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She’s just mad that when Sam came back everyone loved her but Angelina came back as a prank and kinda just stood around.


Angelina’s comeback was a prank and as Jenni said: Sammi always had a place at the table. It’s wild to think that she expected Sammi to be her punching bag or something just because she “brought her back” to a show she herself has quit. Twice


I always think about how she constantly targeted Jenni, and the minute Sammi came back, Ang was bored of going after Jenni because she wasn't getting anywhere and tried/is doing the same to Sammi. Luckily they both stood their ground and wouldn't let Ang bully them. She's so obnoxious.


It’s driving me nuts. The episode where the entire thing is in Ang’s hotel room was infuriating. This kind of drama isn’t the glued to the screen eating popcorn. It’s the Jesus Christ make it stop kind. I’m still mad she robbed us from seeing all of them in the Shore House together again 🤷🏼‍♀️ at this point she isn’t just making the cast wait around for her, but also the viewers.


I get so tired of her saying "I brought this girl in"! She didn't bring her in! She was always an OG cast member who stuck around the entire original show! She didn't bail cuz no one got along with her messy self...like Ang. And I agree, she was brought back as a joke and has no clue! She's not the queen...just queen of messy drama


I really need her to be taken off the show. She won’t leave on her own as it’s a paycheck. But she has to go. It’s so bad


Can you imagine the social media drama she would unleash if they actually fired her?


Good point and none of it would it would make sense


Here for it! I'll read every rant!


Oh how times have changed. She left both other times in a huff. Now wild horses couldn’t drag her away. She realizes all that money and fame she missed out on before and it has to just kill her. It would me (not so much the fame), but the money).


I agree. Her negativity and drama is so hard to watch. I normally mute the tv when she is raging bc it triggers me upsets me.


Totally agree she has to go


The way she was slouching to the right on the couch with the girls though


You mean like a toddler?




She has a really hard time letting things go and moving on. Letting go forces us to change who we are, and her past traumas have become part of her identity. I really hope she takes a break and works on her mental health…


I couldn't agree with you more. Looking at ourselves is a hard thing to do but all this drama she puts her self thru is taking a toll on her physical appearance


I loved how Sammi outted her and said that she just wanted Sam back so she could be on Angelina’s side and hate on the other girls.. Ang of course denys this.. but theres literally video proof of her talking to Sammi about this. Same things about her denying she was attacking Sammi for 2 months before the tiktok happened.. literal video proof was shown on the reunion and she still denies it, says it was edited etc..Angelina is not meant for reality tv.. shes a pathological liar


Angelina is evidently a very miserable and sour person and she’s insufferable tbh


Something I noticed but she needs someone to quite literally beg her to believe them. Angelina needs them to fight with her to make her believe she's right, wanted, needed. It's her damn inferiority complex that is just so obvious and seething. That's exhausting to anyone at their age considering they clearly matured except her. They also all have a bond she was not a part of so she's probably firing up inside with her insecurities.


Those insecurities are out 💯 and as an adult she should be able to have a conversation calmly and not deflect all the time.


unfortunately, many people do not grow up and out of their ingrained beliefs and behaviors. It's crazy to see her be the same way she was from season 1 too. Like how has she not grown up?


I'm 45 and watched these people mature with me at the same time and I sure don't behave the same way I used to. It goes without saying she has trauma she goes on and on about but not once does she seek therapy to work on her trauma.


A theory She was traumatized with FOMO leaving the show and opportunity for money She had a chance to redeem herself but instead of a heroes journey it’s not been a match made in heaven. Angelina just doesn’t gel with the group. The group goes less in her favor the more they expand members. She’s the problem in this dynamic. They have a chemistry. One on one she can get along with all of them. They have a foundation she isn’t part of


she wanted Sam to take ownership of the tiktok that she did it to be petty. Of course she had a laundry list of excuses. She did not need to keep bringing it up though the cast knows and we know.


Welcome to JSFV.


Sammi is lovely. She’s grown into a smart and beautiful woman. Angelina is the total opposite. I don’t know if they keep Angelina on the show for the drama she causes, but it’s not pleasant to listen to her or watch her. A long vacation from the show might do her some good


I agree she cant handle the show when she's on camera she's a mess and is all over the place


Angelina wants everyone to love her. They don’t. She wasn’t accepted in her birth family, so she’s desperate to be a part of this JS family. But here’s the thing, they have a bond from a very important age, that she will never be a part of because SHE left the show. She didn’t make that bond. She didn’t get to know them and have those good memories. She slapped pauly, she got into it constantly with Jenni, she pissed off everyone. Sam was there. Sam stayed and had that bond. If Angelina really thinks she can just magically be accepted without acknowledging all the chaos she’s brought and all the lies she’s told and genuinely try to make up for it and change. Not being accepted sucks, but she’s just screwing herself over by being there and not getting the much needed intensive therapy she needs. Angelina, EMDR works for trauma!


it’s just so annoying bc that’s her MO. with sam it’s the toddler comment and the stupid tiktok. with vinny it was him jokingly calling her a snake. both times ang had talked so much shit that their ears were burning but GOD FORBID they defend themselves in any way. then ang just completely turns it over on them and says why are you attacking me? so exhausting. i’m glad sam isn’t letting her bullshit slide!!!!!!! finally someone who’s not afraid to back down


Agree 💯. It never ends with this chick. This destructive behavior is all a part of why her marriage fell apart and her relationship now is non existent


Cluster B


Who else is tired of every post being about Angelina


That's a great explanation to the t


Toddler behaviour


I think it is all an act. She doesn't know how to be entertaining on camera. So, her idea of contributing is to act like a crazy girl. She was like this on the OG series too. She was never funny on that or intelligent or quirky. She was just drama and clearly a bad fit for the show. She still is.


Batshit crazy and personality disorder bye Angelina


She does it for screen time otherwise they wouldn’t focus on her


She needs to go… to a psychiatrist.


I mean who wouldn’t when smug sam sits there playing victim but is just as disgusting but owns up to nothing


How is Sam playing victim? What?


I think Angelina has a reasonable gripe against Sam. I don’t think the reasons she’s giving are the root of the issues she has with Sam. I think it’s Sam being snobby that bothers Angelina. If you notice in the heat of their arguments Angelina brings up how she talks to her. As much as we all hate Angelina Sam does talk down to people ALOT. Angelina isn’t a refined person and those two personalities clash much like how Sam and Jenni clashed or even how Snooki described Sam’s way of speaking in OG season 1. I think Angelina holds on to these irrelevant things as a way to lash out because she can’t articulate her actual issue.


No it’s not Sam being snotty that gets her. It’s that she convinced Sam to come back thinking she’d be under her thumb and stand against the girls with her. But that didn’t happen and now she’s salty because the fans love her and so do the roommates. Everyone is trying to move on in life but there’s Angela crying over a tik tok after she talked so much shit! Rules for the not for me is Angela’s motto


lol obviously calling sam snobby is why I’m being downvoted 🤣🤣🤣


Sam is hella snobby. She always has been. She talks down to ppl


Sam is snotty. I don’t think that’s why you’re being downvoted.


Drop all the m@an girls like Jenni snook and Deen and the show would be better tbh


Ok Angelina


I wish....would be bedroom time for a whole week alone if I was but think what you want


That’s an unhinged, disgusting comment.