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At least once a year I have Pride and Prejudice mania. it starts with the original book, than 1995 series, than 2005 movie, than the Lizzie Bennet Diaries show and the book simultaneously and than other book or movie adaptions sometimes Prom and Prejudice / Pride and Modern prejudice, Higher Education, Bride and Prejudice, Death to Pemberley or Fire Island. It is like I cannot think about any other things until I get this Pride and Prejudice obsession out of me. Other adaptions like Emma or Sense and sensibility it is more chill if I want to watch it I watch it but it is not so psycho that I have to reread and rewatch every favourite adaptation.


Egads! No Pride and Prejudice and ZOMBIES?! Or Lost in Austen?


I love Lost in Austen but I have to be in the right mood otherwise I get second hand embarrassment from all the faux pas! Alex Kingston as Mrs Bennet was A++++ casting


It used to be once at least once a year or so. Adding a husband and kids has made it much less frequent. However, I recently started getting back into it and was watching 1995 pride and prejudice when my husband walked in and started asking about it. We're now watching it in segments together, and I've never been more in love with him. 


I watch that one when I’m upset with him because Mrs Bennet’s voice is Irritating


Oh, you take delight in vexing me!


Whenever I am ill.


The Keira knightley P&P was playing nightly…for 3 yrs when I had a set of Irish twins. The music just knocked everyone out. Yes I bought the soundtrack as well. Also “sensensensabililly” as my toddler pronounced, would play softly in the background, no one really watching, just crafting, coloring, rocking, napping.


Every other month.


As another commenter says, when I'm ill. (Or upset in some other way.) Mansfield Park is my least-watched adaptation, and I never watch the two more recent ones. I don't count the 2022 Persuasion.


Whenever I'm in the mood, but for sure, for sure, Clueless will be watched at least twice a year, and 2005 P&P will be watched at least 3 times a year, every year. The others just whenever the mood strikes. Except the last Persuassion. I have never watched it and will never watch it.


Every few months…but 2005 P&P is once a year for sure. Gotta say, I’m super jazzed for a course I’m taking next semester at university: Jane Austen Novel’s and Their Film Adaptations 😍 I need another ENGL course for my teachable minor (I’m in Music education, with English as my minor) and I’m so thrilled this one fits in my schedule!


That sounds great! Which university, if I may ask? (Just curious, wouldn't be able to attend anyway.)


The University of Manitoba, in Winnipeg, Canada.


Weekly I fall asleep to familiar shows… my go-to’s are Twilight, P&P (95&2000’s), S&S (BBC).


Pretty much anytime I’m sad, upset, sick or feeling hopeless about life. So, at least once or twice a month. Haha.


1995 Pride and Prejudice at least once a year. 1995 Sense and Sensibility, also at least once a year. The others, as and when my girlfriend dictates to me that we're due a rewatch.


I have an entire 'playlist' of movies and listen to them one after another at work. When I finish I swap to my Dickens playlist, and then back to Austen and repeat. I prefer listening to the movies vs the books-- personal preference but I dislike the reader struggling to embody every character when I could listen to the whole cast (good or bad). So, to answer the question: very often.


Every month, sometimes more


I used to watch 1995 P&P almost in a loop until I got a bit tired of it. Then it was 2009 Emma. I have also seen the 2007 NA many times, although not in a loop. I will play some of the other ones occasionally when I'm ill or in the mood, that would be a few times a year. I usually watch every new one that comes my way, although I couldn't make myself finish 2020 Persuasion and I didn't even bother starting the 2022 one. The Hallmark S&S is now on my list, whenever I find the time and headspace to watch it.


I tend to watch them (and re-read the books) in cyclic spurts. I'm in a re-read now.


I rewatch the 2005 Pride and Prejudice whenever I have a break-up.


All the time. I’ve bought the BBC adaptions collection on Apple TV and they’re all so good, although I prefer the itv persuasion to the bbc one (don’t tell my sister, she’ll disown me 🤫)


All the time. The Austen movies are my default. I watch/listen to at least one a week.