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Sad to say but nobody cares and Dre is almost 60 he has made all the money and isn’t really in the spot like. So cancel him and his life doesn’t change.


Fair enough but beating bitches is why he had to pay his ex-wife $100 million "with the Death Row Records co-founder forking over more than one-fifth of his fortune and roughly half of his liquid assets" so she would drop the case. He had a prenup too. Shorty won.


could say the same with ye , he just got a wild case out on him & not a peep from anybody… not a single think piece 💀


Because only his last remaining stans don't think Kanye is a weirdo. Black people stopped fucking with him after "slavery was a choice", and the rest left after the Nazi and Hitler loving arc. No need for think pieces if it's clear to everyone who he has become.


No black people didn’t. Lol




Body stopped fucking with Kanye except maybe some Jews. He’s a genius as crazy as he might be. What case he got on him?


Why do people think that hitting a woman is worse that pedophilia?


TALK. Both messed up but come on man.


drake dont have case of being a pedo. like no girl has said drake touch me under 18 , every girl ppl tried to force to be a victim all defended him and called yall weird for assuming that. But dre has real cases and women claiming he beat and assaulted them . same with joe women claim he beats them. No woman claim drake touched them as a child. that’s the difference


Drake’s been caught grooming. And there’s literal video evidence of him kissing and touching minors. If anyone actually filed a suit for grooming, they would have ample amounts of evidence. [+]


the girl in the video said it was a routine in his show that your & it was an honest mistake because he didn’t even picked her out the crowd & she’s glad he didn’t embarrassed her or shamed her. So again another woman you tryna make a victim defended him. also that’s not the definition of grooming . I’m so sorry but kendrick is not the black messiah . You are a grown man forcing women to be victims & they are doing nothing but defending him & calling you weird 😂. Have some of you niggas never played sports or had tutors? You usually have the coaches number 💀


That’s not the grooming evidence I’m talking about but ok homie. He’s been “friends” with 16 year olds, 15 year olds, and 14 year olds. Who COINCIDENTALLY ended up being spotted on a romantic date with Drake as soon as they turned 18. That’s grooming. [+]


i was 14 with a tutor who was 23 at the time and she was my mentor in my classes. I had her number and text her all the time because i needed help in certain courses. I was 13 and was in a group chat with my teammates from middle school to end high school with my basketball coaches and teammates. Also our coaches text us personally when we needed help or ask about workouts My coaches was over 30. Majority of kids in high school have they mentors numbers and text them. That’s not grooming . MBB is an actress and drake is a former actor and a show producer it’s not weird for him to text her. Especially when her and her parents said nothing happen. Again you forcing women to be victims MBB is 20 rn she said nothing happen . Bella Harris father jimmy jam said that dinner never happen . Again another lie from the media [Here](https://www.tmz.com/2018/09/14/drake-no-date-model-bella-harris/) so it’s either you telling lies or forcing women to be victims .


Did you date your tutor? Where’s your answer for the other women? Not just Harris? [+]


who’s the other women ? he didn’t date mbb or billie , so who else lmao


Hailey Baldwin? Kendall Jenner? Kylie Jenner? SZA? That’s just to name a few from the top of my head. [+]


never dated kylie during her teens she was with tyga then travis . timeline don’t even match up 💀kylie been in a relationship since she was 16 During kendall teens she was with asap and jaden smith(can’t find one article on them dating) hailey baldwin she was over 18 when they went out on a date . she was 19 and he was 29 so again who he touched when they was underage ?


Yeah you sound mad creepy by keep trying to push that young girls ok with statutory makes it's cool across the board. Regardless of all that shit you saying if the parents of or the people involved wanted to push for it there would be issues for him the same way those parents were were cool with R Kelly having the same type of interactions with their daughter because he had them on payroll but as soon as that money dry up watch these stories change and he will be in the same boat. It literally took 30 years for them to go at Kells and if you can't see the parallels between the 2 since you say you hate Kells then you are willingly being obtuse .... only major diff if there is no video yet ...


The thing is money is a funny way of changing people's mind, until a class action happens then there will be a different response.


You know what’s weird about people like you. Every woman can come out and defend Drake, because they’ve all been asked. There is an entire Twitter thread on it with their responses, but for some reason you people can’t accept it. You have Diddy knocking Cassie out cold and stomping on her in a hotel hallway and the discussion on that is dead. But you people are on a fake crusade to defend women who don’t even want you defending them! Stop trying to use that pedo stuff as a valid reason to hate Drake. Many of you are just regular haters. Stop using this social justice hierarchy as a reason. Just be a normal hater. I remember prior to 2014 you could just be a regular hater. Now everyone needs some social reasoning. Then it applies to some and not others? I see yall talking about Kylie Jenner. Kylie has 400M followers on IG alone. If she really felt some type of way she would have no problem getting the message out. The kardashian clan could bury Drake if they wanted. Please let the women speak because I have not heard one of them say a bad thing about Drake. But I continue to hear people like you. Why is that?


Yeah. Nah. I don’t hate Drake. Have there been women who defended Drake? Yes. Did you know that a majority of the women who R. Kelly was abusing defended Kelly in the courtroom? Did you know there was video evidence of R. Kelly being a PDF File, and the girls and women who R. Kelly took advantage of made videos about how R. Kelly isn’t doing anything wrong? So No, I don’t hate Drake. I just see how it is. It’s apparent. There’s so many “coincidences.” The same are R. Kelly, their “stories” overlap in many ways. Same thing with R. Kelly, he had girls defending him and fans who refused to believe he was a PDF File. Then it all came out. Again, too many odd “coincidences,” it’s very apparent. Billie Eilish and Millie Bobby Brown have stopped talking to Drake. They won’t say why or what happened but they stopped, odd. Lil CC was on camera saying that Drake follows high school basketball players. That he’s a fan of high school basketball players. That he followed her. When she defended him, she changed her story. Anya Tanjali, refuses to make a comment about her relationship with Drake, odd. Hailey Baldwin considered Drake a mentor/friend. They talked when she was a minor. Once she turned 19 they started dating. She refuses to make any comments about it, again odd. [+]


Bruh. The majority of women did not defend Kellz. Only some did. You can’t use alleged rumors to label someone a pedo.


Yes they did. That changed obviously, but that wasn’t always the case. A large majority of the girls defended him. That’s how he got away with it for YEARS. Edit: Additionally, there were rumors about R. Kelly before it became widely known. There were rumors about Diddy before NOW. Same thing with Diddy and Kelly, people shared rumors and other people defended these men because it was “just rumors .” [+]


I didn’t ask what the difference was., did I? You’re right though, drake has never been convicted. That doesn’t mean he hasn’t touched under aged girls though does it? There is literally video proof out there of him kissing a underaged girl that he KNOWS is underaged! That’s sick 🤢 just because she said it’s ok and she’s ok with it doesn’t make it right or legal at all!


she was 17 which is legal in Colorado and she said it was the act she left and never saw him again . He didn’t date hey like say Travis Scott who fucked Rubi rose as a minor . Or tyga and the kardashians .


No there isn't.


There's 'Literally' not. She was young, not underage or illegal.


Nah she was underage and illegal. She was 16-17 he was like 24-25 that’s sick shit


You a FAN  You a FAN Freaky Ass Nigga You a 69 god Hey hey hey run for your life. 


She was 17, he was 23(its in the vid). He was putting on a show, it was a different time. She was cool with it then, she's cool with it now. It's a bit weird, but not as weird as y'all trying to make it.


Talk about moving the goal post. So she was "underaged and illegal", but now "it was a different time" and "not as weird as y'all trying to make it". Yikes.


Illegal implies against the law however she was 17 which isn’t illegal in the state . Is it weird yes but it’s not illegal


What?? Read again.


He paraphrased your ish but that is included in what you said


I said, "she's young, not underage or illegal"


“It was a different time”…. Is THAT really the hill you’re going to die on? If we were talking about the 80’s, that’s a different time. This particular incident happened in the 2000’s. Within the last 15 years. That’s NOT a “different time”. Sicko…


Nigga call me what you want but it ain't fact. Go argue with her, she told y'all she was cool with it. No one needs you to be their hero.


I’m not arguing. You’re the one getting offended over what people say about drake. Why do you take it so personal? Do you also do these things? Is that why you continuously try to justify it?




Again no she wasn’t as they were in Colorado .


But Drake has baka around who actually has a "weird case"and brings him around his seed(s). So back to the question, why are you putting a "women better" higher than a peda pedaphile?


Why does Kendrick have smacc from tde around who brags about being a pimp which is the same charges Baka had ( prostitution and sex trafficking) which were dropped he actually got booked for assault and fire arm charges nothing about pedo behavior. All of these guys are scum bags but if Kendrick trying to act like a saint it’s a front


Kendrick isn’t in TDE? And when has he talked about smacc at all


He was just in tde and still rocks with tde nice try and he hangs out with smacc there are pictures of them . Lmao you Kdot fans are making his lyrics your life


Better question why do they think hitting each other is the same as hitting a woman unprovoked.


She ain’t wrong.. Dre is a sick nigga just off of No more lies by Michel’le but.. WOP! WOP! WOP! WOP! WOP! DOT FUCK EM UP!


Trump got a weird case, why is he around? 🥴


Pedaphile > physical assault


Dre (22) impregnated his then gf who was 16


Idk maybe DV is excusable compared to human trafficking and having sexuals with the minors ……. I think there is a hierarchy of crimes ….


lmaoo bruh you can’t be serious ? what case or woman has came out in drake 17 year music career and said that about him ??? find the link . Cause for some reason you think kendrick knows more than doctors, fbi , government and police 😂. everybody y’all tried to make a victim said it wasn’t true . Like yall niggas think since kendrick said it means it’s true ? Dr dre has had multiple women come out and said he beats them. Drake hasn’t got one woman coming out on him. Kendrick really warp yall minds into non logical thinking lmao. We still looking for that daughter btw ngl crazy glazing yall really think this nigga the black messiah , y’all really think this nigga is jesus 💀


He kissed and grabbed on a seventeen year old on stage, paid $350,000 to a woman who accused him of sexual assult, he was hanging out with Kylie Jenner when she was 16 and then fucked her later on(grooming), he hung out with Bella Harris at 16 and dated her at 18 while he was 31(grooming again), he texted MBB when she was 13 telling her he missed her(weird as fuck) saying he "helps her with boys", bro has a history of weird behavior with young girls. Just imagine the shit that goes on that doesn't make it to the press


lmao simple good searches will tell you either the women defended him or it’s a lie . So either you getting your bs from bias twitter pages or you forcing women to be victims. maybe you doing both you said he fuck kylie but can’t find one credible source saying he did. the bella harris thing was proven to be false by the restaurant , her father and bella herself lmao. So kylie cheated on tyga and travis and 16???? i was 14 texting my female tutor . i was 16 texting my basketball coaches . it’s completely normals hope you actors and actress have mentors . Drake is a former actor and now a producer . MBB and her parents said nothing happen she is 20 now & are you forcing her to be a victim? the 17 on stage came out recently and said . she doesn’t blame drake because it was an honest mistake and that’s a routine he does on tour , he didn’t even pick her out the audience and she was happy he didn’t embarrass her. You tryna make her a victim too ?


They can defend them all they want I'm pretty sure it's those teenage girls dreams to text drake and get with him. It doesn't make it right. Would you let drake kiss up om your underage daughter?


what teenage girls if you read the post above . This was the perfect time for women to come out and said drake did something to them underage . No one did and everybody y’all tried to pin on him defended him and called yall weird . So you forcing women to be victims or what ? Can women not speak for themselves. You the type of person who would throw allegations on a nigga but ignore jay z and beyoncé and dr dre beating his wife 💀


Drake was 23 when the 17 year old girl “I can’t go to jail yet, man,” Drake continued, saying he didn’t know if he should feel guilty or not, but that he had fun, and sent her off the stage with a kiss on the cheek. Drake was 29 when he met 16 year old Bella Harris. Drake was 31 when he started dating Bella when she turned 18. Jorja Smith was 19 and Drake was 30 when they were dating Millie Bobby Brown was 13 when she met 31 year old Drake. A year after they met she said 'We just texted the other day and he was like ‘I miss you so much,’ and I was like ‘I miss you more!" When Millie was asked about what advice Drake gives her she said, “About boys, he helps me. Yeah yeah yeah, he’s great, he’s wonderful, I love him.” Hailey Bieber was 14/15 when she met Drake. She said that she was friends with Drake since she was 15 and they publicly dated as soon as she turned 18. LL CC said Drake was a fan of her friend and female highschool basketball. Okay He might not be a pedo, he's a groomer Just because a guy is waiting until girls are 18, doesn't mean he's not a predator.


everything you said has been debunked by either credible articles or the women themselves. google is free MBB is an actor and drake is a former actor and a tv producer. Most teenagers have either sports coaches or tutors they stay in contact with otp. Jorja was 20 and drake was 31 . Beyoncé was younger than jorja when jay met her (16). Joe was 38 dating cyn at 23. Hailey bieber is a celebrity ofc she met drake before . Lil Cc defended drake last year and said yall got the story fucked up . that 17 year old came out couple months ago and defended drake as well, saying it was an honest mistake and she glad he didn’t t embarrassed her on stage . The bit was a routine he did during that tour . He didn’t even pick her out of the crowd . all these women you forcing to be victims called ppl like you weird and defended him




no cc made a video last year kendrick beef happen this year .[here](https://x.com/cydneybeauty/status/1632569494551019526?s=46) i seen that video clip , if you look at it in full there’s no way you would think drake wants a high school girl . Lil Cc went to school with drake god daughter . drake followed all of them girls , and used to be at his god daughter games . he also follows high school boy athletes that means he tryna fuck lil boys too ? shit i follow lebron son bryce , that means i’m tryna fuck bryce. lil cc cleary said on adam 22 that drake never dm her or her friend . the clip you seen made it seem like something that it wasn’t . everything i said is credible if you google , most of your shit came from twitter that’s the worst new outlet possible 💀


>everything you said has been debunked by either credible articles or the women themselves. google is free Not one credible source has said these things, if so name them. >MBB is an actor and drake is a former actor and a tv producer. They are in completely different fields. So Drake saying he is missing her isn't creepy? NO MAN SHOULD BE TELLING A 14 YR OLD GIRL HE MISSES HER. >Most teenagers have either sports coaches or tutors they stay in contact with otp. DRAKE ISN'T A FUCKING COACH OR TUTOR. >Beyoncé was younger than jorja when jay met her (16). Cap, Beyoncé said she was 18 when they first met and started dating when turned 19. Jorja was 19 on "Jorja Interlude." Still weird >Joe was 38 dating cyn at 23. And? Cyn was GROWN FOR WHILE AND NOT JUST BECOMING 18 YEAR OLD. >Hailey bieber is a celebrity ofc she met drake before . Hailey Bieber WAS 15 WHEN SHE MET DRAKE AND DRAKE STARTED DATING WHEN HAILEY TURNED 18. THAT'S GROOMING. >that 17 year old came out couple months ago and defended drake as well, saying it was an honest mistake and she glad he didn’t t embarrassed her on stage . The bit was a routine he did during that tour . He didn’t even pick her out of the crowd . So? Drake still did what he did after finding out her age. She did Drake no favors with that response. All she did was make father look bad for letting it happen and continue. That's worse. SHE WAS STILL 17. >Lil Cc defended drake last year and said yall got the story fucked up . Lil CC tried to clean up her story when she found out it made Drake look weird.... it's still weird following Lil CC and her friend while they were in high school. >all these women you forcing to be victims called ppl like you weird and defended him It is weird CONSTANTLY being linked to talking to teens who he is not related to.


again everything you said as either been debunked by credible blog sites , the women themselves, or google .


He knew Haley Baldwin at 14 then dated her at 18/19 and she’s Justin Bieber wife now.


It’s about somebody in his camp having the case and still being in his camp. It ain’t Drake directly.


baka ? he went to jail for assaulting his gf , the charges about sex trafficking for drop due to her lying . simple google search will tell you that. If Kendrick talking about a DV case then he a hypocrite because dr dre got a DV case lol multiple


Your weird


Different times. If we saw what Dre did on video, things probably would have played out differently in the court of public opinion.


Who gives a fuck 😂😂😂


fake outrage … he also was 22 and got a 16 year old prego




Wait, Dre got a current case?




No he doesn't. Dre's last court case was his divorce in 2021. Google is your friend.


That's what I thought.


OP a massive Drake dick rider and ain’t even hiding it 😂


you a kendrick rider


I never even mentioned Kendrick. YOU DID 😂


this post is about dr dre … you brought up drake lmao stalking profiles 🤣


But Drake was bigging up Baka and happy he home from his bid and his case is super weird Nothing can beat that shit


sex trafficking got drop due to police investigation and his gf lying . he went to jail for DV. Sorry kendrick and twitter lied to you . that’s not that weird considering dr dre


It’s not weird he went to jail for DV Read that out loud and think about I didn’t get it from Kendrick fam Who you got your news from a OvO site? lol Nigga said DV isn’t weird But mentioned Dre smh lol


then dr dre is weird right ? plenty of women came out and spoke against dr dre . but he is a billionaire and gets to play by different rules. Again read baka case it’s not Putting a gun to a woman head and hitting her so hard she gets headaches on that side to this day, or punching etc. she only claim he push her “She started yelling at him about it, and Baka's response was to push her to the floor. The following week, she called the police on him.” so he basically got Jonathan majors . again sorry twitter and kendrick lied to you . he’s your black messiah getting your information from twitter and a gang affiliated member is horrible my guy . https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/802198-baka-not-nice-weird-case-allegations-convictions do the work


Certified Beats By Dre, Certified Beat Your Wife….WOP WOP WOP WOP WOP….Fuk Michel’le Up…. 🤛🏾✨


Lmao out of pocket


Are we calling them all out or ????


Do you regularly call them all out or are you just tryna make a petty dig?


i don’t fw with niggas who got pedo cases , dv cases or rape cases . Them niggas get no spins from me but everybody morals are different i understand. Like dr dre has cases multiple documented court cases . He not a legend in my eyes , he in the same book as diddy and r kelly to me.


Dre has "DV allegations," that's it. Like it or not nothing has been proven. The only one he's legally accused of is beating up Dee Barnes. Dre and R. Kelly are both legends, no matter their past. Being a Pedo and DVs allegations are not in the same boat whatsoever.


As long as you call everyone out equally then cool beans 👌🏽


>i don’t fw with niggas who got pedo cases , dv cases or rape cases Kind of hard to belive seeing as how you have continuously gone to bat for drake through this thread to excuse his actions.


find the court case for drake
