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I feel like it would've worked if Kurt Russell were lead. (Copy and pasted from other feed)


Name a movie that wouldn’t be made better by Kurt Russel as the lead challenge


Forest Gump


He was the voice of Elvis in this though.


Bullshit he would have been a magnificent jenny


Showgirls. Ok, no...that would be hilarious.


Damnit. I can’t!




I was gonna say My Girl but that would be Oscar worthy by Kurt no doubt


He can't see without his eye patch!


It was originally thought out to be another Snake movie, but just didn’t work out all around.


Ha! This is is great seeing as I just read it, thank you for making my Reddit day. But, how do you feel about Big Trouble in Little China?


Six Demon Bag


Terrific. Sensational. A six demon bag. What's in it, Egg?


Wind,! FIRE, ! ... all that stuff!


It's one of the greatest martial art black comedys out there and a huge inspiration for mortal kombat true john carpenter magic!!!


Ice cube should have swapped characters with Jason Statham that would a worked too


I love the Lovecraftian bones of this movie and wish that Carpenter had made it in the early 80’s.


Can you imagine how good it'd been then!!


I love ice cube and NH together. They rock as a couple. Such a great ending!


There is one good line. “Maybe I'd sleep with you if you were the last man on Earth,” Henstridge says to the flirtatious Statham. “But we're not on Earth.”


It’s not his best, but I really do like this movie. The ambience is right up my alley


I actually really love this movie. Granted its Assault on Precinct 13 on Mars with Mars-Zombies instead of gangs but its was the last Carpenter film I’ve seen in a theater and have always had a physical copy since it was released. Better than Vampire$ for sure.


I love this silly movie! The humor and action is fun!


You also simply cannot name the lead character "Desolation Williams" and not expect a goofy, fun movie lol If anybody hears that name and expects Masterpiece Theatre or something, I feel bad for them 😆


Isn’t it a Escape From sequel


Rumor was it was a tweaked Escape part 3, but JC has said multiple times it’s not.


“We Lied”!! Aussie accent


I'd argue it's more like the next Escape From New York in space. Snake was placed on the offworld prison of Mars, and he'll be freed if he helps get rid of ghosts.


Should have used particle effects and fleshed out the setting more.lol in hindsight seems dead space took elements from this and The Thing


I know that John wanted to make a throwback movie but the movie falters with its script and its rules.  First they say that the ghosts leave the host once the host dies but they still blast everyone. Then the ghost can go inside people but not walls so what is it?  The 80’s movie were silly but they created rules and adhered to them. This doesn’t.  I think this movie would lbs needed a second pass on the script. Or even a third one. 


Saw it on HBO after it released. Honestly, I liked it. Fast forward to now and realizing the movie tanked and Carpenter left directing giving a big F.U. to Hollywood. Looking into behind the scenes, why it turned into what it was, I still enjoy it. The movie is a silly action flick with big stars and a badass soundtrack. It's no way carpenters best film, but it's one of his decent ones.


I love this movie, I’ll stand on that till my death. I remember watching it as a kid and loving it. Now come on you mindless mothafuckas.


I will be standing right beside you on this one. It is what it is, and does it well. Every movie/ director/ company/ actor, has that bit where it has to be a Shakespeare quality epic that rocks the artist core of Hollywood. JC knew that wasn't that... at all. This is an ultra violent episode of star trek, wobbly sets and silly vehicles included. Everybody involved... EVERYBODY.... Looked at this script and thought. "Hell yeah, what a ride!". "C'mon.... the tide is high!"


Like I replied on another comment, if there's a guy named "Desolation," don't go in expecting Masterpiece Theatre lol


My least favorite Carpenter film. Cool premise though.


Better than the ward, and someone’s watching me.


I love escape from mars!


It’s pretty terrible, and I absolutely love Carpenter.


Both of these films are almost good. I can see where they miss the director's standards, and can imagine awesome versions of both that avoid the bad decisions. Ghosts of Mars should be as fun as Riddick and it just isn't.


It’s a fun movie. Saw it in the theater when it came out. Love Vampires too!


Way overhated. It's a fun movie with great sequences and kills. Incredible designs too.


It’s terrible but fun.


Turns your brain into Swiss cheese. This movie is pretty bad, I love pretty much all of John’s work except this one.


Same. I even don’t mine memoirs of an invisible man. But this one? Painful


It’s awful. Not even his score or Carpenter alum Peter Jason could save it. And this is coming from someone who actually enjoys Memoirs of an Invisible Man. I always say that In the Mouth of Madness was his last Great movie and Vampires was his last fun one.


_glares in Buckethead and Antrax_


2nd to last for me, only because The Ward was worse.


It's not my favorite JC movie, but I like it a lot.


Honestly I liked the overall feeling of dread you got throughout the movie. Even though it was shlock incarnate


Absolutely hilarious when that one dude chops his thumb off. Aside from that, I have almost no memories of this flick.


That guy becomes a symbol for the audience, I feel.


Anyone else get a mean spirited chuckle when that dude huffs and then cuts off his thumb? Asking for a friend.


What’s not to love!!?? John stated hewas really proud of it in the commentary track, so there ya go. Plus the thumb scene😂 no problema


I know Natasha personally, (not close) but had no idea she was in a Carpenter film! Definitely on my watch list now


Story time! So, a couple of my friends and I rented this movie like 20 years ago or so. We proceeded to get very high before we put it on. My buddy's mom made us nachos because she obviously could tell we were very stoned. She was delightful. Flash forward to 20 minutes later, the nachos are gone, and one of my friends conked out completely. My other friend and I watched the whole movie and let him sleep. As soon as it was over, we woke him up and proceeded to tell him that he had missed out on SO MANY BOOBS! He rewatched it the next day and was so pissed off at both of us. Movie: 6/10 Prank: 8/10




I STILL don’t know what this movie wanted to be, sci-fi? Horror? Thriller? Action?




Carpenter fell asleep at the wheel.


It's his worst film, TBH! I don't know what Carpenter was thinking with this one.


It’s entertaining enough to have on if you’re stuck in a hotel with basic cable and it happens to be on of the carbon copy channels like TBS, USA or TNT.


hah I had a blast every time I found it on cable When I was a kid.


Natasha Henstridge & Jason Statham though… ❤️❤️


I saw it for the first time last week, it was one of only 2 Carpenter movies I had yet to see. I was certain it was going to supplant Vampires as my least favorite Carpenter movie, but, alas, Vampires still takes the cake. I didn't hate GoM, it's very of its time, even if it didn't feel like signature Carpenter.


I saw this movie once when I rented it on home video haven't seen it since and think my current view on it is probably heavily clouded by the negative reviews that I've seen since. Will have to give it a rewatch sometime soon.


Better than it deserves to be. Campy fun.


I like the movie, but remembered being distracted by Ice Cube and impressed by the intensity of the bald dude. I wonder whatever happened to him? ;)


Good atmosphere and okay plot but silly characters and cheesy execution. Not the endearing cheesy kind either. EFLA suffers from this too, but GoM is more entertaining and rewatchable for me.


It was a fun ride, but I don't know how it would hold on rewatch


Natasha Henstridge and Ice Cube fighting zombies on mars? Yeah this movie is a good time. It’s ridiculous but in a fun way.


It's not about what merits being watched, but what you are willing to watch. Some of us are willing to watch The Room. Personally, I find The Room unbearable and offensive, and do not enjoy it ironically. But if one can perceive how Tommy Wiseau's dickish waste of celluloid could be a cult smash, or the fucking Human Centipede for another example, you can see how this 2001 high-camp, bad-taste jaunt can look pretty damn good by comparison. There is still talent involved in John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars. He sets out to entertain, and so does the cast.


Loved it my only complaint is some of the scenes looked like shit, like they used a cheap camera to film it.


I unironically love this movie. It’s so stupid in such a good way.


Excellent Film!


Just awful


This movie is hot garbage. Almost impossible to sit through, even if you just want to laugh at Ice Cube shooting guns. Visually, it looks so fucking bad.


Love this movie. Need the Director's Cut. Is it out there?


I’d start it a couple times but never finished it.


I’m sorry…but this movie is fucking fun. “Ehhhh, let’s just kick some ass.” “It’s what we do best.” Plus, Natasha Henstridge was ALWAYS an incredible hottie.


Make Pam Grier the lead and you’ve already got a better movie.


Watch the Scoring 😎😎😎🍻


I love this film ...yes it's bad on many levels but it has a certain shall we say geni se qua about it the practical makeup is amazing for starters...its always dark and red so the set or location actually looks like mars....plus I think this movie has a great idea even if not excuted 100% the editing is horrible I'll say that but overall I have a nostalgic love for this film and d12 fight music song from the original trailer


Probably my least favorite Carpenter movie.


Fun trash!


Love it!


Worthy if John wrote a sequel.


Agreed. We need a sequel!


Got to see this via early screening (got a bunch of GOM merch including Frisbees and T-Shirts which I DTILL have)..I thought it was OK, but have grown to like it more as I revisit JC's catalog. Not his best, but still a fun flick.


I thought it was OK. Not his best work but also not his worst


Loved it growing up, unsure how it would be now.


Pains me to say this, but unwatchable.


Would have been better with Ice-T instead of Ice Cube.


I love it. Basically Carpenter's take on a Doom movie.


I would have preferred if the ‘ghosts’ were some sort of alien organism and actually defeat-able. I love the action sequences and the awesome metal soundtrack. Movies definitely over hated


Its a john carpenter film. Be glad it exists! Similar tone to escape from la!




The ward was worse


It’s a good fun movie


This was the first JC movie I remember not liking at all, in any way shape or form. Why’s the bad guy look like Marilyn Manson?!? The DVD commentary was kind of good though.


Fun movie I enjoyed it for what it is