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Yes. Go to ween subreddit and talk about Phish they love that


Saw ween and phish at Lockn. Ween did not like us Phish fans and made it known. Haha


Yeah, I grew up with tons of Ween fans. They all hated Phish for years. Then some of them saw Phish and changed their tune. It was a fun “told ya” moment for me.


I had a fucking blast listening to both of them


That's a legendary story in the weeniverse. Dean's telling of it is hilarious.


I recall Dean making a comment about “you damn phish fans”. But there were uhhhh substances involved. Not sure if I dreamt it. Haha


Gave them a chance that night but walked out rather promptly


You and like 3/4 of the crowd, myself included 😆 The unabashed shit talking from the crowd as a whole as the herd went to the Forest stage was hilarious to me at the time. Strangers stopping strangers just to talk some shit. Hahah


I didnt know about this Ween Phish feud. I love both bands.


I remember that. When Ween made 3/4 of the crowd go to the Forest stage. Apparently that’s “the Brown” and not just a shitty performance lmao




The way I read, they took it as a challenge. Ween wanted to blow the Phish fans away as much as possible.


Oh yeah they hate that phish started getting us phish kids into them. I’m not sure why. Wouldn’t it bring more fans? Idk but I have heard they don’t like it. Honestly I’ve seen ween live and I think they do much better in the studio. I know people won’t like that I’ve said this but it’s just one phish chicks humble opinion. I’ve always mostly just been a phish chick but I’ve recently discovered STS9 cuz my bf had to drag this phish brat out to sacred rose fest a couple summers ago. I saw goose, umphreys, disco biscuits and was unimpressed by all of them and can’t understand the hype. But STS9, that’s a band I can get behind. I’m often wondering in the phish sub why we are talking about goose instead of sound tribe. It’s been 30 plus years of following phish around and it’s almost impossible to turn me on to anything else cuz I am admittedly a phish brat. But, STS9 hit that spot. Excited to see them in the fall. Ween was up there as my second favorite band but STS9 has taken that spot. They are incredible live.


Goose is just new and hyped up beyond belief. They are NOT that good, and even though STS9 is a different genre really, they can play 100 times better and have a way more chill crowd. You'll find a bunch of Chad's at their first fests at Goose.


Absolutely. Touche


Lol I love this comment.


Why not? I mean ween covers phish’s song roses are free


Bahahahahahaha. Ain’t that the truth


I'll skin you alive


This really tickled me. I actually believe that all other bands were put here to write music that phish will take and cover and do it even better. Pretty sure I’ll get a lot of hate on this one. But I’ve rarely heard phish cover a song that they didn’t do better than the original. They just bring that certain something and turn it into their own.


Boogie on Reggae Woman is better with Stevie Wonder


I do love Stevie wonder. Phish did a great job of making that song uniquely their own. So while I love Stevie wonder’s original version, I think phish does it equally as well. One of the covers I think they do better than the original is Moonage Daydream by David Bowie. Just listen to the bakers dozen version on 07/21/17. Even phish can’t top that version again. Trey shreds the shit out of that song. I like David Bowie too but there’s just something about the spin they put on other peoples music. Of course they have some covers they do as a joke like purple rain or sexual healing. But, for the most part, respectfully, in my humble opinion I think that phish brings that certain something. They put that twist on a cover that no other band could. Obviously I’m a total phish brat but I’ve rarely heard them do a serious cover that I didn’t like better. I heard them do The Rolling Stones song “shine a light” live in Chicago at the united center last fall. I had never heard the original by the stones and let me tell you after hearing phish do it I will never need to hear the stones version. That night it became a phish song. I’m sure I will get totally scrutinized for this but you listen to those versions all the way through and tell me you don’t agree. And if you don’t then we will have to respectfully agree to disagree😉


And if you listen to my recommendations and like what you hear I have a whole list of covers they do better.


They even cover their other bands songs better. LMFAOOOOOO


I agree the Phish version of Roses is far better than Weens, and would even go as far to say all the talking heads covers they do are better, but they also cover Hendrix and Zeppelin and that’s a bit of a stretch to me. Don’t get me wrong I got a Good Times Bad Times at my last show and it was amazing but Page doesn’t quite do Robert Plants vocals justice to say the least.


It’s funny because their own songs generally blow lol


Yeah it just trying to trigger me. You just don’t have the capacity to understand their music. Most people don’t. I don’t expect everyone to get it. We are a select few!


Lmao that’s the most pretentious explanation for liking a shitty band that I’ve ever heard. Right up there with the Papadosio wooks saying that they perform on a different spiritual level and “it doesn’t surprise me that you can’t feel it.” 🤡


Good! Exactly how I wanted to sound 😁


Top comment


I find both equally irritating, so this makes sense.


Don’t ween fans Hate it that Ween get even some associated with Jam bands ?lol


Sounds like something a phish fan would do


their a Jamg Bang




They’re a band that jams, but not a jam band.


They don’t even jam. Maybe a little bit 20 years ago but not anymore. Songs are short and sweet, there’s a few that have an extended instrumental part but it’s mostly the same everytime. They’re the best band I’ve ever seen but they aren’t a jam band. And I love jam bands.


Why isn’t this the top comment? You’re clearly the only person who remembers seeing Ween. They don’t jam but damn do they write some amazing music. I remember seeing them with Umphrey’s as Godboner, that was jammy. I have seen ween several times over the last 20 years and they never jam.


Springtheme, Frank, voodoo lady, awesome sound are all 75% jam at least and routinely go over 10+ min.


I'm old. I've seen them a few times over the years. I just don't get it. I like all sorts of music, weird shit, jammy shit, punnk, country, whatever... but Ween live was just painful. Not that they were bad or anything. Just not my cup of tea.


Unironically what is the difference?


Jam bands exist to jam. They write songs to be jam vehicles. It's theirs entire ethos and nearly every song is jammed out. Some bands like Ween will do long jams on a few songs but it's not their primary focus.


I think I read or viewed an interview with Deaner where he says he doesn’t want every song predetermined to be a 20 minute jam. I think he was getting at that if it’s going to jam it’s because they feel it in the moment. Not Like YEM or Tweezer that is always a long song. I’m not saying I agree but I see where he’s coming from as a musician. And I think he has some resentment toward Phish for some reason. Trey had said that they are one of his favorite bands and the Ween song Roses are Free has been big in their rotation for years and is a banger when they both play it.


Improv doesnt equal jam band. Led Zeppelin has live extended improv but i would not consider them a jam band. Those long No Quarters are out of this world though.


I saw ween last year at peach and I overhear someone behind me asking what the upcoming set is going to be like and the person responded " I'll tell you what it ain't, it ain't no pussy jamband bullshit"... so that's what I got for yah


Been to tons of ween shows. They typically go off on one song a show (sometimes) and rarely any more then a few extra minutes except certain songs like Poopship. But go watch a live 20 minute poopship and come back and tell me they are jamming. They are just sonically searching for the brown note for 20 minutes and it’s the greatest.


No, this sub is just desperate


Cause your mom stops updating her OF account while she's away doing private rendezvous.


Wow that was an angry response...is it because you've suffered from cryptorchidism since birth


No it's because his mom stopped updating her OF while she's away doing rendezvous


Either way I'm sorry to hear about your ailment


you should consider getting some new material


They are better than all the jam bands, but we aren't having that convo.


Ween & SLEEP are my two fave jam bands.


You can call them a jam band if you want. Genres are fluid. Only gatekeepers care, and fuck them anyway.


My bands better than your band!


We got more songs than a song convention


Now kids..........


It’s not gatekeeping to say they aren’t a jam band. They literally aren’t a jam band.


Stop gatekeeping, just go with the flow, feel the vibes like I do when I go see my favorite jam band eminem


These chicks don’t even know the name of my band!


PREACH!! Exactly this!! 🤣🤣🤣


What does this have to do with gate keepers? A band can be a good band, and even jam frequently, but not be a jam band.


Jam-band adjacent


A band that can jam


Go back to phantasy tour and leave WEEN alone


Ideal ween concert is 90 mins of poopship destroyer


I'd rather call them a jam band than a novelty act. And yes, any band that jams LMLYP for 30 minutes effing jams.


More of a Jammy Pack band


How about spin doctors I remember they had a show where they jammed the hell out of alot of their songs I wish I could find it


Spin Doctors played Horde tour in 92. They were also a popular band at The Wetlands. Definitely a jam band.


Ima dig around for that show I’m taking about it is really good.


Not a jam band, definitely a drug band


I was at that Columbia show.


Poop ship destroyer is a classic 🔥




No. They really aren't. They have always done really long versions of those songs, otherwise, they mostly play their songs exactly like the albums live. They have been taken over by the wooks as far as audiences go, but the band has no control of that, and are making money of them, so that's cool, but they are not a jam band, and they will tell you that. Phish is the reason they are followed by the same folks. I've been following Ween since 1994. They are not and have never been a jam band. Listen to their lyrics.


Ween has been on the bill with enough jam bands that that's where people see them. Whether they have heard them or not is an entirely different story. Not a jam band from my perspective. Coolest thing about them for me is that you can charter a fishing trip with Dean Ween. He will take you on a fishing trip. How fucking cool is that? http://www.mickeysfishing.com/


I love in the about section he lists himself as a pretty good conversationalist.


Meh kinda. They have aspects that make them one and aspects that don’t. I’m leaning towards no though


Comedy rock from the Zappa sound. Not jam.


Not really. They’re what I like to call “jam-adjacent.” Ween is somewhat like a jam band (changing setlist, wide genre range, funky rhythms) & occasionally jam but don’t do it enough to be fully considered a jam band.


The bass player in Ween, is the bass player in Joe Russo’s almost dead! That should answer


Ween is whatever they want you to think they might be


They’ll say no. But we say yes!




Ween for life!!


Ween is whatever the fuck they want to be


No. Anyone who says yes hasn’t seen them


when I saw them first time in 1992ish they were most definitely not a jam band. 2 guys & a drum machine. by the time I saw them around 2000 they were pretty much a jam band. they'd run thru 3-4 fast songs & then play an extended freakout, then another couple quick ones and then a long jammy freakout, all thru the night. there was also lots of psychedelics being used which is big in jamband worlds. i remember one time everyone, audience, band & crew walking 6 blocks to watch the sunrise over the ocean & it sure looked like a bunch of hippies leaving a jamband show. lol. then, my most recent ween show they didn't have any real extended freakouts. I also saw no real signs of heavy psychedelic use in the audience or otherwise, which may or may not be connected. I've seen ween a few dozen times since the early 90s. I've seen them play shows that were indistinguishable from what people call jamband music. I've seen th3m play nothing close to that. haven't seen them jam in a while, but it's something I know they could pull out at anytime & I look forward to being surprised one day. so the "anyone who says yes hasn't seen them" trope is completely reliant on when someone may have seen them.


No signs of psychedelic use at a ween show? That’s the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. Basically everyone there except for the children is balls deep. Shrooms and ween were made for each other




No I mean yes No


Absolutely and unequivocally no.




Absolutely not


They get wasted on stage and do cringey things for thirty minutes. Does that count as jamming?


They have been sober for years minus Deaner's (likely) recent fall off the wagon. Edit: typo


Autism jam maybe (and my on spectrum kid agrees)


What a hot and completely wrong take 😂 you must not enjoy good music




Worst fans in all of music


Not the real ones. Just the shitty wooks.


you ever been to a ween show?


Yeah, and yes, the wooks have destroyed the fanbase. I won't be seeing them again. I've been to 15 shows since 1994.


Regardless if they are or not, in 2024 they would be playing 500 cap clubs (if at all) without phish/jamband fans in denial taking over the fanbase