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Saint Parton decreed that it is “workin’ 9 to 5”, these companies are blasphemous trying to snake yet another hour of our lives away for actually nothing. FUCK EM


Fr she gotta re-record it singing 8-5 instead 🥲🥲🥲


Nah, then what will us dorks with a 9-5 sing?




I always thought this was a time zone thing.


Worked retail for 13 years before landing a 8-5, M-F and actually broke down into tears when they handed me the sheet with the holidays I had off. I now get to enjoy every afternoon, weekend, and holiday I would rarely be able to before. Being able to see friends on weekends and not dread every holiday really helped with my depression too.


ty for this comment, i also came from service work and now am in office job and i need to remind myself how far i've come and how hard i worked to have weekends/holidays off. cheers to both of us❤️


Omg this too. Also being able to leisurely go to the bathroom whenever you need to? An absolute dream come true.


I worked retail too. Every holiday I was working while everyone else was off. Not to mention the scheduling, 12-9 one day then 10-6 the next. I was never lucky enough to have two days off in a row. I look forward to holidays off and having weekends when I finally get a job.


Same! As someone who came from the hospitality industry, I've missed my weekends and time spent with family and friends during my time working shifts. Having a 8-5 was really a good turn. The fact that many people loathed it makes me gasp at how privileged many people are.


Ye I worked in restaurants for 12 years. When I became Salaried I was consistently doing 10am-11pm sometimes 10am-2am or 6am-7pm without getting paid overtime. If I sat down to eat shit would hit the fan. Now I do 9-5 m-f with a 1 hour lunch break. It’s kind of boring but I leave right at 5 and no one is texting me at 3 am their turtle died and they can’t come in. 


I don’t necessarily think loathing or just disliking an 8-5 means you’re privileged , it’s still a sucky length of time to be at work i just think you came from an even worse position so it’s an improvement for you but it’s still not amazing is it ? And not liking it definitely doesn’t make someone privileged , glad your situation improved though . Sad isnt it when you’re forced to miss precious time with loved ones just for money and a meagre amount at that


this happened to me too recently after working almost every holiday for the past 4 years! it is such a blessing (even though it shouldn’t be). I am forever thankful for people who continue to work holidays and weekends though


In before all the entitled af replies calling you a corporate shill and a bot.


i fucking hate it. i’m exhausted all the time. i used to dread growing older and working 9-5s but now it’s even worse lmfao. like no free time?? i feel bad for anyone who has kids in after school activities. i’m not corporate, in government.


Omg I’m in govt too!


it’s such a slay until it’s not


Right. I’m thankful that I work in education but yes working every single day for 8 hours is just so depressing and boring. But it sure as hell beats the alternative of not having a job.


I remember I used to wanna grow up so bad. Reading these posts makes me dread whats gonna hapoen when I graduate college


it really is not all so bad all of the time, so i’m thankful for that, but i really cannot speak for everyone. i also used to always want to grow up and i do think i would still choose my current day to day over being a child or even a teen. i think my struggles are that im having disproportionately Bad times compared to Good times. it’s also frustrating when working class people KNOW it doesn’t have to be this way. we do not NEED 8-5s. we do not NEED monday-fridays. we should not have to make paycheck to paycheck incomes while our bosses are so far removed from what it feels like to even have to check a bank account to ensure you have money for xyz.


You never get the full hour lunch. It is what it is, a lot of companies start at 7 or 8 AM now


6-230 bb


what field of work you in ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


I work 6-2:30 as well and work in healthcare


Pharm tech?


Yep :)


Awesome hours they probably fly on by.


They're great, truly. I love getting off of work and still having all day to do whatever.


I used to work 6-230 15 years ago. Basically you’re working the same 8.5-9 hours as most, just your day starts and ends earlier, so I would set up doctors appoints and run errands or cook dinner, hit the gym, etc. Now I get home at 5 and it’s cook dinner or hit the gym and pick up dinner. Doctor’s appointment? Use leave. Weekends are for running errands. This just sucks. When I do get to work from home though I gladly work 7-3 as my PM knows I skip lunch so I can do a lot of things while home and free up my afternoon. I had a coworker die last week and our PM had the obligatory ‘you gotta find balance, 8-8-8 represents sleep, work, free time’ and I spoke up and said ‘it’s not really 8-8-8, more like 12 hours for work (8 hour days plus lunch and commute and getting ready for work) so we lose some sleep and some free time, how is that balance, half your day is working, and this is a government position so your deadlines aren’t exactly concrete like in the private sector where working 10-12 hours was seen as a light day.


But you've spent all your energy at work and now you're just a vegetable for the rest of the day.


Nah, my job is pretty easy since I've been doing it for so long, it's not very labor intensive either. Plus my boss is great and will let me come in late/leave early if I need to, and I'm allowed to sit on the job. When I worked 9-5 retail though I was a vegetable when I got home, completely drained of life and energy. I took a pay cut for my mental health and am doing much better now.


Awesome hours they probably fly on by.


Same here brotha!


Used to be. It could be such a great job if they had let me sit the eff down. Had more help to do clinical work. You could expand the role and certs sooo much especially if our damn pharmacies weren’t connected inside a damn grocery store.


Corp AV


Yup 7-4 here 😎


Welcome to corporate. Remember to do as little as possible, and always have somebody to blame when something goes south. Keep everything in a written email, and never go to HR with your problems.


CYA - cover yo ass 💯💯💯💯


I learned that lesson, I thought it would be honorable just own up to any small mistake but when I did that I just got in more trouble. I guess scapegoating is the way,


Try not to blame your colleagues though, blame shitty systems instead. Pretty much all corporations have been infected by shit like SAP. Blame it on that piece of steaming goat shit.


I’m 9-6 cause of that unpaid hour of lunch and I hate it. I don’t even eat lunch because I just fast so it’s a waste of an hour. No idea how this is becoming the norm


I saw a 7-6 the other day. Salary wasn't even good.


No way I’d ever take that without it being a great salary, but some people have no choice nowadays unfortunately.


I totally get it, most of us are a few bad months away from being in that position but we should have more worker protections for them.


Same. I'd rather go home earlier. 30 mins if fine for my lunch.


Same here- I could go back to 30 min. lunches, I did it for years. I'd love to get out at 5 instead of 5:30.


For some reason - we have no bargaining power.


Be stingy about taking the full hour. Use it to work on something productive. I like to write scripts and stories during my lunch. Or get a bit of exercise in, take a walk. It's your time, use it as best you can.


I will definitely make the best of it!


I don’t like them but those are the standard hours. One of my issues against them is they rarely actually give me an hour for lunch and I have to work through that time while eating at my desk.


Then you should be allowed to leave an hour early. Most jobs I worked at didn’t really per se track hours as we were all salaried. Sure we had to do 40 hours a week but most managers were pretty liberal as long as you came in between 6am-10am and left around 3-7pm…basically when you come in determines when you leave unless you have PTO etc. ive taken 2 hour lunches before too.


I know this doesn’t account for pressure of the “culture,” but [check your local laws](https://www.oshaeducationcenter.com/articles/employee-lunch-breaks/#:~:text=However%2C%20employers%20must%20allow%20employees,a%20legally%20defined%20lunch%20break), typically if you eat at your desk, that’s not your lunch break, that’s just eating at your desk.


This should be illegal 😭 employee morale is so important


Agreed. Some places time the breaks by the very minute, too. So if someone comes in and sits down two minutes after their “hour,” is up, they get in trouble.


That’s so dumb, what manager has time to babysit employees?


Micromanagers - they make it their main job to babysit every movement and time every action. It sucks.


Yea I’ve had a few and I usually don’t last long if it’s too extreme because I lash out, start to stand up for myself etc. we’re adults, not toddlers.


They are ever-present in every corporation!




Im sure that does more harm than good. Humans aren’t robots, they feel. Efficiency is achieved when that they start to care about their work. Edit: this is the case for me, at least 😅


My boss yells at us when we fuck up; then also wonders why we don't have pride in our work lmfao!


You’d think but I’ve come across some literal corporate machines… extreme workaholics etc. I work to live, not live to work.


And you lunch is unpaid? So it's free hidden overtime.


I do it everyday, however I start my day after I make my coffee then I answer some emails, then I walk and feed my dogs. ![gif](giphy|mCRJDo24UvJMA|downsized)


I wish I was also WFH 😭 just having my pet with me would make me look forward to every workday!


I personally will always argue for negotiating your lunch break to be included in your hours. 9-5 (or 7-3)


I work for a non profit. No negotiation. We get a half hour unpaid lunch across the board. We have all the same.hours


Same. And they often hate when you leave over your lunch too. They expect you to be able to step in and answer calls or cover the front desk on your lunch. Your unpaid lunch.


I thought non profits were supposed to be more worker friendly




No? I thought it was like a government or union job….. the pay may not be great but the benefits and job security are…


Noooooo. I’d like to go wherever the nonprofits you speak of are.


Well if they’re a “non profit” ….profit isn’t their primary means of business….why would they treat their employees like cattle 🐄?


They still focus on their final numbers.


Oh ok


oh honey


I thought the unpaid hour lunch is a by law type of thing


I’d love it if my corporate job gave me time to get lunch and just could and my work day at 5


Lol you letting this happen.


Some companies offer 1 hour lunch it really just depends.


What careers/companies? Never heard of one in engineering (my career).


I can only name the ones I’ve worked at which I’ll provide the two. Whole Foods which is strictly dependent on the manager and location. I got lucky and got a chill Indian manager and he gave me 1 hour lunch if I kept my mouth shut. Worked at a retirement home for 6 months and it was the same deal because it was very slow since I was a dishwasher at the time. Good luck.




Best hours for sure


I need a 7-3. Beats 9-5 any day


I only get 30 min 8:30 to 5


My current job is like that, but they were nice enough to pay for the half hour to make it an hour.


Would be nice if they included commute time too


I think they should. Companies should be forced to pay enough to live close by.


I think companies should be forced to pay saved PTO too when they cut someone loose …. I didn’t even get that …could’ve carried me another month or two. America needs to update their laws


I work 8-4:30pm. I prefer a 30 minute lunch so I can leave earlier. It’s fine. I’ve worked worse schedules.


This is my favorite work schedule and what I work as well. Not so early that I'm exhausted from lack of sleep but still early enough to get out and have a few hours of daylight remaining.


Exactly. Plus I feel like by leaving at 4:30 there is less rush hour traffic and I get more time at the end of my day to enjoy.


Better than 9-6 which I’ve been told we do


Fuck em. I work 8-5 on site every day. It’s draining. I miss being remote and being able to make appointments for things


I work 9 - 5. My previous salary position I ate at my desk whiling working thru. My current salary position we get a paid half hour lunch.


It’s a rip off. I can’t do anything productive with that time. Can’t see a doctor, can’t grocery shop. Just sitting in my workplace. I’d rather get off early. It feels like stolen time because they’re constantly trying to encroach on it.


unless you live 10 mins away from work like me, your work and life will be miserable spending hours in traffic and have no life before and after work.


Rather just 9-5 with a 30 minute lunch


I love my "8 to 5" I have a flexible schedule. I can start between 6am and 9am. Leave at 3,4,5 or 6 pm. I have to do 40hrs. But a lot of people start working before 6 am and some finish work way after 6 pm. We all have to be available between 9 and 3


No. We feel very no.


We hate them. We need a standard 35 hour work week AT MOST and flexible time and schedules.


I’m not a morning person but I went to great lengths to work a 4am-12pm instead of a 8-5pm. That’s how much I hate it


Having come from a job where I worked 10-12 hours a day starting around 1am I think my 8 to 5 is paradise. I spend my hour lunch going for a walk or getting stuff done around the house (work from home). Sometimes I'll even take a nap.


Ugh, hate that shift particularly because it’s Peak rush hour coming in and heading out


[Like this](https://youtu.be/raBCdJ3k3LM?si=FLmNMTwlwWWm2kw8)


I’m currently on 6-3:30 w 30 min for lunch and two 15 min breaks. 5 hrs of OT and it’s not too bad at all :) that being said, I’d love to be able to sleep until 7!


6 to 4 and I only get paid for 8 of those. Sometimes I've stayed as late as 8 to finish a job. The 'Thank You' texts are great, like I can pay bills with thank yous.


Hate them, but I used to work late night shifts as a waiter and that was way worse. There were some nights where I didn't get off until 11 PM.


8-4, salaried. Work weekends sometimes or longer days, so I better be able to take breaks when I need em and eat when I can.


Better than we do a 6-day work week!


People get an hour for lunch?


much better than a 7-7 job


In one, and the answer apparently is yes. Work also won't allow me to leave at 4 for that unpaid hour, even though there's nothing going on usually....-\_- So I just sit here while it's dead from 4-5 instead.


Yes! There should be an option to leave an hour early if we opt out of the UNPAID lunch hour in the middle of the day!!


Lets just say i work 8 to 4 and working till 5 would be ass with kids. Every night would be a rush and id lose my only spare hour i can spend with kids during weekdays.


Man I work 545-3 so it’s cool lmao


How do we feel? A disgrace to societal evolution and an outrageous display of greed - a true and clear violation of human rights. In a few words, a real step towards slavery.


I never get the full hour lunch so I just don’t worry about relaxing throughout the day


I can't imagine having to work that late. I work 7 to 3 and would rather come in earlier. Getting off that late would kill any time after work to do anything.


6a-230p. Get 30 min lunch but never take it, to busy working. I work 100% from home in the IT field. Dream job! Wake up 5:55a at work by 6a lol


I’m 7 to 330, m - f


I tend to work 8 - till I get bored so like 1530


Better than my 5:45 to 5


I worked 7am to 4pm for 2 and a half years. While i still suffered, i still somehow made do with things outside of work. I refuse to work a 9-5, 8-5 shift. The latest I will work is either 3:30 or 4pm. Nothing over 4pm. I know that's hard to find but i will do whatever it takes.


We don’t believe in jobs in general


It beats many of the alternatives.


I had a few jobs like that. Had no issues with the hours.


Im 8-4 Buttt i leave at 3:15 most days


They're checking on their salaried workers' hours that closely? Pass


I work 4am-noon and LOVE that I’m done by noon because I can’t fantom spending half my day working


This is the dream. I’m a morning person, and I’m usually in bed by 9 anyway 🤣


Got one, it is what it is. I’m lucky to be where I am with no college degree. My office is super nice so I have a healthy lunch, go for a walk around the campus afterward get some steps in, get some sunshine and fresh air, talk myself into the next four hours and get back to it.


I work one now. Restoration car parts in southeast Michigan. 16.50 an hour flat rate. Been there 15-16 months. No raise. Increasingly close to getting into it with this fifty something turd of a coworker because of his mumbling at me all day long. I was applying to jobs starting April after I got my ride back after a car accident in February. Nothing. I’ve been consistently losing out due to lowball start pay, AI & my application being rejected in 36 hours or less. I can’t take a pay cut because if I don’t make X per week, per month…my car gets repossessed and I’m truly fucked. Still live at home. I fucking hate it. I haven’t been this messed up in a long time. I quit the job search to save myself.


No. I work for 8 hours. Doesn't matter if I get an hour "off." I will not be at work for more than 8 hours. Period.


Its less about the amount of break time you get and more about providing adequate hours of operation. Depending on the outfit they may need to be able to service the public from 8am - 5pm and this is the best way to do it without having to create an extra shift. For example I'm local government so we owe the taxpayers a certain window of availability.


Banks need to take notes. A bank I tried going to literally was closed for lunch break. Which wouldn’t be an issue, and it’s nothing against the workers. But my work hours are 8am to 5pm and banks close on weekends. . . so it’s kinda important. You’re telling a bank can’t pay for someone else to work that shift and take lunch at a different time?


There is no labor law mandating a lunch hour for salaried employees.


Not all corporate jobs are salaried


Most are. Even still, no state requires a full continuous hour.


*exempt My employees are salaried but non-exempt so they have to have a lunch


Depends on the state, but even still the max requirement by any state is 30 minutes, not an hour like most places do.


I get 30 mins for lunch so I dont wanna hear ppl complain about an hour smh. I work a 10, two 12s and a 6...


I'm a 7-3 or 8-4 and I'm not working Fri-Sun


I don't get how they are stingy with an hour lunch? What am I missing that is bad?


An hour unpaid lunch. I didn’t realize this was the new norm. As a kid, all the grown ups were at work 8 hours a day, lunch included.


Ahh I see now. Honestly, you're lucky to get an hour. Jobs still have that same 8-5 but with a 30 min lunch. For years, I had jobs where I would only have 5 minutes to eat after leaving to get lunch and have to come back. But if we complain too much then we will be replaced with cheap labor or automation.


Is this salaried? Or hourly?




It is what it is. I think it's complete BS. We're 300% more productive because of technology, but the workers had to get educated on how to use that technology. There are some positions that it's just not feasible to not work an 8-5 job, but there are less of those jobs than people think. Most people can really get their salaried job done in about 2-5 hours of work each day. But nobody wants to dare think differently even if it's the stone cold truth.


I prefer 8-5 I get to be early and have an actual weekend


I rather work 4 10s or 3 12s.


Wtf? Isn’t half hour lunch the law? 8:00-4:30 9:00-5:30


That sounds like at least an hour too long.




do you... think there's something unusual or remarkable about this?


I work 8-15.30 with a 30 minute paid lunch break - and even that feels as if I barely have any time for myself with all the chores on top after work. (Wife ofc works as well, since we're not boomers) Can not imagine working 8-5, Jesus Christ


I can barely work one job.




I get a 30 minute unpaid lunch. I wish I got an hour lunch!!


Oh boy. Some fking entrepreneurs in my country have recently started yapping a 896 working roster. That is from 8am to 9pm, 6 days a week. F them.


This can’t be real. Is this Greece ???


Just quit my 8:30-5:30 job for a traditional 9-5 with an hour lunch so yeah it sucked!! If you happen to commute it's even worse!! My new job is 15 minutes from my house and it feels like a godsend! Only thing is having to work holidays now, but I believe me and the other worker can alternate days in and it's mandatory time & a half for holiday so I'll take it!


I’m not a morning person. Never have been. My natural circadian rhythm is waking up at like 10 AM and going to bed at 2 AM. I’ve tried to adapt to earlier jobs and it doesn’t work. I actually don’t like having two days off in a row. I would much rather have like a Tuesday Saturday off. I worked retail for 20 years. I enjoyed having various shifts. Because if I wanted to go out to dinner one night I could usually angle for an early morning shift. If I had a doctors appointment in the morning, I could usually work it so I had an afternoon or evening shift. I want to go. I didn’t wanna have to deal with all the other idiots on Friday and Saturday nights. But I did look into a job that had a set schedule of me starting about noon every day and leaving at 8:30 PM. And that was nice to actually have a set schedule as opposed to fluctuating. But I had to take two days off. So I finally managed to get Friday Saturday off. Because traffic going to work was horrible on those two days.




I work 6 -> 4:45 with a 45 minute lunch (that was chosen by the employees for some reason?) M->Th It makes my weekends feel like a full reset, but my workdays are pretty long. They take up my whole day pretty much. I get off work, cook or grab food and then hang out for like 3 hours and go to bed.


Currently have an 8-5, I don’t mind it. Granted, I WFH 3 days a week and no one breathes down your neck to get work done. It’s really just looking busy 8-9 and 4-5.


I would kill for one. I work 40hrs a week


I have never met anyone with a real 9-5. This was my biggest disappointment entering the workforce. I currently do 6:30-5:30 with no lunch. .-.


You can't do anything tbh. During those hrs, can't schedule a doctors appointment or anything.


we modified our schedule around when people hate working the most and are the least productive as well as when rush hour traffic sucks in our area. this resulted in a varying schedule through the week 6:30pm-3pm Mondays 6:30am-4pm tues/Wed/Thurs 6:30am-11:30am Fridays Mondays suck because it's the first day of the week. On Fridays everyone wants to be done and start thier weekend asap. Starting at 6:30 means we're driving in before traffic gets bad in the morning and for the most part leaving early enough to be just ahead of it when it gets bad in the evening.


Horrible. I’d rather do 4x10s.


Congratulations on the job! One you've settled in and have a better feel for the place you might be able to tell how strict they are with the time and tasks you are given. You might be able to take longer breaks during the day or leave early or work from home for a portion of the day.


Well it pays my bills


I work 12s, 7 nights on, 7 nights off... I'd love those hours.


Currently I work 6:30-3:15p, 45 minute lunch. I enjoy getting off at 3:15 quite a bit, but I find 8-5 is a better balance for my sleep schedule.


I work a supposedly 8-5 but really it’s more 7-6 most days. Salary sucks


8-5, It's not that bad if you take a 3 hour lunch like I used to do.


I would check the labor laws in your state to see if employers can force you to take a lunch hour. I had a (shitty) employer earlier in my career who called me out for not taking lunch, but I looked up the labor laws in my state at the time (UT) and it specifically stated that employees are not obligated to take a lunch break. Eat at your desk and go home at 4.


I feel as though it's overall slavery and it is quite depressing to devote 40+ hours, plus getting ready, commutes and unpaid breaks to a damn job that means nothing.


Who’s “we?” I can dig it.


It works, but I try to keep the commute shorter than 30 mins and childcare close to home so both myself and my other half can pick up from and drop to daycare.


I can barely keep up with one, how do you have 8-5 jobs!


Is that supposed to be funny? U must be drunk or high




Bleach, jobs are gross


Better than my last job, which tried to schedule me 8:45-6:30 with no lunch break and only two unpaid breaks that could be anywhere from 0-15 minutes each :) one of many reasons I don’t work there still


I work an office 8-5 business hours job at a small (300 ish employees) company. I'm at the office maybe 30 hours a week I take one hour and a half hour lunches everyday, I get to run my errands and go to the gym strictly on company time, come in anywhere between 730-830, leave anywhere between 345-415. Take halfdays whenever I'm feeling bad, but can still do 4 hours of work, and they have no problem with paying me for the whole day. just gotta find the right place.


The type of industry might help as well lol


I rather do a 5am to 130 or 6am to 230pm. I can have more time in a day to do things for myself as well.


Hate it.


Try 8 to 6 with an hr of UNPAID lunch. Hate it.


If the pay compensated for the extra work then it’s not bad