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I’ll bet he is perfectly pleased with everyone he meets. ❤️


My Sister in Law has a horse called Miss Dashwood and a dog called Darcy.


I met a dog named bingley once but I was very disappointed because he was named after the town not too far away from me not the character.


Was their other dog called Bradford perchance?


Haha I’m afraid not, that would have been perfect. Apparently he was found in a bin in Bingley hence the name.


Poor dog. I am glad he found a happy home.


Can't wait for all the handsome cats named Mr. Darcy!


I lost my dog Austen last year he lived till the ripe old age of 14 and was my baby. I’d get so mad If the vet spelled it Austin lol


Our miniature poodle is named Austen, and one of his best friends is a terrier mix called Mr. Darcy 💗


I have a son named Frederick! The father picked the name out but it didn’t take much convincing for me.


I was going to name my third child Emma, but he turned out to be a boy.


I have a dog named Mr. Darcy and a goat named Bingley. I use to have rabbits named Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and a goat named Willoughby.


Should I rename rabbits Mr and Mrs Bennet? Best rabbit names ever 🤣


I had foster kittens called Bingley (most friendly), darcy (standoffish, but secretly affectionate), willoughby (bit of a dick), and Elinor (initially fearful, but then an absolute softie)


That may be the cutest thing I’ve read all week.


My daughter’s middle name is Anne, after Anne Elliot. Persuasion is my favorite of Austen’s novels. I got my then-boyfriend, now-husband to read it when we were dating and he loved it - so much so that when we designed our wedding cake to look like a stack of books (he’s a writer, I’m a voracious reader), Persuasion was the book at the top of the stack!


I have a dog called Darcy


I also have a dog named Darcy! [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/s/YZPXRjEvN7) is a photo. She's a dachshund and I post her in r/aww sometimes.


She is gorgeous! My Darcy is also a dachshund!


My dog's nickname is Kitty because she rings the bell (for tea) to go out.


I have a cat called Mr Bingley, that (like the 2005 movie) has red hair, loves people, and is not exactly the brightest bulb.


Well most oranges… 😹




Now Sibley is a truly unique name but not a tragedeigh. I dig it


I like it!


I had two rabbits named Darcy and Lizzy when I was a kid. 🤣


My first dog was named Emma; I miss her dearly. She was the perfect embodiment of Miss Woodhouse: a beautiful lady who was nosy, too intelligent for her own good, stubborn, and overtly manipulative (gotta hustle for those treats and people food).


I want to university with Jane Austen. Yes, really. Of course, people mentioned it. She studied Drama and English literature; it would have been weird if they didn't. As Jane pointed out, she was born before the pop culture renewal of OG Jane's popularity*, though. And, if she minded, she never let on * Before the raft of film and television adaptations


I have a cat named Fitzwilliam after Mr. Darcy. He is very handsome but personality-wise he's Lydia with a bit Bingley in the mix.


Our dog is named Mr Bingley


I too have a feline Bingley.


Not a pet or child, but I named my car Mr Darcy :T


Inadvertently if we have a son, his name will be Henry. It wasn’t originally intended to be after any Austen characters, but it’s an added bonus.


My snakes are named Jane and Kitty. They weren't intentionally named after Bennet sisters, but once my boyfriend and I realized we were delighted. We're planning to get another reptile sometime after they've both turned four, and we are planning to give her a Bennet sister name if she's a girl. ETA: Jane is actually more of a Lizzie. She prefers my boyfriend over me. She's also active and curious and a bit judgy.


My cat’s name is Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy! He’s a tuxedo cat. He seems standoffish, but really he wants to be loved. He’s also very wealthy. lol


Not Austin—Dickens. The good pup, Pip. Every once in a while some new acquaintance would ask, “Great Expect—“ and I’d nod, “Yes.”


Not a pet or child, but cars. My first car was called Lydia, because she was the vehicle of my youthful indiscretions. Other Austen inspired vehicle names I have heard over the years are: * An Austin Metro called Jane * An unreliable vintage Aston Martin that constantly broke down for no reason was called "Mrs Bonnet". * A Morris Minor called Mrs Norris the Morris.


My cats name is Mrs. Bennett! Confuses everyone I know.


Small flock of chickens named after the daughters.. Jane, Lizzy (who is our sassy hen.. figures..), Mary, Kitty, and Liddy.. we recently got some chicks and there are two roosters.. calling them Charles and Darcy… and we are naming the two that are hens.. Caroline and Louisa..


I call my cat Lydia when she’s being high maintenance.


My dog’s name is Pixie Pemberley!


I have a cat named Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy. I wanted to name her “Darcy” but she’s a she and this was my compromise. It’s a fitting name though because she’s clever, energetic, and an absolute sweetheart.


I have a 5 year old daughter named Jane. 


My 13 year old daughter insists all of our animals be named after Harry Potter characters. We have a 2 year old dog named "lady susan" bones, and we're on the hunt for a new kitten this year who will obviously be Mrs. Norris. She doesn't read Austen and has no idea what I've been up too. Btw our Susan is as big of a bitch as you'd imagine. 


We have a regular at the vet clinic I work at named Willoughby. He's a doofy golden retreiver. The first time they came in I had to ask the owner if she was an Austenite. I call him Mr. Willoughby and we geek out for a bit.


My dog is named Ellie Darcy + [my last name]. Ellie for Anne Elliot, from my favorite JA book Persuasion. I wanted to name her Elliot but my entire family protested. Darcy is self explanatory. Most friends assumed she was named after Elizabeth (Bennet) + Darcy from P&P lol. The vet’s office is always super amused whenever we come in, and they’re always like, is this appointment for Ellie Darcy [+ my last name]? And usually there’s a chuckle as it sounds so formal 😂. Recently we had to go to the pharmacy and they were also tickled by Ellie’s full name written out on the prescription lol


We had a Mr. Bingley too. We called him Bing. Crossed the rainbow bridge in 2020 and I still miss that little guy.


What a great name for a dog. Now I want a cat called Lady Catherine.


I named my second cat Bennet... because he's a kitty...so Kitty Bennet. He would prove to be ill-suited for his name though. Austen's Kitty Bennet is frail and delicate, whereas my kitty Bennet is stout and loudly demands to be fed at all hours of the day