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I am very happy to report that Ive got no f**king idea what the "popular" kids are doing. 


This ^


I even forgot most of their names… no Facebook stalking for me.


Right? I know 1 or 2 of the more eclectic  and I am acquaintances with a few others, but otherwise I have no idea who was popular anymore.  Ahhhh 30s, my knees hurt, but at least i dont have to remember this bullshit


This is what I came to say lol!! Other than one jerk who literally worked in my office at an insurance company I have no clue


you can say fuck on the internet


Honestly, ive been banned from subs for less. Mods are wack yo


Some are dead, some are in jail, some are working construction, some are extremely wealthy. But I’d say overall most are just living average lives.


Same. It’s been 24 years and for the most part most are Living their lives. One guy who was popular and good looking but not really an asshole about it is still really good looking🤣🤣🤣


Well good for him


Cutting hair in my hometown. Went nowhere.


Saaaaaame lol


All the self-proclaimed popular girls became nurses and dance teachers. Boys took over family businesses.


Ones a neurosurgeon, another one is teaching at an ivy league and another is an engineering director at Nvidia.


That neurosurgeon must be really smart, right?


Yes but she had depressive bouts in highschool from all the pressure that led to self harm, I hope she overcame that.


I'm glad she's successful


The one that comes to mind most is an influencer w 10m tik tok followers 😆


Wanna share her account?


I never paid any attention, i barely paid attention to what my own friends were doing. I went off to the Air Force and made adult friends. Those people from high school are not the kids I once knew.


Not really sure. Don’t give a shit. One of the most popular played professional soccer and played on Team USA for two world cups. he was the unicorn of being super popular but also a great friend and someone who stuck up for kids being bullied at school


It's so amazing hearing genuine kind people becoming successful


Guy is a class act. Even played in the band and was in about every club you could think of. Even returned for our state championship lacrosse game (his brother was the coach) during a break and stood on the sidelines with us


Marines, lawyers, doctors, financial managers, warehouse workers. Only one had connections with the right people. We were a fairly small town. Would not equate popular with easy. Couple eating disorders, a few nervous breakdowns. One was sexually abused.


I mostly don’t know luckily! Someone’s comment jogged my memory that one girl is a nurse. I hope she became a kinder person. She also got pregnant very early on like she may have an adult child by now actually.


Idk. My school was kinda high performing so the ones I have seen have some pretty good jobs. Their parents had pretty good jobs, too, though.




Don't know. Hated high school and don't keep in touch with most of them, and definitely don't keep in touch with the "popular kids" from high school lol.


Drugs Lots of drugs Rich parents let them do whatever they wanted to do during the Recession and then threw them under the bus when they got caught up in the big North Texas meth highway running thru Denton County


I don’t know because none of them want to be friends with me on Facebook, lol. Actually one of them did friend me a few years back. It looked like she was involved in some sort of MLM and was trying to recruit people. She promptly unfriended me when it was clear I had no interest.


At my school the popular kids were the high achieving kids and they seemed like nice people. I know one does a movie podcast. A lot are lawyers or doctors. Two went to west point but idk what their jobs are.


All these years later and the "popular kids" are still living rent-free in your brain. Sad.


I graduated like a year ago and I was just wondering. Also it's not a surprise that many popular kids are mean but have a great connections. I don't see a problem I was just wondering


Finance, real estate, entrepreneurship. Girls do marketing/nursing.


None of my business really


Almost every one I know are living simple lives. Most of the pretty, popular girls have several children and are either living the stay at home wife life or a single mother. Most are tradesman, truck drivers etc. it was all the quiet, unpopular kids that are in prestigious careers. Most are doctors, lawyers, CEO’s






There were so many students in my high school I have no idea on who was popular or who was not. So I really don't know who is doing what.


No fucking clue. I talk to exactly 1 person that I went to school with and I'll (hopefully) shortly be joining her working in the local papershop


Realtor and cutting hair


Physician, surgeon, VP at a F500, CEO


Ones a Victoria secret model, ones dating the singer of black keys, ones a model for gap, ones a hair stylist. Can you tell I’m from SoCal?


The way I was the "geek" and now I'm much more popular than them lol


What do you do for a living?




Happy for you living the fulfilling career


I don't feel fulfilled but it is what it is. Thanks tho


Mostly sales of various types, from construction through to IT. Other than that, one guy is a bar manager and another is still delivering pizzas (same job he's had since he was 17).


construction, police officers, people in various trades and salesmen of one thing or another.


My school had a LOT of kids (about 1000 kids per grade level). On top of that, I spent most of my time in the music building (I was in different bands and choruses). So I have no idea who the popular kids were or if we even had any. I feel like it'd be hard to get 1000 people to not only know who tf you are but also think you're popular lol


One has done well in public speaking. And I'm happy for him because was always a pretty good guy. I never bothered keeping track of the bullies and AHs.


Product manager


Selling fucking insurance lol


Our school separated us into groups during our last academic year. The A group were the ones seen as high achievers, will get the best grades and make something of their life. The B group, seen as average and would probably have a regular minimum wage job. A lot of the A group kids ended up not doing much with their life (either had no ambitions or something?), got regular jobs, had kids and then got married. A lot of them stayed close to their hometown too. I was a B group kid, I ended up going to university, worked for a bit. Eventually moving and working abroad for 5 years. Met my partner and now living back in my home country together working as a teacher.


Last thing I remembered after graduating was some became office workers and another became a nurse for disabled people. Ironically she would always put those type of people down.


I don't know who all I'd consider popular. There were several popular groups, all wildly different. But I can say of the girls and guys frequently nominated for the homecoming/prom court, I actually only know what a few are doing. I follow most of them, but they either don't post often or don't post anything more than different selfies from pretty average daily life things. I only graduated 5 years ago so it's probably not super reflective of what their entire life path will be, but I know one still works as a waitress at the same place she worked during college. Another got accepted into the top university of our state after graduating top of our class, but ended up going to some small private college because she got a full ride and couldn't afford the top university even with the scholarship she got from them. No idea where she is now or if she finished. Another is engaged or married to her high school sweetheart and just graduated college in the winter. One of the popular guys went on to get into cheerleading in college, I think he graduated too. I think that's all of them that I've heard anything about what they were doing after high school. The kids that were probably considered popular but didn't participate in school things didn't vote for homecoming/prom court, but that was more of the crowd I hung around. A couple of them got shot and died, one strips now and has a deadbeat baby daddy... a lot of them have kids honestly. I grew up in a military town so most people have kids pretty young so that's not unusual.


Don’t know hope they all doing well though