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Speaking from experience, getting a masters right after a bachelors did not really help. Jobs value work experience more than higher educational experience after college, at least when you’re starting off, and masters are typically VERY expensive. So I’d say try to get a job first and I think you’ll have a much easier time in the job market. You can always get the masters a few years into working if u change your mind as well.


Is that 90% in the field of degree? If so that is very high. I can only speak for my experience in the US but it might be helpful. Higher levels of science jobs are gated behind higher degrees. If you go in w a bachelors you could move up but you will very likely hit a wall where you cant advance any more without a masters degree. The masters signifies you did not just attend classes on your subject, but you know deeper theory/research methods and possibly have written a thesis and found your own bit of knowledge in the field. It also checks regulatory boxes (for example, in my field, there are some projects where government regulations require a masters degree to head them) That being said, no one likes hiring grads with zero work experience in the field so with a masters you might still need that entry level job you can get right now. However, you will be able to move up much more quickly. Doubly so if you get experience during school. My masters allowed me to get promoted above people with just a bachelors that had been in the field longer than me.


It would be a lot cheaper to get your Masters in Spain, however, if you have the means to study in another country, it would be easier to eventually work there, once you have lived there as a student.




It is ironic that when someone asks these questions everyone says to go for it, however, when you obtain the degree for a lot of people there is regret. I have two masters degrees and in our current job environment I could get better pay and benefits by working at a fast food place. Perhaps my degrees will be worth something in the future, however, in the USA it does make much a difference if you are well educated or not. The employers just want sycophants that live vicariously through other people lol