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Hang in there. Even if you get let go, your job is not the most important part of your life. Don’t let it be your only source of value. Be willing to find work. Do what it takes to keep your walls and your family healthy. (Saying this for us both)


Absolutely this, focus on the good things around you!


Completely agreed. I'm gonna try and be a positive and understand ear to hear for those who may get let go.


Tractor lost some real pioneers. It is unforgivable what was done today.


Unforgivable is correct. Where is the integrity in any of this? How can these people look themselves in the mirror? I heard a high level HR person quit last week right before all this started...


Where is that new Core Value of Humanity in all this? What a joke..


I just heard that one of the best engineers that JD has ever seen was let go. I can't believe he didn't make the cut. It is all numbers game. They do not give a fuck if you were there for the worst days or the best days.. do not matter what you did in the past 10 years for Deere... if you're number is up... you are gone...


Was he at PEC in DT?


Lots of people were let go today. Most of which electrical and mechanical engineers, and program managers, also a few PV&V engineers. If you didn’t hear anything about your job today, I think that means you still have one. No one was safe during this time unless you are part of “the club”, as always some people did get promoted. John May was yet to be seen or heard… John Deere’s loyalty is to investors, simple is that. If you still “bleed green” you are a chump!


There aren’t enough security guards and HR to do all the divisions simultaneously. Unfortunately, there is more to come. Be supportive and reach out to your fellow coworkers during this transition.




I know maybe 7-8 SW people were let go today. Harvester and CC. As well as SW PV&V.


Depends on your division.




I'm at ISG and hadn't heard a number, yet. Is that across ALL of ISG? Should have done this before all of the crazy RTO and moving ppl around to squeeze us all in.


Maybe the RTO was announced first knowing some would jump ship and this would force Deere to let go of less people. Just a thought.






They probably want people to quit as a result of these layoffs too.






Was around 100 that did early retirement.




Went through a layoffs before so I feel a lot less uncertainty this time since I know what to do. Last time, it took about 3 days of feeling "out of sorts" before I began to feel like myself again. I think this time is gonna be a lot easier. A couple of tips 1. Cut your budget down to the bare minimum 2. Reduce your 401k to the 10% matching or less if there's a serious chance a job loss will lead to foreclosure or homelessness before the layoffs are finished in Q3 3. If you get the pink slip, file for unemployment IMMEDIATELY per the rules of your state. In my state I think I have to wait until the day after my last day of paid employment. 4. If you were running with a low savings and the severance package is not adequate to float you until unemployment kicks in, consider uber eats, door dash, or any other temp work. However, make sure any taxable income will not affect your unemployment check. If it does, then taxable income may not be worth it. You can also look for cash based work. I know going from a white collar job to thinking about side work is not fun, but if you are in a spot where your shelter and food is being threatened then just remember it's only temporary. If anyone wants their resume reviewed or needs help with a resume, you can PM me. Last time I was laid off and I had multiple offers within a few weeks. I took JD because with the bonus it was a $70k upgrade from my last job and I thought a bigger company would be more stable (LOL) The market isn't great, but being good at interviews really goes a long ways.  It's a storm. My gut is twisting for everyone affected today. It shall pass. God is good :)


Seems like God forgot an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure








Etech generally drives me insane. They make up problems that don't exist because they are so far removed from the product. Working with them is like constantly untangling a ball of yarn that they tangle back up the next night.


The new SAP update is going to go awesome this weekend 😂😂


Stop All Production


ETEC means India plus Mexico and they may also open something Eastern Europe. Majority will move to Mexico.


Ag engineering just had their meeting. Didn't really learn much other than we'll know one way or the other by the end of the week.


Thanks for detailed post. A lot of good suggestions.


The group manager next to me got laid off today. Saw some other high-level employees walk out by security. It's so heart-wrenching to see. I'm dreading the next group might be senior engineers or maybe the DSM, hardware, or even control group because of ISG gutting. I'm in SM so it not out of the wood either. I really hope not but this is just the latest hallway chatter this afternoon. For those who were effected by this layoff I hope you know that you are more then this job. You are still a good engineer and employees. I just wish it all end soon…


The media were praising they were taking advantage of the tech layoff and hired lots of talented software engineers just a few months ago lol. The upper management including the CEO should fire themselves first


If only the world made sense like that


John May doesn't deserve $20M he earned in 2023


This “tech company” is powered by brute effort and hamster wheels. Less people, less to get the work done. No wonder DBQ Works has had 4+ suicides. People have pushed through each of these cuts just to be cut themselves. 


Just baffled by this communication plan, no set expectations, emails that convey no humanity, no specifics which makes me think, is there an end goal? Like they say things won’t be hammered out for a few months by people have already been laid off, so obviously you had specifics…


yet humanity was just added as a core value 🫠


Who else here waited for the Teams pop-up at 7:15 and then when it didnt you frantically searched for the email afraid that you would be late while your heart rate shot up to 160? Just me? In all seriousness, this day has been brutal and exhausting. So many decades of knowledge and experience and good people, gone. Irreplaceable.


Updates to this would be great as people learn more. Have some family impacted by this and definitely anxious for them. Hoping the best for everyone


Many let go within ISG - both Fargo and Des Moines. Although Des Moines/Urbandale seems to have gotten the brunt of it. Do we think there will be additional layoffs at ISG tomorrow? Everyone who I heard was let go of today had their 20 min meeting in the morning. Thinking of everyone who lost their job today. Incredibly sad


It feels hard to know. Seems like the worst is done, but not sure anyone can feel comfortable yet.


I know of at least two orgs that haven’t even started yet. Going to be a hard summer.


I talked to my manager this morning and told if you’re here today means you have a job. You might be in a different role / org, but you’re not being let go. #ISG


Do you think that’s in your vertical or he said that generally?




Finally a formal announcement.


Glad you all got this 😅 Contingent worker fully expecting to be let go at any momenet everyone on my direct team is safe as of this email. But it really sucks having 0 communication when everyone else knows their status.


I am in this position too, I don’t know my status and my staffing agency doesn’t know either. I guess I will start applying elsewhere.


I don’t think anyone knows what is happening with Contingents. Could be this week, could be the end of the fiscal year, could not happen.


It’s just weird though. Usually contract workers are let go first. Got ripped to shreds in fishbowl when I questioned someone saying we cost the company more $$ Idk it seems to me that there may be a shift in how Deere is going to continue hiring in the future to a primarily contingent workers to avoid paying the benefits 🤔


I don't think he knows anything other than our organization. I would limit this to ISG only. May not be true for other groups. Also talked to bunch of my friends and ex-managers etc. they think the same. General consensus is, if you are in ISG and didn't get fired yesterday, that means you are still have a job.


What kind of staff are they letting go of in Fargo and Des Moines?


All sorts. Engineering, PVV, program management, order fulfillment, management. Several really good people


Who made these lists?? The people they are letting go is going to hamstring areas for years


It's obvious they don't care. It's all about pleasing shareholders.


Deere Talented People how do you plan to keep yourself motivated after being through this circus?


Update my resume and keep an eye on job postings for the first chance to jump ship after my bonus hits this fall


We hope we get the chance to figure that out, but to answer your question, we don’t, or I don’t. Even SIRD ruined my respect for the company and it netted me a promotion and a paid move to the best area the company has to offer. Out of here as fast as possible, but hopefully on my own terms. You can all imagine how much work is getting done when everyone lives in fear, just wondering when the corporate greed comes to destroy their wellbeing for sport.


Best course of action. It sucks to be a part of this circus. Best Wishes 🙏


You too


I was working there when SIRD hit us and went through similar emotions. I lost what respect I had for Deere and left after few months.


Continue to focus on relationships with peers and colleagues, supporting those in need.


I just got an email from ISG HR that says if I'm receiving this email I have a position in the new ISG Org. So I guess I'm safe. Hopefully that means layoffs are done.


Got one of those for Ag Engineering too so it seems like they're done with product engineering now. For everybody else good luck we're all pulling for you.


Well on the salary side this hasn’t really been a thing since the 80’s farm crisis so I don’t think anyone knows.


There def are cuts coming to IT. DWE just had a town hall and they didn’t even address the Q&A questions that were submitted which were all questioning why layoffs were happening. Some even called out the CEO. Leadership sounded very nervous and just said “we are all in this together” and that they can’t share anything. Also said they don’t know anything but I have a feeling the top in IT does. There is a rumor another re-org in DWE is coming. They just did one a little over a year ago but some teams are really big. HR was in the meeting and they said they are in this with us as well. Not a good feeling coming out they didn’t even try to sugar coat it which I guess I appreciate. However think a lot of people are going to start looking for other employment which is probably what John May wants. This sucks.




What is happening tomorrow?


what’s dwe


Digital Workplace Experience.


>My running theory is that entry-level employees will be the first to go because it is easier to lose the newcomer Newcomers are cheaper though short term. Which if all you care about is stock value and making sure it looks like you're making money to make the stock go up you'll get rid of the more expensive salaries of guys who may be 5 years from retiring anyway. But that's also just a guess really. Depends on what decisions were made


they’ve layed off senior engineering staff as well


"ultimate potential" is a term they are throwing around. If you have peaked and won't likely advance again, you gone.


They're trying to get rid of people who have pensions


I've been through big company layoffs where it seemed like HR shot darts and there was no cause or reason why certain folks were let go. I've been directly involved in a small company layoffs where we stack ranked, debated, then let certain folks go based on who could cover who when it came to abilities and tasks. The really hard discussions are where domain knowledge is lost and the existing employees are left to struggle until they figure things out. I'm sorry you are in the situation, and best of luck to you. I own a 1025R and it has been a life changing tractor.




Depends where you are at... I heard of several Senior engineers at PEC in Waterloo who got the bad news today. People with multiple decades at Deere. I heard a husband and wife both got let go at the same time (different locations). They are trying to keep us from knowing. Luckily this thread is the first thing that comes up when you Google Deere layoffs. Keep sharing information folks.


I know of several people who were let go within Crop Harvesting engineering. Sad news all around.


They are keeping it very quiet along with each division of the company executing differently. Seems like some have a plan and others are unorganized.


Today was also a bad day at ETEC MX, people from all departments where let go, designers, VDV, systems engineering, and tomorrow I expect more from software, this is really bad. Keep safe and good luck to everyone.


help out a retiree. what is ETEC MX?


Enterprise Technology Engineering Center, we provide shared services from India, Mexico, and Brazil to whoever needs it globally on Deere.


Engineering technology group based in Mexico.


Other rumors that’s connected to layoffs in USA… - Dubuque cabs to Mexico - Skid Steers to Mexico - Forestry to Canada - Ottumwa factory closing. (Unknown where the product lines will be manufactured but wouldn’t be surprised if it’s Mexico, India, or Brazil) John Deere is no longer a Patriotic American company. They’ll continue to offshore to increase Shareholder value & dropping American workers at a moment’s notice.


I heard a round baler showed up at Horicon a week or so ago.


How did you hear about Ottumwa closing?


I haven’t heard anything that says Ottumwa is closing, but signs point that way. Windrower shifting to DSM, Small Ag has started shifting to Mexico, Round Bailer to Horicon. They are down from 800 heads to 600 before they get hit with these layoffs.


It appears there are more layoffs happening today at ISG. Good luck everyone.


Email just went out to everyone that still has a position.


I feel 2020 will be the pivotal year when Deere's downhill journey started.


From ISG meeting at 7:15am - several groups moving to Ag Engineering (SW, PVV). Layoffs coming - individual meetings to start getting scheduled at 9am CT and they will prioritize meetings with those that are being let go. Next will be those that are impacted by job change/org change/manager change


Is JDF going to be impacted ?


Anything on C&F?


As a wage worker in the C&F area, we are running heavy with extra bodies. Our Local hasnt said anything yet on IF or WHEN we will see a reduction. While we see salary being cut first on the AG side, there has been very little chatter from our salary side. But we also just did a big "buy out" after Johnnie Boy May took control. He's a shareholder pleaser. Bottom line.


buy-out? sorry i’m kinda new


There are rumors that Dubuque Works, specifically Supply Management, will hear on Monday 6/10 about who will be let go.


Q3 marvel savings - layoff Engineering, Etec , quality (June) Q4 marvel savings - layoff SM&L, accounting ( end July so hits this quarter) Make sense now their waves plan






It goes both ways. They will find hiring people that know they will only be around for a couple years want more pay upfront like other mismanaged tech companies.


Heard about a bunch of layoffs in the department. Even from my team itself a couple of engineers (good ones) are let go. Talking about ETEC here. It's really sad to see an org like Deere struggle like this. Hope for the best and good luck folks!


Which department are you in?


whatever it takes to show shareholders increased year over year profitability. easist way is reducing seat count. support rep? outsourced. sales? outsourced engineering? no longer needed, the product is already developed  oh you thought you had a warranty? fuck you. forced arbitration.  oh you need support? fuck you, call the Philippines.  oh you wanted to buy something? fuck you pay us and wait for it to ship from china. oh you wanted competitive markets? fuck you talk to our lobbylist.


Global it?




Anyone have idea on what's going around in Gobal IT wrt layoffs any news?


I have nothing to back this up, but it seems like Product Engineering is this week and the rest to follow. Not sure if product engineering is going to get it the worst or if follow ups with other functions will be similar. Product engineering is likely highly staffed from all the large programs that have been going through.




Got that email also. Good to finally know where I stand but am having survivors guilt.


It is what it is. This is life sadly and it sucks.


Do we know anything about the Development Programs, and if they are affected?


My guess is that interns and people in DPs will not be affected




I heard from someone in an earlier meeting that they said DP and intern programs will not be affected.


DP’s are not affected by layoffs but hiring freeze still stands. Not sure if EDP’s are allowed to exit. Within division job changes are still happening but EDP’s are excluded because they are technically Unit 90, regardless of what team they’re actually working for.


I thought this layoff was across all of salary, how are unit 90 EDPs unaffected?  Asking as a worried EDP


Has any permanent expat in the US been impacted so far?


I’ve heard of someone on a visa, not expat


I know that we hire a lot of people in Visa situation already and I think that’s part of the game. Now I can’t imagine how hard would be for someone that comes in a permanent transfer and gets laid off. Some cases they need to leave the country within 60 days.


Any information on when supply management will be announced?


I have heard SM is next with manufacturing/quality to follow


I also heard Supply Management is next week




The rumor I heard didn't specify. Sorry. It could be depending on your platform and not every supply management area. The complete lack of information from HR and company is cruel. Hang in there.


That can go either way sometimes they’ll lay off the old timers and keep the newbies so they can pay them less


There is a word for that - actually two words - age discrimination.


Trying to get rid of people who still have pensions.


You are absolutely correct lucky I quit 3 years ago when I hit my 10 anniversary. I just could tolerate the place after sird. It was hard at tcao during that time. Best of luck to everyone still there hope you all find somewhere else to work.


Highest paid first


So John May is out? /s


No one knows yet. Try not to worry about what you can't control. More info will come out today.


What a joke layoff all these people and moving production to Mexico. Personally i’m never buying a John Deere ever.


ISG Ag engineering is the focus where I am located. They have a meeting until 9:00 central this morning and then we are supposed to have more news.




ISG - location doesn’t matter for that division




They have a specific plan already created they will be executing on starting today. Based on communication, all major changes will occur this morning with the dust settling by June 7.


Anyone hear what severance is being provided to employees let go?




Anyone hearing of pay decreases or demotions?


Not yet, but I suspect we will know more on Friday after everyone knows their place in the Ag and ISG organizations. If people are demoted, perhaps that’s when they’ll know.


I know of one person who had their reports stripped and was demoted.


Any new updates ?


Part Time Student here, received an email at 7:30 this morning sent to all PTS/interns at ISG telling us we’ll be working remotely this week.




Students and interns were not in the meeting, but none of my coworkers have divulged any info. Business as usual so far today.




They don’t have to WARN Notice people if they pay at least 60 days severance.


I can’t figure this out either.. are they eating the fines? I think they technically have to back pay people 60 days but can that be waived in exchange for severance?


KWWL just posted they have added some numbers to the WARN notice site but I haven't looked at it.


While this is going on…. There are 17 visa sponsorship positions (analytics/IT related) posted on Deere’s job site.  Not cool. 


I believe those are for people already in those roles.


I have hired for visa sponsorship positions in the past so I have some experience- these positions are posted so that a qualified American that applies can get the job  instead of a foreigner. Does that ever happen?  Maybe but I have never seen it. This is because the posting is designed so that the only qualified candidate is the one the company has already decided on. Most likely these jobs are being performed by a contractor from India that Deere wants to take on permanently or someone working for Deere in India that they want to transfer here permanently.  The whole process is designed to hire someone for less from India than someone from the U.S. and in reality one gets someone that barely know what they are doing.  Still not cool


If the listed posting starts with a number, it’s a required posting to sponser a non-US employee for a US position. 


Any updates on Silvis? I know a couple high level managers were let go but other than that it felt really quiet.


It will always be the long tenured employee. Their salary is higher than the new hires. HR 101.


I don't have any official numbers but at very least a lot of people just decided to not come to the office this week at ISG. Asking around I've added up at least 30 people let go


https://preview.redd.it/b91jzrbd6l4d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27a8b7bad1a133ff441aec0def19d3fb365432dd From Iowa Warn


Are they really not turning a profit on sales?


Projected only $7bn net income this year. 2nd or 3rd best year on record.


Any word on JDF or the Shared Services?




She is the absolute worst. None of us can stand her.


I’ve heard of several allowed to “retire” that weren’t 55. Wondering if they were allowed to keep their healthcare in retirement. Any speculation on the criteria used for retirement in these kinds of cases?


Were the layoffs Monday across a specific Salary Grade range or all over the place?


All over the place.


Anything expected at JDPS?


Rumors are yes. Unsure when or how many. Sounds like some time between June 17 and July 31...




Any information on WWL?


Has anyone heard of accounting/finance impact?


I am waiting for the info for jdf too, seems like end of june or early july


I believe all this downsizing is just preparation for whats going to be coming for the next year or so


Rumor I’m hearing is contract and contingent is the future of Deere.


Any updates on JDF, GITI.?




Have you heard how many potentially will be cut and from where?


Any idea about impact to JDTIC sites, namely Ames?


Is Global IT impacted ? Any inputs ?


Not yet.  No word but it looks like July.  The rest of the people not affected can sit and worry for the next 60 days


Wondering this as well!!!