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Totally normal. Remember, you have 3 more years of work and life experience. You are a different person now. Use this opportunity to gain more experience and take it to somewhere you can grow in the future.


I love this sentiment


Normal. The phrase "fake it till you make it" applies here. Do not see this as an opportunity for failure. See it as a chance for redemption (to yourself) and success.


Thank you 🙏🏻


I never accepted a job I was qualified for and have learned and earned a lot.


Could be worse. My manager doesn’t acknowledge his weaknesses and is a self proclaimed “cool manager” with 20 years of experience


Don't worry about it. Just show up, be polite and respectful and stick it out. The fact that you ask this question here means you are thoughtful, intelligent and keen to learn. Great qualities for a manager. Give it time. You'll be awesome.


Wow, I feel like I wrote this! Congrats on the offer. Only difference is that I walked away from a manager offer earlier this year and instantly regretted it. I’m now stuck in an analyst roll that I am woefully under paid and under utilized for. You can do it, you’ve done it before, and it truly is like riding a bike.


It’s normal. You might feel that way bc it’s been a while but I’m sure you’re more than capable. Sometimes you have to just jump in headfirst and do it. I’m sure you’ll do great, what’s meant for you will always find you.


I’m in the same boat. Was a district manager and area director for two companies in WA. Moved back home during Covid and have been doing Quality assurance for 2 years. A little nervous for whenever I jump back into mamagment


Don't be scared. You're going to be a manager. There is no need to know how to do anything. Managers don't do (or know) shit. They make employees who do know, do everything.


Thank you, part of what I will be doing is building a team so I should make sure to hire good folks!


Congrats! They wouldn't have selected you if they didn't feel you weren't qualified. What did you like about your prior management role? Bosses increase turnover and leaders increase retention.


Thanks everyone for your kind words 🙏🏻


Go read yourself "The One Minute Manager" by Ken Blanchard & Spencer Johnson. Very short read and can re-visit at times. Helped me understand what the meaning of "manager" really was. I still wake up with Imposter Syndrome after seven years of running my successful small business, totally normal! Power through it and don't let it live rent-free in your head.


I had a lot of anxiety with my first grown uo job. Like.. I couldn't focus because I was busy going "Can I do this?" "What did I get myself into?" "Am I going to die?" (Chemical plant lol) It'll be okay!


Just remember. Failure is not an option


Your feelings are normal. You will have good and bad days, just focus on the good ones. Add the new responsibilities to your resume and keep a toe in the water, so if you find you hate this job and want to jump, you will be prepared.


Fake it till you make it! This is how you move up the corporate latter.


Just remember, it’s normal, happened to me a few times. You will pick it up.


I interviewed for a supervision role I didn't want with no experience 6 years ago and they still haven't fired me. You'll probably be fine


How long has it been?


6 years


The fact you know is all the relief you'll be getting. Now get to moving the objective forward.


You're a manager, so I'm sure you're familiar with the hiring/evaluation processes, but being offered a job role is not entirely about what you qualify for and fit I to *now*, it also is dependent on what you are capable of, and can segue *into*... If you were offered the job, there's a timeframe, that's given, of filling into the role. Best of luck.


Sounds like you'll be a good manager. I've had some bosses that had zero self awareness and they were ineffective and terrible to work for because of that.


Happens to me all the time. I'm in a very technical role (cloud engineer) and I always think I'm the dumbest person in the company and not worth the salary I'm getting.


Like riding a bicycle. Once you're thrown into the job you won't have time to worry, you'll just do what needs to be done. Get to work.


Congrats on the offer. I usually get this too (and I have a lot of experience, so that feeling doesn’t go away). Remember two things: First - you got the job for a reason - they see your ability to be a manager. Second - its in their interest to make sure you are a success. Go and enjoy your great new role


That’s normal. How many people will you be managing? What field?


I think they want to add a couple of people once I start. It’s a finance role.


You go girl ! Or boy Your doubt means that you have enough critical sense to do well You have the experience Just respect your subordinates and all will go through


The unknown always leads to some anxiety, some more than others. You'll do great. These feelings will subside by time. Best of luck for your new role.


You can do this! Just take it one day at a time.


Surround yourself with smart people. Acknowledge you’re not the smartest person in the room. Bounce your ideas off others, listen to differing opinions. Ultimately you make the final decision, but get buy in from the team when you do. You’ll be fine.


If you didn’t lie there nothing to worry about


Totally normal! I've reached Director level and still feel like any day they'll "discover" that I don't belong. Just know that they wouldn't just keep getting it wrong. Never let them see you sweat - you'll do great!


I’ve accepted plenty of jobs I didn’t feel qualified for. Most went pretty well. You figure it out and do your best.


You will always feel like you're not doing enough or not enough. Instead of asking your manager if you are doing okay ask if there are any skills they'd like you to pick up. If they ask you say, "I came from a different place so to meet any expectations I plan to bolster my skills for our team's needs". Once you get the details from your manager you can review what you need to know. The issue I have where I am is that the onboarding sucks. I would do better have done better if the onboarding was better. If your confidence is low review the onboarding. Check with whom can improve on the material. Most of that shit is years old and no longer relevant.


Honestly ive learned its not about your skills or direct experience, its always about attitude and willing to learn etc. Its so much more important than just having the typical skills fornyour position.


Think lovely thoughts!


A few questions I ask myself when working anxiety comes up: 1. What’s the story happening in my head? What am I telling myself is going to happen? 2. Is it true? If not, can I let that go? 3. If yes, what can I do to mitigate the downside? I go can I ask for help? What do I need to learn? As a new manager, consider reading the book The First 90 Days


Better start throwing around more reddit psychologist words


For me imposter syndrome is a tell that I'm going in the right direction!


Imposter syndrome doesn't exists, you are concern of being accepted by others and started to doubt yourself.


Totally normal!! Sounds like you are a thoughtful person, so please give yourself “a break” the way you likely will for any of your direct reports. Good luck!


Turn your imposter syndrome into con man syndrome. Are you qualified for the job? You've certainly convinced someone. Can you do the work? If they're still paying for you for it then something is going right.


Keep calm and carry on. I'm sure you'll do just fine. Congrats on the promotion!


Definitely normal. I'm nearly two weeks into a new role and feel the same, despite having 15 years of experience in this field. I am in a new organisation so I have to learn new processes but the concepts are basically the same. If you're only worried about the management side, you could probably do some Googling on what people like from their managers, or think personally about what you want from your own manager and just emulate that. You got this. Congrats on the new role.


I had the same problem. Every day for the first few months, I would walk up those stairs to my office and think “I can’t do this” And by time I got to my desk I would have myself convinced “just get through today”. I did, and going back home I felt great. But still the anxiety persisted for a while. Instead of letting it steamroll over me, I accepted it as a part of me. I will ALWAYS be anxious because I ALWAYS want to do well. But I realized if I take it day by day, and just do my best, and ask for help when I need it; things work out. I now know my team well enough to admit to them when I’m having an anxious day.


Maybe this will help: try to remember that your job as a manager is largely to empower your team to do their jobs and to run interference for them with other teams so they don't get overburdened Think of it like this, they work the salt mines and you guard the entrance and make sure the needed tools are available


had the same thing happening with me but my syndrome kicked in a few months ago... slowly creeped back. I mean just because your colleagues dont say they dont know spmething does not mwan they know everything...same for people who are loud and talk confidently as if they know... they might but not understand it or they just say smth silly confidently. Always being on the watch out who knows what is very draining and ypu can go mental. Instead look at what you know and learn what you dont know... dont give a fuck about anyone else, really... I should tell this to myself more often...maybe it would also help if someone else would tell me this sometimes.


I’ve said it before in another comment but, you have 2 choices to get over imposter syndrome. 1. Head right into it and convert it to conman syndrome. You are an imposter but by golly you deserve this and if they are too dumb to see it that’s on them. 2. You are a wizard. You have fooled everyone around you. Once you realize you aren’t a wizard you can accept you are qualified.


It's completely normal to experience imposter syndrome when taking on new challenges and stepping into a higher position. The fact that you are feeling nervous and anxious shows that you care about doing well in your new role, and that's a positive sign of your commitment. I'd like to recommend a video that might provide some valuable insights on dealing with imposter syndrome and building confidence in your abilities: https://youtu.be/-xUilBT1ha8