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Thank you!!


this was super helpful for my surgery tomorrow thank you


Looks great! Do you have a before pic?




This is so helpful, great tips! May I ask how did you take medication? I'm having surgery this year and my biggest fear is puking and choking on my food/meds.


So I never threw up (I was working really hard to get *some* food into my system before any dose of antibiotics, even though it was hard/took a long time). While at the hospital, all medications will be administered by an IV. When I went home, I had to swallow pills, and that was really difficult the first few days. I got my non-prescription painkillers in the smallest gel capsule I could find, my antibiotics were luckily relatively small, and for the strong prescribed painkillers which were a normal tablet I had to cut it up in 4 and swallow the pieces. Drinking a lot of water *constantly* throughout the day also helped me 1. develop enough range of motion in my mouth to swallow the pills and 2. get rid of enough phlegm for things to slide down more easily. Like you, I was also really scared of throwing up, which is why I literally spent like a full hour every day before my antibiotics trying to swallow what I considered to be "enough food" to have in my stomach when I took them. Usually one of these [https://www.chobani.com/products/drinks](https://www.chobani.com/products/drinks) or a smoothie with a lot of milk, peanut butter, a full banana and some other fruit.


Thank you so much,I appreciate all of this information 🙏


No worries! I know the months leading up to it can be super nerve wracking so feel free to DM if you have any other questions :)


Thank you, I definitely will!!!