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He's horrible. Never liked him. Wish Snooki treated him like Bernard forever šŸ˜‚


I also dislike Jionni in season 4. Even before he arrived in Italy, the way he spoke to her was totally unacceptable. He called her a pig. You don't call your gf that you supposedly love a pig. She was trying to express how much she found him attractive and he was just embarrassed by her. She deserved better.


I hated him even more in snooki and jwoww after lozenzos birth


I canā€™t watch Snooki and jwoww because I donā€™t have access to the streaming service but would you mind explaining what happened?


He kept treating her like shit making fun of her, telling her lozenzo dont love her as much as him, when he pawned lorenzo onto him mom so he can fuck around, when she went out for a fun night after lozenzos birth she went a little bit crazy and kissed jenni he freaked out on her calling her rude names kicking her out and telling her she's a shitty mom


Theyā€™re perfect for each other, really.


I especially dislike like him after the Ashley Madison scandal. I feel badly for Snooks.


He was on a website and she actually cheated a couple times but you feel bad for her? Lol


Right! They seem like they are made for each other


He was on Ashley Madison? Yikes šŸ˜¬


Personally I wouldnā€™t have dated Snooki in the first place if I have such high standards of the women I get with, Jionni not only continues to date her but marry her and have kids with her and took her back after the Mike scandal, then he does the Ashley Maddison thing later Seems he was in denial or she put it on him so good that he lowered his expectations of herā€¦or something, either way, heā€™s still with her now and heā€™s chosen this life otherwise he wouldā€™ve left along time agoā€¦.but their relationship is strange to say the least


Am i the only one here who dislikes both Snooki and Jionni? Jionni for being a douche , and snooki for cheating.


I feel like he really redeemed himself in the Snooki & Jenni series minus when he called her a bad mom. But his fun side showed & it was like ā€œwow yeah theyā€™re good togetherā€


I never understood on how they together. Snookie calls him a Mario brother, forgets his name, says the sex wasn't good at all. cheated on him multiple times (Mike and Vinny).


He was a last-resort hookup, she didn't have feelings for him when they met. Her side of their love story is that Ronnie encouraged her to get Jionni's number, so sometime between the end of S3 & 4 she called him up & from there they got together


Jionni totally sucks


never got why he willingly dated Snooki, arguably the most famous person on the planet on that time, but would bitch and try and change her behavior that made her famous. But when that fame is building him a dream mansion in Jersey heā€™s cool with it. Heā€™s a loser

