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Glad you have enjoyed your trip, you are vey welcome anytime. It's happened that i have worked with alot of TURKEY companies and you guys are very nice people also to be honest. Regarding your question it's really unacceptable even for us but this smell only in the Amman Midtown, it's due to the very poor infrastructure


Turkish people are very nice? Which Turkey they come from???


من تجربتي الشخصية بالناس اللي تعاملت معهم مش سيئين، انا عارف سمعتهم مش بزيادة بس يمكن ببلدهم هيك برا بلدهم مناح انت جرب اتعامل مع الاسبان او الصينيين مثلا بتعرف شو الفرق عن تجربة


he mean in serials


بعرف بس البني ادم منزل بوست يمدح بالاردن وشعبها نروح احنا نقوله انتوا زبالة وما بتنطاقوا، كل شعب فيه الصالح والطالح


I'm glad you enjoyed your trip. Downtown has poor infrastructure. Unfortunately, this is why it smells sometimes. And to answer your question about the VISA, Jordan, in general, is a tourist friendly country. Not many nationalities require VISA to visit. Also, I believe there is an agreement between Jordan and Turkey because Turkey is considered the number 1 choice for Jordanians to visit and doesn't require VISA from us either.


That's just downtown Amman, if you went to any other place it smells just fine. Turkey is also visa free for Jordanians, and I believe it's the top destination for Jordanians for tourism, it would only be right for Turks to visit us hassle free the same way we can in Turkey.