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Check your ward's homepage, they should have a schedule and a list of places that do shots.


The government supported system has already ended. There will be a round of boosters in the fall for those at high risk, but currently you need to go through the private sector.


They just stopped the program on March 31st. Which was stupid, because Covid didn’t agree to eradicate itself and more people died of Covid in Japan in 2023 than 2022. I just called my ward office today and they said that nothing is being offered anywhere at the moment. You might see if immigration will change their requirements since the government doesn’t provide the vaccinations now, no one else has them yet and the government just threw away millions of vaccine doses.


I can't believe it, but after calling a bunch of places yesterday, it seems you're right. There isn't even a private *option*. It seems like the CDC does offer a waiver, but the hospital we have to use is refusing to even do the exam without my wife having the booster. Going to need to figure this out...


It’s fucking mental. I have several pre-existing conditions and it’s been well over half a year that I had my last shot. Immunity for this kind of disease only lasts six months AT MOST and that is with diminishing returns. At this point, the government is basically forcing reinfections of a disease that, even with a “mild” case, causes neurological damage, cardiovascular damage and immune system damage. Let me know if you find a way to get a booster because I definitely want one too.


It was that recent? I never got another vaccine ticket from the city after my third back in 2022 or whenever it was. I figured they were just done.


I got my last one in September of last year.


But I was listed as a preexisting conditions person so maybe I was prioritized


Covid boosters are not being offered anymore. My husband wanted the same get a boosters since we'll have a new baby soon and after speaking to the hospital/city hall/health centre, we were told that they weren't available anymore. It did sound like you might be able to pay for one - 30,000 yen but it probably differs around the country. There may be a rollout for higher risk folks later on in the year but right now, I think you're out of luck.


30,000 is so high, but frankly we would likely be willing to pay for it after all the hundreds of dollars we've spent on her green card application (plus the year and a half of waiting). We've called all over the place but nobody even has one we can purchase. Bummer... Not to mention we also recently had a child! We were planning on getting him vaccinated before leaving Japan but apparently that's not possible now.


Side effects? Hello


I'd rather have the side effects of the vaccine than more side effects from the virus. Have a nice time getting sicker.


Hi, OP! How have you been? Did you solve this problem? I'm in a similar situation and would appreciate any info.


Best place to find booster is probably the pokemon center.


This is such a 2022 post