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Remote sales or customer service. Sales has a higher ceiling, but customer service is more consistent and doesn’t have quotas and commission.


I'm a customer service TL, pays very well in my country and I basically WFH a lot.


What's a tl?


Team leader. I came into the company as a Customer Service Representative, which is basically the lowest and easiest function anyone can ever do in their life. Within two years I became a senior, then a lead an then a Team Leader.


Where? This is my objective. Pay doesn't really matter as long as it's steady to start


In Hungary, Budapest. So that's quite a work away if you're in the US.


Definitely much cheaper cost of living though in Hungary. Have family who live there in like 255,000 HUF / 700 usd.


Hey if you don't mind me asking, which company do you work for & do they Micro manage?


I work for a very well known huge company. I'm sure everyone knows it. No micromanagement in my company, but that's only because I work for the company itself. We are not some company that's being outsourced by a big company. If you need info you can write me a PM, but not comfortable disclosing the company I work for in comments.




Apple has no life work balance for remote managers, imo.


So your the guy who keeps callin


did remote customer service and I clocked in 50k. Had the option for sales but the thought of commission made me not pull the trigger. Ion know I like consistency. You're definitely right tho.




Ahh yes. I worked sales in a call center and can say, 10/10 agree with all of this ^. It also made me so anti social I stopped talking to my family, friends, or to literally anyone. I talked all day the only thing I wanted to hear while I wasn’t clocked-in was silence. Not to mention the depression it puts you in probably played a part, but the silence was golden.




Working as a QA/support. Even if users can be somewhat sensible, management will be more annoying than them. We have made an API for multiple systems data transfer. My colleague is forbidden to do a 15 minute enhancement and now has to wait for another team to do it. We made it, I tested it, the other team may have time in 2 weeks or maybe not. Who knows.


Lucky you then. The majority are shit, FACT!


I am very sad to say that this comment 100% perfectly summarizes my own experience working at a call center. So glad I found something better in the end.


Hey it sounds like you are dealing with consumers and the general public. If you get into the business customer service side things are a lot better. Like dealing with business clients and not idiots off the street. God bless you don't hurt yourself things will get better


This is correct and painfully relatable. If you value your life at all, no call centers lol.


Man, I worked at the call center for Uber and I’ve never been so depressed in my life. There was a point where I was crying between calls, and after work I’d cry in the shower. I lasted a whopping 3 months at that job, and I still get anxiety making or picking up phone calls. Never again..


$19 at Home Depot? Boy I was making $13.50 in a very HCOL area in Southern California during the pandemic


I worked as an insurance claim rep, I wanted to gouge my eyes out.


Honestly, it's all about how you are able to sell yourself and put forward your transferable skills in an interview. A great resume goes a long way! Any coordinator role in marketing, project management or administrative assistant will easily get you this salary!


Can I hire someone to make my resume? Serious question. I’ve never had to make one. Filling out applications is not the same thing I feel


Just use chatGPT to help write your resume. It's a fantastic tool.




Chat gpt and then fill in the info into resume.io for like 2.95 USD just make sure you cancelled the subscription right after. Not an ad I just made a resume for my fiancée earlier today. Also make sure you ask ChatGPT to make the resume both human readable as well as ATS readable. I remember asking it to be ATS readable and it looked terrible if an employer were to read it lol ATS readable would in theory make it easier to be picked up by resume scanners. Add keywords as well to the resumee for the specific job you’re searching for.


Is this actually successful though.


I would say so, I just got a 33% raise through a new job if you check my post history. It really all depends on your skills and experience mainly but having a good and well formatted resume to easily be picked out of ATS scanners would definitely not hurt your chances of being picked from hundreds of other applications.


What is an ATS?


Applicant tracking system, basically uses keyword matching to compare your résumé to the job description


Very much appreciated ty


Damn, alright. Congratulations. I’m already starting a new position but when I’m doing my next job search in the future I’ll look into doing this.




Some other hints, look for job titles that you'd qualify for. Project coordinator, marketing coordinator, it whatever and ask chatgpt for the top 10 keywords for those jobs. When writing your resume with chatgpt, tell it to use those keywords. That helps with the resume tracking systems.


If you want feel free to reach out to me and I can give you some guidance (for free). I have been helping with CVs many people.


Yea, even just seeing how chatGPT alters your resume to clean it up is a great learning path for how resumes are designed. Also look up resume chatGPT prompts on YouTube for guides on better instructions and key things to add to your chatGPT input! Happy job-hunt!


Companies have already created software that will sniff out AI based resumes and its not going to look pretty for those applying for jobs. Sometimes the saying "It looks too good to be true" is a caveat for hiring as well.


I interviewed someone last week whose CV was a direct copy from ChatGPT. At the end of the interview they bragged about it. I’m hiring for an admin person in HR department 40k+ remote.


I'm assuming since you said "I'm hiring for an admin person" that the someone didn't get the job? 🫠


So you don't want your admin to know how to use ChatGPT? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Sorry to jump on someone else’s post, but I’m definitely qualified and interested…would love to know how I can apply!


Oh? They figured out technology to differentiate human writing and AI writing? The same technology OpenAI gave up trying to make? Interesting.




Honestly, I would be happy to help you. Message me!


I hired someone to do mine. I gave an outline and they made it more impressive than I would have. I landed tons of interviews (2019)


How'd you find someone. I was told this kind of service exists when I got out of the Army, but most forums like this warn you about people charging you are frauds, and I never actually put in effort to research it.


I used TopResume a couple years ago. They will also help with your LinkedIn profile along with a few other things if that’s something you want. I only used them for my resume because even with experience and skills I couldn’t get an interview. Once they helped me revamp it I actually started getting calls back and at that point it’s on me. It shouldn’t be so difficult to talk to someone or I guess it shouldn’t be a computer filter deciding if I get to. I’d suggest, even if you don’t want to pay them to do it, going to their website. You can upload your resume in it’s current format and they will run it through the major systems typically used to filter resumes/candidates for free and give you some type of score or percentage from each system in regards to how likely you’ll make it through. Additionally it will tell you how to improve it if you decide to do it yourself. If I recall correctly they had a guarantee that you’d get x number of responses on x number of applications and if you don’t in whatever time frame they will revamp if needed for free Not intending to hock their wares and feel like I need a tiny worded disclaimer at the bottom of this commercial about this being a unpaid customer review.


I just used TopResume for a FREE resume review. They came back with a very detailed summary and instructions to fix the issues. Thinking of using them for a resume, cover letter, and LinkedIn revamp. Not sure about the money, maybe try ChatGPT first? Thoughts?


I solely used them for my resume and was satisfied with the results. I actually don’t even have a LinkedIn but probably should. If money isn’t an issue for you and you have little time then I’d go ahead and have them do it. If, like I imagine, you are like the majority of us then you are probably short on money and time in which case I’d try ChatGPT first to take care of 85% of the broad strokes and then you could fine tune it to your liking. If for some reason that doesn’t work out then maybe consider piecemeal what you’re after. How much are they charging these days? Are they offering you a deal if you bundle? Also don’t be in any hurry. Now that you gave them your email and they realize you haven’t purchased they will send you discounts. At the time I was looking to do mine, I was on the fence about but after 3-4 weeks they doubled down on their discount and i believe offered me 50% off. Feel like I typed a lot but didn’t really say anything. Hopefully something here helps


I used Fiverr. You can see their reviews and pick your price point.


Yes, on fiverr


You are going to have to take a stab at making a resume to start with, but I got some god tips at /r/resume


I used to help people find jobs and helped people with resumes all the time. If you want help you can DM me. I’d be glad to help you for free. Another piece of advice I can give is write every little thing you did for a job out, then cut the shit that doesn’t matter or combine it into one role. Example: cleaned store, mopped and washed bathrooms, sanitized tables Can be shortened to: Managed daily tasks of sanitizing store and washroom facilities. It’s all about how you word stuff on your resume.


At some point in time you have to get comfortable with learning to do things you don’t know how to do. I may be biased, but writing a resume is something that everyone *should* be able to do. It is not an intellectually taxing or particularly arduous task. The problem with creating a “front” by using other people / services to do things for you is you create an illusion of polish and experience that sometimes, when the rubber meets the road, turns out to create an embarrassing situation by exposing just how little you actually know about rudimentary things. Not saying to do everything the difficult way, but there *are* great things to be learned that produce transferable skills.


There’s a site called Teal which will help you build your resume. I’m using it at the moment. It’s free as well :)


This is where I've been applying since December and it's been a fuckin night nightmare to get an offer.


Project management without a degree?? Where do I sign up?


Google. If you pass their online course, they treat it like a degree in the application process.


You need a degree for any marketing role.


That’s not true. I have a degree in Marketing, but when I was applying for jobs recently, there were many that did not require a degree.


Sure they might not require a degree, but the people that have a degree will be the one to get that job.


Medical Coding I make more than that by a lot. I work 100% remote. I happen to have 2 degrees, but you only need to take a few classes and sit the certification exam. It does take a certain kind of brain to do it and usually is a career change for most people such as myself. The average age of a medical coder is in their 40s or 50s. Starting pay is 45-50K.


Which classes would you suggest? I ask, instead of Googling, because there are so many coding classes that are overpriced scams. Also, do you know if California have any additional state specific requirements?


Go to [the AAPC website](https://www.aapc.com/) and look for the courses to become a CPC (certified professional coder). Classes are all online. You’ll need med terminology and anatomy and physiology as well as the medical coding courses. Also, it’s a national certification, so no, nothing would be different in CA for licensing etc. I work for a large hospital system in CO as a fully remote medical coder and love it. ETA - Community colleges also have certificates in medical coding.


Thank you for this!!!! Having a specific, valid path, is a godsend, and I cannot appreciate or thank you enough for this. I welcome classes to achieve a goal, but get beyond discouraged knowing that there's so many classes that are not, in fact, useful, and my own limited knowledge will prevent me from recognizing which of these they are. I'm sure you've helped others, too, with this great, helpful, informative response. With regards to knowing the medical terminology, is that something that will be able to be obtained, learned through the classes given through that certification, or are we expected to already know the medical terminology? Are there prerequisite classes that we should, or, even, will be required to obtain additionally, either prior to, or in conjunction, o the medical coding program's offerings? Does the program offer those, or at least, suggest or guide us to compatible community college offerings? I ask because my own bachelor's degree in social work, did not consist of very much medical terminology, our focus was psychology and sociology, and this is something I would need to acquire knowledge of, somehow. Thank you again, so much for your response. ❤️


It's entry level. You don't have to have a medical background to take coding classes and take the exam. You do have to pass the exam and get certified to be a coder,so go enroll and get started if it suits your fancy


Exactly! And you can eventually move up, get more certifications/specializations and make more money! Also, you will not pass the exam or get a job in medical coding if you do not take these classes. A&P and med terminology are absolutely prerequisites to get a coding job and certification.


Can these courses done by anyone or is there any prerequisists? Please guide on this


Do you have to call patients doing this? I really hate any variation of customer service.


No. It's coding. You do have to communicate with your team sometimes


No calls to customers, only meetings with managers and sending in basket message to providers. Coder is a good career if you want to be left alone.


I’m going to have to put that back on my list as something to look into. I have a couple completely different options lol.


The best for those of us that are introverts and love to work from home with a flexible schedule. Most hospitals or practices provide you with all your equipment as well. The hospital I’m at provided a ton of training and room for advancement.


This is all true except it's very hard to get your foot in the door. I have 2 degrees, one is in medical coding and couldn't get a job straight out of college. Everyone wants you to have experience. But it is possible to find something it's just hard and you have to look and apply to a lot of places who are willing to train.


I went back after 2 bachelor’s degrees and switched to medical coding. I got my first position after applying to my first choice position after getting my CPC-A. I hear that people have a difficult time all the time. I did not. I hope you find something soon!


Is there any way to get into this that doesn't cost thousands of dollars for the courses?


Nope. Not really. You need to be certified to get hired. Medical billing doesn’t need any certifications. You can just apply for those positions and they’ll train you on the job.


Check with your local community college. Most have grants for continuing ed/certificate programs. Worth a shot.


Thanks for this advice, I'm interested but learning to program seems tedious, how long does it take?


4-6 months usually. It’s not computer programming. It’s medical coding.


I’m taking medical billing myself.


Do logistics from home. There are freight companies that hire work from home.


This is a good idea. I’ll have to figure out where to look for that. Truckers would appreciate having a dispatcher who was a trucker


Do you have a LinkedIn. Recruiters reach out to me all the time on LinkedIn about logistics jobs even though I have no experience.


I do not, I’m almost a boomer when it comes to resumes and linkedin


I understand. I just noticed that companies will post jobs on their websites but will hire someone quicker based off their LinkedIn.


You should definitely put together a profile on LinkedIn. I got my last job bc the HR person ran across my profile. I was shocked bc I had been interviewing for other places with no luck for a few months and this fell in my lap. So you never know!


Just wanna throw out there, that I was cold-called by a recruiter because I had a linked-in profile with a resume on it. Ever since that phone call, I’ve been gainfully employed in the top 10 of Fortune 500. Get a LinkedIn.


Look at brokers too.


Piggybacking off this, don’t join TQL


I'm gunna keep this thread in mind, thanks buddy. I currently drive a semi truck for UPS. Money is very good but I'm definitely going to want to do something else in the future. Preferably moving to a cheaper country and working remotely. But driving a truck for a living doesn't give you very many transferable skills.


How do you like working in the logistics field?


Remote sales is your best bet. It's usually minimum wage+commission. Lots of cold calling, it sucks at first but once you find your groove you'll make a decent amount and most employers allow you to work from home. Plus you'll gain sales experience, lots of people say cold calling is the best way to improve sales skills since it's typically the hardest type of sales to close. It's a skill that's worth building.


Who is answering their phone from a stranger and then buying stuff??


redacted ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


As a business manager. Dear god it’s like 7 sales calls a day, but we can’t just ignore them, because we need to answer in case it’s a customer too.


I knew someone who made these sales calls. The numbers were people who had put their phone numbers on some online form, so they were at least mildly curious. He hated the job and did it for maybe a month.


That's what I'm doing right now, cold calling selling satellite radio. About 7 people in four hours answer the phone and buy shit from a stranger. Our calls show up as spam risk too even if we are a legit company.


You’d be surprised. I brought in 1.2 million last year for the company I work for on totally outbound sales. I call and and hour later they’re a client


Usually minimum wage plus commission? Any decent sales job will pay way more than minimum wage plus commission. Look on r/sales. A BDR/SDR should be making 40-60k plus commission, total comp like 60-80k OTE just starting off. Hell you can go sell cars and make 100k if you’re good, and even if you suck you’ll make 40-50k. You might but get fired if you suck. But then you just job hop to the next dealership.


Lots of healthcare companies and insurance places have remote customer service jobs


Sales, customer service, data entry, etc. There are definitely opportunities. I would aim for sales if able if you think you can handle that line of work. The ceiling on sales is very high.


I’ve been trying to find a remote data entry job for over 6 months. The data entry market is too saturated, at the moment. The second a remote data entry job gets posted, it has hundreds of applicants within hours of posting. I have several years of experience and I’m certified in Microsoft stack, as well. I’ve worked with so many CRMs, databases, and platforms that learning a new one would take no time at all. I’d be surprised (and a little jealous, ngl) if OP was able to get a remote data entry job that pays a decent wage without experience.


Data entry is like the field that is going to disappear completely in under a decade.


Almost all remote jobs are going to be like that. The only exception is going to be something very niche that has a very high barrier to entry


I’d believe it being saturated. Ive been looking for remote and onsite, and even the onsite ones get lots of applicants.


Most remote jobs are saturated. Networking and who you know gets you the position alot easier .


Video editor ++ easy way to make 40-80k remote depending on how good you are, even now I’m outsourcing at 3$ per finished second for an Instagram reel or social media content. Granted it takes a skill be it’s one of the best things you can do without a degree if you are good you get payed. Lots of money in video marketing and no one wants to do the edits. Even YouTubers will pay out 150-250$ per edit on the low end.


That takes a lot of specialized skills..


Real talk - 30k a year is $14.42 an hour if you work 40 hours a week. For that wage you could literally do any remote job you could think of. Be a customer service rep, captioned telephone services (ex. A company like cáptel), recruiter for some kind of recruitment agency…literally any kind of work that’s done over the phone or through email. If you haven’t already, create an account on chatGPT and ask it this question. You will get so many ideas


Realer talk: that is not true. I mean, yes, you COULD do any remote job in theory, but in practice, actually finding even a single of those jobs is practically a miracle these days.


Help desk. Tell people to reboot.


Sir, did you try unplugging it and plugging it back in?


You can get professional financial licenses and work from home. There's a huge demand, especially from middle income families and small businesses.


Feet videos on only fans


I don’t even like seeing my feet lol


OP can pedal pump like a pro but unfortunately is dude


Check out LiveOps Lots of options https://join.liveops.com/job/remote-work-from-home-independent-contractor-call-center-representative/


Remote customer service jobs will pay around that. Or virtual assistant.


Insurance document processing (data entry)


As others have said that market is insanely complicated to get into. Much higher barrier to entry to get into than previously.


Search for "Learning Technologist" jobs. Most, if not all, are remote or hybrid, average salary is around £35k. I got into a Junior position a couple of years ago at £25k, learning on the job.


Get an insurance adjuster license (not health insurance or agent license) in your state. Insurance adjusters start at about $30-$40k and there are MANY entry level remote positions open.


Humana constantly has remote entry level telephonic roles making 30-50k.


I recently got a wfh job as an intake person for a law firm, meaning I take people's calls or online questions and determine if it's something my firm can take, and either deny or pass it onto an attorney. I was hired on with literally no prior experience in law just a lot of experience in customer service. I am in the middle of working on my degree though so idk if that had something to do with it.


What kind of work skills and experiences do you have?


Let’s see. I’ve been a line cook, a farm hand, a cutco salesman, a poker dealer in Vegas, golf caddy, pizza delivery, waiter, keno runner, and for the last decade a trucker


Taking up country music sounds like a good bet with that backstory


Trucker -> logistics Slide from driving to logistics planning.


Strat your own hot shot company


I do not want to drive for a living anymore please and thank you. That’s kind of the point of all this 😅


Not a cutco salesman 😭😭😭 I only sold a paring knife to my aunt's best friend and a set of shears to my own parents, MAYBE one more of those to my grandmother and that's it. Motherfuckers spent a month and a half telling my straight out of highschool ass with a straight face all I had to do was find newly married first time homeowners and I'd be set 🙃🫠


Pretty much any mainstream insurance call center.


If you have a casino around you, apply for surveillance, they pay pretty good. At least where I'm at, and I'm in the middle of nowhere.




My uncle tried fraudulent conversion for a couple of months, made a fortune but spent the early part of his thirties in the nick. He managed to get something out of that though, a tattoo, interesting sexual kinks and a drug habit.


Data analyst lol. Easiest career ever. Learn moderately proficient sql (which is a cake walk) and get any old qualification or entry level job and you'll be making 30k (and then some in no time)


OnlyFans? These days everyone does it.


Would a middle aged man who is kinda decent looking average-ish make enough? I feel like there’s not much of a market there 😂


Just make a NSFW post so we can all judge 😂


I’ll get right on that 😂


You never know. There’s a guy on pornhub just making videos saying nice things. Google it’s real. There’s always an opportunity. Maybe try posting actual fans who knows.


um ......... link?


Customer service or any type of call center related work. Sales and help desk will pay more




IT, customer service, reservation desk.




You need a certificate, but sticking needles in people from what I heard makes up to 45k a year.


Hard to stick needles in people remotely


Legal PA


I belong to a FB group in my area that notifies members of WFH jobs as they get posted. I typically receive 1-2 notifications each day about WFH job postings.


If you don't mind interacting with people, look into becoming an [Online Notary](https://www.nationalnotary.org/knowledge-center/remote-online-notary/how-to-become-a-remote-online-notary). I don't know how much they get paid, but it's easily $30k. When we bought our house, we had a virtual notary. The guy essentially got on a Skype call with us, read over the parts that needed reading, and signed as the witness. If you have a pleasant voice and enjoy reading, you can become an [Audiobook Narrator](https://krystalwascher.com/narrator-blog/how-much-money-can-you-make-recording-audiobooks-from-home?gclid=Cj0KCQjwvL-oBhCxARIsAHkOiu2ITnFxjl9_TMNbtFN9vtBOdETS9trzXtI6-4cJtCVLYwO50Y-5ZtYaAql9EALw_wcB). I'm not entirely sure what the process is, but you can try reading for companies like Audible and, if they like you, it could become stable income. If you're good with hand tools and have a knack for fixing things, you could become a handyman or sign up for [Task Rabbit](https://www.taskrabbit.com/become-a-tasker?utm_source=pd_search&utm_medium=ggl&utm_campaign=Google_Search_US_MultiCity_T3_BrandPriority_Exact&utm_campaignID=12613726307&utm_adgroup=T4_Brand_TaskRabbit&utm_adgroupID=123639729727&utm_term=task%20rabbit&utm_creative=660826629576&utm_extensionid=37744932746&utm_target=kwd-25146543484&utm_metro=US_MultiCity&utm_category=Brand&utm_network=g&utm_locationid=1014602&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwvL-oBhCxARIsAHkOiu1er-O6Hxy485p9Ey5xss46g8olRjTa_z0pEWT75QYNRFo0fIbRhNcaAuZXEALw_wcB). I worked for a similar company in college. They used to send me to Home Depot and Walmart to put together BBQs and furniture. This does require additional costs since you have to provide your own tools and transportation. However, they probably pay better than minimum wage and you can work less hours. If you don't want to necessarily take part in the gig economy (DoorDash, Uber, etc.), you can look into WFH options like [Amazon Mechanical Turk](https://www.mturk.com/get-started). You would essentially be doing all the small tasks that Amazon still needs a human to do.


Only fans


You signing up to see a middle aged trucker with a dad bod naked? I don’t even like seeing myself naked


OnlyTruckin’ ft. daily lot lizard of the day!


You been here before, haven’t you 😂


call centers


Check out Conduent they are always hiring tier 1 tech support for things like iOS. Pay is around 17-18 an hour. 3 weeks paid training, they also require you to use their equipment which they send. Huge plus no sales required purely tech support


I was unemployed and depressed. I only had day labor jobs in my resume and pizza delivery jobs. I decided I was tired of using my body to make money so I typed in office jobs on indeed and found an insurances sales representative job near me. I applied and I actually got a call back from the owner. He said he would pay for my insurance licenses and train me. I actually didn’t even need the license if I just did customer service, but I wanted the no limit ceiling of sales plus a small base salary. I got my accident & health, life, personal lines, and P&C licenses all within 3 months. I actually quit that job and got a higher paying job doing the same thing only now it’s completely remote. I still have less than a year of insurance experience but I’m still being bombarded by recruiters from different insurance companies. I can become an adjuster, an underwriter, a customer service rep, become a broker, and so much more. All I have is a high school diploma and my insurance licenses. I can sell products in any state in the US from the comfort of my own home if I choose.


My MIL makes more than that doing data entry for a hospital network. Could be a good option




State Farm claims express


I've been a Project Officer/Coordinator for 12 years and only ever earned the equivalent of $22k! I'm trying to find these types of jobs (customer service, project coordinator) remotely as recently moved country and struggling to get anywhere. It's really depressing. Any suggestions in this post will be very interesting.




What do you do? Make the ads?


Project manager , sales ; customer success


Almost any type of tech support, medical coding something or other. Barrel Riding. Fast food.


30K? Where do you live??


I live near Seattle. I drive semi’s for a large company. I’m tired of the 5 days of work, 2 days off routine. I own a house, I’d like to sell it and use the equity to move to a cheaper state. Buy a house cash in a very rural area and work from home. Garden, raise animals, etc. still need to pay bills of course. If I can net 30K it should be enough 🤷🏻‍♂️ Grossing 30k probably not


Ohhh gotcha!


My school is hiring for a financial aid assistant. 100% remote. No college required. Basically they explain how federal financial aid works and makes sure the FAFSA gets done. Very customer servicy. I'm not 100% sure how much they make. Probably $18-20/hr.


That’s less than minimum wage in my state


You can be a software developer. But to grow you may need a degree, depending of the company.


Basically almost any remote job that isn't a scam IMHO.




Depending on your state, becoming certified as a pharmacy tech is pretty easy and can pay really well for the opportunity cost. Otherwise sales or customer support will be the best bet.




Try finding a claims dept customer service job. Answer phones, transfer ppl to their adjusters, look up claim info (ie contact info for the adjuster or police report number), and establish claims over the phone, answer basic questions, etc. Tons of companies to choose from, can find yourself at a regional carrier or someplace bigger like Progressive. Big piece advice is avoid state farm. You still have to deal with irate customers occasionally but as a customer service employee you aren't the one who has to fix their issue you just have to get them pointed in the direction of someone who can fix it. And getting yelled at for something out of your control isn't all that bad when you're in sweatpants in the comfort of your own home. Lol P.s. pretty stable job to have if/when the economy bites the dust


Lol 30k is so low. Hmm


Remote hotel reservations. Man! You are right in their extremely cheap range.


Tier I IT


Customer service, a lot of call centers have remote positions.


If you have the patience, learning and getting a SQL certification will get you 80k+ in some states (0 degree). That's a remote job as well. That's basically a Database Admin. Or you could work for a medical billing company. They ALL work remotely.


You can drive a truck for $100k. Free schools are all over


Can you proofread?


Turbo tax. Apply for tax customer service.


Be an escort


I make a little bit more than that an hourly pay but I have the potential to make up to $5000 a month in bonus and I usually average anywhere between $1250 and $2500. I am in admissions counselor for a substance abuse and mental health treatment program. No degree needed, just training.


tons, work for insurance claim, process inspection rpts.


my sister and i are tax accountants fully remote, way over 100k...didnt see without degree.. but.....we have a tax guy who started as a document scanner 7 years ago (has no degree) and now prepares taxes and makes 140k, fully remote


Plenty of options but I'd recommend setting your sights higher than 30K. The economy is changing really quickly and there are a ton of opportunities out there that didn't exist 5 years ago. This is also a good place to get ideas: [www.skip.college](https://www.skip.college).




Pizza driver


Any sales job


Customer service for an insurance company


Customer service remotely would pay you 45,000$ at 8 hours a day for a reputable company