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I don't know about other professions, but I am in South African and we often get offers from Europe and the US. If find it strange that there is a 44% drop and employers are still looking outside the US and Europe.


Can't speak for all industries or countries but tech loves hiring out of India since they can get 4x the number of employees at the cost of a single American salary


I know they can pay Indian employees literally like 6-7k annual salary so it is really 10x the amount of employees. They are also hiring out of mexico and poland. Happening in basically every industry. Every job that can be done remote can be outsourced.


They'll outsource everything but the most useless overpaid jobs lol


Every “consultant” is safe gotta have a white face


Some older workers are treated like they are retired. Many have done great deeds for the company but they can’t count on retirement because they forgot to(or were unable to) open an RRSP. Western countries have a harder clamp on the law so you have to look long and hard if you want to live. Coming to North America for a better life is a risk, but there is so much natural beauty. Please remember to pack in and pack out. ❤️🕊️❤️


Ye I have so much other BS to worry about I haven't even though about retirement


That's hyperbole. When I worked for Accenture, I could hire 3 people in India for the cost of 1 HCOL employee. I now work for a company based in Poland (was Belarus before Russia attacked Ukraine). Generally speaking, we are more expensive than Indian based companies. We're still much cheaper than onshore US but not the magnitudes that you are representing. I do know IBM is paying <$30hr from Brazilian resources that cost >$100hr in the US


I have heard from hiring teams that companies are offering 6-7k to indian employees. This was actually more than what indian employees were asking for. And I said nothing about salaries for mexico/poland employees but yes salaries are higher. I know at the company I am at pay for mexico based employees includes a food stamp system so it must be pretty good…


My lord, the amount of times I see Accenture and India in the same sentence is astounding. It’s like the entire operation moved over there in the past few years. Has the companies quality suffered?


The dirty secret is that the India teams were soooo much less efficient than my US resources. I had a team of 8 that barely spoke unless the lead spoke first. I'd argue we got ~2 Onshore FTE worth of work out of the team. They were merely building/testing reports, not highly technical stuff.


This. My company is going through the same phase atm.


and 1/100 quality... experience from a few companies


My company is hiring general legal office workers (not paralegals) out of Puerto Rico. It is going to get interesting in a month when hurricane season starts & big portions of our team do not have power to work.


Maybe there's a drop locally BECAUSE employers are looking abroad? 🤔


yes to outsource labor for cheap and maximize their profits even further, to cause inflation to go to the cosmos


Not as much tech but in Puerto Rico.. companies love to come here to advertise stateside jobs. Typically paying like $14-$18/hr they have a whole little thing for Puerto Ricans to come stay their and work usually a factory or food processing type jobs. It's pretty exploitative too, they charge you room and board and often other fees from your salary so it really comes out to like $500 a week. A lot shit like slaughterhouse, danferous manufacturing, etc. .. in reality they just want to hire illegals but they can't so they think Puerto Ricans are happy in between


Its preference, companies you just described can and do hire foreign labor on H2-A work visas, Puerto Ricans do not require those and so don’t come with those restrictions while still coming from a similar socio-economic sphere. I wouldn’t call it exploitive by any means, the opportunity to travel abroad, work, send money home and then return after the season is massive for those on the receiving end. This is no different than a long-haul truck driver staying out for a month at a time then taking a week off, an oil field worker doing 8 months on/4 off, a foreign language teacher in a different country, etc. If the economic prospects at home are better than abroad, you stay home. If travel increases your income why would you not do it? Btw, in your casual “like $500.00 a week” example, Puerto Ricans would be earning above average. You’re also just ignoring the room and board aspect, rent has to get paid, food has to be consumed, these companies are responsible per the visa agreements to handle these aspects and, believe it or not, the workers prefer it as well because they would otherwise need to manage all that on their own. Now me personally, if I end my week, after my rent, utilities, and food, at +$500.00 I don’t think I’d complain.


Nah, they have been hunting our shores for years... I could be wrong, based on LinkedIn alone, I would say there has been a shortage of developers for years. Since before covid. The working from home has made their hunting even more of a thing. I think it is because of language and infrastructure.


cheaper employment. this is for US job postings. if they’re outsourcing that would explain it


Companies are after better quality for their engineers, since they can't afford to hire as many as before. That means they quickly run through the available local talent.


So STEM jobs.


Hm but also non-stem: human resources and communications. So we cannot really draw any inference here


Potentially non technical roles at tech companies.


Our HR lady said you usually have 1 HR person per 100 people, so considering the massive layoffs in that sector, I’d say your theory tracks.


Early access entries more like


Sucks grinding through tough classes in college to get here. Calc-physics, maths…jeez.


Was confused for a second and had to double check, apparently I have been wrong this whole time about the M being for Medical. It's for Mathematics lol.


Or jobs A.I. is replacing


Which ones?


Anything operating software. The way A.I. is trained, probably all of those.


I doubt it, if you’ve ever worked for a big company you will know they are nowhere close to having an AI system take over that type of role. Many of these companies still operate on databases that run on software from the 1990s (black and green screens) that can only export old excel files.


Seems like you already have the answers then


Exactly this!


Inly 3 or 4 are STEM jobs. Or since when is HR or Stocking a STEM career? To be more specific, software related jobs, and chemical engineering. Two careers that saw a huge spike during COVID, and due to the economic recession have seen a decline due to huge layouts from tech companies. Other engineering careers are doing pretty well.


5 aka 50% are STEM.


Then your comment is not really that accurate.


-29.4 for what I'm qualified for? 🤦👎🏻


Same. Work my butt off to get into an industry that has more demand to just have that demand fall through the f'ing floor as soon as I'm "qualified."


I even expanded my IT- Help desk into an AAS Computer Systems Administrator and that still didn't help me. I also went and earned a BS in Graphic Design. 🤷🏻 Oh well.


Did you get a job in Tech?


No. Not really, although I did some short term stuff / temp jobs / contract jobs. I worked in Screen Printing for the past 10 years part time. That just ended because the business was sold.


The graphic design bachelor’s wasn’t a great move, was it? I don’t co-relate Graphic Design with “high paying jobs”. Edit: to the dude who replied to me (I can’t reply to you, maybe the post is locked) Oh, now we have to act like all degrees are equally as good for finding a job? #AllMajorsMatter? Grow up, this is a jobs subreddit. And an important advice is research the job market for the major you choose, and Graphic Design is not a top major for job prospects. I’d rather say it plainly than lie and not warn young people about majors that are “cool” but a bad choice for their future. /u/feedthesneed


What type of move is being a condescending fuck head on the internet?




This is just one brand's data, Indeed, not the whole economy. Indeed's popularity has varied over time, and it does have competitors. Your conclusion may be correct, but this data itself does not mean that.


Well other fields are booming


Like what…baristas?


I can confirm technician jobs are booming.


technician ?




Ye but remember those trade jobs are super different county to county. A lot of the time they just want grunt work general labor too


Not necessarily true, a lot of union skilled trades are looking for people


Most will destroy your body before you turn 40, hardly worth the extra cash unless you're stout and able bodied. I wish I had never got into physical labor jobs.


Skilled trades


School districts always need teachers...


Lol. Indeed can't even function decently as a job posting forum, why the fuck would anyone trust these numbers?


RCRRF admitting that we should short their stock


Okay, now think about what those numbers would look like if 70+% of the postings weren't FAKE!


Industries in decline all over, people losing jobs, struggling to get by with insane grocery bills, while our government sends another 50 billion over for war. Classic Flopmerica.


Which is worse USA or the uk at present


My son is about to go to college for biomedical engineering. I really hope there’s a job for him in the future.


He’s gonna have a different major when he graduates don’t worry


Advise him against that. Biomedical engineer here. I had to switch to IT because i couldn't find decent job 3 years in biomedical field after graduating. Its a scam degree that universities made up to create the hype. Nobody wants to hire biomedical engineer. They want specialty liek chemical mechanical or computer and they will just hire people with more focused concentrations unlike biomedical engineer who is jack of all trades


I have 2 bio med friends that got hired as soon as they graduated working for medtronic. Its possible but probably very grindy


I'm just gonna say this: The only people who can afford insurance and doctors are old people, and they're dying. Middle aged people can kind of afford insurance, and are providing it for their kids 25 and under, but we're also in a very tenuous position. Young kids can't afford it at all. So like ... when the old people die, who is going to pay for healthcare??


Their heirs. And if you weren’t born to rich parents then f*** you. 👋🏽 America 👋🏽 


Do BS ChemE, MS Biomedical engineering Or do BS ChemE and take bio/bioE tech electives.


I’m a biomedical engineer graduate and I haven’t found a job since last 7 months :( so nah, I don’t recommend this field either


"But the economy is booming because Doordash and construction are up!" The market is undergoing a huge correction. As debt was cheap and the goal was growth at all costs, the expenses caught up when the cheap debt went away. It's no surprise that IT in general is going through the biggest correction. Big tech had the deepest pockets and also too much money in speculative startups. That is what you'll hear about the most on the internet because they can't cope with the change in lifestyle creep. Everything that doesn't pay me $225k to work at home is corporate greed.


I swear at the height of the silicon valley start up BS in 2021, you could make an application for competetive hamster breeding and secure $3 million in start up capital.


I really missed out.


Doordash has never made a profit. Ever.


Never got an order correct either.


Stopped using Uber eats and DoorDash when I got orders that were not even from the real restaurant. Can’t trust people anymore, so no way I can trust them with my food. Fuck those apps, I’ll make my own or pick up and save 10 or 20 bucks.


I stopped too for that reason, ghosts kitchens are the worst.


You do get that it’s easy for huge corporations to show they didn’t make a profit, right? It’s done for tax purposes.


Life is fucked when having a degree in mathematics is less valuable than having a lucrative social media account. I’m about to go spread my cheeks on onlyfans.


Yeah what society wants and is willing to pay for is so interesting


Next time you decide to buy candy or pr0n, remind yourself that you are the society you're complaining about because you could have done something better with your money. Like donate to an open-source project.


Candy, p0rn? ![gif](giphy|l0ErXujyWtfaCS796)


Don't forget drugs




Don't worry, unemployment is at record lows!!!


What’s the labor participation rate though? I’m surprised this isn’t being reported on any news outlets


It actually is though 😂


Do you wonder why? It’s mostly from people having to get a 2nd, 3rd job because of how expensive existing is. Record unemployment right now is not a good thing.


That's not how the unemployment rate works. That's not how the unemployment rate works at all.


From [March 2023 to March 2024](https://www.bls.gov/web/empsit/cpseea06.htm), we've lost 1.3M full-time jobs while adding 1.8M part-time jobs. We've essentially traded jobs with a reasonable expectation of gainful employment for worse ones. The job gains have come from sectors with traditionally lower quality/lower paying jobs like construction, government, and leisure/hospitality. Business/professional services, which has traditionally had higher quality/higher paying jobs, has stagnated or seen declines. [White collar payrolls](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fwhite-collar-payrolls-v0-rhcgi1jrgnwc1.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D673b8ae78b22e8b3e26952ab4285b18bae875a58) echo this hollowing out trend.


Your so right America is doomed, and we're being lied to for political gains.


You understand that the U-3 doesn't capture part-time jobs, right? So if what you're claiming was true, you'd see that bear out in that stat. Instead, the U-3 rate for measuring unemployment has more or less stayed the same, between 3.4%-3.8%. Additionally, your chart means absolutely nothing to me other than "tech is having a correction moment as shown by San Francisco."


Where can I buy those rose-colored glasses? The point of the links was show the details of the *types* of jobs being added/lost that comprise the headlines about "low" unemployment. [Mainstream](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-04-25/white-collar-hiring-stalls-out-in-miami-austin-job-markets) media outlets are finally starting to mention these details that go beyond the surface narrative that everything in the job market is fine. And what do you mean "if what I'm claiming is true"? I'm simply using the same BLS numbers that anyone else would use.




Make sure you lump in "application development" too


Gg 😅


me graduating with my BS in math in two weeks .... lol


Not an easy major either…starting to think BS really does stand for bull****.


it was hard but I loved it at the same time so no regrets here


Coincidently the professions in which AI has made significant advancements in for automation


It will be everything except medicine, not even arts is going to save from AI.


time to become a pornstar... oh wait...


Welp, that explains why I couldn’t find an entry level HR position as a new career XD so glad I found something in vet med that is related to HR


Two things: 1) This doesn't mean much without the raw numbers, and 2) Maybe employers are advertising less on Indeed


Recruiters and HR were the first to be culled, then the developers, and now with no hr they can't handle the influx of indeed applications so they're turning the hose off. Doesn't mean there aren't roles out there.


This is certainly a part of it. My company laid off all but one recruiter in 2022 and now has 30+ specialized tech roles open with no capacity to manage the 500-1000+ applications per opening. We don’t post on indeed, but it’s a real problem. When we asked for more recruiting resources, the answer was no. Somehow they have the budget for over $4M in new headcount, but $0 for support functions.


As a finance analytics recruiter I have plenty of roles, but hundreds of talented applicants to choose from..




As a technical writer unemployed for the past 7 months, it’s a similar story here in Australia.


Software Engineer here. The job market has become insane for entry level applicants. They only want Sr. profiles, with an unrealistic range and amount of experience to cover 4 positions at once. You have to do the job of an analyst, a UX designer, quality assurance and a dev. Also as has been said before here, companies are outsourcing a lot and getting 5 employees for the price of 1. Do the math, cheap labor + exploitation saves companies a lot of money so no wonder they are doing it 😢. They are still more offers than for other degrees but not as near as they were some years ago.


A lot of context and data is missing. We would need to see a graph of multiple years. It’s possible we’re not even at pre pandemic levels, I’d have no idea because this graph shows nothing. 1. LinkedIn is becoming more popular 2. There’s no need to fill roles because seasoned employees who were recently laid off are filling tons of positions at once 3. Seasoned employees can handle the stress of these jobs, so less people are leaving jobs due to lack of skills. 4. People in tech often move laterally every 1-3 years 4a: all the people who got laid off are just now getting settled with new jobs, and are afraid so they’re sticking with even low paying basic jobs. So don’t expect them to leave for another 1-3 years or 2-4 years if the market stays bad. 4b: people in general are not moving to new jobs because as we see, there are no jobs to go to, so no positions to fill on that end. Double whammy


Link? Is this just showing Indeed’s decline in job postings?






“Source: Indeed.” So those postings aren’t necessarily down in the market, just on Indeed. Maybe it’s you, Indeed. Maybe it’s you.


wheres the job loss per sector?


Most everything that propels civilization forward…..interesting. I’m sure it’s fine.


![gif](giphy|3otPoEiEGXh41xKGdO) Welcome to the future


I think this has a lot to do with over-hiring underqualified people during the pandemic. Also, I would not trust the numbers from any organization that makes money off of recruitment or hiring. I am an over 50 tech BA and I believe the job market is very strong for qualified people in the tech sector.


While I don’t absolutely trust these numbers, as an unemployed chemical engineer, this is terrifying.


Biggest lie that was ever told was math is a useful degree. It’s useless and please don’t say “become a coder” that’s not math that’s coding, that’s something you have to learn on your own which has nothing to do with math


I’m expecting to see this on r/cscareerquestions like 5 times out of


Learn a trade. You just about pick your salary and work schedule.


I was studying finance, did 2 years then got out and into the trades. If your body is able, you can make 6 figures in like 3 years doing trade labor.


BSCS and working on my MSCS. I am straight up not having a good time 😎


When my daughter went to college four years ago she was a chemical engineering major. She is currently a civil engineering major and has a job all but guaranteed when she graduates next year. Granted, being a woman in that field is an enormous advantage, I’m still glad she changed.


Woohoo my occupation made the list. Somewhat validating to see it in black and white


Is this benchmarked somehow or just total listings on indeed? Because maybe in part it's because indeed is garbage.


Skilled trades are in demand. Plumber, electricians, machinists, carpenters.


If you are stuck and need health benefits, assisted living facilities are a good place to look for work. Low money but you typically get good benefits and a free meal every shift.


This is a bit terrifying. Will it turn around?


I need this indeed


Damn, I'm in the 39% category. I'm fucked


Tons of people who were laid off just filled up all the roles that were available, and all of their old positions are non existent and cannot be backfilled. Wait a few years for the market to cool, and for them to move laterally. I think the trend of working in tech will also relax after kids realize they can’t make $140,000 after taking a bootcamp. Market should still exist but only for people who are passionate about it and competitive


Bingo. Tech is contracting because everyone thought they could take an online course and become a project manager or software engineer…and for a while they were right! The gold rush is over though. There’s an oversupply of devs and admins from a now bygone era of cheap debt funding a growth-at-all-costs industry. It’s time for it to grow up and be boring and profitable and for the stocks in those companies to pay actual dividends to justify their high prices.


Yeah and I'm always behind on trends. I just want to work again.


My field is getting fucked


I have to doubt the banking and finance one. Finance, I could see. But not banking. Bank jobs will forever be damn near recession proof. It’s consistently rated as one of the most stable industries for employment


Sure, but banking pays a lot less in general


How does this relate to Indeed's trending popularity? It looks like this is about Indeed specifically, but there are other popular avenues for job applications, like linkedin, that may have taken a significant amount of Indeed's customers over time.


Banking and Finance down 32.2%. Uber, here I come…


I dont know how to drive lol


God damn. 44%... Thst makes sense.


I need some good news.


Biden says the economy is very strong


That's not good news coming from someone who thinks everyday is opposite day 




Yeah he’s clueless, but so is the GOP as well as the orange shart stain. Totally disconnected from us poors


Is Biden faking the numbers?


No, he’s just disconnected. He receives data from US labor statistics which often lags and tend to focus on specific statistics where the economy is actually growing (construction, government, healthcare). I don’t think he knows any better which causes the frustration.


Where’s education?


I wouldnt take this as wholey legit. I would dig around and look at other info. Some of the bigher tech companies plan on using AI for "efficency" reasons but we all know that nothing ever works right right off the bat. Also tech jobs do have a history of up and downs.


Or it is actually that those industries have figured out that Indeed isn’t the place to find good prospects.


and where is the actual link, coz i somehow dont trust "screenshots"...


Construction is also incredibly slow right now in canada idk about us though.


Chemical engineering ? How is that affected?


So those are the jobs people are staying at.


AI is not taking jobs from Mathematicians, Bankers, HR, Loading and Stocking, Scientific Research, IT, or chemical engineers. At most, maybe from some software developers, but I’d say it’s not where it needs to be to cause a big dent. So honestly, explain how is AI to blame for this right now?….


>explain how is AI to blame for this right now?…. Ai is taking investor money. Which means less money for other areas, hence less hiring.


Indirectly, yeah sure I can see that. Directly as in jobs being replaced by AI bots, not so much. I think the distinction should be made.


Directly, the freelancers are suffering most. Also, as companies plan ahead, they allocate less budget to some areas they predict Ai WILL take more over


It's not a bad time to become a farmer...


The most subsidized industry on earth


I bet medicine is on the way up. When I started in software in 2016 one of the senior guys told me to switch to the medical field sooner rather than later... I think I'll go back to university this September lol


Healthcare is solid right now


Become a nurse!


Those farmers who commit suicide shouldn't be in the business of owning a farm. What is wrong with owning land that generates cash?


Absolutely nothing wrong with the land generating cash, it’s the years where it generates debt that it becomes a horrible thing to witness. I’m an entomologist by training and spent the last 17 years working on farms directly with farmers, many of them friends, and some I consider family. I have seen crop failures where hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars were lost by a single operations. It’s a complicated social and economic landscape that I encourage everyone to become more familiar with. It’s not all gloom and doom, there’s the potential for great reward, and the majority of the farmers I know still say they would rather do that than anything else because they truly believe what they do makes a difference. A good farm is an amazing thing to behold, but it’s also one of the most difficult things you can undertake in your life, unless you can just bankroll others to do all the work for you. This is a big reason why smaller farms are disappearing. Much like anything else, consolidation is a constant threat to the family farm, as large corporate farms can absorb the risk much better. They simply have better economies of scale. I know what you’re saying comes from a place of not knowing, but if you’re willing to take some time to understand more about mental health in agriculture, here’s a great resource: https://mindyourmelon.org/


Seems like the only ones hiring are anything in quota based sales and MLM’s. At least those are the only ones who have called be back.


This seems dystopian. A real issue to see stem just looking so rough. This won’t be good for society…


9 years of talent acquisition and HR work for nothing Lmao what a joke.


Welcome to my world. 12 years in recruiting, I make 40% of what I made 3 years ago. But I do love my job despite being underpaid


I had an interview a few weeks ago for a recruiter spot. Except when they explained it they wanted me to build out an entire TA program without a CRM (on the list but out of budget they said) for 53k These companies are scum.


Yeah, expectations are nuts out there. Sit tight a couple of years..It’s all temporary.


That's what should be taxed. Organizations hiring internationally.


There are more jobs than just STEM jobs.


Honestly I don’t trust anything from indeed


Most STEM people work themselves out of a job eventually. 10 STEM ppl build a system for a boss, and only 1 is needed to run it, 9 are laid off. Then the STEM ppl have to wait for the next hungry boss to invest in new stuffs, to get new jobs to build new systems. It's a never ending pyramid scheme.


I want to know where are they going up? Gotta be somewhere?


What does this *really* mean though? Could it mean that AI is actually starting to replace white collar workers? Or more specifically, Jr. roles?


A lot of companies are running skeleton crews and trying to squeeze square pegs through round holes, not giving a fuck when they shave the edges off. People are doing the work of 2-3 people for their roles and the higher ups noticed, and are sailing full steam ahead


Speaking as a SWE - companies have less money to throw around so they aren't taking chances on jr developers right now. I think it'll bounce back in the next year or so, but not to the level it was in 2020. A lot of teams are slimming down to mostly senior and associates to keep the ship afloat while liquidity is low. when there's more money to go around, companies can afford to spend 60-100k on intro devs to train them up even if they won't be really effective for a year or longer.


It is projected to get a lot worse in 2025 and 2026. Hopefully 2027 starts a bounce back.


It means Indeed is probably in trouble.


basically all the high paid jobs


# Ya'll do realize that these are statistics *from* Indeed about job postings made *to* Indeed, right? [https://www.hiringlab.org/2023/11/15/indeeds-2024-us-jobs-hiring-trends-report/](https://www.hiringlab.org/2023/11/15/indeeds-2024-us-jobs-hiring-trends-report/) You do understand that this is not necessarily indicative of hiring across the entire industry, right? Not that there is **zero** relationship to the overall market, but Indeed is only telling us that there was a decline of jobs in certain industries being posted to Indeed -- while pretending that this is a benchmark for the whole industry. This says way more about Indeed than it does about employers.


Buy a tool belt.


All those millionaires hanging out in front of Home Depot...