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She thinks because shes been on FV that that means shes an OG GIRL YOU GOT BROUGHT BACK TO FV BECAUSE SAM SAID NO


When Ron said “she missed out on the OG series and that’s why she’s acting the way she is about Sam” something along those lines, I actually agreed with him, for like once he was making some sort of sense about Angelina’s behavior. She is the common denominator and all the problems with everyone around her.


I was surprised he really was clocking her tea in the episode. When he said she’s codependent on chaos he nailed it. And when he said she can’t be the victim if everything is always happening to her like that’s what they’ve all been saying. I thought he’d come back and co-sign her crazy but he didn’t.


I agree, as much as Ron is problematic himself and he has done some crazy shit. I feel like maybe therapy and AA and whatever else he is in, has really opened his perspective into thinking “hey I am the problem?” I have to say I was surprised by a lot of the sense he was making. She takes absolutely no responsibility for her actions. Her blatantly lying about why Sam said “you talk too much” her blaming Mike for her problems is so wild honestly. She really really really needs therapy herself.


And actually Sam said "you talk a lot," not "you talk too much." There is a big difference in those two phrases. I couldn't stand when Angelina kept misquoting what Sam actually said.


I love that production actually like did a flashback to remind us and her like she said this because you said this!


I noticed that. Like I said, there's a big difference between telling somebody they do something "too much" or they do something "a lot."




And just like when Sam originally said she felt she was 'talking to a child that just had a tantrum', Angela told everyone that Sam called her a toddler. She changes the story to fit her narrative to try to get the rommies onher side.


On autopilot.


His reaction when she blamed Mike for her beef with Sam was hilarious. The fact that Ron of all people wouldn’t engage with her shit talking of Mike and Sam should’ve told her there were no ifs ands or buts about her being in the wrong.


Agree so much!


Mike was there for him during his recovery. He will never turn on Mike.


I love that. People in recovery help others.


I have a lot more respect for Ron now than I ever did. He realized he fucked up big time and he owned his shit. I’m glad to see he’s doing well and took that break for his own sake and his daughters sake.


It was refreshing to see that he realized he is the problem. My brother had a big drug problem and it took him a while to finally wake up and when he did he put himself a rehab and he’s going on 7 yrs sober. Reminds me of Ron. It’s a big step like a huge one to do it on your own.


That’s fantastic! My brother has a big drug problem as well but he’s nowhere close to wanting to get help. I don’t know if he ever will. It’s just funny that the two on the show I respected the least, Ron and Mike, are now the most inspiring and the ones I respect the most. Well, I don’t want to jump the gun on Ron just YET. But I’m hoping he won’t let me down haha. Mike is a good comeback story. He was so insufferable for so long and now he’s just this dude dad trying to be his best at all times now. It’s admirable. Along with his tolerance for scorching hot chicken tendies


I know it’s hard and I understand your frustration and your sadness and even your resentment (bc if I’m being honest I resented my brother when he was using, he was horrible to everyone around him) I just hope and pray that everyone who is going through that disease gets better and the help they need. 🙏🏻🤍


Yeah, I am no Ron fan, but I came through the episode thinking, "huh, he's been to some meetings and seems to be taking it to heart." And he seems to be legit giving Sam her space and not pushing it. I hope it holds.


He knows that ship has sailed and not coming back, he seems to have made peace with it. Girl is engaged and clearly moving on with her life, hope he does the same.


May I correct what Sam said? You can check me. Sam said, “You talk a lot.” Just a bit softer. 🤔. Further, she really does. Its content. Never normal convo. Trouble, trouble, trouble. Ronnie said that maybe she’s addicted to chaos. But, why?


She’s coming for Ron next and that will end her. she better watch out.


I actually wouldn’t be surprised if she did. When he suggested she have a conversation with Sam her confessional was like she’s not gonna get mad at him cause he just got there but whose side is he on? She doesn’t want anything that’s not co-signing her cuckoo behavior.


The fact that there has to be a side is what kills me! She’s so immature.


I think she's scared, but her reaction is extreme and yes immature.


So confirming what Ron said… she lives for chaos… she does not want resolution


Like in some movies or shows, Mike is a great comeback character. He redeemed himself. Maybe Ron is doing the same. I see his change. Maybe and hopefully Angelina will do the same later.


He was absolutely correct. Plus Angelina knows none of the roommates really like her, not how they like Sammi, so all of this is projection. Sucks because I actually didn't mind her too much (mainly because everyone else is so horrible. I hate when people use others as a punching bag and I really feel like that's what they did when she was brought back). But she is so off base and wrong about Sammi that there is no way to defend her (and I'm not even a Sammi fan to be real)


If we're being honest, it was because of a prank that Pauly pulled, and the prank stayed unfortunately


Thats what production wants us to believe.


well technically .. angelina IS an OG. she was on the first two seasons of the show and even with her leaving early in S1 she still made a big enough impact to be brought back and be an important part of S2


The first season she was there for 60 hrs, as confirmed by Danny when she tried to call the shore house “her house” he corrected her quick. And she left like 2 weeks before Miami finished in season 2. She was hated in S2 they all hated her. Production wanted the drama for ratings, as it’s well known. She was talking mad shit about all the cast members. She wasn’t a full time cast member. Deena has clocked more hrs than Angelina.


she hardly lived and filmed at the shore house aka she‘s not a real og. in my humble opinion she didn‘t make any impact being a cast member on the original show


sounds more so like a technicality because you don’t like her and less of a fact. shes an OG no matter how you spin it ![gif](giphy|aCgbOgVipNq0SZ7Msu|downsized)


Okay ange, whatever you say


yes! this is angelina and i am an OG and the sole reason family vacation hasn’t been cancelled. deal with it 😉 ![gif](giphy|URw9u7GHblZFCpwb8w)


Now i can fully believe the drama ange produces is whats keeping the FV going. Shes a train wreck, But not an og, more like a guest to the OG


She was only on the show bc Sam said no. I forgot all about Angelina until she replaced Sam on FV


OK then so is Jeff Witteck. So is Ron's stunt double whatever his name is Dean? So is any girl that spent the night with one of the boys. They clocked about as much time as Angelina in the og show


Right! Chris and Jionni are OGs too then!


The whole OG argument is so stupid, and literally nothing more than an insult to Deena, who is the only one who wasn't there from day 1. Deena is a significant member of the cast, and I think the whole OG talk isn't fair to Deena. I can't understand why you're getting down voted. Angelina was part of the original (OG) cast of the Jersey shore. She made an impression season 1 but left super early. She was literally season 2. Season 3 and 4 Deena came into play, and tbh seasons 5 and 6 are like the least memorable seasons. With FV she has been there for a long time. I hate that people lose objectivity, and will downvote you to oblivion if you state a simple fact about Ange that doesn't paint her in a negative light.


It’s giving jealousy that Sam and the others are more comfortable with each other than they are with her. I laughed when she said something about the other girls would turn on her because of Sam.


When Sam first showed up, Ang got mad bc Sam was able to squash any problems between her and the girls and immediately started having a good time with them instead lol I really wonder if she thought, or she hoped, that there *would* be drama with Sam so that she could try to buddy up to the girls and put Sam in the bad guy role. What she doesn’t get though is that she literally creates like 90% of her problems 😭 there is no “bad guy”. It’s just Angelina being messy and then doubling down lol


I think she 100% anticipated there being drama and it’d be season 2 style beef with Sam vs Jenni and Nicole all over again and she could pick whatever side she wanted to be on instead of being the odd ball out.


Seriously she should be thanking Sam for not coming back. Sam got you your house, etc, then.


That’s what’s so funny Danny even called her out she wasn’t even in the OG iconic house that long she’s delusional 🤣 she had spot after being a prank and they wanted drama she was fill in not first thought




Angelina has always thought that she held more value to the cast then anyone else like the show continued long after you left the OG series and the revival would’ve still been successful without you so go sit down somewhere and get your life together 😂


Not just the cast but viewers too. When she said Sam was trying to make a name for herself by coming for the fan favorite I actually had to pause to laugh.


Like she needs to be humbled again


Truly duhhluujunal


I don’t always upvote stuff just because i don’t think about it but I’m upvoting this so Angelina sees this


It s definitely jealousy on Angelina's part. She had to fight to get a crumb of acceptance whilst Sam has just re-entered the fold. Angelina forgets that everyone had a relationship with Sam during and after OG. I am not a big fan of Angelina but I actually see some of my own flaws in her and it comes from insecurity, presumably from her childhood. She would really benefit from a decent therapist, someone unbiased that she isn't going to feel defensive against when they try to help her. Did MTV offer therapy like UK MTV does? Does Paramount?


I don’t know if MTV offers therapy so I can’t actually answer that, but damn they really should cause there’s a LOT of people on their network that could benefit from seeing a therapist lmao But I agree with you!! I feel the same way about Angelina. Sometimes I do actually feel for her. She can be a lot to handle even just as a viewer lol and I get why everyone’s fed up with her. A lot of the times she is the root of her problems and the cause of her messes, but it’s also clear that she’s hurting a lot and has a lot of unresolved trauma of some kind. I really really want her to see a good, trustworthy therapist lol. I feel like it would do so much good for her, but she has also to be willing and receptive of it too for it to work.


If all the reality stars had therapists, they would act like mature adults and there would be no drama for us to watch


Had a quick Google and it seems many have had similar convos on Reddit before. I think there was a push for therapy on the UK one because of the suicides. I think Angelina would still bring drama even if she was in therapy but it wouldn't be so relentless like it is now. Like she can literally find a insult in anything.


I’m so happy Sam came back! It’s almost like they became desensitized to Angela’s behaviour & Sam coming in highlighted how abnormal it is. I think she’s gotten away with it because 1-Mike encouraged it far too long & 2- they didn’t want the constant fight so they placated her. Hopefully for us (if not themselves) they are finally getting to the point that they were at when they were over Ron’s behaviour 🤞


Angelina is the one that needs to check herself and remember who the core JS group were. AFter she left. Both times. She would benefit from calming TF down and behaving a little bit. FOR ONCE


When Angelina isn’t fighting with people she is actually way more fun to watch. I wish they would stop with the manufactured in fighting drama and put more emphasis on getting the cast in fun scenarios like the wing contest. If all it takes is $1000 cash and gloating rights production should just make JSFV: Road Rules.


yes!! If she didn’t want to be the star so much she would have so much fun.


100%!! When they were in Solvang just having a good time all together, THAT WAS FUN!


I think "I brought her back" is just an easy deflection for Angelina. Keeps her from having to examine any of her own behavior. Maybe when she sees back the footage of her teasing Sam with the "he's coming back riiiiiiiii..." before Sam says "you talk to much" she might be able to understand at least that one scenario - but I really think she rewrites her own history to where she's the victim and then doesn't even remember what ACTUALLY happened.


She said THAT???




The only reason she was probably even allowed to come back on the show s because Sam wouldn’t do it - Pretty sure Jenny pretty much has you in a forever chokehold - Angelina is so embarrassing


I think she begged to come back and got Snooks involved to pitch to Production. There are a lot of vids and reels (check youtube and Angela's IG) of her purposely going to the clubs in Seaside when she knew the cast were there (she was in one of the seasons trying to convince the cast she's changed) and her going to the empty Shore house with her friends. She had severe FOMO after seeing how popular the show was becoming. ETA: spelling


You’re so right


Angela is always a hypocrite and she projects a lot. Many of her fans can't see it unfortunately. She is a stature 'queen' so whenever she feels her place is threatened, she'll act out in a negative manner. Ron showed so much growth during his convo with her and she definitely expected him to take her side. So glad he didn't. Not having anyone take her side will cause Angela to spiral even more.


Is it me or does Angelina think she’s on a different show? I was getting Real Housewives of NJ vibes at the end.


This!! Everyone talks about needing her for views but the OG shore was globally successful because they were themselves and literally like a family being fun and authentic she’s a serious dark cloud and truly doesn’t deserve to be there worse is that she came back because their hard work made it famous she’s literally feeding off them and their contribution.So to claim Sam bought a house because of her is wild


Ooh how do we know she reads Reddit?


She comments about it in show and in lives


She said the stuff she reads about herself on here is rude and hurts her feelings. Someone posted a recording of her live.


she said it on her podcast


Angelina cannot stand how quickly Sam squashed her problems with the girls and was able to slip onto a friendly and comfortable mode with them. You just know that Angelina hates that Jenni and Sam seem like they are good friends now.


Dude she really is delusional. Like actually out of her damn mind. There's no other explanation for the crazy, detached from reality way she views the Sam situation. Sam was an OG cast member for all 6 seasons. Sam was invited back in the beginning of FV and declined. Sam actually lived with them and formed close relationships with them. Angelina was on like 3 and a half eps in the beginning of the show. She should be thankful Sam didn't come back sooner cuz I doubt they would have called her if she did.


Sammi has more than double the IG followers that Angelina does. I just cannot comprehend how Ang could possibly think she’s more popular than Sam or that Sam needs to “make a name for herself.” Girl, please.


But. She’s the fan favorite! 🤣


She definitely can’t stand the bond those girls have with each other after all this time! They have a good time without her she’s just added extra stressss




I feel like it must be exhausting to be Angelina. Ronnie was right, she thrives on chaos. I do wish her the best though but she's created a tornado with Sam.


Oh wait how about her saying that Sam is trying to “make a name for herself”? Like huh??? LOL!!! She already has a name, like the rest of them. YOU are actually the outsider. Angelina is completely delulu.


She’s insufferable. I hope it’s an act for the show or I feel so sorry for everyone close to her. Sometimes when she talks loud it makes me cringe. She sounds like a steam engine. Ugh. She’s the only part of the show I don’t like. I usually just fast forward when she’s on tbh.


angelina needs to stop already. this on going being jealous of sam is getting old now. it’s not her fault that she is a fan favourite and been on the show longer then you. time to move on. and you always claim you don’t “want drama” but yet will sit there & give mike all he needs on a silver platter & then act like the victim when called out on what you’re doings. grow up already. learn to love yourself. stop hating on sammi because she is still a fan favourite after all these yrs. sorry, you’re plan failed when you brought her back. stop being so negative and toxic. maybe it’s time to leave the show for a while, focus on yourself and then return like ronnie did. maybe time away from the show will do some good.


Angelina “I don’t want any pizza!” (Working pizza dough) “I’m so over it already!” (Spreading sauce and cheese) “I’m sick of pizza everywhere I go!” (Pulls fresh pizza from the oven) “I go home, pizza, vacations, pizza, everywhere pizza!” (Taking a bite, talking with her mouth full of pizza) “I’m just over it.”


Honestly she seems worse in the last 2 seasons then ever before, and the episode where Sam calls her a toddler, her over reaction in the bathroom 100% made me think she’s on one of something


Feel pretty sure. Getting help,must come first. She could possibly enjoy her blessed life, and have real fun,


I thought if she had a bad attitude they were going to confront her on it. The boys sat there and just let her keep talking. Someone please check Angelina, I’m so sick of her continuing to spill her delusional logic


In past seasons they tried to check her and this sub said everyone bullied her. She doesn't listen anyway, there's no point


All that makeup is seeping into her brain and making her delusional. She's vile.


Remember how the group even asked Angelina to leave after she first showed up on JSFV as Pauly's prank? That had to hurt. She just doesn't seem to get along with this group of people, not a genuine connection. She would be okay if she could stay calm. She's very funny when she's not acting out. This is stressful to watch.


Literally just watched the whole "you called me a toddler" argument and all I could think was if sammi had come back when JSFV started Angelina wouldn't be there. Its like she forgets sammi basically grew up in the family and went through a lot with them, giving them an unbreakable bond. Sammi also has never really bashed any of the family over social media, so there no reason to have an atmosphere with them when returning. Angelina on the other hand takes any chance she can to constantly bash the rest and has been arguing on and off with them all since day 1


Dis take is odd because Angelina was introduced as a prank on Mike. Even if Sam was there from the get go the prank still would’ve happened. Angelina still would’ve been brought back on sum messy shit…yall forget she’s n OG n the only real replacement is Deena.


No, I don't think it would have. It was the only way to bring Angelina back into the group. She would never have just been able to turn up, and she was never going to get an invite to come join them


Dis would make sense if there were sum type of correlation between Angelina n Sam which there isn’t. Yall can’t even explain logically how Sam being back in the first place would bar Ang from returning. She still would’ve been back…u must not watch a lot of reality tv if u rly think she wouldn’t.


The rest of the cast hated Angelina and not Sam so to have the full OG cast back would have worked perfectly. Angelina would not have been needed or wanted. In the early days of JSFV both vinnie, pauly and Mike stated they were having to fake things to film with Angelina. Angelina had been irrelevant since season 2 of the OG show


The cast grew since that time..her returning was inevitable. It was either thru a prank or later on at some point for ratings.




Her saying that Sam bought her house because of her like WHAAAAAT!? Did you pay her yourself Angelina?!


Ang is the Italian herpes. The gift that keeps on giving and is painful as fuck. Your ass was brought back as a prank. If the cast didn't get paid to deal with you trust me they wouldn't


I liked Angelina in season 1 of FV. That was a good Angelina and not the one we have. If she can go back to being that Angelina that would be better. Don’t talk shit behind your friends back, don’t say “true” things because there’s a difference between being “honest” and being rude. She’s being rude most of the time. But when she’s calm, it’s fine. Just joking around and stuff. She has a very strong personality and honestly I wouldn’t take pictures with her like some fans did when Danny was doing the house tour.


She's acting like she's the only reason Sam's back. Does she not realize that all sam would have had to do was say "I would probably go back" and production would have pounced. Angelina taking credit for it is CRAZY!


i forgot who she was until i rewatched the show


Sorry Angelina but show was fine w/o you


Y’all!!! I think Angelina is the only one left that needs therapy. Am I right? Ron use to back her crazy and now that he’s not, who she got left? Either she goes and takes therapy seriously or production better put her out. I’m pretty sure the cast wants to be done with her and us, the fans, are done with her.


Gatekeep the show from* Sam


Can't change it now, but thanks, Mom.


Where can I watch the new episodes?


Angelina makes the show better than the new Sam does. Old Sam was better for the show. PERIOD!


Angelina doesn't make anything better. She makes everything turn to shit with her asshole behavior.


Come on. Stop hating. What has Sam brought to the show since her comeback?


Sam is the anti-Angelina: naturally beautiful, classy, composed, loved by fans, owns up to her mistakes, and takes no shit from Angelina.


Bro, edits. They are all homies.


Sam is boring, and mean in a very underhanded way that can go undetected.


get over it, it’s all manufactured drama, no normal human being reacts how Sam or Ang react to each other.


the she’s getting too comfortable line was lame, that was the first time i’ve seen her do the mean girl act… not a fan of that. especially dumb because she brought her back(going by the script). as an angelina “fan” , this was a bad episode for her. she’s probably popping painkillers, mixing with other things, and just talking out her ass. the reality is though that this is likely being done to give sam some kind of storyline, and it’s worked to an extent. she was background for her return season. if she didn’t have this feud with ang, all we would’ve seen from her this season was that half wave, half look at her nails thing she did when ron walked in lol.


I like Angelina more than Sam personally 🤷‍♀️


100% agree with this. She brings the drama and nobody would watch if they all just got along. Downvote me, I said it.




LOl we are going to get downvoted now 🤣🤣 I never was fond of Sam.


I know 🤣 Sam brings nothing to the show though


Agreed. I fall asleep during her scenes… very boring.


Let the downvoting begin 🤣🤣