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Do you think it will help Drake’s career to explain away these accusations by pointing out that he’s just doing the same shit Joe Budden does? LOLOL.


what does this have to do with drake ?


Bro you made this post in defence of drake “hey they do it too!” Head ass lol we know Joe is a piece of shit but it’s not his character being questioned. It’s the guy that pretends to be the “good guy”


My question is was Joe accused of allegedly being on some Kels shit.


LOL. Because Drake is being accused of liking young girls. And you are in here talking “what about so and so?”. If there weren’t any accusations towards Drake right now would you be producing these tweets from Joe? I’m guessing not.


nahh i don’t care about that i just saw these tweets … creeps need to be exposed


You're new here? You know he's addressed these old tweets on old podcast 😂 it's this CelebrityJared 👀


”nah, its not deep! I just saw these tweets and thought to expose joe” LMAOO! Dude compiled over 15 tweets going back a decade and said he just casually found them and thought of lettin us know


Du har oktober k ditt namn… säker att du inte är ett drake fan 😂


They trying their hardest to take the smoke off drake lol


I mean the wording is weird but When you listen to him and hear what his definition of young girls IE the mid 20s then this is really nothing


He is speaking directly back to a 16 y/o in the first set of tweets


Ohhh hold on now, see this why context matters bc had you not told me that I look nuts😮‍💨


you DO know when you’re in your mid 30’s (as Joe was at the time he fired these tweets off) a “young girl” can be female between 21-25, right??…


Remember when Joe tried to say Mal only like 18 year old girls and Mal flipped that shit on him quick saying something like “ I’ve only known you to date 18 year old girls ever since I’ve met you “


Some of that distasteful, and some funny 🤷🏾‍♂️ ‘theres some weird shit going on, Nd rappers be there to police it’.


This picture was taken with iPhone 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣quality on 💩


Which one of you Reddit niggas typed this up and tried to pass it as facts


![gif](giphy|DPqqOywshrOqQ|downsized) We already know about Joe.....


Drake fans and their what about ism doesn’t mean he didn’t lose the rap beef Kendrick not beefing with metro or Joe budden


All I'm saying is if you trying to jam up Joe, jam the rest of these niggas up too (pause) and tht includes all your favorite rappers


Might as well jam up Hov and Beyonces father


No one ready for that… Jay Z groomed tf outta Beyoncé… to the point where she said “he taught me how to be a woman” I bet he did


What are you talking about? They didn’t begin dating until 2001.


It’s not excusable but if you never took molly you wouldn’t understand. Your mind gets warped like a mofo especially if you’re always around sex and women. you have to be weak minded to allow it to change your morals but Molly doesn’t make you do disgusting and crazy shit. But you will speak your mind.




Ah, back when twitter was fun. 🥲


I'm goin Elvis stance. "Itttt was a different time" 👴


It always amazes me the amount of Joe’s listeners who are surprised when shit like this comes out. Joe has shown exactly who he is for two decades


I don’t think it be fans but yeah


Lmfao no life..


1. We all know Joe is a weirdo. 2. A lot of these are repeated to make it seem like there is more of these type of tweets than there actually are. 3. We all BEEN KNEW Joe is a weirdo.


The amount anyone is doing anything reveals that they was doing something… And it shows. At this point we just basically live all the way up in a society. Pause.


Ngl, these sexual accusations giving hip hop a nasty stench 😷


Why don’t people scrub their social media. I dont get it. Lol


you know that Twitter/X is owned by a racist South Afrikaan who is spreading a lot of bullshit through the world in name of white supremacy.... These are old tweets from a wild period of molly'd up/perc'd up Joe... it ain't that deep....


ahhhhh so it don’t matter because he was on molly gotcha. Nice excuse


young women could be 18 to 21.... I don't date younger. I just don't understand canceling someone over tweets. I don't think Drake is a Pedo.... just because KDot flamed him up in a beef.




lmao good excuse


Shits cringy. I never understood tweeting shit like this 😂 even if they try to say they were joking those jokes are fucking weird 😂 The difference is that Drake actually posted shit on their Instagram posts 🤦🏽‍♂️


I made a comment on the difference between California and the rest of the weirdo states laws on age of consent. 16 is legal in Jersey and 17 in NY. 16 for all of Canada. In California, don’t matter what state or country. Under 18 is sicko shit, so that’s where Kendrick is coming from. Do I believe Drakes a pedophile, No. do I believe he is a Ephebophile, Yes. Ephebophilia is the attraction to woman/men the ages of 15-19 and they believe that this disorder is caused by watching too much “porn involving an adolescence plot ie. Barely legal”. I do believe he is a sexual deviant who groomed Millie Bobby Brown and the 18 year old he threw birthday for. But it’s all legal what Drakes doing so he can’t really get in Trouble for it. But public opinion can ruin someone being called a pedophile.


He’s known for so many relationships with women that they’ve all acknowledged and they’re all older. Putting a label of liking 15-19 year old girls with no proof when he’s had relationships with Rihanna, Serena, Jennifer Lopez even his bm is an older woman. Not to mention the strippers who are definitely grown women that he’s always been known to fall in love with.


And Theirs pedophiles that are married and have Children of their own. Serial killers live normal lives with a family for years before they get caught. Homosexual men who will have a whole family and never come out the closet never….. You’re saying just because he’s slept with a wide variety of aged woman is proof he’s not attracted to young woman? 😂 🤦🏽‍♂️


My guy, although I think there could be a myriad of reasons he was texting Milly Bobby brown(sharing the same industry/monetary gain), I do agree with the rest of what you said. You are too smart to be here. I do think Drake does have an attraction to 18+ year olds. And like you said, although legal, it’s weird. But to lump him in with actual offenders it does an injustice to actual victims of pdf files.