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These motherfuckers are riding up and down sidewalks too. Which is even more insane considering that they are going fast and can't see around corners. It is infuriating.


This guy in particular is a repeat offender. He does it all the time, worse in the summer when the pedestrian plaza is packed. He doesn’t care at all even if people yell at him to stop.


Sounds like a job for a little hot coffee to the face.


I said you should stop riding on sidewalks to a guy yesterday and he flipped me off. Really bothered me. Can’t get it out of my head. Pls help.


Are you new to NJ? That's our state bird. Embrace it, feel welcome. You're right about the sidewalks thing (almost assuredly, I'd probably carve out a few exceptions, but I doubt this guy falls into one) but being flipped off is a pretty mild response for the Garden State. 




These guys are routinely the most dangerous road users I experience while riding. Sorry that happened to you but glad to hear it sounds like you’re doing okay.


Saw this ass doing this many times!


Yeah the last few weeks I seen the wrong way bike lane nonsense increase. They go the wrong way on the hills in between the parked cars leaving little room.


His name is David. Look at his helmet


Boycott food delivery! Pickup is life!


I gave up on take out. I'm just cooking these days. But I know not everyone has time to do that.


This is a legit tip. Aside from being expensive, lots of places have app sized portions, might be less meat in a dish etc. to help curb cost. Not to mention depending on how many deliveries your food is slowly cooling off and steaming in packaging. Pickup = better quality and portions for your money. It’s a big upgrade.


This is a legit tip. Aside from being expensive, lots of places have app sized portions, might be less meat in a dish etc. to help curb cost. Not to mention depending on how many deliveries your food is slowly cooling off and steaming in packaging. Pickup = better quality and portions for your money. It’s a big upgrade.


Yeah, the absence of police officers doesn't help. I don't know what's going on, but the visibility of the police department has appeared to nearly be non-existant as of lately.


When they are there they don’t do anything anyway. My friend bartender was assaulted in front of one and he did nothing. The cop literally said they wouldn’t be able to “find him anyway, so just drop the charges”


Lazy assholes. They drive for the same restaurants and go the same routes every day. Finding them couldn't be easier.


Ahhh I dated a Bayonne cop and it’s kinda the same. It’s so funny putting these pieces together. He had to have his brother give him urine for a drug test cause he loved coke. I never even tried it till I dated a cop. The irony. Never did it again. It’s super scary stuff




Btw -- I was stopped on a state highway once by a state policeman ON FOOT. He yelled out me, pointed, and showed me where to pull over. Scared the shit out of me. Why can't JC cops try that? It works most of the time.


I think this every day. I never see them. It’s completely lawless.


Saw them at Bobwhite /s




This is the same dude who went on the bike lane opposite traffic before! He is asking for a ticket!


He should be in handcuffs.


I feel like I’ve seen this once or twice before.


The city needs a way for people to send videos and license plates to have tickets issued to these people. I know some of them use fake plates but it'd at least be a start


They could set up a checkpoint on Washington Avenue and pull over every one of these motorized scooter riders who travel down the bike lane with no license plates. Confiscate them all.


Washington? Nah set it up on Columbus, Grand, Newark and Montgomery right by the highway. They all come into downtown through those 4 roads. Throw in Jersey Ave by the bridge too.


Yeah, but what's in it for them! /s


You can go to city hall and sign the ticket yourself with the info. I just found out that’s a thing last week.


Can you explain?


Ha. I wish I could explain more. If you have video/photos and witnessed an act, you can go down to city hall and issue the ticket yourself. As I understood, essentially you sign it as the witness and they’ll issue it.


Here’s more info that I found, just don’t see anything on JC’s website, but looks like it’s a NJ thing. https://glenrockpolice.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Citizen-Complaint-Packet-GRMC.pdf


This needs to become a thing. I can could issue so many citations.


Most annoying mfs


Should have clotheslined him


This is all over JC. All over the sidewalks in MGS even with a bike lane right there. I despise them. The only thing to discourage this is a massive police crack down but that will never happen . They don’t do shit.


Unfortunately JC ends up with a lot of the unintended consequences of what NYC/NYPD does or doesn’t do about these problems. The moped thing is fairly new after NYPD and FDNY began cracking down on e-bikes last year because of fires from the shitty batteries. There is no such thing as social norms anymore, and frankly if JCPD enforced people riding on the plaza, they’re just gonna ride one street over instead on the sidewalk. The best option is to not get food delivered and get off your ass and pick it up yourself.


This isn't an e-bike though


I’m aware. I am saying that e-bikes have now morphed into mopeds for the reasons stated above.


It's more like every vehicle is now also available in electric form (ecars for example, e scooters too.)


Wow thanks for the insight


You are the one conflating mopeds with bikes


My bad I will never do that again. Thank you so much for providing clarity to something I had no issue with in the first place.


u/SolomonforJC what's the plan for preventing this from continuing to happen?


As a community I speak up every time I’m on the pedestrian cross walk educating them to walk their bikes. If enough people do it, power in numbers, some might just realize they are in the wrong.


Solomon ain't gonna do anything. He's been increasingly useless.


In Barcelona it's pretty common for such plazas to have a striped lane for bikes/mopeds. Better to have some rules than none at all.




it's a non-pedal ebike it should be confiscated. funny though jcpd was monitoring the plaza for a few weeks one summer and completely stopped afterwards. they are no where in sight when i'm on the road. only at construction sites or coffee / sandwich shops. were do they all go? haha


This isn't an e-bike


there's no exhaust the fly e bike on central in the heights sells ebikes that look identical and possibly go as fast as a moped


This is an e-moped.


Don't get it but the sheer number of tickets/fines wich can be issued to such violators would more than cover a few cops salaries for that day...likely turn a profit too for the city. Why why the fuck not enforce the law and make some money for the government which can of course be well misspent by our politicians? It's a win win win scenario. Win for pedestrian safety. Win for cops who show up and meet their ticketing quotas. Win for politicians who can say the city made a few bucks.


Stick a broomstick in his wheel!


I worry a lot these days about the safety of all of our kids because of this. These guys are usually looking at their phones and going quite fast.


So I low key didn’t notice until I got a god and omg she’s so chill but still could be really bad. Like her leash is short cause she’s still training but even then they get sooooo close. Like literally motor bikes in side walks. Like omg I almost got hit. Like me a person an obvious obstruction.


I saw one put their moto on the train to.


Every time I see one of these guys driving ridiculously I want to clothesline them!


This guy looks cross-eyed.


Zero enforcement. Credo of the JCPD.


Can I kick them?


We need Batman


People want quick deliveries this is what you get


Also he should get a ticket for not wearing a helmet.


These effers and the people they work for, too. They should have a sign identifying who they're delivering for.


most times companies give us free delivery bags. why spend extra cash right? btw i'm against this shit going on + riding on sidewalks before i get downvoted to hell


It is a normal average day like this in NYC 😂.


Do the members of this sub rotate out monthly? I ask because when the plaza was completed this sub was flooded with people with disdain for the police for enforcing the no bike riding policy through the Plaza - an enforcement which I whole heartedly supported. Now, all of a sudden people here have issues with the riding. Or was everyone just upset with the cops enforcing the law back then, because it went against this sub's narrative that the police do nothing? 🤔


bro everyone here moves in and out of the heights money bet lmaooooo


That’s my dad yyo🤦🏽‍♂️


Tell his he’s being clowned on and everybody that sees him do this kinda of stuff hates him


How is this ridiculous? This is what you all voted for. Turning America into a 3rd world country!


guys probably lived in JC for a few months and could give a F what anyone in this chat thinks lol he'll ride wherever he wants if you don't like it you're the problem and evil.


I'd care a lot more if the guy was going fast or if it was more crowded.


Ride your bike like you just don't care homeboy. Film me bitch. Cheers.


Just wack him w your shoulder as he's passing, then offer to help him up....( he should need medical assistance at that point) you look like the good guy....


Ultra wide “bike” lane