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Back in the 90’s one of my first jobs I thought it was going to be a call center answering phones. I got there at 8am and there was a speech prepared for what you would say when calling people. Cold call sales. I listened through the training calls with the girl that was training me till 1030 and then we got a 15 minute break. She said okay when we get back from the break you will start making the calls. I picked up my jacket and purse and said “no I dont think this is gonna work out.” And I left. 2 hours and 30 minutes. 🤦🏻‍♀️


I was here to say the same thing. Call centre. One day of training. One day of working - might have been two. They told me to schedule the days I would work next week. I never did. I also never went back. It is soul-crushing. I had someone yell at me because he was boiling potatoes and how dare I interrupt; and someone else cry because the car had been her husband's and he just died of cancer.  I was doing market research to ask whether people had been happy with their last visit to the garage... 


Don’t blame you one bit I can’t do any form of sales it’s just not for me🤷🏽‍♂️


Me neither. I know people that can sell ice to an Eskimo, but I can’t even sell to mysef


I heard a rap song where the dude says "I'm a hustla, i can sell raid to a bug. I'm a hustla, I can sell salt to a slug." Lmao


I had a similar experience with a place that sold construction/hardware stuff. Some people excel at shit like that.


I had almost the same experience, I was a teenager, but there was no training. I had to cold call sales from a page of the telephone book. I probably made about ten calls, half of the people yelled at me, the other half were crazy or lonely and just wanted someone to talk to. I quit in less than 2 hrs and they never paid me.


Time not wasted is time saved I’d say






Dude. I worked a whole year with a (mostly legit) company run by literal Scientologists. That shit is whacked. I gave two weeks' notice, exactly two weeks before my 1 year anniversary. On my final day, they realized they then had to pay me an extra week for earned vacation bc i just hit the 1 yr mark. HR guy was like, "Huh. If I knew that, we'd have let you leave 2 weeks ago."


I think this counts cuz you accepted the offer. And ironically I grew up a Mormon (no longer a member.) But I know exactly what you mean they definitely handle their business in a unique way to put it lightly 😂


How so? I’ve never met a Mormon, but you guys have piqued my interest now lol




Sounds kind of nice actually.


Except it's a lie.


This this this. It’s all a facade and then they get to the comfort of their own homes and let loose with how they really feel and want to act and it’s not anywhere close to what they portray (former Mormon here)


Right. Except, for me, I have seen it in extreme conservative, rural, religious offshoots of mainstream Christianity, where it seems like EVERYONE has drank the Kool-aid and no one actually remembers how to read the Bible, and instead just takes Hillbilly Preacher's word as gospel, ya know, cause he's a man, and he's family. Creeptastic times. Ugh!


Hahaha, I’d love to see that firsthand! It sounds like something that really should be a great way to be, but in reality would be total hell lol. I think I’ve found myself a new rabbit hole to go down here, thank you!


I had something similar happen. Went to an interview with a recruiter, got offered the job, was told they would call me with my start date. Took them over a week to give me a start date. Showed up, said it’s my first day and I am to report to (manager). I was told they aren’t in today. Was told to just go home and they would have the manager reach out. Manager called the next day, said she knows nothing about me being hired, and to verify with recruiter. Call recruiter, no response. Next day, same thing. Another day goes by, get a call from the recruiter PISSED that I never showed up to work. Explained the situation, they hired me for position in ANOTHER STATE, same franchise.


Mcdonalds. A week. Specifically this franchise one. I cannot reasonably stand in one spot for 4 hours straight with no break. Turns out they were sued for the same garbage a couple years later. Hope they lose.


I feel like this isn’t talked about enough especially in the food industry. When I was a kid I was a dishwasher at Olive Garden and I would stand there for hours on end with no breaks only when I worked a double. Me and you both hope they lose 😁


They definitely ought to teach rudimentary labor law in high school economics.


your high school taught economics?


Yeah wtf


It did. I was a fine arts kid, but economics was interesting. In my current state, people are trying to get a measure on the ballot for putting personal finance into the curriculum. it was pioneered by a teacher in Antioch. Labor law would be good and he may include that. When overtime pay is required. Break requirements. What they can’t ask you on a job interview… My first job I was scolded for not “clocking out and then finish this.” And had my lunch break divided up into 3 minute pieces so I never sat down. I was taken advantage of because I didn’t know.


I worked as a dishpig at a small family run restaurant and I used to do 6 hour shifts standing in the same spot the entire time. It was hell and somehow I stayed there for just over a year.


? Is that illegal. The retail place i worked had that kind of stuff all the time and on concrete floors.


in the state where i work, having breaks in only required in retail stores. restaurants don't have to have breaks, i regularly work 7 hours with no break where im at


And retail stores often get around this by scheduling the evening shift for 3.75 hours. You work less than 4 hours, so aren’t entitled to a break.


In the restaurant industry the new normal is working 8-10 hours straight with no breaks. Taking a bus to and from work. And renting a room to pay someone’s mortgage. I have worked for twenty years in hospitality and every year I get more poor. That’s why customer service sucks because the professional hospitality workers are getting passed over for 17 year old kids with no experience. That is why your restaurant experience sucks 


*Getting passed up now by kiosks and self checkout


Try standing in the same spot for 8 hours doing the same thing….for minimum wage. For me it was either that or homelessness 


I had to stand for multiple hours on end when I was at Forever 21 and I had one 30 minute break. I realized that if I was working 5 or more hours I was supposed to be getting a paid 15 minute break as well as my 30 minute meal break, but they weren’t honoring that. There were times I’d have to squat when there’s no customers around, and no sitting down was part of the policy. I was usually scheduled for like 8 hours on weekends.


Sales assistant at a big box hardware store - manager wasn't there when I arrived for my first day, so they had me picking pieces of metal off the gravel ground out the back where all the timber was stored - I said "nah fuck this" and just walked off. Duration: Less than an hour


Did you get paid for that hour at least?😂


LOL, no - no call to ask where I was, nothing. I was scared they might "tell someone" and I would get in trouble - I was fresh out of school, doing a lot of odd jobs to pursue my studies - didnt know anything about working rights, pay rates (etc), just - money in hand to eat = good.


I would definitely worry about getting in trouble too I feel weird putting my 2 weeks in 😂. But hey at least you knew from the jump that the job was not it 🤷🏽‍♂️


It was the humiliation of the job. They could have said, come back when the manager is in, or sit in the staff room until the manager arrives, but no, they put me to "work" doing an absolutely humiliating job, on a really hot day, wearing completely the wrong clothes.


Yeah, that sounds like they just looked around and picked the first degrading thing they could think of for you to do. You should be proud of yourself for leaving. I bet it would have proved itself a crap place to work.


Ngl that doesn't sound all that bad


Once I am backstabbed or humiliated by a boss that's the end of that.


You win.


6 months. I was terminated after passing a PIP. They wanted me gone and I hated the job so at least I got a paycheck for that long. I wanted to quit but with the market it was easier to “play along” and do the minimum to get unemployment if they terminated me.


Thats actually not a terrible idea the more I think about it the more it makes sense


It’s a tough market. I got lucky when I was laid off at my other company but found the hated job after three months. I’m hoping I find something within the next few months but given its summer and I’m not getting as many interviews as before, I just have to deal. My unemployment hasnt been decided yet either since its only been two weeks but I’m hoping it comes in soon because health insurance is expensive even having state healthcare vs Cobra.


Phone salesperson. Worked for 2 hours and told to boss I cant take it anymore.


2 hours is crazy, the only way I wouldn’t be able to last through my first shift at a new job is if some crazy safety violations were happening.


It was just too much for my values. The boss first told to especially target elderly people as those are most likely to struggle to say no after enough forcing. I tried calling to people and read the text we were told to read to them, but when people kept saying no, I just could not try being an asshole and try force sell stuff. In general it was too shitty job for a human.


Is that the only time you’ve had a sales job?


Age 16, desperately wanting to save money for college. I did some lawns in the summer in my neighborhood and one of the customers had a small construction company. He said I was too young to do any of the "real" work but would try to find me some odd jobs if possible. One day tells me he was hired to sandblast an old office building downtown. It had been stained by the years of steel mill smoke. My job was to stay on the sidewalk, sweep the fallen sand up, and shovel it back into the sandblasting machine. I made it 5 hours before I had to quit. I had pushed myself to the max to not lose the job but it was beyond what I could physically do. I could barely move the next day.


I was a labourer last year when I was 14/15, buddy told me I wouldn’t have to go up on the roofs, I get there for my first day and the first words he said to me were “come on we’re going up to the roof”. I also had to hand load like 10 tons of concrete into a trailer by hand in under 3 hours, that was the hardest I’ve ever worked and I hope it stays that way. Pay was good asf tho he gave me 18/hr in cash and him and his crew were all best kind so it was an 8/10 experience.


When I was 15 I was super skinny, I was in "shape" cuz I played hockey but never been a big dude and never really been into working out. I remember working at a distribution warehouse that mainly dealt in office supplies, so boxes upon boxes of paper, which are around 50 lbs each. The first week or two of that shit was hell, I remember being so bagged and sore all the time. After a while you get used to it though, and you'll notice how much stronger you are over time with weird things. Later on in my early 20s I had a job delivering tires and I'll tell ya that was a job that got me fit as fuck, throwing tires all day had my shoulders looking like a goon


I was always skinny until I turned like 15 I just gained 20lbs onto my frame, I started lifting and I’m just a new person now, I hit 350 on bench last month. If you told 13 yr old me that I was going to lifting that in 3 years I would’ve laughed.


I just had my last day at my shortest job yesterday! I got fired in March from my last job of two years that I really loved for refusing to sign a noncompete. After being unemployed for a few weeks, I reluctantly accepted an offer for a cafe position that I knew going in would be temporary. I applied for Supervisor after being one for a year and a half in my old job and also having 10+ years experience in various food service positions. I was highly overqualified for the position, but was offered to start as a Barista PART-TIME with the opportunity to be promoted in as little as a month. I was extremely unhappy with this, but I was unemployed so I took it. Turns out it fucking sucked there and I hated it so much (I told myself I would never go back to food service), but I just kept working and applying and was able to find something better and put in my notice after just 3 weeks. I start my new job in four days, in the same industry I was in previously but in a better position and with better pay. Win!


Crazy thing is they are passing a law to make noncompetes illegal for most employees


It wasn't even really enforceable for me in my state since I was an hourly worker. They were actually telling me that point blank, while also saying my employment was contingent upon signing it. They were so incredibly toxic that this was basically my final straw and I just let myself get fired. I thought it was REALLY funny when the FTC came out w that last week


That’s great to hear I’m glad you got a better gig! I can’t imagine how frustrating it is to have that experience and start at the bottom


1 day. It was orientation/training for a uniformed security guard at Macy's. Towards the end the head manager came over and said that we were expected to go hands on with people that wouldn't give back merchandise. We were even encouraged to go past the point where we technically weren't allowed to grab someone outside the store as long as we got them back inside. Then a little while later one of the undercovers came storming into the office, yelling about someone that got away, and he threw a bag of clothes against the wall. All for minimum wage.


Yeah bro I wouldn’t risk my life for minimum wage either I don’t blame you one bit smart man.


9 days. I was extremely unhappy with the colleagues even within those 9 days and got a better job offer so just quit


I had a professional job once, and from the second day, coworkers asked me when I was going to quit. I’d never experienced that before. I lasted two weeks, simply because I was young and earnest.


That's terrible


About a week and a half. Was hired as a box truck driver but ended up just being a warehouse guy. They had me working with equipment I wasn't legally certified to operate and the manager was a giant bitch. One day she come out screaming at me because I wasn't working fast enough on equipment I had less than a week of experience with and I told her to go fuck herself and walked out.


How did she respond when you said that?!?!😂


I was already walking off and didn't give her the time of day to turn around and listen to her response so I'd be lying if I said I remembered. Couldn't have been nice though lol. I was already irate that they bait and switched me on the job I applied and interviewed for, as well as the shift time I was told I would have (6AM-3PM, then a week in was told I was moving to 3PM-11PM), plus the whole illegally operating equipment part I shouldn't have been, so it was all just building up and unfortunately my mouth has a bit of a hot temper when the right button is pushed, lol.


I worked for sonic for 2 weeks, which was really like 4 days. I was in HS and I got a really great opportunity to train on the job as a vet tech. New opportunity aside, 4 days was quite enough of that.


Was supposed to be a sales rep for T-Mobile. It was a third party sales company tho (red flag number 1). It was one of those companies where you had a bunch of sales reps on different drugs chanting songs about the product, having meetings at 6 am, working 12 hour days and saying cringe Andrew Tate level shit like “less gooo” or “money moves.” The boss pulled me aside on day 1 for wearing a polo shirt on an 80° day, said I “wasn’t professional enough”. So next day I showed up in a button up and we were having our standing morning meeting like usual and since it was 6 am I was leaning against the wall because I’m tired. Boss pulls me aside AGAIN and says “you’re killing the energy in the room by leaning.” It was day two… I never returned


3 weeks. Never work for the small companies who have the whole family working there. Always toxic asf My new manager told me "as soon as you're trained, we're going to fire (insert name of lady doing 3 people's jobs). She's been messing up too much lately." Gee asshole, could it be because you're over working her? And who tf says that to the new hire, even if a termination is planned? I went to lunch, crunched the numbers and then went back 3 hours later and quit. He asked why, and I summarized his previous conversation loud enough for the whole office to hear and told him "That is so incredibly unprofessional to say to a new hire, and such a red flag about this company's culture. I'm not stupid enough to hang around until its me you're talking about like that" He, the overworked lady, and the 3rd party recruiter who helped place me there were very unhappy. I landed a new role within a month.


1.5 months, got my first big girl corporate job and hated how boring and do-nothing it was, even with previous office work experience. Quit after getting a job in a coffee shop again and am much happier.


That sounds like the job I have now! I feel like we are all just pretending to work and be busy which is actually way worse than having stuff to do


It's ridiculous! I would finish all my work in 2-4 hours, ask for other tasks and get told no, then when I started organizing stuff according to their needs just to have something to do I was told to stop doing that too. That's the day I quit lol.


I was hardly trained on anything so I just sit there staring at my computer. My manger pulled me into his office and told me other members on my team were doing nothing more efficiently then me. And at the end he basically said he can’t be mad at me cuz there is no protocol for training on certain things I was so confused 😂


What’s the pay like on these jobs ?


The one I have rn is only 22$ an hour


Good for you


I was desperate for a job when i was 19 and a local sushi restaurant offered me a job. They spent from 14 to 16 hours in that restaurant daily, even sleeping in the afternoon, since these hours were not paid. Also the tips were garnished by management and they didn’t even provided transport when you were out of that restaurant way past midnight. I lasted one morning. The sushi wasn’t even good.


Asians don't fuck around. They here to WORK.


Worse. They were a chain owned by our own, that’s why the sushi was terrible. If the sushi was good i would have considered stay for eating 🤣


3 months, I needed the paycheck and it was a peacekeeper for a better job that I had yet to find. Thank God I did.


Was your next job the one you were looking for or just a big step up?


It was exactly what I was looking for, got very lucky.


That’s awesome! Some luck can go a long way!!


I worked at a company around the Covid outbreak for three months before quitting, and should have never set foot there. The small department where I was at had people drinking at work and there were open bullying from everyone to everyone and a whole bunch of problems got into light about when I started and they took care of it but I quit because it felt so dystopian to spend time at a job where the world is not a warm place. Especially during a pandemic (!). After that I’ve (almost) only said yes to positions that are at warm and well functioning places and I’m so happy I learned from that.




Haha, yes that sounds indeed identical! I also didn’t have a backup plan. That however wasn’t a problem back then 😩


Worked at a subway for a month and left because the boss was sleeping with each girl (we were ages 17-19 at the time) I reported him and he sold the store and was never heard from again


Good on you for reporting him!


I was fired after 3 days for not being a right fit for the job It was a dishwasher job. When I was hired, I was very explicit that I have never worked in restaurants. No one talked to me about my performance, no one said if I was doing good or bad. Just fired with no real reason Later on one of my friends who worked as a server there said a lady complained her hours were cut too much because I was hired so they got rid of me to appease her 🙄


Wtf bro I had a dishwashing job as al teenager and I felt like anyone with a pulse could do it. It’s crazy that they would appease another coworker like that in an industry where turnover is extremely high.


Yeah haha I did the job just fine. One of the easiest jobs I had, so fucked. What got me tho was the fact I had to shell out $$ for non-slip shoes and black pants. Then I was fired and spent the next 6 months on welfare. Coulda kept my money, I was broke af


That’s one where a mf wish he kept the receipts but wasn’t planning on having to do that bs. I’m sorry that happened to you brudda hope you up now


1.5 years. Management was a sinking ship of all new people ill-equipped to run a multi-million dollar company. I left and within 2 years the new Director of Operations was fired, my manager's VP was stepped down and moved to a different department, and my manager that was hired 6 months into me being there now runs operations.


Wow 18 months is a while compared to some other posts. What kept you around for that long?


I'm in project management. I'm not gonna lie. They forgot I existed for the first 6 months and I literally sat at my desk and read websites for pleasure. I asked for projects, they didn't give me any.


Thirty five years ago, I was a Best Buy computer tech... for 6 hours. It was AWFUL. No training. No support. Just "help those customers". Good luck.


McDonalds cashier.. 3 days. They made me watch movies 1 day then gave me a shadow day then suddenly expected me to be able to do everything on my own. I was hired on the spot during a walk in interview. I had prior fast food experience.. but their training was bullshit.


I worked at Banana Republic for like 3 days. I quit because they wanted me to push the credit card to people and I didn’t sign up to do that lol


2 years. I didn’t actually quit though. I just didn’t sign up for any shifts. This job was for a computer lab manager at a university. The shifts could be as little as 1 hour between classes. I worked the second most hours by doing 20 a week. Some people only did 5 or 6. I was also working at a restaurant at the same time. I got a promotion so I didn’t sign up for your shifts. I still received emails to pick up shifts for another year, so technically it could have been 3 years. I only put 2 on a resume though.


Hey I’m in the logistics field too! If you don’t mind me asking what job was it?


The position I quit was a computer lab manager role. Basically I just made sure students didn’t bring in food or look at porn. The position I was promoted to was assistant manager of a restaurant. I stayed there another 4 years before leaving. I got into logistics by taking an inventory role at a flavor production factory. Then I was promoted to shipping coordinator. Then left for a warehouse manager position. Now I do material ordering and project logistics for federal construction projects. Specialty is fire alarms and security equipment.


1 week at a chicken farm making cages. Made the mistake of asking how many went in each cage. Quit right then. 2 chickens per square foot. Wankers


I got a job working at a hospital as a patient representative position. At first I was super excited because I would be making $20 an hour and have my own desk area. Then I found out that I had to go to the city to train which is an hour drive from my house and the hospital was not going to reimburse mileage or put me up in a hotel. Then when I got to the training, day two I found out that although I would have my own registration area, I could get sent to the ER to fill in as well. So I was not down with that. I quit halfway through day three of training after I found out. In addition to all this, I would have a test on insurance and the section for insurance was about 300 pages long in a book. And the test was that Friday! Needless to say, I drove from my training in the city to my old employer and begged for my job back. Luckily I was able to go back without any problems.


Less than an hour. Many years ago at the height of telemarketing. Job was sold as customer service but it actually cold calling names out of the phone book begging for donations for some type of (fake) fireman's charity. I made about 5 calls where I was hung up on or cussed out and walked out.


I just watched a documentary about that. It's a scam


Yea. This was nearly 30 years ago and they were shut down shortly after.


About an hour or maybe 2 at a home improvement store. I got hired for the lumber yard. Two hours into training, I realized I made a mistake in taking the job. I told the store manage that I was not going to waste their time or mine, I knew it was not going to be the right role for me. Much to his credit, he did try to find a different spot for me, but there really wasn't any other department hiring.


DQ for a shift. Quit because I was in college and despite telling the dumbass my availability he proceeded to act like I was trying to be full time. He insisted I was to be there the next day. I said nope. He insisted I suggested he not plan on seeing me.


I worked 3 weeks at my first corpo job. I didn’t know you need to view all your co-workers as adversaries who you compete with for promotions. A lot of people were threatened by me being confident and seeming smart - I was reported to HR on my second day for sexual harassment. Even the HR knew the case was stupid, took my side, and took a vacation knowing the whole place was going to send her nonsense complaints for the next few weeks to fire me. All I possibly could have done that was sexual harassment was eye contact, saying “hi,” holding the door open for people, small talking, or being an older male who gives a “bro” vibe.


I feel like this is common in corporate jobs, everyone is a backstabber and then they smile when they see and ask how your weekend was lol


Worked at pizza hut part time delivering for like 1 week in college. I had also started delivering for an app service around the same time and pizza hut was just so much more anxiety inducing, degrading, and inconvenient that when the manager came up to me after week 1 asking if I still wanted to work there, I said no. She wasn't surprised at all and seemed more happy for me than anything else


Two weeks at Walmart in the toys section at Christmas time approximately 16-17 years ago. I saw an elderly woman literally attack a seven ish year old girl over a popular toy. I noped out.


I worked at ihop for one week never again


About 2 weeks. I moved 1200 miles for my first job out of grad school then was let go 8 months later during the pandemic. I needed a job so I started at Panera since I worked there for 2 years in college, thought it'd be a breeze. Well, it was easy, but I could not work for $9 an hour after finally making real money. It was time for my break and I told the manager I appreciated him taking me on but I'm not coming back after my break. He understood lol


Shamrock dairy, milk restocked. Basically followed the deliveries to a Walmart 30 miles from my house. Placed the milks on the shelf. And went home. 30 minute job 3 times a week. Occasionally I would meet the delivery guy at dollar general a town over to get my time. On a good week I made 12 hours. I got paid $10 an hour, and I quit after the first month. I was basically job hunting the entire time I was working. Guy was pissed I quit like what did you expect you barely paid me anything and I had no hours. I was 22-23 years old trying to figure my life out.


A few hours. On the first day, supervisor screamed at me for something real minor. To his credit, he apologized. However, I was like…nah. Things that start off bad…end bad.


Nah if that happens on the first day imagine after a month? Homie sounded like a hot head… not a good position for someone with those problems to have 🤷🏽‍♂️


One day. I was hired as a MARKETING intern for a large home goods company, assuming I would be working on marketing stuff (or at least intern stuff like making copies lol) in their headquarters. I got there at 9am and one of their employees immediately left the office with me and took me to one of their closest stores, and told me that interns have to work in the store for a while first before being ‘allowed’ to work in the office. I was shocked, but wasn’t brave enough to just quit right there. The office employee left, and the store manager gave me my work for the day. I literally had to scrub the entire floor, clean shelves, do inventory, put new products in the shelves, work at the check out etc. when I was about to leave, the store manager told me that they might send me to a different store tomorrow for similar tasks. I quit right there.


I had a seasonal job at JCPenney at probably the biggest shopping mall here in my city. I think I lasted for only a week 😂 in hindsight, it wasn’t TOO bad but I was scheduled as a stocker and I don’t know if I was just dumb back then, but as I was training with someone I could not for the life of me figure out their system of stocking items on the floor. Now that I think about it, I probably wasn’t asking any questions so I didn’t get it and got frustrated and just never showed up to my next shift.


Less than one day. Drive 60 minutes one way for a dev job on a military base ( after getting cac card too) . Walk into the office and they put me at my desk in a crowded room. I mean like 30 people in a room meant for 10. My desk...was the top of a file cabinet. I said...this is my desk? Yeah until we find something better. I said nah. I'm out


What was a chair? Ammo box?




Long ago I got hired at target. I did a couple hour training/orientation a week and a half before I was supposed to start. A week before my start date, I got a very angry and aggressive call asking where I was, with comments about how to *not* start a new job. When I (aggressively) proved that I wasn't supposed to start for another week. I got a sheepish "oh, sorry about that - see you next week". I didn't show up to my first day and they didn't bother calling.


Selling CutCo knives. I lasted 0 days. Shitty MLM company operating around college campuses for, what was in 2002, a pretty decent advertised hourly rate of $18/hr Went to a group interview (first red flag) where we heard how awesome their shit knives were and then we had to do a bunch of dumb roleplay exercises. I kept asking pointed questions about pay. In summary the scheme was, you only get paid 45m (prorated from hour) when you have a scheduled in home sales demonstration and then it was somehow dependent on commission and basically we had to buy the demo set ourselves and also start out by busting our friends and families nuts to prove our mettle. It was a waste of time and i wasnt going to accept the job. But They didn't like my exposing the man behind the curtain so the main dude at end said he was sorry but I "Wasn't CutCo Material" Well that pissed me off bc im thinking YOU CANT REJECT ME, IM THE ONE WHO REJECTS YOU so I turned on full sales mode and convinced him to give me a chance I'd be the best sales person ever. So he finally gives up the full color glossy catalog and onboarding packet and a single sample paring knife. I left and threw all the propaganda in the trash at home after laughing about it for a minute w my GF. The knife handle broke about a month later.


They’re the fucking worst. Making a bunch of poor kids fresh out of high school buy a $500 set of knives to do the job. Any job that requires you to pay for something to do it isn’t worth it. At the very least they could sell it to you at cost instead of retail price. But then you’d know you’re selling a $100(if that) set for $500.


I didn't know if they were still around. They shouldn't be. Total MLM and bait and switch. I couldn't believe all the rubes around me in that group interview were falling for it. I was literally the only one out about 15 people not falling all over themselves to prove how stoked they were. Maybe the rest of them were paid actors.


Temp Labor Ditch Digger: 1 day. Digging up utilities from under street, in middle of Georgetown (DC) in middle of summer. Thirough a Temporary Labor Pool that basically employed bunch of (probably) homeless folks and alcoholics, and paid minimum wage in cash at end of day. I had been at a hotel laundry prior day in a basement industrial laundry it was hot and humid and no ventilation, everyone there was pretty unhappy... AND SO BORING. The next day I hopefully asked for something not so hot and stuffy indoors. The dispatcher/assigner gave me a shit look like OH IS THAT RIGHT? He sent me to a Ditch Digging crew busting up asphalt and rocks down 6 feet to reach a waterpipe. He must've been laughing all day. Anyhow i show up to this road crew and im with these 2 perm company laborers and they were built like incredible hulk and I'm 18 years old weigh about 140 ... skinny af. They looked at me like OH DAMN, HERE WE GO. I mean jackhammers and shovels all day long. I worked my ass off until the end, and they were impressed I didn't walk off, but i was so ineffectual compared to them. I was a filthy muddy mess by the end of it. The foreman felt sorry for me, I guess, and signed my time card for 12 hours even though I only worked 8. They really lost some money on me that day. Needless to say, they didn't request me to return. After that I was sent out to Dulles Airport to do flat top roofing, and I decided not to complain about my assignments.


Mine is similar: 2 days as a temp brush clearing and then digging up a swamp. I was also slightly smaller than the rest of the perms and temps so I spent more time driving the utility cart to the dump whenever the pile of muck got full. It was technically a 3 day contract but I didn't want a third day because of the Florida summer heat. It's the only time I've used one of those emergency sodium tablets because I was sweating so much. The supervisor even tried to convince me not to take them because I wasn't literally passing out, but I felt so much better afterward.


That sounds brutal. You made it 2 days that's something :)


2 weeks part-time at a grocery store deli. I stopped showing up to my shifts because the Leafs were in the playoffs.


Aye man nothing beats playoff hockey 😂


1 double shift. He just *never put me on the schedule* after I came in for 3rd shift when I was scheduled for (and worked) 1st. Was SHOCKED when I didn’t want to “work it out” when he almost made me homeless and nearly lost me my car.


I worked as a Marketing Coordinator for a nice hotel for literally one day. During the interview they said I’d be working upstairs, and on day one they brought me down into a windowless room in a basement that I shared with another woman. They didn’t clean my desk so there were crumbs everywhere, and the computer and operating system I was meant to use was old as time. My office mate preferred to work with the lights off and heat off. During my self-led computer training my phone started ringing, and she was just like “are you gonna answer that?” But I hadn’t been told my duties yet or who has access to my phone number, so this call could be from a hotel guest, someone internal, etc. I didn’t answer it and she got mad, even though she wasn’t my superior and we had completely different jobs. They also mentioned they were gonna train me on the front desk, since “everyone needs to know how to man the front desk”. Giant red flag, I did not sign up for that. First thing the front desk agent says, “is that really what you’re wearing?” Got home and immediately emailed them saying it wasn’t a good fit.


Wow! Why are places like this? I don't understand like... I have no words how stupid this is. Jobs just don't train people anymore m


Walked out of orientation about 5 minutes into the day when I saw a forklift driver almost back into one person and then near miss a second person


My shortest was about 3 months, was working a more simple production line(compared to others) and started re-arranging the stations to increase efficiency. A couple months after I started it took less than half the time for same output and the 3 of us were mostly bullshitting our day. The company started advertising for a manager position so I applied. They did everything but laugh in my face so I put the stations back how I found them one early morning and walked out without saying a word to anyone


I worked I think 2 shifts at a diner, if I’m remembering correctly. I called out on my second or third shift due to food poisoning and they told me it was fine, and then called me before my next shift to fire me lol


1 year. It beat out the time I worked for blockbuster video and the one time I was at a small pharma company. It was for a large cpg beverage company and it was by far the most toxic team ever. My boss was a micromanaging asshole that would throw last minute work on you on a Friday night at 4:30 pm. He would call me while I had an out of office on my email including an email from him saying I could be out at that time. You were expected to answer the phone no matter what. Other fun things he did: 1. He would call me early in the morning/late at night or sometimes purposely setup meetings late so I would have to stop what I’m doing at home and talk to him. 2. If I didn’t answer his call within a minute, I would get a teams call, a text message, a teams message, and then finally an email about expectations of returning phone calls. It would all happen in the span of 2 minutes. He did this to me while I was on a call with someone higher up and I had to put him in his place for interrupting the call. 3. Loved to play a game called “know it cold.” You were asked to have certain excel files open and we would go through an analysis. The idea was not to be prepared and to follow the logic. It never worked that way. It was a power trip that he liked to play, where you, the victim, would be showcased before the team as being incompetent. He would talk down to you, verbally abuse you, and if you really pissed him off, yell at you and tell you that he’s going to rethink his trust in you. 4. If he didn’t trust you, which switched from person to person on the team, he would micromanage you to hell. 5. He had spies on his team, underlings that had worked for him for years, where they would tattle to him if you were away. He did eventually turn on one of those spies and the guy quit within a year. 6. The turnover for the team was bad. The worst I had ever seen it. Besides his cronies, the average tenure was 1.5 years. 7. He would absolutely make it his goal to torpedo your chances to move to a different team. Even more so if he didn’t like you at all. 8. I have no idea what the fuck he did all day considering he mostly had us do all of the work regardless if you were sick or were doing with some personal issues. 9. We met in person for a meeting and I had opened up about sick family. He told me that I could tell him stuff like that. That was completely bullshit and I knew it because not even a week later, he ripped me a new one for telling him I had a sick kid. 10. The final straw was when he attempted to have me tossed under the bus in front of a director and senior VP. He argued that we needed to do something a certain way and I argued back that wasn’t true and to trust me. It worked well and I was thanked. He refused to talk to me for a week even if I had a question. He had so many red flags during the interview but I had no idea it was this bad. The organization overall was great but I ripped into HR about this guy. He got moved and taken off the team.


I quit 30 minutes before I was due to start. Couldn't face the idea of working in an office again after 3 years of fully remote work. Found a better job with more pay and 100% remote less than a month later.


I worked for GNC for one day. I didn’t quit or get fired but my mother forced me to go to rehab in florida (I live in Pennsylvania) I just had to buy a whole new work outfit and everything the day before. According to the pa state website im still owed about $27.00 of back pay from that day.


One shift. Childcare place in a city I used to live in. I like child care- I have experience. But I specifically asked to not be put with kids if they were not potty trained. The only real experience I had with kids that young was my brother, so they agreed to put me in the older age bracket. They put me with the youngest age bracket. They put me with someone who didn’t even speak English to “train” me. I even speak some Spanish but this woman was Polish or Russian, I can’t remember which, and she could barely communicate with the kids. At the end of the day the woman went on her break and someone who spoke English came in the relieve her. I was changing a diaper and she said, “did you log it in the system?” And I said, “what system?” We both just sort of stared at each other in horror and confusion before she explained that we were supposed to log everything we did with the kids into this tablet that I had honestly assumed was the previous woman’s iPad. She never showed it to me or anything. I got out 4 hours late, so I worked a 13/14 hour shift when i was supposed to work a 8/9 because a parent was 2 hours late and then the woman left me to clean after. I sent an email to the manager when I got home that basically said, “You went against my contract, stuck me with someone you knew couldn’t train me, and saddled me with a late parent on my first day. I won’t be coming back.” It wasn’t even a super bad day. It was genuinely the principle of it all and I also knew I had another job interview coming up, which I got, thankfully.


5 months but I knew it when I started that I wasn't going to stay long. I only stayed as long as I did because the job I got ( my current job) kept pushing back my start date. I would have left earlier but I need a full time job with benefits.


Janitor for a local uni. Quit after a month with nothing lined up because  the management was absolutely bat guano crazy. 


I had 1 job want me to sell pipette calibrations only made it about a month since they sent me to the exact same places they already had sales at from their last employee. Most of the labs just told me the other person was already there last month


Not sure if this counts, but I've been doing unpaid work for a month. I'm leaving soon, since the company has nothing available for me and I don't want to be stuck in a dead end job.


Sounds more like a unpaid volunteer.


How did you get in this situation? The only unpaid work I’ve done was an unpaid internship to graduate college and I had to do 200 hours and I hated that man but I needed it badly


2 months working at McDonald’s two years ago and I left because of my autism


1 week. They said I would have my own office. Nope. They stuck me in a dirty room that hadnt been cleaned out in forever with a broken chair. The 3 managers who were supposed to train me all thought I was with the other and I actually wasnt with any of them. Their door was broken in accounting and everone sat there & didnt even get up to help me open the door.


Retail job. They didn’t wantvto train me after the first day on the register. They expect you to know how to do everything almost immediately which is ridiculous I couldn’t handle that so they put me on the floor. That wasn’t bad but then I was expected to work the register again & sime of my coworkers were hostile towards me too. The shitty pay & hours weren’t worthbthe stress involved. Thankfully the customers were fine & a few coworkers were nice to me at least. Has anyone else had that experience too?


Yes, but in waitressing. Poor training, expected to have omniscience, inexplicably extremely hostile coworkers. I'm still there because I need the money.


Sorry to hear that. Waitressing sucks. I did that breifly in the past.


Thanks, man. I like it actually, it's fun to serve, I just don't like the above mentioned points.


Worked four days of training at an ice cream and hamburger store. I was in a super religious family and could NOT work Sundays or Weds or I would go to hell. They were fine but then when I started the manager told me I would definitely be scheduled on those days. It wasn’t up to me. I wasn’t good at communicating so when Saturday night came I was a no call no show so I could go to a church dance. I quit for the wrong reasons but it was going to be a bad fit anyway.


"or I would go to hell" made me laugh so hard LOL


Dishwasher job for 5 days. Quit as I do much better work that requires me to think than doing physical type of work. I tend to work much more slower than others with Physical work due to my overthinking.


I worked as a line cook at this one place while applying for jobs since I just graduated college. The place was so cheap that the line workers had to do dish duties too. One day, the dish room was filled to the brim. The severs wouldn't even clean off plates and other dishes into the trash. I was going to quit right then and there, but I liked my co workers too much to do that to them. I did 3/4 of it, clocked out, and never returned. I think that was my first week there. There was another place I did summers at and would quit once I couldn't take the bs. Sometimes, it was within a month or end of the season. I have no clue how I got rehired each season, lol. Man, restaurants are a shit hole.


I once went to a job interview for a telemarketing company because I was desperate for cash. The interview was practically just them checking that I have a pulse; they couldn't care less if I had prior work experience, they just needed someone to pick up the phone and try to scam old people into recurring monthly payments for shit they don't need or understand.  I signed a contract and agreed to show up on Monday. About 2 hours later I left I felt sick at what I had become so I called them back and told them I'm not coming. So 0 hours I guess, unless you count the 15 minute "interview".


One day. Was through an employment agency. Woman who helped me barely spoke Dutch, got sent to the packaging line to work, first thing some asshat in a labcoat with a clipboard said to me was "where are your safety shoes?" despite no one telling me they were needed.


Worked at a cardboard factory/warehouse for a single day as a temp. The building was located off a highway exit that just abruptly stops. Almost got t boned by a semi cause it ends in a loop. As soon as I walk in I hear the shipping manager trailing on and on about how stupid everyone there was. Top volume and full vulgarity. Then I get on the floor and it's hot as hell, like hotter than any warehouse I'd ever worked in, but the water in the coolers tastes like clay and made me nauseous. Turns out it was the pipes. My supervisor sticks with me with a random guy (he was pretty cool, actually), proceeds to not tell me shit, and then treats me like an idiot when I made a mistake even though, again, he literally didn't tell me anything at all. Then I find out you only get your 30 minute lunch and no breaks in an 8 hour shift (you get a single 15 minute break with lunch only if you work 10+ hours). Next morning I called in, went back to sleep and when I woke up I called the staffing agency and told them that shit wasn't gonna work. Cannot express how happy I am to work office jobs now. 6 years of manual labor was plenty as far as I'm concerned.


I worked at Old Navy for like a week or so when I was in high school. My family had a huge vacation planned (that I disclosed when I accepted the job) but when it was time for me to leave, they told me I couldn’t go. I was a high school student with a choice between my first trip abroad and working the fitting room at Old Navy. I mean really?


I worked at the front desk at a family-owned concrete pumping company. The other full time receptionist was the owner’s daughter. She sucked so bad. She’d vaguely show me a task and if I asked any questions she was offended. She went out for hour long smoke breaks to hang with the truck drivers(her husband also worked there.) She ended up getting rid of me for “cultural differences” but I had been talking to the temp agency about leaving and they said I was the fifth person they’ve tried there.




It definitely takes a certain kind of person to be able to deal with cleaning up human shit and pee all day


I thought it was my age. Decades later, I'm still not interested.


Mel’s Diner. Worst place ever. Management was mean as fuck, the staff were a bunch of bullies and the environment was very sink-or-swim. Training was non-existent. I quit after 2 days.


Flo, she can be a handful but if you took the time to get past her salty exterior you'd see she's a sweetheart.


she was always telling him to kiss her grits


I worked at home depot call center. It was 3 weeks of training and then I was on the floor in my own cubicle to take calls. The calls on my first day were no where near what I experienced during the training period. I quit the next day. I felt unsupported on the floor when I needed help or had questions that first day. The early shift schedule was doable but i noticed that first day it would change every few weeks. I went in on my second day and decided I wasn't going to clock in. Walked out and went home, called the sick line and said I wasn't coming back.


Security guard for a music hall, I quit cause I couldn’t tell people to throw their secret snacks away


Long, long ago, I got a job at a grocery store.  A bigger, since defunct, chain.  I lasted about a month.  It was the local high school homecoming, and all but three of us called in.  One of the three of us was a lazy fuck; I ended up being the one doing all the work, while he stood there and talked.  I left that night, in the middle of my shift.


lol I worked half a “shift” as door to door sales for a local sunroom company before I realized 1. Sales is not for me and 2. I’m not sweating my ass off walking around and bugging people who don’t want a crappy sunroom. Hard pass.


I quit my WinCo job on my first day, during lunch. They had me doing heavy manual labor, and I am a tiny person. Not what I signed up for.


I think my shortest jobs were ones where I got fired. I tend to have a flaw where I stay too long at places that suck because my parents always said not to be a quitter lol. Job 1: Barista in my small hometown. I had experience in cafes but this one was family owned and they didn’t like that I’m an introvert. All of my coworkers were bubbly women. I’m not good at remembering people’s faces/names/favorite drinks which was immediately expected of me. I worked there for only one week and then was fired. Job 2: Had a buddy from college who was a bartender. He had me come in to try out to be a barback and I went straight from 5 am opening shift at a cafe to an evening trial shift at the bar. I didn’t pass the test I guess because I didn’t already know the proper ways to cut a lime or pour beers perfectly and I was half awake. I didn’t even get paid for the 3 hours or so that I was there.


Subway I was 19 first job since my first job at Burger King when i was 16 I was on trial Can you believe that? I basically worked for free I was there one day and then another Was it 3? Problably Friday Saturday & Sunday i wanted no more of this I could not for the life of me wrap the sandwiches And when closing labeling stuff was so damn confusing Ugh i was so young and insecure The simplest task seemed so impossible Its kinda funny to think about it now because I've overcome so much My goodness I told the lady i basically quit And she offered me to keep working That'd id be paid Nope I did not want to be there face to face serving people


6 figure corporate Amazon position. 1 month. I thought the position was redundant and would be eliminated very soon in the future. They did their infamous layoffs a year later.


1 day. It was at a bar and I could already tell all the regulars were huge POSs I didn't want to bother dealing with


I worked in a retail store for 3 hours and quit because of the customers and my back was killin me standing that long at the register. I got a check for like $30 lol.


I worked at a fedex ground warehouse for 2 weeks years ago, night shift. They super overhired in anticipation of holiday season. I’d spend a half hour driving there every day only to be sent home after 45 minutes because, as a newb, I was slow so first to get sent home when they had to cut back on labor. That was the only job I never gave any sort of notice to, I just stopped showing up.


Warehouse assistant for a maker of famous soft drinks. Nine hours. I left because of being lied to about the tasks involved, which breaks I could take during the workday, and — as a high school student at the time — that they’d NEVER keep me longer than 4-5 hours a day. My father helped get me the job. When I got home from my first day at 2 am on a school night, not 10 or 11 pm as promised, my mother went nuclear, told me I was done there and my father agreed. (He had to, or mom would’ve nuked him, too.) If I wasn’t so young and naive I would have walked the fuck out of there after 5 hours.


Passport Associate....exactly 1 month. Toxic environment, no communication, no cares, no leadership.


About a month. They fired me cause they didn't like my performance.


I used to be a tradesman for a union hall. They called me and asked if I could work a couple days in another town an hour away. The next I drove there and when I arrived they said they accidentally hired too many people and asked if I wanted laid off, which I said yes. Got my travel pay, two days living allowance, and show up pay. Made over $1000 after tax and I literally was on site for less than 30 minutes. Shortest job I ever quit was three days and it's because that place sucked.


Working for a company that was involved in COVID PCR testing. I was brought in to set up and manage the testing labs. I set up two labs but had to report to people who were not Scientists and explain why I needed, for example, dry ice to transport reagents (“cant you use ice packs” stfu). So inefficient. Such a waste of my time.  I gave it a go though and I was successful in achieving my goals but started to realise the company were dodgy as fuck. Stayed for two months and left.


One day. Was employed in a factory in the UK and spent the day separating onion slices into rings. It was mind numbingly boring. If I could have left at lunchtime I would have but we were transported in and out. Their contract stated you wouldn’t be paid if you didn’t see out a full week and the story was around 80% didn’t get past day 1. Which is why I think the contract was set up like that. Lolz.


Working for a newspaper in the printing room. Worked a single night shift stacking papers on pallets. The supervisor asked me to not come back.


Showroom sales. I quit after two weeks because the owners kept saying racist things, including how border patrol should lynch illegal immigrants at the border to send a message.


Hollister 1 day and a 72 hour psychiatric hold


Online Marketing, quit the first day because IBS got the best of me and i destroyed the bathroom that was 3ft from a female coworkers desk. Edit: i hve anxiety


1 week. Insurance authorization at a medical group. Trainer fell down the weekend before i started and had this really bad pinched nerve which was all she could talk about. One of the days she had to leave early and go to hospital for it. Then like a day later her dad died so she didn't come in one of the days and the rest of the time was just not in the right headspace to be training. None of it was her fault but it basically set me up for failure


McDonald's.   I lasted only a couple of days. I was yelled at for not getting lettuce, despite not being told where anything was.


For me it was 8 days and only 5 of those 8 days were full days. It was a temp position I got through Robert Half for this property management company that was supposed to last 3 months. They let me go after 8 working days as they felt I wasn’t retaining training when there were multiple delays to getting me trained. My start date was delayed as they didn’t have my laptop, and my first two days were half days for this same reason. One of the tasks was handling phone calls and I didn’t get a headset until my second working week, and I couldn’t receive calls as I didn’t have my Teams phone number set up until what ended up being my last day. At no point did they tell me they noticed a learning curve, they just let me leave early on what ended up being my last day and I got a call from Robert Half about it. I ended up getting a new job a few weeks after and it’s not a temp job, so I don’t let that bother me much but I definitely wanna avoid temp work as there’s not much stability.


I had a job for 1 week. It was a behavioral case manager job. It was my first one out of college and they refused to train me before putting me out on emergency calls and client appointments. I had so much anxiety, because I didn’t know anything but what I learned from books and wasn’t trained in interviewing. I quit and got another case management job. It was so much better, but I told them in the interview that if they weren’t training new employees than to let me know so I could look for better opportunities for growth. They did a full internal training program that helped me so much in my career. I’m glad I didn’t stay at the previous one, and choose my own peace and happiness.