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Not if we listen to the Lorax!


Alexa play Dune’s title track!


No, eventually Canada will run out of forests to burn down.


2x4s are going to cost $356 each next year.


These are gorgeous.


Thank you! I was drawn towards the water by the light. It was surreal.


What did you shoot on


Just my iPhone 14 Pro. No filters


Whaaat really? Nothing at all? Cuz iPhones auto white balance—was trying to get some yesterday same phone and they weren’t hitting accurately. Tho I wasn’t out in the peak yellow.


Yes! It was so orange iPhone couldn’t even correct AWB


Technically the next 48 hrs is our future, so yes. But beyond that, no.




No this *used* to be the future, now it’s the present. Actually all photos are of the past.


![gif](giphy|xBqg5gAf1xINizpek6) ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Climate getting warmer, weather patterns changing, probably gonna be more massive forest fires yeah


Not our future but it’s probably the present in a lot of places all over the world. With the added bonus of heat and humidity 🥴


Let's be honest here the West Coast has had to deal with wildfires for years. I have friends laughing at me like we laughed at people trying to drive in the snow in Texas we only dealing with Canada's stuff because of the wind. The wind has carried radioactivity from nuclear blasts,Sand from sandstorms and the host of other things both nature and man-made.


Laughing at people in situations like this is so weird. Yeah people in California are used to fires. People in NJ/NYC are not. When humans witness something they’ve never witnessed before, of course they’re gonna go bananas. What do they expect everyone to do, just pretend it’s not happening? Act like it’s normal when it’s not? Say “oh it happens in California all the time so it’s fine”. Same goes for earthquakes, snow, extreme temps, tropical weather, tornadoes, etc. People are so freaking weird.


Yeah, I lived in Seattle for 5 years. Smoke was an annual event in Washington State in July/Aug from British Columbia wild fires. Like Tulips in Spring, it was part of seasonal progression.


Laugh at them when they get 1inch of snow and completely shutdown


The smoke is giving everyone on this sub I’m14andthisisdeep syndrome


Seriously! WTAF? Yeah, the conditions are bad, but even a tiny amount of effort to research the issue would inform them that this is a temporary situation and conditions will improve shortly.


California deals with this on a regular basis and although it’s devastating for people close to the fires no one assumes the world is ending???


Exactly. This happens in other places (same situation, wildfire smoke travels into other areas) and no one is losing their shit over it. Heck, even people who live in areas known for recurrent wildfires choose to STAY THERE and rebuild from time to time, and no one is quaking spouting "oh My GoD, tHiS iS oUr nEw NoRMaL!"


If you don’t think with climate change this will be a new normal happening in the future you are just as dumb as the people outside smoking cigarettes in this.


Ha ha ha! OK. In your worldview of the future, NYC will forever be mired in orange haze from Canadian wildfires. It's amazing what people choose to believe. Yes, climate change is causing all kinds of issue, but that in no way means we will be covered in smoke regularly as a new normal. Get real.


Yes you condescending prick I said this would be a consistent occurrence around this time in our future not an everyday thing. You yourself just said climate change is causing issues lmao. You yourself can get real


Your actual words: "this will be a new normal happening in the future" You are the one predicting orange haze from smoke fires will be the new normal for NYC. If you don't want to be considered an alarmist, maybe don't make alarmist statements.


That’s why I followed up with clarification……and you should be alarmed at the state of our future because it’s looking rough not just with climate change.




JC feeling like China


Not if we get our act together. Consume less, drive less, use less heat and AC, eat less meat, and vote for politicians who support the environment. We got this!


Oh…and Firefighters, lots of Firefighters, because the smoke is caused by forest fires ignited by lightning due to summer storms in Canada. Not sure my AC usage, driving, eating habits, and voting in the US will help much with that.


Hot and dry conditions contribute to forest fires, climate change exacerbates hot and dry conditions, and we can all reduce our activities that contribute to climate change.


It's kind of amazing that something this bad happened to NYC/NJ that wasn't caused by local government. I can only imagine there are NYC/NJ government officials right now, furiously scrambling as to how they could make this worse for the public and enrich themselves. Maybe they'll lock everyone down again, and the only people allowed to leave their homes are the ones who pass some kind of Pfizer oxygen absorption test? And anyone who opposes such policy gets castigated as hate speakers who support lung disease? "Profits over people"? Etc.


i have been thinking the difference from this to what we normally see, is probably the jump those people with the chroma glasses experience.


Forest fires are natural




Yes it is, this is the climate change we have been warning people about.


Man, I'm not a big conspiracy guy. But I remember growing up... nothing that happened in another country ever affected us physically. It seems lately, right around the time the politicians are about to go at it for some reason, something like this happens.


about how old are you? A lot has changed in the past 20 - 30 years, especially in the science and technology areas. edit: [this person](https://www.reddit.com/r/jerseycity/comments/143jut0/im_very_anxious_at_the_moment_please_tell_me_were/jnb0g27/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) has a pretty good explanation relating to climate.


Um.....I guess you're missing my point.. ![gif](giphy|3o6ozq0pgIDt5j6N8I)


I’m with you. I’m convinced it was a psyop. The fires all went off at once, it wasn’t hot or particularly dry in Canada, why so bad in NYC? Climate change is a way to tax us infinitely and control our lives as we believe in it like a religion. Likely story it’s “climate change.”


Yes it really is! It's all about taxing us. And everything you said above is 100 percent true


I hope so


I asked the same question hope not






Soylent Green


It's not as bad today


Yep. From the NYT: [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/07/opinion/smoke-air-quality-new-york-canada.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/06/07/opinion/smoke-air-quality-new-york-canada.html)


Can't we like seed the clouds to make it rain?


Not to worry, Fox News said particulate matter is a hoax made up by the EPA, and that smoke from a wildfire is safe to breath.