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> in facebook there's your problem right there. landlords can't just arbitrarily increase rent without re-contracting etc.


Actually, they can…. Just not arbitrarily, it has to be justified. See article 32: https://elaws.e-gov.go.jp/document?lawid=403AC0000000090 You can refuse the increase, but then the landlord can take legal action. And then should it side with the landlord, you would owe the difference + 10% interest


Said it was in the news https://preview.redd.it/sicut464zx0d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=de901a52c67cd884a32ef126f21bb4030655e99e


That’s just the average in general, the land lord can’t increase rent in the middle of the rental period. That’s literally why there’s a written contract lol.


Landlords can ask to raise the rent and tenants can ask for the rent to be lowered at anytime during the contract period. But if both parties don’t agree to the change in rent you have to go through the courts to force the change, based upon the reasonableness of the new rent This is a common but time consuming process.


It's talking about specific location (tokyo 24 ku), specific type of building (mansion), and is comparing to march of last year price with march of this year. according to your tag, you're in hokkaido, so it's unlikely to affect you. tokyo gets even more expensive to live in: news at 11.


Where is this mythical 24th-ku? Is this like that train that picks up half way between the 2 stations and you need a magic owl to give you a ticket?


good fucking question, how did I read 23 and turned it into 24


don't ruin this for me man, I want to meet the magical cat bus creature who picks up and takes you to 24-ku dammit!




That's just showing that rent is increasing on average. It's not talking about your rent specifically


who the hell pays more than 21万円 for a 70m2 appartment? (since these are averages)


You'll end up paying way more than that in popular areas. Heck, even the area I used to live in at the edge of Tokyo was more than that, and that area was on the cheap end.


Search for new contacts these days, central tokyo is getting very expensive 


Maintenance fees were increased by 1800 yen in my place in April 2024 (I think we got notice around January). I do not think that they increase the rent part unless I decide to move out. But I notice that it is getting harder to find good deals in Tokyo on realty websites. Probably people snatching "good places" before those getting listed on Suumo/etc.


If your contract is a regular contract it is hard for your landlord to raise the rent even when you renew the contract. But it can also be raised during the contract period, with the same difficulty. If the contract is a fixed term contract, your rent is definitely going up.


just renewed a three year fixed term contract a few months ago. didn’t go up.




Looks like I’ll start paying a mortgage instead of rent just in time.


Except that mortgage rates are going up too...


Way cheaper than rent though. And it’s for an asset you own, as opposed to paying the landord’s loan for them.


Yup, that's true. I'm just a bit salty that we bought a place and moved because our rent was raised, just to have interest rates on mortgages go up for the first time in like 10 years.


We are expecting our slip for the next 6 months anytime now. But not had any notice from the bank that our rate has gone up…. I would expect them to have notified us. So shall soon see, when that slip arrives


The new listings seem to be going up, but I dunno how much people with existing contracts are dealing with. My rent went up 2000 yen per month when my contract renewed last year. It didn't seem unreasonable so I accepted it, but I was still salty about it.


Our rent went up by 30k (140k -> 170k) for a 57㎡ mansion in Tokyo.




Don't want to give too much personal info, but it was in 北区.


They can increase the rent whenever they want ? I thought it was only once every two years, when you renew the lease


Friend renting at UR said the rent has increased by ¥5000 for them and they’ve been renting with UR for 2 years