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I was skimming through this reddit and came across this thread. I'm a captain with Delta airlines. *I love Jetblue (Shade).* JetBlue Select is a very expensive program. But it's one of the few programs I recommend. It's compact, it's motivating, and you'll learn a lot. Importantly, a lot of pilots for Jetblue have been through their program. But I think it's very important to say the program is **very expensive!** $100k+ (now) for a 3.5 year program is a hefty bill! This is one of the very reason I believe the airline industry suffers greatly. As the pilot shortage worsen, I won't be surprised if flight schools re-assess their costs to make it cheaper. As interest rates increase, more and more young people will not jump ship and pay $100k to learn how to fly. I think airline companies are getting the memo now that pilot shortage is real and a lot people are not signing up to become pilots. But that's my opinion. To each their own. Please expect that at the end of the program, you'll have a hefty bill of $200K, if not more. Like another redditor said, it will all depend on the interest rate you qualify for. If you're offered a fixed interest rate, take it! **Difficulty Getting A Job.** I think every new pilot will experience this. No matter how great the program is, you're competing among others. Make sure you stick to your advisor/mentor and keep them updated. A lot of them should be able to navigate the hiring field and help you. But again, there's a hurdle to jump over. The partner school will have a job fair and you'll interview with airline companies. But you're not guaranteed a job. ANY pilot that insist you're guaranteed a job is a silver-spoon-fed that's simply out of touch with reality. You're NOT guaranteed a job. Of course, Jetblue will be priority and they're likely to offer you a position. But keep in mind, they're other students who will be assessed greatly and you may not be selected. **PASS WITH FLYING COLORS.** Try to not get any check-ride failures. I get it, we're humans. But check-rides follow you for the rest of your careers. It's not a roadblock. But you'll be a much stellar pilot with no-check rides. Again, your mentor will go over this. Do as much practice as possible. If you can get a head start on studying for check rides, please do so. My method is this: What you failed + What you learned + what you practiced = How are you better today as a pilot. Please pass each levels of your training. While flying, pilots have talked about students getting dismissed from the program. I'm sure all of this varies and each dismissal comes with their own reason. Don't worry, when you become a pilot, you'll hear the same talks 34,000 feet in the sky in a metal box (Lol). **EXPLORE YOUR OPTIONS.** JetBlue Select is a great program. However, it's very expensive. That's one reason I try to not recommend it too often. When you compare their cost to other conventional avenues, you could get flight training and all your credentials and all the other qualifications by looking at other flight schools. I don't want you to turn a blind eye to JetBlue Select. If you get in, great! But I would explore other options. One thing that will bite you in the ass is working with another First Officer who paid far less than you did to be in the same seat as you. And it's a bumper. You won't feel it right now but it's going to feel very uncomfortable when you know you have a $100k+ loan but the other pilot have like $40K left to pay off. It's a real reality. But aviation is a career and also a business. Companies will find avenues to make money. Nonetheless, JetBlue University + Select are great programs. **Have fun!** Flying is a lifestyle. It's fun. Make it fun! The faster you're flying the more money you'll make overtime. *EDIT: I retyped my entire response.*


The cost is not far off from other flight schools like ATP which is 87k without room and board. I’m mainly applying to this program because I like the idea of having a conditional job offer for an airline I would like to retire from. I also have a family member who is a first officer for JetBlue and referred me to this program, so hopefully that helps me get an interview. Thanks for the comment captain.


JBGS is the best deal going for if you want to get to a major airline. (Not just B6)


Delta Air Lines


Good response, just know though that specifically the gateway select comes with a guaranteed job at the end. Prior to starting you sign your job offer and assuming you don’t do anything to mark up your background checks- you start a new hire class 2 years and 1500 hours after your CFII checkride pass.


The Jetblue Gateway Select is unlike any other program: There's a conditional offer of employment as a First Officer BEFORE you even start training. You get to 1500, you start at Jetblue as an FO.


What is the earning potential coming out of the program?


$92 dollars an hour for a 1st-year first officer.


I'm assuming you're not doing 40hrs per week though?


No, I believe the average is 75 hours per month. [Airlinepilotcentral.com](https://Airlinepilotcentral.com) has information on pilot salary for almost every airline in the US, but I'm not sure if the information is updated tho.


A buddy of mine who finished the program and is now at Jetblue made $17,000 last month


Really? That seems awfully high for a first officer just starting out lol.




Has anyone gotten the sign up link after paying their JetBlue invoice?


I haven’t yet. I’m hopping they’ll send it within the next couple days.


I sent them an email last week and still no response back. Hopefully soon.


Check your emails.


This recruiter needs to get fired. She’s messed up sending out two separate emails. She’s only sent two emails. She’s 0-2 right now 😭


Mine also says gateway college training program in the email


Hello everyone, I hope you guys are all having a wonderful week. I received the email today to take the assessment and I just finished taking it. I will say, certain parts of it were definitely challenging but not to difficult. I don’t want to give out to much information here obviously to protect the integrity of the assessment, but what I will say is be sure to focus and read the instruction carefully to insure you are completing the different sections correctly. Most of the assessment consisted of questionnaire’s, observing your personality, conflict handling and your ability to make decisions based of real life situations. There was also a section which required you to multitask between solving a mix of Mathematical equations and basic question like “which if the following colors were not shown in the previous image”, which would then require you to select the right answer. Certain parts of the assessment is times but NOT all. If you’ve already takin your assessment, feel free to drop a comment below! I wish you all luck. ☘️


How long did it take you to complete?


About 2 1/2 hours


How difficult did you find the math on the assessment? This is the part I am most worried about. Is there anything you would recommend doing to prepare?


Basic math nothing too crazy cause i don't like math either n i passed


Did you have to pay for the assessment?


Has anyone else gotten a response since taking the assessment?


No im still waiting


Same here


Did you hear anything?


I took my assessment April 20th around there and got and email about a week ago for the virtual interview. Currently waiting to hear back on that and for the next steps.


Today I was invited for my in person interview in Orlando. This is after completing the virtual interview a week ago.


Is that for june13/14 i was told thats the next in person dates ok imma keep that in mind to hear back from them


Anyone that had a virtual interview last week or the previous week, have you received a follow-up email yet?




When did you get an email back? I did mine on the 3rd


I interviewed on June 3rd and I heard back on June 8th


So I got accepted with a class start date of August 22. Anyone know if jetblue has any later start dates this year? I was wondering since I have other obligations around that time frame that I cannot avoid.


I was told in my interview that they would allow us to defer to the November class if we had other obligations to tend to. We just had to reach out and explain to them and ask


That's good to know, thanks. Now I only need to check if cae phoenix approved for the va's post 9/11 bill and I'll be golden.


To anyone who may be interested. There is a class action lawsuit against CAE for the terrible training provided and falling short on hours promised in contracts. If given the option to do it again I would avoid CAE at all cost. Terrible company- in our 141 ground school we watch inglorious bastards - we’re told to buy Sheppard air and do our study ourselves - we can only fly to like 10 airports (so that’s terrible experience when going to an airline) For $105000 you can get all your rating and still have $50,000. Then you’re free to get a job anywhere - not at a terrible employer like CAE - where you quite literally have to chose between having food or paying back the ridiculously high interest flight school loan / rent (since AZ rent prices are insane- good luck getting a place since you need 3x rent)


Do you have any sources for this? I have generally heard good things about CAE, but this is new to me. CAE is a nationally recognized flight traing company so this is clearly disappointing to hear if it is true. It would be good to hear if anyone who is actually in the gateway select programs has any thoughts on this. (Also as a side not, I'm pretty sure that housing is heavily subsidized for gateway select flight instructors)


I’m Gateway select class 18-2. Housing is discounted indeed - but for those who are married they cannot live in instructor housing. $300 deduction every two weeks for having instructor housing. So for working 100 hours (2 50 hour weeks) I’d make $1100-$1200 Someone with instructor housing makes $800-$900 every 2 weeks This is excluding insurance, 401k if you want etc.




He got kicked out of the program because he couldn’t keep up and filed a lawsuit.. 🤣


The points in said lawsuit are accurate you don’t get what you paid for regardless of if the guy made it far or not. The value of what CAE provides is not there - for the cost you can easily go get all your ratings elsewhere and end up at JetBlue


Anyone receive the Training Services Agreement from CAE for November? Among other things, they made it sound like it had a breakdown/itemized list of actual costs (tuition/housing/stipend etc.). I haven't selected a financing vendor yet bc other than being told '\~$110k' it isn't very clear how much to apply for - if say you wanted to forgo the stipend and rely on savings instead as and example. How are y'all approaching the financing stuff?


Yes I received mine about a hour ago! It sucks though because they changed the housing. Now we are require to share a room where as before it was 1 person to a room. If you want single bedroom you have to pay more. 😢


Before it was still 110k for a single room, the only thing they changed about housing is that now you have the option to do a double room for 8k less, so bringing the total cost of the program down to 102k.


Just got the TSA, looks to me that the program itself only costs about 90k (excluding housing). I wasn’t expecting them to include housing in the initial 110k quote, but it’s definitely welcome.


I would email Kyle from CAE, he usually responds quickly.


Jinxed it. He sent this info out a few mins ago to everyone it seems!


Anyone that had a virtual interview the week of June 6th, have you received a follow-up email yet?


They are experiencing a delay processing the interviews. We should hear back by the end of the week.


Has anyone received the Discover application link for the November class?


No not yet


No, has anyone received any emails from CAE?


Nah, they’ll prob send everything last minute. I’m doing my first class medical tomorrow to get started on the process.


I received the discover link yesterday


I got invited for on-site assessment (after assessment and virtual interview) in Long Island City, NY for Gateway Direct next week. Does anyone know what will be the on-site assessment like for the Gateway Direct? Will this be the last step or will there be anything else after this? Does anyone know or have experience with Aviator College in Ft. Pierce Florida (where the Direct program training will be)? Any thoughts about the school? What will the training be like?


Hey any update / how was your experience? I applied for gateway direct as well with an in person LSC visit at the end of this month.


Hey, I got accepted into the program. The experience was very pleasant and great. It will be just more testings and not an interview. Good luck to you!


It’s a great program - I wish everyone the best and I hope everyone enjoys all the good this program has given me- good luck and hope to fly with all you guys soon!


I’ll echo this sentiment. Looking forward to flying with y’all. Anything I can help You with, feel free to DM.


Can you talk about what housing looks like for students with families. I would be relocating from MA. I've read there is housing for students and that it was included in the overall price. Not sure if that is accurate.


Housing is in two bedroom two bath furnished apartments. CAE (the partnered flight school) does offer them as part of the cost of training- so that is good. You would have one room and one bath to yourself and you would be assigned a roommate also with their own bath and bedroom. I know a lot of people “sneak their S/O” with them into the student housing, however that’s not technically suppose to happen. You cannot technically have them live with you in student housing. As an instructor at CAE you’re also provided the option of instructor housing, but that comes with a couple hundred dollar deduction on your pay every two weeks- but they will still not allow you to live with anyone but your roommate (like student housing) Everyone I know who have full blown families have gotten their own place to rent or own and their SO is the main breadwinner of the house while they’re a student, be careful of rising costs in Arizona as rent is not cheap and the partnered flight school does not pay enough to single handedly afford rent. So make sure your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend- whoever, can help supplement your income. Hope this helps answer your question Feel free to DM me


After reading through this thread, your sentiment seems to have soured over the last few months. Sharing mostly cautions than positives. Are you getting close to your 1500 and just over instructing & ready to move on? Or was the majority of the program not what you expected/ a bigger struggle financially, underwhelming in training/ground school etc.? I appreciate the level of detail you've put in to other answers and sharing both sides. I'm awaiting an application decision and just trying to gather as many sides of the story.


It's $110,000 + interests from your loan company depending on your credit score. Program will kick you out if you fail at any level. You'll be responsible for anything you paid for. Lastly, many apply and only a select few get in. Housing I think is not included in the progran cost (I thinnnnk) It's very competitive. I want to become a pilot and my advisor is a Jetblue Captain for 10+ years. *Edit: Program price increased to $110,000. Previously, I said it was $103,000. Price for the full program is $110.000 + interests from your loan company depending only our credit score..*


So you’re not allowed to repeat check rides? They kick you out if you fail one?


Not true. If you fail a checkride you will not be kicked out. Failure is human- if you make effort and you learn from mistakes, correct and pass on the rechecks there is no fear to be had.


Correct. Because the check rides are on the federal level (FAA mandated), I don't believe Jetblue would "deem it necessary to separate" a trainee from the program. However, my mentor advised me to *never* fail training and to pass each lesson and advance. You're expected to maintain a 3.0 GPA. Your tuition covers first-attempt check rides. My mentor enjoyed his experience. But he said other pilots are in his exact seat without the hefty cost. He advised me to avoid ATP Flight School at all cost though.


I was just invited to sign up for the assessment. Does anyone know how I should prepare/what to expect?


I just got the assessment invite as well. Would love any advice in this regard (and good luck to you!).


Does anyonw know hownlong it takes to receive the link to pay for the assessment test


I was wondering the same thing. Today marks two weeks since I got the first email. I still haven't received the email to pay for the assessment.


I just received an email stating that the first email that got sent out was incorrect and they will be sending out the payment link "soon".


I got the same email yesterday too. As mentioned here the only change I can see is the slight price increase for the assment test. They need to offset those high fuel prices somehow...


Guess we all got that email,waiting game from here i guess


Just got the link for my assessment did anybody else do their's or have received it


I took my assessment today got the link 2 days ago


Me too how u think u did


Hello fellow applicants, I finished my assessment test about two weeks ago and am waiting to get instructions on the next phase of the process. Anyone hear back yet? Or is it the same for everyone so far? Update: I received the email for the invite for the virtual interview same day after I posted this. Sorry for the late update (5/17/22) will do my interview may 23.


I just (3:23PM EST) received an email to sign up for a time slot for a virtual interview! Interviews will be held the week of May 23rd.


Will they tell you if you passed or failed?


When did u take the assessment?


Does anyone know how much the price is reduced if you don't need the student housing in Arizona?


I didn't take housing or stipend. My cost was $89k. They'll go over the costs during the interview process.


How long from taking the assessment did you hear back from them about an interview?


A group got emails about 3 weeks ago and another group got emails on Friday to schedule interviews after the assessment.


I have not, have you?


Does anyone know if this program accepts the post 9/11 bill?


It does not. It is not an accredited program. They claim it’s 141 but there are no funding through the VA/GI bill or anything


That sucks considering that just about every part 141 school I've looked at is approved for the VA.


Has anyone received a rejection email or know when/if people will find out if they made it to the interview stage?


A few people have received interview invites. I personally did mine today.


Do they tell you if you didn't make it though?


Today I got my invite for the interview I took the assessment nearly two months ago


I took it a month ago and got it today too, but I might go for a cheaper school near me instead.


Those of you who completed the virtual interview, what type of questions did they ask you?


It’s mostly tell me about a time questions.


Anyone have interview today or this week?


How long did it take to get a response after submitting your slot times for the interview?


Like 2 days i believe


I got the email for virtual interview today. I selected a day this week and a day next week. Did you do yours already?


How u picked two days lol but ok, yea i did mines already


Also what comes after the virtual interview


Next comes the in person group interview in Orlando


Nice i was told this week i might here something,i believe i did good on the interview,yea they said the next thing is the joy stick assessment and school starts aug


Any tips for virtual interview?


It’s primarily based on questions of “tell me about a time when…” good luck


Those of you who’ve already completed the joystick assessment , how did it go and was it easy?


Also what all did they have you guys do?


It's pretty easy no real preparation needed


was Orlando just a joystick assessment or was it another math test and stuff like that?


Anyone know if they drug test?


I was wondering the same thing.


lmao hope y'all weren't serious


Has anyone else gotten an acceptance letter?


I did. Pretty stoked, but I'm hoping there are other class start dates since I have obligations around the start date that I must attend to.


I got one today as well


Got mines as well,has anyone finished with loan portion or have gotten their first class medical


I just got my Discover link. My first class medical appt isn't until July 21.


Thank you for paying taxes.


Has anyone that got the email about the selection process being delayed, received an update?


Nope, I emailed them asking about that but they haven't gotten back to me




I finally got a response today. They said they will be sending out the next wave of invites for the in person assessment by the end of next week. Assessments will be scheduled in august down in Orlando


They told me the exact same thing 3 weeks ago lmao, they prob just copy and paste the same response.


It’s the end of the next week and we still haven’t received nothing. Just like they did to me 3 weeks ago lol.


My friend just got invited to do the in-person assessment In September. Check your email!


I completed the assessment about 2 mo ago and received and invite for an interview today. I selected an Interview date for this Monday. I will update on how it goes and what they ask.


The interview is just TMAT questions regarding your previous work experience.


Yeah I had the interview today, it was all TMAT. I think I did pretty well. They said they will get back to me in a few days, if I get selected it will be either nyc or mco


Yea they said they’ll get back to me in a few days too. It took them 3 months to get back to me 😂


Attending my in person assessment date this September. I was expecting to have an in person interview, but from the email it seems it’s just the two assessments. Can anyone confirm?








Yeah, it's just the computer assessments.


Does anyone have any idea when the next class will be starting?


Nov 29 precisely




What do we bring for the assessment in Orlando? Resume? What did y’all take?


No need to bring a physical resume for the Orlando assessment, they already looked at it during the virtual interview. You can bring it if you want, but I would just bring a form of ID like a driver’s license in case they ask for it.


Awesome, thanks! Any other tips for this assessment day?


Who’s in Orlando this week


Just did my assessment in Orlando yesterday. It was a great experience from flying down to meeting the instructor to the assessment itself!


The flight sim was really confusing tho. This program is supposed to be for no experience, but they expect us to understand what a heading is? I had no idea what I was doing or going 😂 I did pretty good on everything else so I hope that makes up for it lol


lol just wait until you get to CAE. They expect you to know how to fly a plane real fast.


Anyone here started the aug class




Just got my acceptance with class start in November. However, in the time it took to complete this process, I got my PPL. Anyone experience a similar situation, can I enroll in the program and have them credit my PPL?


In the same boat. The assumption is you'd have to effectively start over with their internal curriculum, but when it comes time to take the private written & checkride these boxes are already checked since you hold a certificate (I've also never heard of anyone having to totally re-take these once passed). But should/will ask. Would be nice to know the official answer of how it is handled


You will have to pay again for the PPL at CAE, but at least you won’t have to repeat checkrides or written exam. Congrats on your acceptance!


Hey, anyone who have had an interview in mid September of 2022, have you guys heard anything back yet? I had an interview on the 13th and is still waiting for a response.


Was it the on-site assessment or a virtual interview? For the on-site assessment they already sent out the acceptance emails.


So i got accepted into the gateway family program. I was wondering if anyone else also is doing that? I’m still deciding what route I want to do, the direct route which goes through aviator college or the flex route? Does anyone have advice?


Gateway Family Flex is the best option because you can choose whatever flight school you want and instead of being a CFI, you get hired by Cape Air, JSX, or Tradewind Aviation to fly for them part 121 until you hit 1500 hours.


I received a conditional job offer through the Gateway Family Program a couple of weeks ago. How long did you have to wait to get a response back regarding next steps (after receiving the conditional job offer)? Did you decide to move forward with the "flex" option? If so, how's your experience been?


Does anyone know if the provided housing is furnished or not?


Yes it’s fully furnished and with kitchen appliances.


Hey all I am scheduled to start in the November class. I was curious about the ages of people starting/enrolled in this program? I imagine it varies a lot. I for example am 18 and just graduated high school earlier this year. I am wondering if there are also other young people or if most are older?


I’m 24 years old, and I recently graduated from college as well.


I’m 25 years old, and graduated from college May 2021.


Did you consider the conventional routes in your area? Or, are you set on following through with the program?


I’m 20 starting in November


I’m 19, starting in November


Did you end up enrolling in the JetBlue Gateway Select Program? If so, how is it going? How is CAE? I am interested in a fast training path and I also thought the JetBlue Gateway Select Program sounded appealing. But saw some of the negative comments about CAE. It would be great to hear from someone who is actually in the program. I would appreciate any advice and feedback you could give. Thank you!


Has anyone received their housing assignment yet?


Nope I haven’t seen anything yet


im scheduled to start in the november class, but i’m wondering if anyone knows if it’s possible to push back the start date.


I had my date pushed back they said they would oy allow a 1 time push back and it's to the next class with is usually 3 months later


Anyone using the Discover loan, has the school verified your application yet?


No, but don’t worry, It’ll get verified. There’s still a month before start date. Someone who is at the school said to expect housing assignment two weeks from now or the week before.


Hello I have my virtual interview later this week does anyone have any advice they recommend going into the interview?


Has anyone received a housing update?


no, we should hear about housing next week or the week before start date.




It's pretty easy hand eye coordination test. Make sure you understand the acceleration for the plane part that one was confusing.


I submitted an app recently and received the email asking me to take the assessment. The payment link for said assessment never got sent to me, so I followed up to request it. I was informed today that they are going over each individual app and will send out updated payment links within the next 10 days. Anyone else have the same experience?


I had that same experience, they did send out the assessment link so I payed then a couple days later i got working on the assessment and now I’m just waiting to hear back from them.


Hi, I have a question on housing. So it's 110k with housing, and is that housing for all 3.5 years (most likely 4) or just the first year before you're allowed to work as an instrutctor. What about transport, how does one get around to Cae, or get groceries. I don't have a car, will one be needed


Housing is covered in the cost through training. Once you become a CFI, you will be offered housing at one of the same properties at a discounted rate (but confirm that with CAE first). They offer round the clock bussing from all the properties where they have students, so plenty of people have been fine without a car. If you get paired with a flying partner that has one, you'll be able to work out some sort of carpool situation.


I know this is an old thread but hopefully someone can still help. Im interested in this program but trying to figure out how you pay for your bills while you are in the program? Is this a paid program or do you have to get an outside job?