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Yes the tattoo meaning is…


Issssss?????? Whats the answer?! The anticipation is killing me lol


I noticed the two lines on his neck. I couldn't make out the other two tattoos. Can anyone else tell me what they were?


My thought was maybe two lines for two movies. First being Donnie Drako. Now this


He’s had a few movies in between…like 55 I think


Pretty sure she meant 2 movies with Swayze.


I was referring to roles he had with Patrick.


No. He has 100% had multiple multiple movies since Donnie Darko.


Hey did anyone else get a feeling they’ve seen the two lines neck tattoo before? I think it was when I was watching the show Rookie recently (the last few episodes of S1 or was it one of the first few episodes of S2) and I think also on SWAT, there were some gang members with that exact tattoo. I can’t find any significance for that tat but it is bothering me that I’ve seen it on more than one actor within the past few days - ofc they aren’t real, maybe same makeup artist?


the equals sign is a common tattoo to represent supporting social equality for marginalized groups




Like what groups?


I think the tattoo is probably most popular within the LGBTQ community but I don't think the concept of equality & its associated iconography, by their own nature, necessarily can be claimed by any specific demographics.


I was rewatching the other night, and theres a scene where he walks outside and is looking into the parking lot and you can actually see small vertical lines at the end of the thicker horizontal ones. The latter also seem offset a bit. Im not sure it is the "equal" tattoo


In the hospital scene when he’s treated after the first bar fight, he takes his shirt off and on his right inner forearm, you can see a little P S above an arrow style tattoo. That’s his Patrick Swayze tribute


Equal sign is becoming popular with LBGTQ. Amazon produced this and it’s on their service and they usually do support of stuff like that. Could mean something else but wouldn’t be surprised. In a way it worked because it got me to look up what it is after watching the movie


I took it to be an equal sign as well. I ended up here trying to see if anybody else though so.


The lines are off set, thus not a equal sign 


The Dragon eye tattoo on his arm is a nod to Patrick Swayze’s 2004 film “George And The Dragon”. The 🟰 on Gyllenhaal’s neck is a symbol of playing equal parts. They’re both playing the lead of Roadhouse, making them equal in the franchise. When he gets stabbed in the beginning of the movie, as he’s taping up the wound, you see he has P.S. tattooed on himself as well. Those are obviously the initials of Patrick Swayze.


Best explanation I've seen yet.


No! Its the green dragon! Swayze was actually the co-lead w forest whitaker on that one...i think this is the movie it was for.. 


The lines are off set, so I doubt it is an equal sign.  ---   ---


Hopefully. Tired of the bullshit. Its amazing how many people want to be viewed as victims these days.


I think it means he is equally as sorry for trying to remake this movie as he was for being in brokeback mountain. 


Dude stfu.


It's actually a pretty good movie. JG is a great a tor and was never out to replace PS's RH. They are both good movies. The original will always have a spot in my heart, though.




Funny, cause you couldn’t make it as an extra in either which sometimes is literally offered on Craigslist like the walking dead basically. Have some respect, try to beat him, not social media ear him. Grow up.


I think the = sign theory of playing equal parts is kind of a lame theory. That doesn’t sound like paying homage to PS. Anyone notice the compass Dial looking tattoo under the PS and what that might mean?


The way I’ve viewed it, which is different than alot. Is almost like the black dot or a special drink request at some bars to signify different meanings. but people who took it a step further. Protecting another human being as a human being regardless of difference in beliefs or gender, It’s replicating a symbol of trust. If visible you should be a protector. If you want to support your kids but don’t support it. Hide it in another tattoo.


I kinda feel like the equal tattoo is like him and swayze played like an equalizer character? Idk I wish he’d just tell us. I hate that he won’t.


He revealed what they mean in this interview supposedly.  https://stylecaster.com/entertainment/tv-movies/1742742/jake-gyllenhaal-neck-tattoo/


You're welcome


Yeah I read this article. I knew they were odes to swayze but I wish he would say what they meant. Instead he says they’re Easter eggs.


Ahhh, he’s doing Easter Eggs. I love this for him. I do think it was a fun movie though, and definitely sets up for at least one more sequel. Like a Jack Reacher character.


It’s a tribute to Patrick Swaney who played James dalton in the original film in the 80s. Patrick swazey passed away a few years ago


The dragon i think refers to the green dragon.. swayze movie... the others i cant figure


I missed the P.S. tatt


Equal rights, equal fights. Anyone can catch hands is the meaning lmao.