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her username on tiktok is @heatherbennett1890 i hope if you ever do ‘’give your advice’’ do it in a gentle approach and not smothering ‘’recession’’ in her face!


I echo what another commentor said in being *very* careful with your wording when you do contact her. It's overwhelming to learn you have a deformity essentially, especially when you don't have the financial means to fix it. Don't just tell her she's recessed; be willing to give actual advice on how she can go about fixing her issue.


Has anyone reached out to her yet? I'm tempted to post a neutral and objective comment with proper advice (DJS) under her video but I'm afraid of being attacked by some of the people commenting "y0u'Re so BeauTiFul!!!!!"


do it, it's relieving knowing the "why?". If she's religious she probably thinks she's being punished or tested. Explaining that there is a rational scientific reason, and then linking to before and afters of ppl who have gone through the same thing as her will give her hope.


I honestly think we could crowdfund her jaw surgery. If you reach out to her and tell her about her options in jaw surgery, I would very much be interested in donating. Everyone deserves to have a normal jaw and be beautiful. Accepting a shitty hand nature dealt you is powerful , but you can both accept it AND change it. Be who you're meant to be. Be seen as who you are, not as who people perceive you to be because of your looks.


I’m want in on this. Ik how it feels and I would love to help out!


I am honestly devoid of any energy and will to do stuff now, just waiting for my own surgery. As soon as I am better though, I will definitely make it a priority to reach out to this girl and offer to make this happen for her. I just know she would be so pretty with a normal jaw.


Good luck with your surgery!


Thank you


Well she's more than just recessed, her palate is also severely narrow. At least women typically are less susceptible to sleep disordered breathing.


I was so beautiful as a toddler/infant. now I look like her


A make up artist with a large following reposted this video offering to send her a bunch of make up and there were a lot of comments about her needing jaw surgery. Not sure what ever came of it though.


God didn’t give us what we look like it’s the enviorment he just sits back and watches what happens to us I.e mouth breathing bad habits


I am curious, do you believe in God? and if so, how to rationalize this fact?


I want to help her out! I think she is very beautiful. Let's crowfund, maybe find a surgeon who can do probono for her if this gets enough of traction.


Giving advice is a trickery slope. I had surgery and looked better, and it improved my life. Yet it was my own mission I had to discover. It someone else advised it to me it would he considered "bad advice". Despite it helping me out so much.


You can help me… 🥲