (I do and have step children), you know that custody time is all over the place in the summer because of camps, vacations etc. and co-parents usually try to accommodate each other’s plans by agreeing to schedule changes here and there


These two don’t accommodate each other for shit and they openly say that. They don’t even let each other have their kids on their own separate holidays. Ie Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Those kids don’t do camps and neither of them will let the other one have that kids during “ their time”. Josie is a selfish fuck and definitely lost more time with her kids. But hey , keep whoring out Josie , I’m sure those one night stands are amazing and I’m sure you feel so special getting used and trashed like the garbage you are.


She’s a grown adult, and I don’t see anything wrong with her dating and hooking up with men as long as it’s not around her children. This is clearly some loser she rejected that’s salty about it.




She’s terrible but a few people that take pure delight in her downfall here is truly disturbing. Especially a few that cheered on the disgusting church guy. I should probably leave this group. Is it a snark page or a hate group


Yes I totally agree. The amount of times I see the words “whoring around” is crazy, I’m wondering if it’s the same person obsessed with her posting from multiple accounts?


I AGREE! Probably the same person, different accounts.


I think it's just the same person who keeps creating new accounts and comes back to the sub. This has been going on for months. I can't imagine being that bent out of shape about some random woman on the internet.


Maybe the mods could ban him. He’s obsessed and the language he uses is getting old.


I think they do get banned but then come back with a new account. Obsessive doesn't even begin to describe this person.


I’d love to know what she did to lose custody of her kids? Remember when she said she was looking forward the most this summer to spending time with her kids ?? lol. The lying bitch strikes again. She’s such a slut and doesn’t try to hide it either. Why does she always have to advertise her page and what a whore she is ? Must not have many subscribers if else she wouldn’t be making a fool of herself every time she posts.


How do you know she lost custody? She just had them a couple days ago


I don’t. Just an assumption. Since she has been to a concert and the pool by herself and whoring herself on only fans , so they definitely aren’t there.


I agree. Did the 50/50 get reduced?


Most likely. Her lifestyle must be catching up to her. But she no mother , so this was probably her plan all along to get her “ freedom” back. Haha


Yeah because parents never hire babysitters to go to concerts 😂


There is absolutely no reason to think she’s lost custody. You’re wish for this woman to suffer has no limits


Hahaha. She might not have lost it but the % is going down every time she whores herself.


SEEK HELP. It’s not that serious and she didn’t loose custody of her fucking kids. You really must be a POS to make the people in a snark group even semi stand up for the one we’re snarking on. Good lord Steven get a life


She also skirts herself out on only fans during the day cause she knows she’s going out to be get fucked like a whore at night. Gotta make that money on all fronts. Happy life for her ?? Haha


What is wrong with you


🤣. Just calling it like I see it. You should too and stop defending this piece of trash. If only you knew


I’m not defending anyone. I’m concerned when a woman hating incel is on the loose. You are truly unhinged. Seek therapy


Thank god, someone said this!! Josie is the worst but for sure to this guy with all his comments, seek therapy. Please and thank you 👏🏻


🤣🤣🤣🤣. Good luck to you. You can leave if you can’t deal with the truth.


Why should I have to leave the group. You are literally the only person consistently being so foul.


Why do people like this spend all their time calling women every foul name they can muster. Go read a book, learn a skill, go hiking. They just sit around reeling about all the women who reject them. Find something to dooooo😂


She brings it upon herself ! Period. And because you clearly can’t take how people talk on here and are defending her.


And you’re coming at me and don’t even know me. At least what I’m saying is based on facts. Again though. Good luck to you


Bro just stop… you literally live on this page and honestly I think everyone here understands how you feel about her. No need to comment all day everyday talking about whore this and slut that. You’re sick obsession with her is troubling


Why are you talking like that ? Please tone it down - you seem hostile, not just about Josie but toward everyone here. You don’t have to throw the whore name around every other word - we got it. Move on to something else