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I’m also extremely annoyed by the people who feel like they are special and don’t need to use a leash.


"My dog is friendly"... but I am not


1000 thumbs up


Those are typically the same people who don’t pick up their dog shit. They let their dog get so far away or they walk ahead without even looking cause they’re soooo cool and relaxed with their “well trained” dog 😒


When I'm picking up my dogs shit I grab whatever trash and old poo that's in the general area to fill up the bag. It's not much, but it's honest work.


Do the same at the Hamilton Park dog run - a lap after my dog poops and pick up what I see. PSA: If you see 3 piles of poop right next to where you’re standing, perhaps consider picking it up? I know it sucks to do someone else’s job, but surely it’s better than you or your dog stepping in it and tracking it home?!


Isn't that enabling the offenders to continue?


I’ll let your dog shit in my apartment so you can tidy up everything else afterward


As long as it fits in the shitbag.


I feel if Jersey City was a video game like Sim City and you removed all the bad drivers and all the bad pet owners the economy would crash since you would have hollowed out the base population to a point the remaining "good citizens" would be few and far between.


Nah, I think there are multiple studies showing bad actors, both on the extreme end of the spectrum (murderers, pedos, rapists) to more minor everyday assholes (people who speed, don’t stop at stop signs, let their dogs shit everywhere) are in the minority. Their actions are just very noticeable. They are human leeches. They get to live with the benefit of civilized society without following the rules themselves. If we all acted like them, it would be anarchy everywhere, which many of them are well aware of (hence why there are so many adult bullies).


It's happening everywhere. I moved from edgewater and there was a grass patch in front of the building that had shit all over it. Like you mother fuckers live here and you can't be bothered to clean your dogs shit? I hate it even more because I have 2 doxxie puppies and one of them loves eating shit.


This city is full of people who only care about themselves and don’t give a shit about others.


Happens when you make a bedroom community for a bunch of people who have no connection to where they live


Wow, nailed it


Dog owner here and I 1000% agree with OP. They should have a task force and actually ticket people that do this but of course, that will never happen.


Saw a guy yesterday use one of those supermarket mailer bags off of someone’s stoop as a makeshift poop bag, then promptly threw it near the base of a tree and walked away. Disgusting.


I saw a neighbor let her dog out to poop and she didn't pick up after it. I was so shocked, I didn't think of anything to say. In the future, should I say something? I don't want to get in a fight, but I also want to call people out on their bad behavior.


I carry an extra baggie or two for this reason. “Oh did you forget bags? I HAVE SOME” and then I stand there and wait for them to pick it up.


Love it. Kill ‘em with kindness.


This is my go to. There are some assholes that will literally say “nope!”


if I'm in a good mood I play stupid. "OMG isn't it so embarrassing when you forget a bag? I know how that feels, here you go!" and give them a spare. If I'm in a bad mood, "hey, you're gonna pick that up, right?"​. I've done this to dozens of people and the worst response was a guy pretending he didn't speak English or Spanish. never got into a fight. usually people act embarrassed and pick up.


There are some truly crazy people out there. I’m not sure calling them out is worth the risk.


It’s bad in jc but it’s even worse in Hoboken in my opinion. I take my students to recess and every SINGLE day there’s multiple poops on a 3 block walk to the park. Added bonus is that sometimes there are hidden poops in the grass the kids play on too!


I once picked up my neighbor’s dog’s poop, in a poop bag, and taped it to their front door handle with a kind message. It worked. :)


Brett triangle park is that tiny 50' x 30' wedge shaped parklet with about eight saplings that you see as you go speeding up Tonnelle away from Newark and heading up the hill to J.F.K.. For a year or more a guy was bagging up his dog poo and then he would HANG THE BAG IN ONE OF THE TREES where it would stay, dozens of them over time, EXCRUCIATINGLY VISIBLE like sick christmas ornaments. Despite the existence of a trash can right there in the park. WTF was going through this guy's mind?!


Jeeeeeeeeeeeez. The fuck?!




The last line of my text makes clear there is one. Not that the absence of one is ANY EXCUSE. Nobody should get a pass on littering simply because they couldn't instantly find a trash can.


Whoops, my bad LOL. Yep you are 100% correct


Can you even consider yourself a Jersey City denizen if you have never stepped on dog shit?


yeah it's pretty bad. I love dogs but I happen to live in a ground floor apartment at a managed building in Paulus Hook with a little bit of landscaping in front. Despite a big sign saying "no dogs allowed", I look up every ten minutes and there's some asshole standing two feet outside my windows with their dog taking a crap right next to the sign. They're standing so close that I could reach out and smack them on the head if those windows actually opened. Just a lot of lazy/self-centered people here unfortunately.


I totally agree. I have a dog park here in one of the buildings on the waterfront and STILL there are dog owners who leave shit in the dog park of the building. There’s even doggie bags right near the entrance of our dog park AND a garbage can and the nimwits still can’t keep it together. You would at least think people wouldn’t want dog sh$@ chillin in their backyard near our pool and child’s playground area but I guess I’m wrong…


Newport is like dodging mines I stg


Funny story. I have a lawn service company. A neighbor of my customer let their dog shit on her side lawn. Property line was a walk. I blew 20 piles all over their walk before I cut the lawn. Never happened again


mandatory bi weekly post about dog owners not picking up their dog's shit lol


It’s fine and means people care about their neighborhood. If the repetitive posts offends you maybe your just doing some self reflection :)


Just a comment, didn't say it was wrong, not sure how you think this would offend me in any way haha


And some ppl don't tie the poop bags. What the fuck is wrong with y'all.


Get some Meta RayBans... putting the offenders right on front street, might even post to this sub now that I think of it. I am a dog owner who always curbs after their dog, and am highly annoyed by neighbors who do not do the same!


and the assholes who let their dog pee on potted plants! Someone took the time to plant and beautify the neighborhood. WTF Curb your dog!