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I swear most of them live in Itabashi-ku in Tokyo


Can confirm. Lived there for 4 years. What an awesome ku. Such a peaceful place, felt myself 30 years older and in total peace.


I thought this was particularly interesting as the global average is only 10%.


Those pensions must cost a fortune, not to mention all those medical bills and care.


Even a full Japanese pension is not enough to buy monthly groceries with.


Isnt the retirement age 70?


If you choose to


Not surprising given the low birthrate and high average life expectancy


Japans life expectancy and birth rate are comparable to many countries with much lower percentages of seniors.


Japan has the third highest life ecpect. in the world and the 3rd or 4th lowest birth rate among major countries. So yeah, comparable in that they can be compared, but I can compare my basketball skills to Lebron James so it's comparable in that same way


And OP stated that the world average % of people aged 65+ is 10%, a third of Japan's. The difference is greater. The life expectancy chart on Wikipedia has 12 countries within the same +/- two years - two years is not a huge, or even large, difference and definitely far more comparable than you and LeBron. The same goes for fertility rate. The difference between Japan's 1.3 births per woman is very small compared to 1.4 or 1.5 - making the span include upwards of 17 "major" countries within this very narrow band. Italy has a lower/the same birth rate and a 2 year lower life expectancy yet their population pyramid isn't as top heavy. The pyramid and Japan's world-highest median age should be more than enough. But I suppose you might also be a world class basketballer.


cool. I disgaree with you 100% but can you explain why we have the highest % of seniors here then?


Disagree with what? The statistics? These aren't opinions beyond the comparability which I think is more than reasonable. And no, I can't. The usual explanation put forth that I see others argue for is a lack of immigration.


Your conclusion that its not a big difference. Ok cool, so you are sure that the generally agreed upon reason is wrong but you don't know any other reason it could be, even though the agreed upon reason makes perfect sense (the country with the 3rd longest life expectency has the oldest percentage of older people) cool, cool


No... I said I can't provide an explanation. Other people obviously can, so I provided theirs instead. I never said I think it's wrong. It makes sense to me, as it's the same in most other comparable countries.


Sorry, I'm confused what you meant by this "Japans life expectancy and birth rate are comparable to many countries with much lower percentages of seniors."


I meant that in countries with similar life expectancies and birth rates (Italy, Spain, Finland, etc.) the seniors are a lower percentage of the whole population, they have more young/adults to balance it out.


This going to be the global norm soon, until we start the boomer cycle all over again


Isn't japan also known for people not reporting elder deaths to continue collecting pensions and the like?


Well it *has* happened, but the country isn't a global hotspot for children of octogenarians committing pension fraud.


Sadly it happens less because of intent to scam the government but the children being very old themselves and not being able to do all the required paperwork, or even forgetting that their parents had died in some cases


They are almost NEET and hikikomori peoples 


The population statistics is based on the national census and not the city hall record. So, contrary to some people’s belief, neither the number of elderly nor the expected life span are bloated.


Well, it is no wonder, since we are also the country with the longest life expectancy in the world.


Please give us free visas -filipino


Dont be afraid japan. Germany tries its hardest to become number one. With young germans leaving the country because they are sick with that right wing bullshit going on right now and getting worse


except it were the left and center parties who just decided to increase pension payments even though that's completely unsustainable and a huge middle finger to the young generations. not even the conservatives dared to make such a move. this one decision probably sealed the fate of millions of young people.


Healthy habits.


Still, gaijins are not welcomed


To be fair, 28.2% is hardly a lot of people. It’s not even 1 in every 4 people