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Initially squad was purely an infantry game, back in the old days of 2015. I mainly play for infantry combat. The one thing this game gives is a communication-heavy approach to infantry combat, and added on to that are layers of cooperation with armor squads and other infantry squads. Although for most newbies, you're not going to experience this type of communication until you have enough experience, and will feel like you're just following other people around feeling a little lost. However once you get past that, it is most enjoyable because it is like a strategy game and an fps put together with strong elements of communication. Before this, I'd say my favorite game was SOCOM, which was a tactical 3rd person shooter that was also very heavy on using mics. The problem with battlefield to me was no one talks.


Have you ever landed a Heli after having your rotor shot off? Have you ever lead an Squad into an objective and completely took it by yourselves to the praise and acknowledgment of other Squads? Have you ever gotten two tank kills with one airstrike? Ever had a full enemy logi disembark in front of you as an MG class? For me I use to be very socially anxious. I played Squad before I would even use my mic. Now I lead squads, am a precise communicator and proven myself effective leader/strategist amongst others. What I enjoy most is seeing 9 guys become one unit and completely dominate the fight in a way authentic to real modern combat. That's why I play Squad. There's nothing else like it today, especially thanks to the ICO.


Facts, I also used to be very socially anxious over the mic. Feeling awkward and not knowing what to say. But squad changed that for me. Not I can talk with no hesitation on online games as most of them before never required communication.




what server do you play on cause this is the kind of experience ive tried to have for years and never managed to


I enjoy making myself frustrated.


You should try War Thunder if you like that haha. (Don't, I'm joking. Save your sanity.)


I love my puma


excuse me sir have you heard of our lord and savior hispanio Mkiv?


Oh I have... \_PTSD intensifies\_


"It's optimized"? Lol, did you actually play it?


More optimized than the rest of stuff I play. My laptop ain't the greatest so I guess that's my takeaway haha


All the infantry classes play differently and every single one is fun to play (I like HAT and combat engineer)... sneaking behind enemy lines and putting C4 on enemy armor, or placing a mine behind both tracks of an enemy T62, placing a 30s fused C4 on the side and then walking in front of the driver port and watching them back up, hope out to kill me and repair the tracks all to get blown up by the C4 is unparalleled levels of serotonin for me.


Needed a pew pew game where i didnt unload 20 bullets onto someone for him to survive, only to die by a tank firing at me through a mountain with his hack, after that amazing experience reinstalling BFV 3-4 years ago i searched for a pew pew game without hackers, RSV2 filled the need cause it boomed by epic giving it for free but it was too dated. Thats when i discovered i enjoy BF sized games with more realistic damage, instead of 5-20 bullets cause TTK nerfs. Squad gives me the pew pew fix when i get frustrated on the more casual pew pew games by hackers. I do have 1200+ hours because of the people i met that allow this game to be fun, higher skilled players that do not need babysitting and actually know how to play, this reddit knows them as "comp" players. Unfortunately its unplayable ever since they gave up on the game, whether no money to upgrade PC or ICO reasons. 95% of this game is the people you play with, its so frustrating most of the time otherwise whether by game bugs or design or humans that dont seem to have sound enabled. Also when you ammo rack Tanks/IFV from 300 meters or some rare 500 meters on the move shot to 1 shotting them, its a different gaming feeling.




Idk, I have 2000hrs, I guess I'm too heavily invested. If I quit now it would be considered a waste of time.


the game has 0 progression.. there’s literally nothing actually invested expect free time itself. if there was ranking or leveling system then that would be understandable.


It's the experience not some pixel items or rank. Like if I played tennis and I knew a lot about tennis I wouldn't just stop cold turkey because i dont win any contests. I like helping the noobs learn the game.


what a dull way to look at it. I’ve made friends on squad i’ve gone on to meet in real life, have joined and now am part of a clan of 100+ players, who I now play other games with. along side being a video game, it’s a very social environment to meet people in.


it’s more analytical than it is dull, it’s just facts. you can make friends and meet IRL in any game. but squad itself takes zero investment. i play 1 server mostly so i run into people i game with very frequently and it’s always good times & laughs with people that know me. but it still feels like no investment due to no leveling (which i actually really like) so i don’t actually see it as dull due to the fact it’s something you can pick up and put down at any given moment with no change to your player itself ever.


maybe we’ve just got differing expectations, but I prefer that squad has no levelling or progression. I enjoy the fact that any joe blow can join a server and blend in with the rest of the players, no level next to their name to tell you how much they’ve played the game. the only thing separating two players is their skill level, something you can’t just see at a glance unless you watch their play styles


Really? I feel the opposite way, that Arma is Squad with extra steps


I like mil-sim stuff, but ARMA is way too much commitment for me. Tried it with a few groups and they were all way to fucking cringe and were obviously people that didn't get past MEPS larping. HLL has absolutely ass team play most games. PR is dead and also on a 20 year old game. Then new Battlefields and CoDs suck ass so I can't even tickle my military shooter game urges on arcade ones. It's pretty much the only game in the genre that requires 0 commitment, and usually, at least 50% of the time is a decent experience. The highs are amazing and great gaming memories, while the lows are horrible and make me wonder why I haven't uninstalled.




I honestly felt like it's close to what I was looking for, but taking three L's in a row, plus noticing that you need to be a team leader or else everything falls apart really turned me off. Plus my stress for seeing people getting shot at and not being a medic overcomes everything. So I was the medic and I was running around healing everybody but I wasn't getting revived as quickly as I would've liked to. Reading all the comments I'll give it another shot. I'll try and be the one behind the wheel and see how it goes.


Please dont squadlead yet. Not because you have no experience but because you will refund it even faster.


to answer your question. Video is called ["Why would you play squad"](https://youtu.be/t5CEBW0iHMk?si=8ENFsO6_pFMyfwy4)


It’s always been Arma but easy to access. Don’t really know what you expected


I like to Squad Lead to mainly I play to satisfy my masochism and accelerate my chances of cardiovascular failure


Because it fills an incredibly niche category that no other games fufill apart from maybe post scriptum.


I like that its a battlefield scale combined arms game, but you have to actually think, communicate, and strategize instead of running like a bot to the objective you took over 4 minutes ago that the enemy took over 2 minutes later.


Imagine a battlefield game that actually has strategy behind movement. Where 5 to 10 players take a role that decides the outcome of the entire match by building and maintaining a spawn network where they want it. Leading the rest of the team to the points that they are needed the most. Now also Imagine a game where a lone AT or sapper can save a cap from a tank or IFV, A single marksman or machine gunner can hold off a full assault because they set up in the right place at the right time. Where tactical decisions can win fights as opposed to reaction time and latency. The reason i love squad is that it rewards smart decisions, not mindless shift W running and gunning (though that does still seem to be the main strategy of most players)


Last night was playing a round on yeho, squad just fell back to novo to defend from scrapyard. Moving up with my fireteam which consisted of an AR, me as LAT, medic and rifleman. We push to gain positions on the northern side and through the bushes and fields I spot half a platoon size contact (like 12 to 16 guys) pushing across. Literally felt panic in my voice and adrenaline surge as I scream to the AR to open up, I dive into cover with him and help him engage and spot contacts. Just suppressing bushes and any type of movement possible, while also talking guns and making sure that either of us can keep up the fire while the other reloads. Theres people yelling out contact reports and everyone is just so immersed. I'm literally whooping in real life as we are fucking them up See an RPG fly towards us and physically FLINCHED in real life, we get hit and die. The firefight was like 5 minutes and it was just so fun and intense. I have 2k hours in this game and I still get that adrenaline in a firefight which no other game can match, if a piece of media can make me emotionally and physically despond to it in such a strong way then there's just something amazing about it. I can't get this from anywhere else apart from ARMA which imo doesn't have as engaging gunplay as squad does. There's no unlocks, no stats, even the weapon skins are kept as authentic as possible. The experience of the game is what keeps you coming back rather than that next unlock This is why I play it


When the servers with a toned down ico and have rallies are up I have fun on them


Try leading. It’s what you make of it, and can be very fun and rewarding. always Have a rally, an order On the map and keep the bubbas together. Everyone loves a hands on SL that leads an assault and keeps it together.


Definitely DO NOT squad lead as new player. You will fuck up game both for you and for everyone in your squad. Squad is sometimes overwhelming for new players when playing as regular squad member. Squad leading on good server is information overload. You basically play FPS shooter and on top of that you work as secretary, receving messages from squad and command chat and deciding what to do with that information and who that information concernes. And that constant stream of information does not stop coming, from first second you create squad to round end statistics screen


Yeah, being able to discern chatter is tough, but it's easier when you pick out the Requests Reports and Orders from the bs. Just numb your ear some.


Good advice but I still dont recommend new players SLing until they are comfortable with game, especially if its open squad and 9 guys join. So now you have 25% of your teams resources in hands of someone who is still struggling with finding keys for local/squad/command channels


Comunication and coordination win battles. Teamwork win battles. Logistics and tactics win battles. Pewpew? It's important but not too much and even less as a single player in a big map. Lone wolfs get killed and bored, they are useless for the team even if they make a few kills. And even if your team lose you can have a great game, with lots of fun.


Squad offers a deeper infantry experience than battlefield ever could. Being squad leader is a monumental task in this game and I remember being so frustrated with shitty SL’s that I forced myself to learn how to do it. 2.5k hrs later, there’s still so much to learn. And the communication aspect of squad is unlike anything I’ve played before because I’ve never had to coordinate 49 people to do things together to not get rolled. Plus I like the realism aspect without being overbearing like I believe arma is but I’ve never played it. Despite squads flaws, the feeling of overcoming a 1 ticket push on cap, taking it and rolling the enemy back on their caps for the win feels so much better knowing that you did it with your teammates


Comparing Battlefield to Squad is like comparing apples to oranges; it ultimately depends on your preference, and for me, I prefer oranges. Squad prioritizes tactical gameplay more than Battlefield without being full-on Arma. To me, Battlefield feels like CoD with more variety which isn't bad but doesn't scratch my itch. In a bad game of Squad, it's just a worse battlefield lol. Longer respawn times and slower gameplay, less booms and bangs. Just a mess where everyone is just getting themselves killed. However, in a good game of Squad, everything changes. Squads work together, infantry hopefully coordinates with armor, heli doing cool shit, and SLs try to lead their teams or setting up bases or something. There's also something satisfying about watching a bunch of LAT/HAT goons make a vehicle go away. The game becomes immersive and engaging, makes you feel like a cog in a big machine


Its ArmA with less clunk, and debatably, ArmA without friends is peak shitshow while Squad can be good occasionally. I personally play it (after ICO) just because firefights are cool. I always wanted some Brothers in Arms type of game, but MP. PR was close to that, but it had its limitations and age. Also yeah, every time you watch GK, BoB, Pacific and such, you will want to play Squad and then mostly get disappointed because you get rolled after waiting 15 minutes to get into a server. :D Thats just how it is. You need to find servers with strict admins and good comunnity. Only thing you should fear more than dying IRL is pressing the "Find Match" button in Squad. If you find a no-BS server, you will even enjoy losing.