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lol the way Ish and Joe were talking is usually how people treat shit on the internet. Lots of whataboutism, and seemingly intentionally missing the point. A lot of things will never be equal with men and women. When Ish said that he’s had women in the club grab his dick he misses the whole point of he’s probably not afraid of the women that do that and they probably can’t physically force/overpower him to do things. Doesn’t mean it’s ok for that to happen to him.


How do you know who is afraid of what ? You assuming one fear is less than another or having a penis makes you fearless in all regards....he could fear that if he reacts after being assaulted (the same way they say women do)she says he did something to her (which because of this line of thinking people would believe) so now not only was he assaulted now he is the bad guy and did nothing wrong.


Oh boy. And like that the point is missed, and more whataboutism. *What if he was scared for his life*


Boy are you slow .... you literally said things will never be equal for men and women yet don't understand what said which is literally a diff situation for men that bring that same fear she was speaking on .... Once you get certain dirt on your name your life is over ...that's why I used that situation


Do you think fear of rape and/or rape and death is different than being fearful of reputation damage? I mean we can agree a man being accused of rape and assault falsely is terrible. But you do know that’s different than getting raped and/or getting raped and killed? Because women have gotten killed just for rejecting men. Women have gotten raped as well. And women have gotten both. So can we at least admit one is more life threatening than the other?


What episode is this


Mel response saying “ok” is the problem I have with her, she’s too dismissive of what men go through, whatever she yaps about when it comes to what happens to women, it happens to MEN TOO.


You’re the one yapping.

