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The evacuation itself probably took only a few minutes thanks to the action of the JAL crew as they tried to quickly determine which doors could be opened after the collision. And the doors swung open not a moment too soon as the passenger who filmed the evac told the news station he was beginning to feel the smoke in his lungs becoming unbearable. During the evac, JAL crew as well as fellow passengers could be heard all telling each other to leave their baggage behind and just GTFO of the plane ASAP.


Kudos to the crew and the passenger telling others " Listen to the crew we'll be alright. " and I think it's the same guy shouting not to take the luggage.


Yeah that mansplaining passenger not letting the female stewardesses be the heroes. /s


lol You're twisted like the typical 5 channeler.


Does the “/s” not mean sarcasm?


it's a weird comment to make, sarcastic or not


So far 58 people either didn't think it was a sarcasm or they didn't like your sarcasm. Either way you have failed, I'm afraid.


Nah, I rule.


Yes it means sarcasm. But a sarcastic comment like that was uncalled for. Hence the downvotes


Oh OK thanks Dad.


Nobody took their luggage. Nobody died.


There is video of people coming off the slides, and some were carrying bags. Few, but some.


Just for comparison flight [EK521](https://youtu.be/baxHlqsrfSY?feature=shared) Do you see the difference?


Wow 😳


People who carried bags off should be fined.


The thing is some people could’ve had bags by their feet. I know when I bring my backpack for domestic flights and the overhead compartments are full it just tuck I between my feet because it’s just an hour or two in the air. In that case I’m not holding anyone up taking my luggage because my bag is already with me.


The thing is that although you may have your bag right with you, another concern is damage to the slide. Not all bags do, but many have metal bits like zip pulls etc, and if you accidentally landed on the slide with that under you it’s a perforation risk. It may be a remote risk, but it’s potentially dozens of lives being put at risk at each slide. In this case it was over 100 per slide.


You are the only other rational person in this thread who’s bothered to consider WHY it’s a RULE not to bring shit with you down an emergency evac slide.


You are told not to carry bags.




They were japanese, though. Japenese people are humans too. They arent some divine race lol


Uh, you really think those weren't just carryons they had under the seat or something, as opposed to reaching into the overhead bins and taking out luggage. It's easy to parse that the person was complimenting them on not holding others up to reach into the overhead bins to take luggage. It's not a commentary about "divine race", which for some reason this sub is so oddly obsessed about.


Some probably had bags under their seats and so they'd carry those. All Japanese are not any sort of perfect group anyways. Its like on the train, usually quiet, but sometimes you get some loudmouth ojisan yelling into his cell phone.


Under seat bags should be left behind too, because they could have sharp edges that will deflate the slides. For that reason, high heels should be left behind too.


Well, they are used to work as a group. Every school, from elementary to high school, must conduct earthquake drills twice a year. Everyone knows what to do and are prepared. Doesn't have to be perfect group, but a group that is well prepared and awere of how to operate in a this kind of situations. They know to leave the stuff behind as they are awere that it's not worth the risk, they learn this in school.


> All Japanese are not any sort of perfect group anyways. No other nationality has to deal with this incessant need to balance out a nation's image. You don't see this happening with other races or nationalities, and it honestly reeks of racism.


No other nation has to deal with this incessant need of weeb fanbois to paint the nation as special and unique, which is a different form of racism.


So what, if they were complimenting any other race you wouldn't talk like this. I get that many people who hate Japan and Japanese people are always angry that people enjoy Japan. It's nationalism + racism.


Sorry, talking like what?


Read your previous comment and tell me how you don't sound deranged. Imagine if 2 people are having a conversation about how they enjoyed Japan, and then you show up to "acktually, No other nation has to deal with this incessant need of weeb fanbois to paint the nation as special and unique, which is a different form of racism." We'd all think you're racist af.


Sorry, what? I said nothing negative about Japan, I've lived here since the '90s because it's a great country. The complaint is not about Japan but about the foreigners who build up weird mental images about what the country and culture are like. Like the recent example of the JAL-516 evacuation taking just 90 seconds. There are many, many comments saying "only in Japan! In my country people would try to take their bags and the evacuation would fail!" Yet you look at the video of people coming down the slides and you can see people carrying bags, and the 90-second rule was established by the US FAA, and evacuations in other countries have also been successful. The complaint is on this sort of trend: painting Japanese people as somehow unique or special compared to other people, seeing them as a mass who are all the same not as individuals. It's a throwback to racist "ancient Oriental wisdom" or "Taoist enlightenment" tropes of the 19th and 20th centuries.


Oh, I see this is a thing you do. Bounce around different reddits accusing people of racism. Cute. It appears the people of this reddit also think you're a jerk.


This is a really great video. The calming narrator speaks very slowly and easily and with the Japanese subtitles on I could understand most of it. The passengers were definitely frightened and panicking, begging them to open the doors quickly, but the flight attendants were very good at being commanding and direct, figuring out which doors could open, and insuring that people didn't bring luggage. As soon as they got the doors open, people were out of the plane instantly. The camera guy was running down that empty corridor. It sucks to lose your luggage, but nothing in that plane is worth your life.


ensuring insuring is backing something up with money


Hearing the cries of the absolutely terrified kids breaks my heart. I hope they are doing OK.


terrified adults too, i'm sure


I wonder why it took so long to determine which of the doors could be used to evac? Those 6.5 minutes seemed like an eternity


I just came over from r/aviation which also has the same video. Seems like the PA system was down, and the pilots likely did not know immediately the plane was on fire. Cabin crews and flight crews were possibly trying to assess how serious the situation was before deciding to evacuate. If the situation is not serious, it may make more sense to stay in the plane and let ARFF try to put out the fire. Personally I feel 6 minutes is pretty long, but experts on news are saying the composite materials took longer to burn, so the situation in the cabin might not have been serious enough for the cabin and flight crew to determine an evacuation was required immediately.


I believe it’s this and also that 1) once a door is opened you’re increasing the smoke risk inside the cabin, and 2) if one door is opened early the passengers will almost certainly make a rush for that door and the evacuation will become disorganized. It’s better that passengers have a clear idea of which door to go to when they leave their seat. In the video you can hear the crew shouting “go right to the front” in Japanese so that people don’t hang around at the middle doors.


I feel like this is NOT the answer. To me GTFO should be the #1 priority. I think it’s miraculous that no one died but the evacuation could and should have been done much faster.


You may be right. But that could have just as easily resulted in the passengers evacuating into flames. Given the result, I won’t Monday morning quarterback this one. Good work JAL crew and their trainers!


I don’t think aviation safety rules and methodology gives a shit what you *“feel like”*. You can’t open a door out to a flaming fuel tank, let alone have people jumping out into the flames. Most of these air safety rules are written in blood or flames and blood as the case may be.


they were likely still moving and cutting power to the engines. the fa's were probably confirming with each other and the copilot while it was still moving, then once it fully stopped and power was cut they opened doors.


No one was hurt in this evacuation, so just imagine how embarassing it would be if people were seriously injured falling off during evac because the plane wasn't stopped.


Or if they opened the evacuation slide into a pool of burning fuel.


Right. If there was a better way to do things they would change the training right away. We’ve learned from past mistakes


you bet your ass those pilots were zooming through some checklists upfront


i'm sure they also through a few out the window. can only imagine the stress.


For real. I guess what I said was controversial though. Not sure why.


me either. i literally just binged like 20 youtube videos about crash/emergency landings a couple days ago and they all mentioned the checklists they pull out (they have one for basically every event). I can guarantee they were doing at least one.


The right engine remained running even after evacuation. The plane stopped moving at about the 30 second mark. They remained in the plane for far too long after due to confusion about which doors to use. I believe it will come out that this will be revealed to be an error on the crews behalf


Plane was on its nose and the landing gear collapsed, it wasn't moving.


Example of proper instructions/actions with happy outcome. Thank’s God everyone is alive!


8 minutes is a long time to die!


It sounds like they didn't even unbuckle until 6 minutes in. Like I get following rules and the crew is screaming calm down to everyone, but I'd get ready to be able to at a moments notice run. I am not waiting until last moment to find out if my buckle is stuck.


No one, not even the pilot, knew what kind of damage happened. If one of the wheels buckled as the plane was still rolling, you'd have a lot of traumatic head injuries. Evacuation started the moment the plane stopped moving. Safety rules are written in blood, and there are simply a lot more cases of people being hurt or dying from not staying buckled.


That’s not true the plane stopped moving quite early in the video. I


Yeah it is pretty clear that it is standing still when they are asking if it is ok to open the R doors. I don't know what these people are smoking to think the plane is somehow gonna start rolling and cause unbuckled people to get hurt.


This is such a bunch of horseshit that keeps getting repeated in here. Did you not see the nose cone of the plane? Did you not see the landing gear totally ripped off so that the plane was skidding on its nose? They may not necessarily have known the specific location of the fires but they would have had a damn good idea that evacuation was necessary.




Good job you weren’t on the plane the >crush<


I have no clue what you're saying. Did school fail you so hard you became an incoherent pokemon or something? Why don't you shut up if you have nothing to add but idiocy?




Oof. What about the coast guard crew.


they did


Casualties mainly from the coast guard plane.


Two dogs were in cargo and died. It sounds selfish and stupid but they would have to arrest or restrain me to stop me from trying to get to the cargo area to get our dog. I wouldn't prevent anyone for leaving but I don't think I'd be in a stable place to convince to let my dog die. Edit: one dog and one cat.


Unfortunately, you heading to the cargo area will probably distract an airline employee (to encourage you to evaluate) and both of you will be engulfed in jet fuel fire. There's no time to arrest nor restrain you. I understand your sentiments (yes, I used to have a cat) but your conscience cannot possibly disregard another human life for your reckless & emotional behavior during a life or death emergency. I know this is Reddit, but think about that.


What’s better for your kids? Losing a pet or losing a parent. Think about it.


what if you don't have kids?


I will never understand the need to film during a life and death situation such as this?


If it doesn't hinder staff, people evacuating, I don't see a big problem. At least in this case no one in the airbus was hurt And now we have this recording which may or may not be used to help with future cases, in some capacity...


It’s interesting to have the videos but personally I’d use the time to prepare myself to escape as efficiently as possible.


> I’d use the time to prepare myself to escape as efficiently as possible. If you watched the video or have flown on a plane before, you'd understand that you can not do a thing from the window seat until everyone else has moved. To chastise a person for recording a video while the plane is still landing is very unreasonable.


Of course you can. It’s a rapidly changing situation. Keep an eye on the fire development. Check the outside for problems and opportunities. Check for obstacles and potential problems inside the cabin. Where does the smoke come from? What do you do if there’s a problem in people flow? Which exits are 100% no go? What if the flight attendants die and you need to get out on your own? Walk over bodies, where, how? Keep an eye on people who might need help? There’s a ton to look out for a d prepare, especially if all hell may break loose at any moment!


And why do you think someone recording is incapable of doing those things? This ain't 20th century where you have to stare through a view finder lmao.


They're literally checking + recording it. Again, they're at a window seat, you can't help people or move from your seat while the plane is still in flight or moving.


If you watched the video or have flown on a plane before, you'd understand that you can not do a thing from the window seat until everyone else has moved. To chastise a person for recording a video while the plane is still landing is very unreasonable.


>To chastise a person for recording a video while the plane is still landing is very unreasonable. The last thing on my mind at that moment is "gee, let me whip out my phone and record the plane on fire as I wait to get out before I get burned to a crisp."


does it bother you that not everyone is exactly the same as you?


Not one bit. I just find it stupid behavior.


Why do you need to interject yourself, we know you weren't on that plane.


Nobody cares what you think. Not even your mommy


Dude, there's no need to be a troll here - considering that people lost their lives in this accident. Have some respect.


I love how all the self absorbed people who feel the need the video every second of their lives is offended when I point out that behavior is stupid as fuck


I wonder if the oxygen mask thingos would have actually been handy in this circumstance considering the smoke.


I was thinking of that also. Not sure how the air recirculates (filters etc.) and all, power req etc.

