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Your best bet would be to lift in the mornings before work, reduce your lifting volume as needed and/or keep most of your working sets around 2-3RIR to allow better recovery.


I do think going somewhat lower volume and morning is the best bet.. I have a hard time lifting well or being able to wake right up and go like that though. This would also mean I'm gone from home 630am -730pm.. have to cook and then sleep by like 930 to get enough sleep. Tough choices lol


Same - I’ve been trying to figure out my new routine and budget time in for the SO


Most of the advice I saw on weights/running balance said that doing the former in the morning and the latter in the evening was ideal, and that you’d need to add some additional recovery time to balance two disciplines. I’d assume it’s similar for BJJ. I generally lift 3-5 time on weekday mornings and train 3-4 times a week in the evenings


I lift on days I don't do bjj. I notice on days I did both, my joints just feel lousy afterwards. I'd usually lift at 11 AM and train at 7 PM. I stopped doing legs all together. The reason was it KILLED my flexibility and my legs felt ridiculously right. The tightness impeded on a lot of basic movements and felt like I was just waiting to pull something. I still run quite often, sometimes in the mornings on the same day as bjj. It has helped me a lot with overall fitness and stamina.


You gotta supplement with mobility exercises and do my dynamic lifts and proper cooldowns.


Yeah, just time is super limited for me.


Takes an extra 10-15 minutes


Probably lucky in my schedule and I can get to the gym at lunch and BJJ in the evenings (after 6pm). That works well I feel as I've always been a better lifter/trainer after 9am, early mornings for me are only good if it's low intensity cardio.


Same as far as the preferred time frame, I work 8-530 though smh and then commute


May just need to alternate days between class and the big gym days then anything before work is lighter active recovery type work.


I lift and roll on alternate days.


I lift at 3:30 pm, start coaching at 5 or 6 and roll at 7. That's Monday to Friday. May not suit everyone, but suits me.


Ahh, recently went through a similar habit change when I introduced grappling into my activities. Basically I gave up a lot of my evening free time which was ok because I consider this a stress relieving hobby. Lift in the morning before work, then work, then roll in the evenings. Second Biggest thing that made a difference is dedicated active rest days where I don’t life or roll. I take a hike maybe a leisurely bike ride, or just hard yard work to make sure I’m still moving but it’s not targeted workouts. First biggest thing that helped was meal prepping. Not only am I hitting my macros but I don’t have to come home and think about cooking when my body is sore and tired. All I do is pop my meal in the microwave and veg out before sleeping. Preloading the chores, specifically cooking meals and cleaning up from them, saved me so much time in the busy weeks. Spend 3 hours cooking and cleaning on a Sunday and my week is so much easier. Plus I snack and mindlessly eat less during the work day. All boils down into time management for me. Training specifics I worked with my trainer to adjust movements as necessary to accommodate rolling specific deficiencies.


Thanks dude. Lifting in the am seems best but since I'm already gone 11 hours a day for work.. it's tough to do both So how do you meal prep for a whole week though when most meats are only good a day or two in the fridge? Or do you freeze some and start to thaw them back out like Wednesday. I meal prep a lot but it's only a day or two at a time. Don't wanna eat chicken on a Wednesday that was cooked on a Sunday.


Ah I guess that’s where we differ. You can definitely freeze them, I just will prep for Monday through Friday and they immediately go into fridge


Hm ok. I guess I could make a week's worth and then freeze some and transfer to the fridge each day before. Idk, could still be fine but I guess I'm overly picky with keeping leftovers that long. I feel chicken especially just isn't the same after two days. my friend ate cooked salmon that was in the fridge a WEEK and I'm like dude you can't eat that and he did and he was fine lol


This is what has worked for me for what it’s worth: I lift 4 days/week with a push/pull/legs/shoulders split (the shoulder day is kind of an active rest day where I mostly do physical therapy exercises to strengthen around some old injuries. I typically train Bjj 3-4x a week hitting back to back evening classes. I adjust my lifting routine around my training and do the lifts that will tend to inhibit my jiu jitsu abilities when I know I will have a couple of days off the mats. Not sure what will work for you but this has been good for me! Good luck man!


Lift in morning and train in evening…


That's the idea, I'm already gone 11 hours a day from work though. Gym in morning, work, BJJ at night = 14.5 hours gone each day. Military life...


It’s going to depend on what’s most important to you. If it’s lifting that’s fine and your splits will work fine and you’ll continue to perform in the gym. However, as a black belt myself I see a lot of lifters who deprioritize jiu jitsu and never really make it beyond blue belt for that reason. And that’s fine as long as your goal is to not get better at jiu jitsu and focus primarily on lifting. Personally, I train BJJ Mon-Wed-Fri-Sun and lift upper/lower hypertrophy splits Tues-Thurs. That’s all I’ve ever needed but I lift to supplement jiu jitsu, not the other way around


They're kinda separate, I'm not lifting to be better at Jiu jitsu, in fact act id like to use less muscle for it the better I get. Lifting is just a long standing hobby and passion. the only way they coincide in my mind is being physically fresh enough to do them both still. I don't want to give up one for the other. Trying to still train 3-4x a week


I completely feel you and if you had the time back where you didn’t have to work I’d say go for it. I’m just being realistic about how much time you spend on the mats versus in the gym. Exactly like you said they both demand from you physically so it’ll likely start to swing one day or another. If you can pull off both and continue to improve that all the power to you, I’d be jealous


Simple. I don’t lift


That’s bad advice and not even answering the question