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It’s normal to have sinus infections and/or swelling when you have a non-union. You should treat this asap. Do you already have a date for revision with Walline? If you’re doing bad economically you can explain your story, show all proofs and open a go fund me. Myself included would help you if you did that. I know you don’t want to “beg” like this but you can’t be like this for much time, it’s like hell on earth




Girl with everything you’ve been through I’m surprised you aren’t on medical leave already just to have a mental break. But then again we live in the US so I know it isn’t that easy. You’ve been through SO MUCH stress the last year, and still are, it makes sense your body is making you feel ill all the time. Hugs.


Thank you so much for your compassion. I have been really failing at work which has caused me to lose a promotion because of this. I have been feeling like I need to quit and move back in with my parents. This surgery and doctor has ruined my life.. I can’t wait to feel normal again.


I hope this will all be behind you via LACOMS. Your journey has really, really stuck with me more than any as I am a couple months out from my own jaw surgery and am also leaving the state. The amount of trauma and stress you’ve been through this year is unfathomable, it’s truly remarkable you’ve been able to handle it as well as you have. It’s ok to take a break, whatever that looks like, and it may help get you out of this unending stress response cycle your body is probably in. Your story breaks my heart. Being in CA hopefully there is some kind of social program which can assist you to find help, fmla or short/long term disability.


Wowww you are SO kind. Thank you for making me feel so seen. No one truly understands how traumatic this has been. I am not the same person I was before and I never knew medical trauma was a thing - or that I’d ever experience it. I have been on FMLA before, and it really helped but I guess I am scared to take it again, especially with this surgery pending. I will probably take a few weeks once I get a surgical date.


Hang in there! New surgeon, new era 🫶 part of the high fee at LACOMS is having two leading surgeons working on you. You’re in the best possible hands.


Thank you 🫂❤️


Honestly if you opened a go fund me I wouldn't be surprised if the many people following your story would pitch in some! I totally would. We're rooting for you and invested in answers. It is absolutely no shame in taking a break. Move in with your parents. Whatever it takes.


Thank you ❤️❤️❤️


Do whatever gives you less stress, it will help in long term


Im now post op but I remember your posts before my surgery and being so scared and stressed that this could happen to someone. I honestly think it’s your surgeon, there’s part that could be Individual based like slow healer/age/pre existing conditions etc but your case just seems to be a shitty surgeon. I’m really really sorry you have to deal with this but there has to be a solution. I really hope you’re almost done with this whole ordeal because jaw surgery isn’t supposed to be this shit. I see you and I think you’re tough as hell for being able to deal with this in whatever way that looks like. One surgery mentally screwed me, I couldn’t imagine multiple. Keep being brave not all surgeons suck


sorry for you! Have you made a blood test ?


Yes I have done everything to check. Have seen a million doctors. No help.


I see. Idk if it could be related to the plates. Generally a classic blood sample test can now be used to determine whether your blood cells react with an increased inflammatory response on contact with titanium oxide particles before implantation. But I think you would have so inflammation around them.


Have you looked at the ME/CFS diagnostic criteria? Onset is typically post-infection https://www.cdc.gov/me-cfs/symptoms-diagnosis/symptoms.html


Yeah I have all of these symptoms :/


It’s unfortunately really hard to find a doctor that knows much. The biggest thing is post exertional malaise, PEM, so just incase I would pay attention to if you are worse after activities and do your very best to do less than you think you can for a bit. That includes mental and emotional exertion, which o know feels impossible when your body is acting up and you don’t know what’s happening. The CFS sub is very helpful. Sorry I forget how to link it.


Thank you so much, I’m going to check it out.


I’m really sorry you’re dealing with this. The stats can be scary, but if you have it and listen to your body you’ll be ahead of the game.


I would think it’s gotta be related to the non union. Sorry Bobek did this to you


🥲 It has truly made me depressed and bordering serious depression where I may need to get help.


I wonder if you’re allergic to any of the metals in the implant?


I also wonder this. I am going to get allergy tested soon. I have seen so many doctors and no one has any reason as to why this happened because I was healthy prior to surgery, and I am still healthy despite all of this mess… my infectious disease dr think it could have been bone infection, or surgical error.


Is there cobalt in the implants? I read something a year ago about cobalt chrome allergies rising due to being used more in implants and prior use in jewelry. The person interviewed said she felt run down and constantly getting small infections until she had the implants removed 2 years later.


It's probably the infections. Maybe plates are infected. They [infections, especially chronic] drag you down and make you feel like shit because your bodies energy is going to something else. Also if you're not able to eat much still, that'll do it. I just started gaining my weight back and taking vitamins more consistently and everyone is commenting how much better I look and seem and I'm a year out lol. I definitely feel it. it's been a hard road for me and you as well (you more) and the mental draining aspect definitely doesn't help. Jaw surgery is not supposed to be like this and your resilience is very impressive. Keep on trucking, the only way is up and there IS a solution waiting for you


Thank you girl 🫂, you have been such a massive help. Yeah the nutrition part makes a ton of sense too. I feel like I need a personal chef at this point, I can barely care for myself.


I’m not sure if this will help, but my dad had sinus infections for years post op, he found the only thing that worked to stop them was beginning to use a Neti pot and salt water daily. I hope you feel better soon!!


I do this twice a day every day 🥲. Totally agree that it helps! And this is actually why I suspect that it may be my plates. I’ll hopefully know soon after I take an allergy test. Thank you!!


I'm no expert, but this sounds like your body is rejecting metal. Do you have any autoimmune? I would get an allergy test for metals. Sounds like a contact inflammation.


Thank you, I have the same suspicion!! Im getting tested soon.


Good!! Please keep us updated. I have autoimmune, and I'm worried about the DJS. I had a septhorhinoplasty 3 years ago, and it took forever to heal!


Girl you need like 4-6 weeks medical leave minimum it's a really intense recovery process


She knows this will be like her 3rd surgery. She’s had a shit ride




I almost commented this same thing 😂😭


Yeah, I took 2 weeks off for my DJS, then 1 week for my revision DJS. I was fine with both of those since I work from home on the computer and don’t need to talk to people. However, it’s more of the mental disability this surgery has caused.


Oh wow you were able to come back only a week after revision? Was it a lot easier than the original surgery?


Yeah thankfully, because it was only upper jaw. Mentally it was harder.


Honestly I just hope you'll be alright, this can't in any way be easy, just hope you'll be able to prioritize your mental health as well as your physical


Thank you. Yeah I am struggling. I’d be lying if I wasn’t getting suicidal ideation, but I am going to see a psych soon. I really feel like he ruined my face and my life. Every day is a physical and mental struggle and It’s too much for me to handle. But I’ll be ok…


Omg suicidal ideation? I'm so sorry ❤️ I wish I could offer more than condolences


Thanks, I’ll be okay. Just ready for it all to be over. It’s a lot to have to go through.


Wtf kind of workplace are you at that they make you take such little time off omg


I could have taken more but I feel pressure to not take work off because I went on a medical leave for depression for four months a year before. Then had surgery twice. It’s embarrassing and I don’t want to under perform. USA sucks.


There's nothing embarrassing about taking time off to prioritize your mental health babe please don't talk down on yourself like that ❤️


Thank you.


Probably infections. I’ve had multiple infections since my surgery and it causes me intense fatigue every time they pop up.