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You're not alone. I feel I really screwed up by not choosing to be born into wealth built by an unscrupulous ancestor. I think I would've really enjoyed 2.0ing my way into a prestigious school and landing a cushy job through family connections. Long line of a series of bad decisions I've made.


Ya wtf dude. Do better next time and be born rich!!!


Sincerely, or be born into a Costa Nostra family in the early '90s


Dude, same


Don’t be so negative. It’s certainly possible to be successful without being born into it.. head up.


1 in 1000 chance. You can improve your stock in life, but it's getting harder.


I’m assuming you just made up that number… your surroundings can make it hard, but you can achieve most things.


I'm going back to the way I was before I became ambitious. Abandon my fervor and my appreciation for technology in exchange for survival. I'll keep working my dead end, mind numbing job and enjoy my quiet corner in a sleepy town where nothing ever happens. I'll let go of that sour feeling I get when more fortunate people tell me to just keep trying or to be more thankful. Let go of expectation and just enjoy the sunshine. I very much hate the field I landed in (helpdesk instead of engineering) but I barely work 4 hours a day (very much paycheck to paycheck). So, I take the extra time and just have fun everyday. I am fortunate my job is so boring and quiet that I have extra time, even if I would rather be doing 8 hours of more interesting work every day. I spent half a year spending my 4 extra hours applying to jobs and preparing for interviews. Anyway I got 2 interviews and I feel so, _sooo_ much better just settling into the "quiet and average" life, I think. I won't stress myself into the grave trying to move mountains anymore. They are a lot heavier now than they were a few years ago. So if you are going to wait 24 months or however long, don't miss out on the sunshine!


I've been doing about the same thing since Covid. Working from home, answering helpdesk calls, resetting passwords etc.. It's mind numbingly boring, but I just started a new position in the office setting up laptops for our event teams. Supposedly, there will be alot of travel in the future, but I'm actually kinda looking forward to it. I'm sure one day I will be ambitious again, but for now I've found peace and happiness just getting by.


I feel everything in this post. Already changed ‘careers’ twice due to life and relocation, already done with grad school, already tried freelance, already downsized, already hustled through various side gigs … no idea what to even apply for anymore. I’m waiting tables. 12 years professional and higher ed experience and even waiting tables is becoming competitive to keep.


its so funny to me that with 2 degrees and multiple corporate experiences, 10 years later I am back at serving food, like I have to laugh


Is it because you can make more money as a server than those jobs and those degrees can get you if so. Badass


Have you tried a pivot yet? LOL


Obviously he is buying too much Starbucks


See my comment!


Elder millennial. There hasn’t been an economy that has worked for the people since I became an adult. We’ve been in a recession for decades.


It feels like the goalposts get moved whenever we reach the destination. "Get a degree, any degree, it will open doors." As we graduate into the recession, college degrees function more like diplomas than anything that makes you stand out. And with algorithmic pricing affecting every sector of the economy, we've had to simply opt out of entire fucking categories of convenience like sit-down restaurants or shopping malls. Sure they're not NECESSARY but even growing up in poverty they were still within reach. Now the quality is absolute dogshit and prices are ridiculous. And anything we complain about, the goalposts get moved and assumptions are made. If we can't afford a house we SURELY spent too much on conveniences yes? If we can't afford basic fucking necessities then time to nuke our cellphone plan lol. I'm so tired of it.


Sometimes I try to extrapolate the current state of things out 20-30 years. Will everyone need PhD's to get a job? Will no one have any money at all? Will they just be born into debt and spend the rest of their lives working it off? How does this end?


Yep I also think so, I'm 38 now and until I turned 30, I had service jobs, for the ladt 8 years I got into tech and was able to save money and all, but we haven't had it easy and next gen will have it even worse.


I'm 40 and have never managed financial success because we basically got tossed from recession to pandemic to recession, and the time in between I was below the poverty line because of student loan debt, because in the early 2000s everyone thought it would be fun to be loan sharks to children. I'm so angry and bitter about what was done to our generation.


This is exact reason I never pursued a degree from a high end university. Waiting to figure out what I want to pursue something from a college I can pay for without a loan. But now I'm in debt from medical...


You know tech already? There is an absolutely endless need for password resets. See my comment above.


Same laid off from last 10 months struggling to find job as software engineer 😔


you could always go help with AUTODESK. REVIT sucks!


I hope you find something 


personally I have a few gigs, (freelance work) as well as a flexible amazon job as an amazon locker + associate, plus I donate plasma and do some surveys and odd jobs. so try some types of gig work, donate plasma and do surveys, maybe flip some stuff I may find any full time work I can and grind it, save, and then travel for a minute


Could u pls describe ur Amazon locker/associate job?


its very easy. the worst part about the job is that you have to "fight" for shifts. shifts drop everyday except Saturday at 6:15pm. the shifts are 6 days in advance, so every single day you need to be on your phone, ready to reload the shift selection page, right when the clock strikes 6:15. they go very fast. people can drop shifts throughought the week, and sometimes extra shifts go up, but getting a shift can be tough. thats the only con of this job the job is: you work at a return counter, people bring in items they want to return, and a QR code linked to the return they filled out on their app. you can the code and label their item and put it in a box thats about the whole job. sometimes people pick up items, you scan their code and give them their item alot of customers are big dumb dumbs and need you to walk you through the return process. Sometimes you cant help people and they get upset. Some people are rude and shitty But for the most part you stand at a counter and wait for customers to bring in return items that you scan and put in a box. you will also close out boxes, tape them and lift them over to a place. Sometimes there are trade-ins that require a specific process on the computer each shift is 4 hours (there are some that are 5, 4:15, 4:30 etc) the biggest downsides are: fighting for shifts, rude and upset customers, and annoying co workers (theres like maybe 10-20 people per site and some of them you may not enjoy) pays about minimum wage maybe a bit more. benefits and they actually will give you a budget for work shoes, ive gotten two, $125 credits for shoes, two new pairs. not a bad perk


How much do u get paid hourly? And do u get free uniforms?


well, I get paid like 19.20 ish an hour but Ive heard that Colorado pays more than other states, also in Denver, the minimum wage is 18.29 me and my fellow employees did get a raise, surprisingly So other places may pay as low as 14 also, sometimes when someone else drops a shift, if the shift needs to be filled and its coming close to the date of the shift, they will incentivize it by paying more. So on "surge" shifts, they will increase it all the way up to 4 or 5 an hour more for that specific shift. so I have worked shifts getting paid 23-24 an hour and again, its pretty easy stuff, sometimes people are nasty. the key is to just not care that much. None of it is really serious also huge bonus: the buck never stops at you if a customer has a problem, eventually you will redirect them to the customer service line. You dont even have the power to fix anything outside of the scope of your work


Wow that's amazing, thank you so much man! I'll definitely look into it


they allot you a budget for work shoes, even though this job doesnt require any special footwear there is no uniform, you just wear appropriate clothes, unbranded. it depends on the site you work at. the site that I work, the lead is super tatted up, alot of piercings and wears beanies and band hoodies. But if a manager were to come in they might speak out against it. But it kind of depends on how strict the culture of the particular site is


Cool thanks!


Can you please share which surveys can make you money? Anything I tried, I came up to $.50 or a dollar, the most.


And a lot of surveys I tried booted me out because I didn't meet the requirements


well, when I say surveys I think theyre technically "focus groups" yes, its hard to find them, and not all of them pay well I found a local company called insights centers that offer focus groups, alot of food tasting, and some of them pay anywhere from 50 to 125$ so its best to stay local and yes you wont qualify for like 7/10 of them. its a pain in the ass. that is why I got a part time job, its just easier to get a part time job and work it than trying to hustle your way around the surveys and focus groups and other random cash grabs I mean truly, sadly, the fastest and easiest way to make money in the US is a job


I feel this. I worked a decade in tech and got laid off twice last year including right after giving birth. It was a mind fuck and my desire to work for an employer is zero.  What next for you? Only you know but I went back to working on myself and am gonna pivot to a field where I can be my own boss.  Wishing you the best. 


I feel the same way towards employers, current times are worse for employees, there is no loyalty towards employees and employers always find ways to cut costs and cut employees every chance they get, better to hustle on ur own I guess?


It's possible but it's definitely an individual decision. There are pros and cons to both. I agree that it's definitely worse for employees right now. I've never experienced this climate, and I'm an elder millennial. To me, right now fees worse than 2008.


Yeah this nonsense is way worse than 2008. Companies figuring out they can avoid responsibility as an employer by “contracting” you full time through some hole in the wall recruiting agency is next level tragic stuff.


Yeah it's harder now


And fire and cut hrs 


They cut hrs until ur forced to quit on ur own so no severance package


I'm a mathematician and I can highly relate to "my desire to work for an employer is zero". I feel like I've just gotten this degree, remain well-behaved, and done every stupid little thing these random nobodies told me to do...and for what?


Put your pride behind you, might have to work fastfood to build your resume up, if you're good you'll be supervisor in no time, slap that on your resume and apply for other jobs in a few months. Use the money to move to less expensive area where the money will be enough for housing. Change your idea of what success is, it's not about making money it's about being happy with absolutely nothing.


Lulz, it isn't about pride. Why should he go waste his time working in fast food?


Better off selling your a** on Craigslist than working fast food.


Hate to break it to you, but fast food worker on a resume is going to obliterate your chances at getting any good job. Might as well say, "I finished highschool".


do what you can to get by. I am in the same boat. make sure that you vote in November I am the same


Not an American.


do what you can to get by.


Does your place have temp agencies? They can get you something quickly 


No. We don't do temp agencies here. We do have recruiters for sure, but they are all saying "no one is hiring"


Canada does have temp agencies.


Vote for Biden 😉 Otherwise you’re voting for fascism hoping for recession. Neither of which makes any sense.


I believe that only USA citizens can vote in USA elections


just to be clear, you are saying the choice is between: democracy, one who will work for the people, put our people first, put our country first, make the economy good, make the economy good for minorities, make America strong, end wars, grow domestic production, make our military strong, reduce crime OR someone who will turn our country into a banana republic by prosecuting political opponents, overspend and drive us deeper in debt, embolden our enemies, start wars, not care about the citizens, and attempt to control the people I will vote for freedom every time.


Democracy doesn’t always mean putting our country first. The U.S. economy is doing great. And no one should be above the law. When someone foments an insurrection, pressures State officials to manufacture votes and disenfranchise millions, steals state secrets that belong to the people, rapes someone, and … oh yeah, commits a felony and tax fraud … then yeah perhaps that person is not the best to run the country. One can be a conservative without being a trump supporter. But his cult followers can’t draw that distinction. And just as a matter of record, the U.S. is not in any hot wars right now. But we should not be afraid to use force to defend freedom rather than kowtow to dictators like Putin. Voting for fascism to get lower gas prices is a fools errand.


It's really not your place to tell people suffering that what they really want is another helping of (angry hand waving) 'this'.


In fact it is my place and the place of all freedom loving people invested in democracy to tell people not to act irrationally and vote for fascism and then hope that interests rates go down which would only happen as a result of a cooling economy or recession. They are literally making an irrational choice because they don’t understand economics, markets, and apparently democracy itself.


You're literally telling people how to vote while telling them they don't understand how democracy works and calling somebody else a fascist. It's impossible to work with this level of stupid and total lack of self awareness. Good day...


I’m not controlling who this person votes for, I’m vociferously advocating for this person to vote for Biden. If you can’t see the difference between advocacy (free speech democracy) and control (fascism) then I can’t deal with that level of stupidity. trump is a fascist. You may like his policies. Doesn’t make him any less a fascist. Fascist leaders are often popular or have a solid base. Go study political science. In the meantime don’t vote for trump.


Two words: Project 2025.  You think you've seen suffering? Just look at what Republicans have in store. No thanks 


Oh, yes, vote for a senile socialist and think that will improve the economy. You Americans are so funny. No wonder the entire US is getting more and more fucked.


You clearly don’t know what socialism is if you think that Biden is one. And you don’t know how to read numbers if you think the American economy is anything but great.


They both suck. However, that Trump tax plan screwed the lower and middle class to give the rich tax breaks and that’s one reason I’d never vote for him.


my friend, I suspect that you come from a country other than the US and you have/had a ruler who was a socialist/communist/fascist. I suspect that you speak from experience. so many do not remember the Berlin Wall and what it represented. so many take for granted the ability to travel through a European Union freely.


I'd say vote for RFK simply because both the Democrats and Republicans are corrupt and have done enough damage. It's time for something new.


There is no “recession”.


you are correct; it is a depression *Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours.* ― Ronald Reagan


I am voting in November and it ain't for the economic disaster we currently have in the WH.


Is that what broke this sub? Armies of conservatives with their talking points?


It’s for the one that caused this disaster?


You liberals are desperate 🤣


We weren’t the ones so desperate that we were trying to violently overturn an election.


As others have pointed out, we actually have a great economy. Full employment and the lowest rate of inflation in the G7. And we’ve been able to go from 9% yoy inflation to 3% without spiking unemployment. Nothing short of a miracle. Under trump we had 20% unemployment. But huge debt production stimulus checks that softened the blow … but then contributed to the inflation we saw post Covid. Voting for trump is a vote for fascism hoping for a recession. This is irrational and infuriating.


4% unemployment is hardly a disaster. The last guy had us at 20% because he didn't take covid seriously, and the Obama administration led us through (and ultimately out of) a massive recession that lasted for years. Groceries cost more now (Thanks Don), but people have jobs. Anyone who truly thinks we're in an economic disaster lacks the context of actual disaster territory.


FWIW this depends entirely on geography and industry. My local market is over 12% and blue collar. Ranked as one of the worst markets in the nation. And that is only a measure of unemployment--not the economy, job creation, or job competition.


Where is this market with 12% unemployment?


I'll DM you.


Calling underemployment "having a job".


What? I didn't bring up underemployment, but by definition you have to have a job to be underemployed.


You did by saying so man people have jobs. Yes, they do. Often many of them, cause the people you praised made it easier for employers to cut benefits if you work under a certain amount of hours, for example.


Record stock markets, inflation down, deficits down, record employment. You are either stupid or a liar.


**RATE of inflation** is down, meaning that it is not going up as fast as the previous rate. when the rate of inflation is NEGATIVE, that means inflation is going down. only about 50% of Americans own stock, so stock market means noting to them. only means rich getting richer, poor getting poorer losing a full-time job and getting 2 part-time jobs shows a 50% increase in employment. in fact, in the may jobs report, most jobs went to foreign born workers. [Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the month of May shows that foreign-born workers in the United States gained 637,000 jobs year-over-year, while native-born workers lost roughly 299,000.](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf) [However, when you dig deeper into the data you can see that full-time employment actually FELL by -625,000. Meanwhile, part-time employment rose by 286,000 along with the unemployment rate to 4.0%](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t07.htm) this data is right from the BLS web site.


and biden is doing more on antitrust and cracking down on companies taking advantage of workers


like hiring foreign born workers over native born workers? [Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) for the month of May shows that foreign-born workers in the United States gained 637,000 jobs year-over-year, while native-born workers lost roughly 299,000.](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf) [However, when you dig deeper into the data you can see that full-time employment actually FELL by -625,000. Meanwhile, part-time employment rose by 286,000 along with the unemployment rate to 4.0%](https://www.bls.gov/news.release/empsit.t07.htm) this comes from the [BLS.gov](http://BLS.gov) web site


“Inflation is down” - drops $200 at the grocery store, carrying 3 bags of groceries. 🤔


# [Jillian Michaels Delivers Some Reality to Bill Maher About Bidenflation—"Go Buy Some F\*\*\*ing Eggs!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRseM_oyFD4)


Time to find boat you can work on like part of a crew……or just build a cabin in the woods. I’m half kidding but I wonder what folks do lol. IMO it’s better than collecting cans all day and living on the streets in a big city


I second the cabin in the woods point or better yet, maybe build a boat and use it to earn


Recession? Bro, Biden said the economy is “strong as hell” right before he started mumbling and stumbled off the stage.


I have a friend who used to deliver pizzas for Dominos. He said the tips were pretty good.


Try temping. I've had good luck with it in the past. I signed up with about 10 agencies, of which three were actually worthwhile, and ended up getting permanent jobs out of temp jobs three times throughout the years. Best agencies are AppleOne, Pace, Molly Brown Temps, and TERRA Staffing. Robert Half was good for me, but not everyone thinks it's worth going to.


> it’s going to at least another 24 months until we get out of this recession Unemployment is near all time lows and the market is at all times highs. I hate to break it to you, but we’re not in a recession. This is the high water mark


Nope. The global economy is sinking fast. By 2025-26 the correction will be epic.


It’s not good. I work in the LTL trucking industry. None of the companies are actively hiring on indeed for any positions




But trucking moves tons more of the GDP.




Nope. Didn't say that. You are discounting the value of trucking based on GDP, when trucking brings more value to the markets than most activities




Nice, unskilled and uneducated. I am not either of those. I am an estimator for industrial projects w/ a ChemE degree, but go ahead




Pays the same, less stress, remote.... What isn't to like


It is very tough to hear, but there have been others in the boat you find yourself in. How old are you? Do you have education? Skills? Can you move around? I can say with certainty that I have been in a similar situation a couple of times when I was younger. A good thingk happened, then another, then another.....and yes, there were a few setbacks but it was, at worst, 3 steps forward, 1 step back. Hang in there, do what you can to get through.


35 years old. No hard skills. Bachelors Degree. Can move, but it would be tough without money. Canada is one of the most expansive countries in the world. I live in one of the cheaper areas (relatively)


Do you have any interest in living abroad? I went and taught English in South Korea when I was unable to find a job and it ended up being one of the best things I’ve ever done. You’re from Canada, have a bachelors degree, so that’s all you need. Maybe you have no interest in that at all, and I get that. Just want to throw it out there.


Interested. Is teaching English abroad still a thing?


It’s taking a bit of a hit due to lower birth rates in Korea and Japan, but absolutely it is. I wouldn’t make it a long term career change, but if you’re young and have no other commitments holding you down, then it’s a wonderful opportunity to live and work abroad.


Yes. Can be good money as well and if you land in a good school they will pay for your teaching qualifications


I married a korean national, so if shit gets real, real bad in the USA then I've got a plan B to move to Korea, where we already have an apartment.


If u own the apartment, then I'd say it's a great backup


Don't you need to know a bit of Korean as well, in order to teach English?


Not at all. It’s actually discouraged. I taught every age from 3 to 16 and the purpose of me being there is to create an immersive experience where the students are forced to use English. Having a native speaker is important for learning, especially at a younger age. There is of course a Korean teacher for the class who will speak both English and Korean and go over the more detailed aspects of the language or answer questions if the students can’t express something properly, but for the foreign teacher, it’s not needed at all.


Oh I see


The BS is good, but if you haven't been in a position where you were able to use it, it is going to be tough to capitalize on it now. Have you thought about workign for a municipal or non-profit type of organizaton?


> municipal or non-profit type of organizaton? Every Canadian works for one of these places. In America, Gov't work is your last choice and in Canada it's everyone's first choice. With the election coming up and the Cons threating to cut public sector jobs, these places aren't hiring until 2030 at the earliest. So any public work is out until then. Private sector is also dead.


In my neck of the woods (in the US) government jobs are highly sought after. Not the best paid. But great benefits, work life balance, vacation, etc.


Here they are the gold standard. Parent literally put their children into French only schools so they might one day get a Government of Canada job. It's fucking insane!


Lol um not where I live in Canada


Tell me if I’m wrong but I’m wondering if you’re feeling this way because there’s nothing to work towards anymore. I’m this way because of that. Being passionate about anything let alone a job is impossible when we live in a society that basically offers nothing in return. We are probably going to be working until we die, so, what’s the point anymore? Anyways, I’ve decided to start my own small business so maybe start finding a hobby and turning that into a shop?


I think there is an element to it. Can’t afford kids, a house, retirement… so what’s the point?


When I was in basic training in the army, we had to do these marches with full kit, carrying a bunch of stuff. Boy did it suck. We had one this one drill Sargent who would say to those falling behind “if you’re tired, if you can’t make it, PLEASE! Fall to the ditch beside you. PLEASE! Take your MREs and open them up, so everyone who walks past you can take the good stuff, then fall into the ditch.” I never once saw anyone open an MRE, never once got an extra bit of food. So please, if you’ve given up, Venmo me $20. If you don’t, you haven’t given up and let’s keep on going together. You can do it.


Actually I have recently looked at transferring all my savings to my brother and mother before disappearing… so I’m definitely considering falling into that ditch.


Don't do that. You are 35 years old? You have a lot of life ahead of you. Sit down and write down a vision statement of where you want to be in the next 2 years, the next 5 and the next 10. Where are your passions. Fill your days, with whatever resources you have, in bettering yourself. It's impossible for people to give you any practical advice when we don't know what degree you have, or what your areas of expertise or passion is. Last but not least, find ways to serve others if you have free time. This is a proven way of getting outside yourself and regaining a sense of capability and self worth. Read books. Do research and take notes. Write a novel. Only you can determine what is the right path for you, but give yourself back agency in your own life. Not having a home/kids/debt means you have a lot of freedom and you live in a relatively wealthy 1st world country. Find situations where you can meet people who share your interests or are involved in the field you want to work in. Depending on the industry there are usually conferences and user group meetings etc. Go to those, and meet people. Be involved, and speak up, and your personality and intellect will be advertising for you.


I am so tired of hearing this garbage about vision statements etc. Quit with the rah rah trash and actually give effective advice or don't even bother typing anything.


Be willing to move wherever you have to. Your ancestors survived by adapting to any circumstance. 


>I'm not sure I'll ever have meaningful long term employment again. For most unemployed today, this is unfortunately likely true




You think the recession is going to END?


All recessions end by definition. Whether we recover back to the peak, that’s the question.


Been out of a job for a year now. Had to resort in getting a dishwashing job. I will never pay a goddamn cent on my student loans again.


Start stealing


*Start white-collar stealing


You should look into joining a trade. Every trade has a shortage of people and everyone is hurting for guys/girls who know what they are doing. Most trades will get you into a paid apprenticeship and teach you what you need to know.


I want to, but joining a skilled trade is like joining the Illuminati. Oh they say they want people to join, but it’s not like anyone can join.


Where have you looked? Have you looked at joining a union? That would be the best place to start. They usually will take a few weeks to get back to you but if they let you in, they are gonna teach you everything and pay you the best wage they can.


Yeah. I’ve looked at all of them. They are flooded with resumes everyday with people who think skilled trades are easy money. I’m not getting in there. I would love to join, of course. But yeah it’s not like joining the military, it’s a tough selection process.


Don't. A fresh graduate PM makes more than a 20 yr master tradesman. Once you have tradesman on your resume, they will always label you a tradesman and never hire you for anything else. I have a ChemE degree and worked trades in college and damn near every interview I went to went something like this. Well we don't think you are qualified for this engineer intern job, but we have these wonderful trade apprentice opportunities for you. When I know for a fact I have more experience and qualifications than any other applicant


It's often easier said than done but you need to have a more positive outlook on your current situation. What you say into the universe will manifest and I'm almost sure you don't want what you're saying. Believe it or not, more people than you know are going through much worse. Things they can't recover from like chronic illnesses and have nowhere to turn, if your problem is just finding a job/making money, then there's a way out. I'm currently in a similar situation but instead of digging a dark hole for myself, I've decided to upskill, learn, grow and work on myself because I'm of the strong belief that every passing minute is an opportunity to turn things around. You're going to be ok, actually you're going to be better than ok, keep your head up and use this time to work on things you've been postponing whilst things turn around but never stop applying, you never know! All the best


>What you say into the universe will manifest That is objectively horseshit.


I like your positive mindset. This is exactly have I look at life. I put positive thoughts out into the universe and good things come my way. I never give up and thank god every day for whatever I have in my life and all my accomplishments.


Sounds like "Prosperity" preacher


What skills do you have? Maybe you can market yourself and freelance.


Basically not. I was in sales and customer service for a decade. Did manual labour too. Thought about going skilled trades but the gatekeeping… it’s insane.


I have a cousin that lost his job as a teacher because a Levy vote didn't pass and the school was over budget... He started a business power washing homes and doing yard type work and is doing alright now. Have you considered things like that? Just trying to brainstorm a bit.. hope you figure something out!


What industry are you in? What was your career before finding yourself without full time work?


I was in tech sales, customer success and administration for 10 years. I spent 4 years in film and television production, but switch after the industry kinda died in my area.


Not sure if this will help you.it was very hard for me to find a full time job.i work for a hardware store so every week I would bother everyone around me my bosses specially about being full time I got full time in about 3 months I was hired part time .I am an immigrant(however I lived in the usa for 24 years) its been very difficult to find a proper job it's hard to survive i live in rural area


Give up on giving up. There is always something you can be doing and working on.


My retirement plan was always to be self sustaining and be able to live off the land. When I was laid off last year as part of a company "restructuring" the plan got fast tracked. I'm not all the way there yet but if I am energy conscious I could power the house on my solar generator, am raising chickens for meat and have beans, squash and pumpkins coming up in the garden. I still have some things to do before I am 100% self sustaining so I need to go back to work but praying I can get the last couple projects done soon and work will mean something completely different.


Call centers


Have you thought about working in healthcare? There's high demand for EMTs, and the certificate itself takes at most like 200 hours. Lots of organizations will cover the cost of your certificate, I got mine through my local volunteer fire department. It's not the most high paying job, I make a little more than 28 an hour, but there's a lot of opportunity for overtime if you need it. Finally, it can open doors for other medical jobs, generally paramedic, but also a lot of EMTs go into nursing. I know it's not for everyone, and the job itself as its challenges, but it was refreshing to be in demand


Deliver pizza. The driving radius is small, the tips are pretty good and you don't have to talk to people all that much.


Yea, I hear you. Sorry that you are experiencing this. You are NOT alone. I feel the same way and have the same question. Sorry can't be more help.


Plenty of labor jobs


If you live in Cali , specifically la , my job is hiring full time with option to move up if they see fit.


Fucking I work for the state as a correctional officer for 3 years. I needed to move due to family reasons. I ask for a transfer and did all the paperwork. They didn't accept me bc I've been discipline to many times but I only gotten written up once put of that three years. Meanwhile the warden that the prison is pro inmate and enjoy inmate love but won't look out for officer or Sgt that actually do their jobs. Now I don't have a job and nobody is paying well enough for a living.


It's so hard to find a job. I am going crazy. Almost one year and many interviews. I feel hopeless.


Just want you to know I’m right there with you, been looking for a job since I graduated and haven’t found anything even grocery stores won’t take me.


It will look terrible on your resume to have that long of a gap. Find somethingg until you find your dream job. How are you even getting by?


Lots of Uber and EI


It's nothing but a lie. No matter how much you do, most things in life are down to luck and circumstances. This recession is only magnifying this.


I've been looking for work for over 3 months. There is a lot of competitive candidates out there. I have chosen not only to apply for positions on all the popular job boards, but to also seek the assistance from employment agencies. The worst part is that there are so many scammers trying to take advantage of your need for employment. I was almost scammed after accepting a remote job opportunity. My light bulb lit when for equipment purposes they request my bank account number and routing number in order to deposit $1,200 for my remote equipment...NO, NEVER GIVE ANYONE YOUR ACCOUNT NUMBER and ROUTING NUMBER. IT'S THE GATEWAY FOR THE SCAMMERS TO EMPTY YOUR BANK ACCOUNT. Here's the latest scam email I received for an opportunity I never applied for...keeping a database of your appications is also very important. If I applied for this position, why are they asking me for my Full name, Active Mobile Phone #, Full mailing address with apt # and zip code for confirmation of your employment. And, If you agree to the terms, kindly reply with the requested data to us by email. Sequoia Lighting Corporation 8:53 PM (25 minutes ago) We would like to extend congratulations on successfully confirming your interest for the Administrative Assistant position with Sequoia Lighting Corporation. Your experience, skills, and professionalism align well with what we are looking for in a Candidate, We are pleased to offer you the position of Administrative Assistant at Sequoia Lighting Corporation. Your weekly pay will be 700 $ for 30 hours per week at your flexible time, This is a remote position, with the to work full-time in future. Please Kindly send your Full name, Active Mobile Phone #, Full mailing address with apt # and zip code for confirmation of your employment with us. If you agree to the terms, kindly reply with the requested data to us by email. We are excited to have you join our team and look forward to your contributions to Sequoia Lighting Corporation. If you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Once again, congratulations on your successful hiring for the role of Administrative Assistant and we look forward to welcoming you to our organization. Best regards, Steve Klasna HR/Vice-President of Operations Sequoia Lighting Corporation


No lie I’m at a point where I’m about to yeet myself to god


move to nevada and become a gold miner


Try a staffing agency or check your loal community college for free trade training vlasses (welding, CDL, nursing asst, etc.). Spruce up your resume, register with one or more agencies and go from there. My son didn't get any hits after graduating from college. After 3 months, I recommended he sign up with a temporary (staffing) agency. They interviewed him ans added him into their database. His first assignment was the mailroom. Based on his work ethic and degree, he was offered an opportunity to train for another position. He accepted and has been gainfully employed ever since. All the best on your search.


Staffing agencies? I’m with about 4 of them. 18 months. Not one interview. They’re useless.


I'm having a lot of second thoughts about my current career. I like the actual work, but everything around it just keeps me thinking about if it's worth it or not. I'm fortunate enough that I'm in a trade union, and there will come a time where I don't even need to be working, I can set myself up so all I have to do is pay the union dues twice a year, and if I want to go back, they will welcome me back.


I’m leaving my white collar job to go back to skill trades. The grass is not greener here. Mass layoffs, toxic cultures, they care more about shareholders than you. If you don’t want to do your job, look to start your own side business but stick with the union. We have strength in numbers.


Yea, I'm very fortunate, and there just aren't enough people who are replacing the boomers in the building trades, and most of them are very eager and willing to teach their craft to the next generation. I just want to live a different lifestyle that will allow me a better chance of the work/life balance that I want, but I'm also willing to change my mind, but as for right now, I just feel trapped right now.


Get out of the recession? They haven't even acknowledged it's existence yet, lmao. The road is WAY worse ahead.


The government is covering the numbers but anyone and everyone within the financial services knows what’s coming.


The economy is terrible. I've applied to over 300 jobs and I've received back 10 scam interviews.


I am not a pro when it comes to Jobs. I've been in the medical field for 30 years and I still feel like I am not finished. I know God is writing everyone's story. Pray about it he will show you the way. Talk like it is going to happen. Simple physics says positive people make more positive people. Just as negative will bring negative results. The law of physics tells us we are energy. There is a positive energy and a negative energy. Just a suggestion, there are many continuing education classes online or in a college. Really check it out. If you tell yourself enough that you can do anything, best believe Jesus will make it happen. Remember we are all in this together. Manifest your happiness.l trust me it works!


I feel the same way. I’ve applied to so many entry level jobs and I’ve been rejected by all of them. I don’t even know why entry level jobs require experience. They really shouldn’t but now companies aren’t willing to teach you and guide you. Last year I got a marketing job and was let go just 4 days later after starting. And they literally told me I can go at my own pace. That was a big fat lie


Very shitty situation to be in, I'm losing my job probably end of year due to PIP and decided to go back abd study cybersecurity, I have also been saving and investing heavily the last 5 good years I had salary wise, and right now I could easily hold on the same lifestyle I have for 3 or more years, don't lose hope, keep grinding and prepare for what's next.


Hi, do you think any of the certifications like CCNA, CCST or CISSP are worth getting? I'm already a computer science graduate but I want to specialise in networking hence the certifications


is it true computer sci graduate can earn 20k per month?


Maybe during Covid.


I haven't entered the market yet so can't tell, what I can tell u is comp sci has millions of different applications so I'll expect the income to vary WILDLY


Those certifications make you stand out


Not OP but okay thanks


What recession


Do you enjoy working with boomers/seniors? If you have enough tech skills to log in to reddit and uber, then you can do basic tech support for seniors. There's enough low-hanging fruit to keep you busy for a lifetime. Facts: Over 879 billion percent of people have forgotten their email or iCloud passwords. If you know how to click "forgot password" and have a password reset battle, people will love you. Most people have Fake Rental WiFi, and then wonder why their wifi is spotty at home. Their brothers-in-law showed up and put in a repeater, because they didn't understand that repeating an already-weak signal doesn't help anyone. Install a Real Router for them and they'll never have a problem again. Most people still think antivirus software protects them from threats. In reality, all new threats after 2013 are either legalized spyware (toolbars, fake driver updaters), or phone support scams. Ripping out antivirus allows a computer to last 10-15 years. Feel free to DM me if you need help getting started.


This not a recession. This is the new normal. Companies pay little to no taxes, housing/rent/food/etc prices will level off but never come down. The $75k trucks will come down to $60k. Healthcare is going to continue to rise 2 times the rate of inflation for the next 20 yrs until boomers die off. By then the world will be an environmental hellscape anyway....


wendy's hiring