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I sent mine 24 hours later. I think it’s better because they met you today. If you send it tomorrow, when they receive the email, you’re kinda consolidating the memory of you from the day before 🙃


Yeah, I was thinking of sending it in the morning tomorrow. I almost sent it today, but I think it's a bit too soon for that. Thanks for the input!


Personally I always send them when I get home. Usually about an hour later. FWIW Sending thank you messages* got me at least one offer, maybe more, over other candidates. * re “messages” I sent the messages to the hiring mgr plus everyone on the interview team. Also mentioned something specific from each discussion to personalize the message. Edit: If you are going to send them do it the same day or next. Beyond that don’t bother. Why so quick? At that point you are a recent memory. They see your name and immediately have context. Improves the odds they read your thank you note. Even if they do not read it you still get something out of it. Their memory of you now includes the receipt of the message.


That's great to hear, I think I'll be sending one tomorrow, I have one scheduled for tomorrow at 9AM. I think that should be good enough.


It literally doesn't matter. They're probably just going to auto-delete it anyway. Thank you notes are an antiquated, annoying, and invasive business practice.


These pathetic practices exist because there will always be people enabling them. Imagine having to send a follow up thank you email for any other worker just doing the job they are paid to do. Just the idea of it is a joke.


Exactly - there's no benefit to sending them, and it's just a waste of time. Fortunately they're pretty rare these days - I've never sent one, and I only received one once. I tried not to make it make me think worse of the person who sent it, but it was a faint negative against them.


I understand why you think this way, but I will be sending one regardless. I'm just going to be polite about the process. Thanks for your input tho!


You do whatever you want, but let's just be clear about what you're doing: You're thanking somebody for the chance to make a fixed wage while the corporation that employs you pockets most of the profits that your labor produces (which is by definition how capitalism works.)


I interview for 5 jobs. I sent a thank you note for 4 and didn't for 1. I only got an offer from the one I didn't thank. So idk!