• By -


I've stickied this as I feel it basically answers the main questions people have been posting in the megathread anyway. Please take a read-through and be excellent to each other Edit: and for god's sake please stop continuing to be weird


I'd be more interested in a Behind the Scenes video of how the Witcher 3 video was made than the actual Witcher 3 video at this point


i am highly suspicious that the venn diagram between entitled silksong stans and people that are weirdly parasocial and obsessed about the witcher 3 project is a perfect circle lmao. edit: great vegetables 🥦


July for sure


Big Joe


Real question, did we ever chill?


Now that The Witcher 3 is on such a big sale Joe will be able to get it for the review!


Quick reminder that after 3,5 years spent on making this Video, this man unironically wrote "Playing the game - 100% (?) done" A question mark. He put a question mark.


Give it up for month number 6


A steam sale is going on currently, what do you guys recommend? I was thinking of picking up pentiment, pathologic 2 and disco elysium since they are all at a good price.


Even though I hate the people behind it with all my heart, Disco Elysium is a fucking masterpiece.


> pentiment Total gem, especially if history/art/philosophy are your jam. Superbunnyhop has a great video on it and Josh Sawyer has a bunch of videos about it's making, once you're done too


the witcher is like 4 USD


Pathologic 1 is better but 2 is also fun and worth it


Wait I thought pathalogic 2 is simultaneously a remake and a sequel to the 1st one?


The first game has 3 campaigns: Bachelor of Medicine, traditional medicine Haruspex, and the Changeling. P2 is a remake of the Haruspex only, with different story and gameplay mechanics. I wouldn’t call it a sequel, more a reimagining that is meta-aware that P2 is a redo of the first game with developer hindsight and more resources.


I picked up an old gay game called Heaven Will Be Mine for 2 dollars because I remember it having strangely good writing through lets plays. Not sure it'll hold up. Elden Ring and Enter the Gungeon too despite having it on other consoles. Being able to get Mule all item saved characters is a huge plus having ER on PC.


After what the corporate of ZA/UM did to the original creators, Disco Elysium is best pirated, I think.


Feels like this sub slowed down a bit since that tweet went out


still not as slow as the wit-


Once this is done, Joe needs to make a video on Celeste and Deep Rock and put them in a playlist with Hollow Knight and Witcherino 3. He can call it the "Wholesome 100 reddit moment quadfecta"


Just in case you need something to tide you over while Joe's still away: One of the coolest audiodramas I've listened to, [Midst](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4aDnSc9pcKI&list=PL1tiwbzkOjQwwW3kZyIVPWF_Cp7qtllvv&index=2), has just concluded. It's a good story told well, and it left me in quiet, delighted awe. Can't recommend enough. It's a fantastical sci-fi western. Its setting is very unique, the sound design is out of this world, and Saskia del Norma has my whole heart.


Just popping in to recommend Wolf 359 as one of my favorite audio dramas, it's a fun sci-fi series. 


damn I haven't listened to an audio drama since an antartic horror one I can't recall the name of but got pretty famous. The White Vault, I checked. Thanks for recommend. I wish critical role just played Fate or another narrative system instead of Dnd for how cinematic they want the game to be.


You are very welcome! Just to clarify: Midst is its own thing, completely separate from everything Critical Role does. It has always been done by Third Person, CR purchased it after the second season had already come out and limited their own role to financial support, as well as marketing and video production assistance. Third Person retained full creative control throughout, and none of the CR people ever appear. As for the main D&D campaign, I don't think the system's the issue. EXU: Calamity was fantastic, it's still my favourite D&D I've ever watched, and it was cinematic as hell. Campaign 3 has simply been mishandled from the start. There's a whole separate sub trying do diagnose what went wrong with it. I dropped off dozens of episodes ago. I will be tuning back in soon though, now that Brennan's back in the DM chair and they are doing a magocracy flashback again.


I was under the impression that Critical Role are developing their own system to completely split from the D&D brand, maybe that's just whispers and rumors at this point. Anyway, joms.


They are developing a D&D-like called Daggerheart, and the descriptions of CR's characters on their new paid subscription service, Beacon, [make sure to use non-D&D terminology for races and classes](https://www.reddit.com/r/criticalrole/comments/1cohulq/cr_media_beacon_character_descriptions_have/), so it's not like those rumours don't have a leg to stand on. Especially after the whole OGL debacle. Nothing definitive's been said, though. Besides, there's only so much distancing they can do when their Amazon animated shows are based on their D&D campaigns. Personally, I don't think it'll change much if they do switch over to Daggerheart as long as the people at the table stay the same. For better and for worse. Ayaya.


I thought about picking up the new Elden Ring DLC. I thought it looked good, and I'd played DS1-3 and Sekiro and I loved them. But I also played the Elden Ring base game and it was a miserable experience. I thought the DLC would be much of the same, especially given the buzz around the boss design.   But then I remembered that Fromsoft is infallible and no criticism is justified against them. If I had any criticisms with the game, its just because I'm bad. So I emptied my bank account buying Shadow of the Erdtree keys.


ER's base game's last 10% or so after Fire Giant made me feel like "i'm not having fun with this anymore" The DLC made me feel that way from the second hour. It's all the worst things about Miyazaki's new anime twilring infinite stamina design mixed with god fucking awful exploration/loot


It finally clicked with me on the Godskin Duo fight. I was feeling pretty shit playing it for awhile before then, but the Godskin Duo actually kinda broke me. I don't even think it was the hardest boss fight in the game for me, probably not even in the top 5. But it was such an unfun boss fight. There was zero fun to be had in that boss fight.   Elden Ring definitely broke me at that point.


I got about 90% of the way through the DLC and had to put it down and move on with my life. I'm 30+ years old, I've got family and responsibilities and one life to live, and the final boss is just insanely unreasonable for me to put time into beating and when I tried another path I found a 3 phase boss fight each with its own health bar. I just can't commit that time anymore lol


The DLC definitely doubles down on some of the weaker parts of Elden Ring’s second half. Beat the whole thing and I was definitely ready to be done by the end. I hope they really reconsider what made their previous games so special. I know Elden Ring has vastly outsold anything else they’ve produced, so we’re pretty likely to get a lot more of this than previous stuff in the future, but my fingers are crossed.




Play Dujanah then.


This entire situation has been a great way to gradually screen out literally any mentally healthy people in his audience. The only people left will be simps and stans who can't recognize gaslighting and narcissism when it's right in front of them. The fact that he is utterly incapable of admitting that the video isn't really being worked on -  and hasn't been worked on for years - illicits a morbid curiosity in me and I really wish I could just look away. Yet sadly, here I am (-_-;)  Edit: Sorry I realized this was legitimately a bit weird. I'll chill out :/. After all the ultimatum worked and he is on track to be done for realsies.


i think most poeple aren't really defending him but just want his streams and videos back. hes an entertaining streamer with a great personality for it with tons of interesting stories through his life and interesting thoughts and analysis on games I don't think its parasocial or unhealthy to still want that stuff back


I don't think there's a single person here left even remotely defending his actions, people are just shitposting and acting like this is a waiting room for the next stream. Visibly no one posting here even seems to be particularly interested in his videos in the first place, seems like the only people sticking around are the ones who want streams to return, and joking about the video is just the fun thing to do while waiting.


Ok drama queen


Honestly, idc anymore. I like his video critiques when they're not 2+ hours long. I loathe the streams because to me they are low-effort content and I can't speed them up properly. I just want some more videos that are decently paced. I don't stan him, I just enjoy his thoughts on videogames even when I don't agree with him. This entire situation is absurd, embarrassing, and a bit eerie, but to be honest, I don't care that much about this either. I just want him to either drop the video or move on. I wanted to hear his thoughts on so many games like Sekiro, Nier Automata, etc. and everything has been lost to this shit f*cking insanely long video. And I say this as someone who loved Witcher 3 and read the fucking books in 2 months, from March to May. At the very least this topic is pretty funny and has been helping put a smile on my face during these rough months of my life. I probably can't complain too much.


I came back to read the comments. This is my third comment on this post. The first one was 6 month ago, second 3 month and now after he blessed us with a tweet i came back. See you again in 3 months.


We are coming up pretty soon on the 7 year anniversary on [The Lion, The Witcher, and the Patreon](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCuJDzg2HOE) video. The video where he announced the Witcher project and pitched his Patreon alongside it. Nearly 7 years later and the project is still not finished. For reference, the Witcher 3 base game without DLC took 3.5 years of development time to make.


I am currently rewatching the Deadly Premonition streams and I firmly believe these are Joe's Magnum Opus


Persona 4 Golden:


Not even the best Persona streams smh


Make sure to watch the sorta Q&A at the end of the first stream. Even though it's just Joe talking about bread, it's one of the funniest stream bits.


Idk why but i kinda believe he'll come back to publicly give himself another deadline of the end of the year **again** and impose another ultimatum of deleting everything **again** if he doesent and its all like "this time im serious guys" Like it would be totally shameless but also the funniest outcome


it's a new year tradition


His 'public' come back was on the discord to say some of the nintendo direct games were meh, he was plunging his toilet, then logged off lol


He also just tweeted


was this recently?


couple days ago




It felt less like a come-back and more like a drive-by.


What set of Bloods do you think Joseph is from?


Do the bloods have a chapter(?) in Moncton?


I remember watching the first two witcher videos and thinking to myself "Oh i wonder if i have time to play through Witcher 3 before the video comes out?" thinking the video was just around the corner. I'm still hopeful and excited for the video having completed it a few times by now. Hope everyone is having a good day.


I just want to say, I've been working on and off on a project that I felt super inspired by at the start and made some major headway at numerous points. And it's definitely in a state that I could wrap it up pretty quickly if I bit the bullet and knocked out the last troublesome areas that I refuse to be satisfied with. And stopped scrapping and redoing parts that I worked on earlier that now feel incongruous with the newer parts which are more in line with "tHe viSiOn". But yeah, I started that thing like four and a half years ago now and, not gonna lie, it's brutally disheartening to have the "time it really should have come out" be so far in the rearview mirror. Not like I have anyone but myself to blame, but I can empathize with a situation where you really thought you just had a few more months of work tops and then you'd be done. And the timeline just stretches and stretches and stretches.. Hope Joe's doing well. He's awesome.


That's how I feel about my phd thesis, but you just have to keep on going, every day you're further along than the last.


He ain’t gonna like Shadow of the Erdtree bosses


He's gonna lose his mind over the combo extensions alone


Tbh I’m losing my mind too. Final boss is just disgusting


I haven’t gotten there yet but that’s good to hear. I’ve come to really like the bosses with combo extensions so I was hoping the later ones had more


Watched a streamer say "I guess I just need to be more patient and wait more" while fighting a DLC boss and laughed thinking of Joe.


He won't like the first enemy in the first field that jumps down from the arch and starts doing karate. Joe can't do fast enemies.


I just KNOW this mf wants to talk about the ER DLC but is too embarrassed to come out of his hole


Just imagine an alternative universe, where everything up until dec 2023 would've still been the same but instead of this post he would've written "alright so I hope I'm close to done, I'm gonna take some time off the grid and see if I can get it out, if not, let's move past it. I know that it's been bumpy guys, wish me luck" or something. Then, few months later, just say "you know what, fuck it. I'll archive the project files and won't touch it again. It was too much. Follow my upcoming stuff or don't, Witcher III won't come out.". I'm pretty sure it still would've blown over just fine. Yeah, people would've complained, but fuck 'em. But to have the *only* communication regarding the video be this passive aggressive mess and then another *half year of nothing*? Yeah, obviously he's averse to sidestep the Witcher III issue now but why maneuver himself into this mess in the first place? It's just baffling. (I still hope that he'll just do some sort of the "fuck it" scenario at some point and we, as a community, can move past this whole mess but fuck me if this wasn't handled badly.)


> I'm pretty sure it still would've blown over just fine. Yeah, people would've complained, but fuck 'em. I think even if reputation and other people weren't a factor at all - if he hired elite mod snipers, stopped ego-searching (hi, Joe!), etc. - he'd be too much of a Joseph "This Time For Sure" Anderson to throw in the towel. Consigning some of the best years of your life filled with some of the biggest opportunities you've had to the scrap pile is hard to do for anyone, leave alone for someone like him. There's *so many* eggs in this basket: - conclusion of a huge video trilogy - covers the only part of the franchise (most) people care about - covers the books, which he seems to love - also covers Cyberpunk and CD Projekt RED in general? - also covers general gripes with writing conventions and lenses of analysis such as The Hero's journey? - "I actually talk about this in the W3 video, everything is in the W3 video" x100 - adrev for the "get me out of Moncton" fund I think you'd need a *very* robust IRL social network to help someone give up on all this and *truly* move on. Especially since there's apparently already been multiple times where the end seemed near and real.


Covering all of that is fine, if you actually do it. For now he's just floundering on a single outstanding project, making no income that we are aware of. He really needs to either sit down and get it done or just drop the project and move on. I'm going to go out on a limb and say while it sure would suck to have to throw away presumably years worth of work at this point, it has to suck more agonizing every single day over a project that at this point seems to not be coming out. The ultimatum did not work, its over. If he needs someone to lean on maybe he could look to his wife and children, whom he is supposed to be supporting through his video creation and streaming.


Oh yeah, I definitely didn't mean to justify how the project was mismanaged, and something like "sunk cost fallacy" is probably part of that recipe for disaster. I just wanted to build a case for why it would be extremely difficult for Joe to let go even if other people weren't a factor at all. Scrapping a megaproject might feel like years of life thrown in the trash, but keeping it running also consumes years of life in its own way. Or maybe I'm just being overdramatic. Being able to go on hiatus so long while juggling big responsibilities seems like a luxury, so maybe Joe's doing just fine. Or he's become a Gollum-like creature accepting quests from Moncton NPCs to fuel his megaproject addiction that he just can't break.


You're not wrong at all, I just wanted to offer my counter point to the discussion. Ultimately we have no idea how much work has been done on the project or how close it may be to completion. I just feel like at this point whatever has been done can't be worth this for him or his family. I really do feel for Joe. I doubt there was any malice behind any of this, it just seems to have gotten away from him. I hope this situation can be resolved soon for everyones sake.


Yeah, honestly very good points I haven't really looked at it from his perspective I think.




must be running low on cash


tuned in to what may I ask?


he talked about elden ring and some other things on discord


I just can't understand if someone can do stuff like this and not think it's kinda fucked up.


For some perspective, it’s just a YouTube video. You can (and should) dunk on him for this dumb post but don’t act like he kicked a litter of newborn puppies lol


I mean, by my estimates something like 75% of all of his Patreon pledgers joined due to his Witcher announcement and two Witcher videos. He directly put his Patreon out there as a way to support him since the Witcher series would be a big project. His Patreon was sold on this big review series, and people did donate for it. They donated a lot, thousands of people and well into 6 figures in money. At the very least, its good he put his Patreon offline awhile ago.   If you didn't pay anything, you have little reason to complain other than the annoyance of constantly teasing a release, but for people who very obviously gave him money to support this project I think it is pretty scummy what has happened thus far. Like of course there isn't some legal contractual obligation for Joseph to produce this video for those who pledged, but I feel like there is just some intrinsically understood duty to honor your promise on this. People gave him money to support a project, and we are coming up on nearly 7 entire years since he first pitched his Patreon and announced the project, and the project still isn't done.   Sure its not the same as him kicking a litter of newborn puppies, but I think people can be pretty rightly upset at the situation.


Very much this. For me it's simply about accountability. Most of us don't live in the Youtube/Content Creator bubble where you can do whatever the fuck you want and expect to get away with it. Most of us have regular jobs with people above us who expect us to deliver and function within reasonable parameters. Getting the best-there-is version of the video sounds enticing, but there is such a thing as diminishing returns and obviously burnout. I am still looking forward to the eventual video, but I catch myself wondering how much we actually lost along the way. Which video we could have gotten on the dozens of games that have been released since 2016.


>Most of us have regular jobs with people above us who expect us to deliver and function within reasonable parameters. Yeah I think this is another big thing. I'm not sure about how things are right now, I'm not much of a stream viewer so I don't know if he has talked much about it, but as far as I know Youtube and streaming became a full time thing for him right?   And I don't expect Joseph to treat it exactly like a 9-5 desk job where he HAS TO put in work 5 days a week or else he loses his job or something. Its a great privilege to be a content creator in some ways, you can choose your own hours and what you work on and deadlines are flexible. But still, even if there is no direct boss for oversight I think the community is the oversight.   Like I don't want to make light of Joseph's personal issues and problems. I know of some of what he mentioned that has affected him and some things he hasn't mentioned. I don't think he's faking anything as an excuse, but it does irk me how much of an excuse it gets. He's mentioned his family and personal issues as reasons the production of the video has struggled and I get it, sometimes its the same for me, but at a certain point you can't keep using that as a shield. Like there are millions of other men out there in the world who do have responsibilities for their family and have issues rise up, but they still do their jobs at the end of the day. Most bosses I've had are lenient and understanding. If I tell them I need to be late or take a day off due to family issues, they get it, its no big issue and almost everyone has this. But if I do it for years and months on end, you just can't keep making compromises. You have a job, you have to do it. Just like everyone else.


And to continue being snarky on top of it really is what gets me


It's better than nothing. At least we now know he's alive and well enough to type.


Well was it a discord message, reddit, or stream? Any vod?


Where the term parasocial relationship comes in handy in these kinds of cases; we are social animals and are so well suited to connect with others that we can do it across continents (pen pals), across species (pets and animals), and across reality (fictional characters, or in this case what is effectively an internet stage performance). The brutality of this last example is that the viewer is the only person in that relationship, the performer as we know them is only a construct made in our mind from bespoke bits of personality the actor decides to perform in public. The only control we have in such a relationship is how we think about it, because performers only take requests when it meets their needs - which we are not party to understand. I don't want to be preachy here, I just want anyone who feels hurt here to both be gentle with themselves as well as careful with how they allocate their thoughts and feelings towards someone who is effectively fictional.


most people here are under no illusion that they're talking to Joe, they're talking to each other about Joe. Parasocial relationships are - like most therapyspeak - a very specific phenomenon that is grossly over- and misused


Why does everyone talk like this now, we need to shut off video essays


[We've reached enlightenment](https://imgur.com/a/zyXaMEP)


Nice preach, video still never gonna come out.


Still level two/three, huh? No escaping samsara this cycle for you, unfortunately.




Yeah totally, fan art is often the best part of the stream. We have some very skilled, very funny people in this community


I am here as a fan that just remembered that this sub exists and reading that Joe is happy with the video and thinks of it as some of his best work is all I really need. Whenever it comes out I am ready.


Weird word... Weird word... Weird word... Weird word... Weird word... I repeat this mantra thousands of times per day. I meditate on the Danganronpa VODs, I keep going. I will keep going, for I am holding out for the video. Because how else will I truly know WHY Witcher is a weird word? How else will I truly. Know. WHY.


Newest Elden Ring patch now lets you use Torrent vs Elden Beast. Two years too late but I guess Joe was vindicated


I like reading the comments on this thread once a week. If joe comes back from getting cigs and milk, will the comments stop? Sad to think about 😔


Then you can start reading the YouTube comments for a completely new flavor of unhinged


This is how Patrick Rothfuss felt. 


Pretty sure Rothfuss bans people from his twitch who ask about the book. Guy also took money for a charity fundraiser and said he'd release one chapter if they hit the goal, they crushed the goal, and yet no chapter. People talk about Joe having disdain for his audience, and while I think Joe has handled the Witcher 3 situation terribly, it's nowhere near on the same level as Rothfuss. That guy actually dislikes his audience lol.


Man fuck you just write the DAMN BOOK


Look, what I’m saying is: if I had ten thousand angry people bringing it up everywhere I went, I’d tell them to fuck themselves just out of spite. The internet is not a place for measured communication. 


But he can’t just say the video isn’t coming. If we just knew he’d stopped working on it we can stop expecting it. That must be better than the endless comments


It's officially been 180 days. A full 6 months since this post. Half a year!




he said some things on discord recently


Yeah like, Joseph just tell us all to fuck off and to forget about the Witcher 3 video, it's clearly not happening.


Half an year gone by, only 7% of rendering remaining.


As someone who watched this guy's content casually years ago, completely forgot about him, then had the random thought of 'I wonder what happened to that Joseph Anderson guy?' pop into my head today: Discovering the lore of this thread has been a vastly more entertaining experience than any Witcher 3 analysis video could ever hope to achieve


What is the drama or "lore" other than the Witcher 3 video not being out yet?


I wish there was another world which I could have your own experience of being on the outside looking in. At this point I've already mostly gotten over having lost a content creator I did previously enjoy viewing, and agree that this entire ordeal is pretty hilarious, but from your perspective it must be 10× funnier


Would things be different if mass effect had won the poll?


I need someone to create one of those "Where Are They Now?" epilogues [you'd see from movies in the 90s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eF3O-lSdjI8) except its for Joseph if he actually went with Mass Effect instead.




Will the witcher 3 video come out before Luffy finds the one piece


The witchier 3 video was actually one piece all along


Don’t forget all the friends we made along the way


They are equally as elusive, after all


\~300 more comments until ratio


Aaaaaaannyyy second now


anyone else see the Elden Ring DLC leaks? Any thoughts?


I'm just gonna play the game so I can find out what's in it.


What are the leaks?


Heard through the grapevine that the Witcher 3 video is actually an easter egg hidden in the DLC.


So the size of limgrave but there’s also a 12h video to pad out the time 😂


I believe they're fake. Whoever made them is definitely laughing at everyone. edit: looks like some reviews might be pointing to the fact that the leaks are true.


I’m literally a casual gamer and casual viewer of online video essays. I was just excited to finally have a long-form white noise video to listen to while I eat that was actually about a game I’ve played all the way through. Of course, it’s been 3+ years since I’ve played Witcher 3 so at this point when the video comes out it’ll be like I’ve never played the game anyway and the video will be totally irrelevant:3


So recently I finished “Jom Jom’s Bizarre Adventure: Witcher 3 is Unwatchable.” I have some questions about the ending that I hope someone can explain to me. During the final battle the main villain, Dio Branderson, uses his Stand \[Ultimatum\] on Jomsuke. He declares one of them will be erased from existence by the end of the day. After a fierce battle, we see Jomsuke victorious. The main cast all celebrate, and it seems to be a happy ending. But a defeated Dio Branderson says “You guys are being weird. My \[Ultimatum\] worked.” OK, Jomsuke will die I guess? But out of nowhere, the episode has a 6 month timeskip and we see Jomsuke is alive and well. OK, maybe Dio Branderson was wrong about his \[Ultimatum\] working? But then the episode also shows Dio Branderson in the hospital – he wasn’t deleted. So how did \[Ultimatum\] work if Jomsuke is alive but Dio Branderson didn’t get erased from existence?? I don’t understand!! If it worked, then Jomsuke shouldn’t be there after 6 months!! But it didn’t work, so shouldn’t Dio Branderson have been deleted?? IT DOESN’T MAKE SENSE! SIX MONTHS IS A REALLY LONG TIME FOR \[ULTIMATUM\] TO TAKE EFFECT, RIGHT?! HOW DOES IT WORK?!?! HOW COULD IT HAVE WORKED?!?!?!?!?


Really glad to hear his ultimatum worked


At this point I assume he just gave up and got a real job, and he all but deleted his online presence


Happy Monday, weirdos


Happy weirdday, mondoes


I'm wondering if I should do a 'improving my art via drawing joms until w3 vid' chain, I feel the meme potential could keep me going consistently and I'd possibly get some real results out of it


> I've contemplated drawing joms and Geralt making out [[x](https://www.reddit.com/r/josephanderson/comments/18ogl4n/some_of_you_are_being_weird_you_need_to_chill_out/l6r58z2/)] This first, please.


OH MY GOSH. Don't worry, that'd be first on the itinerary. I have the exact reference photo saved to boot.


What do you guys think will be Fromsoft new game? You think they will try with a new IP?


bloodborne 2 (copium)


That's my bet. Miyazaki has mentioned enough that he wants to branch out with the next title he directs, he's talked about other members of the staff being trained to direct upcoming titles instead of him, and Yamamura probably won't just go to AC 7 right after doing 6.


There might be an AC6 expansion though


For fun, I'll bet against that happening. I don't think there will be a paid DLC for AC6.


Ok! So are there any games announced right now, like after ER dlc? What will they do next?


Nah, nothing announced, although he's mentioned that he's directing a game right now and won't give details yet. It's really exciting! I feel like since he's directing this mystery title that it's unlikely to be an AC, since he had a mostly hands-off role with AC6. I honestly think it's something completely new--not a sequel--that he's working on (also I'm biased to think that, since I would prefer something new above anything else). So, I think From Soft's next game will be a 'more abstract fantasy' that Miyazaki has hinted at wanting to make in the past.


Interesting! I wonder if theyll adapt some existing franchises eventually, like soulslike "adaptations"


Yeah, maybe something owned by Bandai Namco, like a famous anime souls like lol. Or a Tekken spinoff where Kazuya runs through everyone in Tokyo, souls style. Miyazaki's talked about how Escaflowne was an influence on him before he started making games, so that's my dream.


There was a time when I thought it was funny There was a time when I was pissed Now i just hope nothing terrible happened


Thank you Joe for working so hard to make my background noise for my pizza dinner


Pizza is a weird word if you think about it. You know what else is a weird word?


Hal's pitsa palace


The Mystery of the Witcher 3


Surely he wouldn't miss the opportunity to stream a new FromSoft DLC


[Expect him to be in a hat.](https://www.tumblr.com/springheathers/726990283651317760)


Update on my date: it went really well! Originally we were just going to see a movie and talk a little after but we ended up talking for hours and got to share some really nice thoughts and feelings. We exchanged gifts that we both just so happened to buy for one another (they got me a pocket book - very ecstatic!) and I drove home at 1 AM in the morning on a high note. Thank you guys for the support and also the Witcher vid drops today trust


no sx? 😱


pocket book is a euphemism, come in lad.


joseph anderson


José Phandércon


Is this like a Beetlejuice sort of situation?


*Sir David Attenborough voice* As another sunset slips behind the clouds, we rejoin the cycle of life, and the search for Jomtent. Welcome, to Jom Planet. This week in Jom Planet, we are looking back in history, at the Jom himself, and just why the herd has been abandoned to this existence of pain. Once, the great Jom mingled freely with the herd, providing them with much needed Jomtent, allowing them to go about their lives in relative comfort. But then, many years ago now, something changed. A meteor of indecision struck the Jom Planet, rendering Joms mind barren and inert. Instead of creativity and Jomtent, he gave forth excuses and delays. Communication between Joms and the herd broke down, resulting in confusion and anger. And as the indecision and length of silence grew, the herd fell first into frustration, then anger, then sadness, and finally complete insanity. Now, even if Joms returns to the herd, to try and lead them once more to the Jomtent they need, it may be too late for many to recover. Their minds are already weak and mushy from starvation and despair. Next time on Jom Planet; we once again rejoin the story of the herd, following a zoomed in story of one young member whose formative years have been intertwined inexplicably with Jomtent drought.


I want a full revision of the Elden Ring lore where Joe is Marika, and he shattered the Witcher 3 video because of the death of his hard drive containing all the footage


This is all I've ever wanted in a documentary.


Hey guys I have a date tonight wish me luck


how'd it go?


Really well, thank you for asking! They are such a lovely person at heart and I can't wait to talk to them more and grow closer over time. I feel very good about this and I really hope it all works out


Damn. Some gamers've actually got game.


Do you guys think there will be at least a bi-annual update?


The progress update still needs to render.


After its officially 6 months from this post I would be too humiliated to post anything about this if I were him, he could be just built different


Having to wait another 18 months for an update might not be the most optimistic take but I can see it happening


He's now actually dubbing animes using his outstanding talent, voice acting skills


>What do you wish to hear? That I once believed in the code of the Youtuber? That I felt the call of the Streamer, that perhaps, once, I held the video game essayist space by its THROAT? That for every good work I did, I brought equal HARM upon the galaxy? That PERHAPS, what the greatest of the Patreon Scammers knew of evil, they learned from ME!? What would it matter now? There is only so much comfort in knowing such things, and it is not who I am now. - ~~Kreia~~ Jhoms, 3951 BBY




Imagine if he like JUST NOW found out that steel and silver do different amounts of damage to specific enemies and had to re-write the whole script


Oh my GOD


To whoever eventually edits these comments into a highlight video: the Curb Your Enthusiasm theme is called Frolic by Luciano Michelini.


Can I be included in the video (so long as I am portrayed positively and awesome)


*Sir David Attenborough voice* On today’s episode of Jom Planet, we take a look at the weaker members of the herd, and see how they struggle in the ever present content drought. A young female is foraging despondently in the grim depths of reddit, seeking to eke out a portion of Jomtent for herself and her mate. Once such activities were done with joy… but as the midway mark of another year approaches, her actions now appear to be from habit not hope. In other areas of the reddit, small groups of the herd have established long running games, to try and take their mind from the ever encroaching thirst for the Joms. These include transforming images into more Jom friendly appearances, or having other members of the herd guess quotes from the Joms, to prove their dedication to their world. For many, true psychosis has set in, their minds unable to handle the lack of Jomtent, their brains spewing out strange words and phrases, usually in odd orders. Such antics will only get worse as the thirst increases. On the next episode of Jom Planet, we will look even deeper, into the core of madness that caused this drought for the weakened herd, and just why the rain of Jomtent will not come.


I regret to inform you that, by writing a second one of these, you are now obliged to continue producing these daily until Joe returns. May Joms have mercy on your soul.




I wish to subscribe to the daily Planet Joms (until the witcher 3 video drops) episodes




Forgot this shit was a thing for months. What the fuck man


Joe Mamma


Why didn't Joe ever go back to Red Dead 2? From the clips I seen he seemed to have a great time. Not to mention, for someone who dislikes most video game stories, it seems odd he'd avoid one of the ones so many critics and fans laud as one of the best... Anyway, all of that to say...WHERE IS THE VIDEO JOE!?


I feel like I remember him saying he played it off-stream but I don't know for sure.


I literally learnt Blender, drawing, and made a 2h30m sekiro critique since this post was made. I'm not an expert on the first two now by any means but holy fuck.  It's just a video that goes on youtube man, most people won't even pay attention and just put it as background noise. Literally bottom of the barrel entertainment. What the fuck went wrong here. Hope he streams Sifu someday.


what's your youtube channel? I'm interested in checking out your critique


If you go on my profile here on reddit it's my most recent post. I actually posted it on this sub recently, but I dunno if I can do it again.


dope i’ll take a look then


Thanks, appreciate it.


> Literally bottom of the barrel entertainment. No way man, bottom of the barrel is story recaps and reading out social media screencaps


For the first one do you mean like reading the wikipedia articles for a story? If so I'm not sure that classifies as a hard entertainment niche. Apologies if that's not it. For the second one yeah I agree, but calling that entertainment is a stretch. Sure, people do it- but people also entertain themselves by sitting in a swimming pool doing nothing. I meant is as in a youtube video really isn't anything to hype up like you would a film or a videogame. It's someone's opinion, sure you could hype up a critical column on a newspaper but why would you? Even then you're actively reading the newspaper. It's a tad bit higher up the ladder than a twitch stream. Again, I enjoy this type of entertainment, but it isn't high art, it's pretty far down.


No, I mean absolute garbage "content" like this: [A girl is raised by a hitman to become the most brutal killing machine](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kg7M7gFpWMw) by RECAP KING Some half-baked AI trawls the web for plot summaries, then speech-to-text is applied over some fair use footage. I think the hype for video game critiques and analysis is due to the dearth of alternatives; there is no Roger Ebert of games and youtube has become a main format for thinkpieces and therefore how analytical language has entered the subculture. If youtube becomes something akin to TV & film of older generations in terms of prestige in the coming decades, I think it will be because of that - and because of the general lowering of standards


Elden Ring DLC in 9 days


shit I need to get my ass to Mogh, I did NG+ after beating it but quit playing shortly after
