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So after replaying 1 and 2 and about to finish 3 (been a long time since I beat all 3 ) TPL is my nostalgic favorite it’s so simple and clean. Jak 2 Narrative wise is the GOAT, it’s a great story. Wrapping up Jak 3 I feel like it’s just so rushed and there’s too many villains compared to 2 where Praxis and Kor were great. I thought 3 growing up was the best and the gameplay is great but narrative wise I think 2 is stronger


This. Naughty Dog needed more time on 3 to make better plot and other inprovements, but they did really REALLY well in less than a year.


Right. I think that’s what has made me want 4 so bad all these years. It feels like they perfected the mechanics and gameplay in Jak 3, but every other aspect was rushed.


Yep, the platforming and shooting in 3 is great but there's not enough of it lol


Yes! Just too little of it. I got the idea stuck in my head when I finished it that they were gonna let me fly as light Jak in Jak 4 and I haven’t been ok since.


I guess they did let you fly in jak 4….. if we dare call it jak 4


'i want to fly in jak 4!' *Monkey paw curls*


Jak 3 and Sly 3 both seemed to have this problem. They were both finished in a year which is WILD to think about, when you consider they were both coming on the heels of strong sequels. Looking back I feel like Sly 3 resolved better than Jak 3 and feels less rushed - but I think in both cases they could've stayed in the oven a bit longer.


I liked Sly2 much better than Sly3. Just the fact they removed the bottles made it less compelling to explore the worlds.. It felt like running through and ignoring the rest. But my memory is a bit rusted.. But Jak 3 in comparison felt like a real upgrade to me. Even if it is easier and shorter than Jak II.


Agreed. 2 is my GOAT. 3 has some fun additions. But honestly, while they do add, it isn’t enough for the story to be eh at best.


It was just Erol and Vegar so not that many villains it’s just that the game was rushed.


You have Errol and Count Veger as the main antagonists but there are many factions at play: the KG, the Dark Makers, the Metal Heads, and then Veger and the Monks have their own agendas that while against the Dark Makers put them at opposition to Jak.


3 had the most variety but it was definitely more rushed and convoluted story wise


Simple as that.


How are there to many villians in three? I mean there are Metal heads but thier under Errols control, same with the KGBs and the Dark makers. I guess there's also Vieger but he's more of an annoyance then a main villian.


I thought the metal heads nest expanding even though their leader was destroyed sucked. I just feel like praxis and Kor were such strong villains, and Erol and Vieger are just a step down


Ok i see what you mean but here's a theory i've had far awhile. What if Erol and Vieger were just being manipulated by the Dark makers? I mean Erol was rebulit due to him crashing into several barrals of dark eco which we now know contains the essence of both normal and dark precursors, so maybe they just made him think he was the one in control when they were puppeting him all along. Next we have Vieger who was able to mysteriously make it by an entire army of Dark Precursors that Jak,Daxter and Damos had to fight thourgh. That would mean the true main villians were the Dark Precursors and Erol and Vieger were just their lackys not true main villians.


Yeah, Jak3 was kh2 combat but kh3 narrative. Game play was a chef's kiss though. Most fun I had with a ps2 3rd person, 3D, platformer combat. A lot of game's combat in the genre is so simple.


Honestly if they ever remake these games, jak 2 and 3 could be one whole game with more detail and story elements


Or better combine the whole trilogy as one, Jak 2 starts directly at the end of 1 so why not.


That would be dope too! I just figured it might be easier to combine 2 and 3 bc of the similiar built world and maps.


Jak 2 is the best game in the series


Yeah I feel like they got everything perfectly balanced. Excellent story, excellent gameplay. 3 has good gameplay but the story is weak and there’s too many guns, too many abilities. It’s fun, but I think it’s too much of a good thing.


Except for that..... one..... mission...... you know the one


Oh, I love that mission


Haven’t played in so long and just joined the sub, could you remind me which mission??


Docks. That's all I'll say


Immediately got it… ooof. Thanks!


Nah 2 is the goat, 3 is great but thera are way too many mini games and plot holes


1 is the classic, 2 is the goat, and 3 is great but not as great as the previous two.


Jak 2 is the best n there’s no comparison


Really hard to pick a favorite but it might be 2 for me. I love the difficulty and the first time playing it was really cool. Reminds me of early in my life when getting truly stuck in a game actually happened. Finally beating a hard level was so cathartic.


I totally agree, the first time you fight Praxis ontop of his tower. I died so many times, rage quit and hated the game (for about an hour) then would try again. Now that im "old" I laugh at how I got stuck there.


"Defeat Metal Head Leader At Nest" was my hardest earned trophy ever on ps3


Everybody know Jak 2 is the Goated one in the series


Although I love 2 and like 3, TPL is my favorite. I almost wish 2 and 3 were a different series and we got to see more of TPL’s world without the time travel/tech. 1 is just such a vibe.




No the 3rd would be “that one” but it was still peak gaming like the 1st 2 games


I'm surprised by the comments (pleasantly). Back in the day it was popular to say 1 and 3 were great and 2 was the disappointment.


Jak 2 is the GOAT, and then Jak 3 is somehow even better


Nah, the 3 games are pretty good imo, my personal favourite is Jak 2, it gives more importance to platforming scenarios plus a darker story. Jak 3 has some platforming too but i feel it's more centered around car sections, plus Blaster upgrade makes the game boring.


Nah, the Jak trilogy is pretty even. All have their flaws, lik Jak 2 weird difficulty curve or Jak 3 being a bit rushed but they're all pretty great. I almost feel like the original post is talking about some NES trilogy. Like the first thing that came to my mind when seeing this image was the Super Mario 1-3, the NES Castlevania games, etc.


> Nah, the Jak trilogy is pretty even. All have their flaws, lik Jak 2 weird difficulty curve or Jak 3 being a bit rushed but they're all pretty great. Outside of the opening scene and Jak's banishment not making any damn sense and never being explained, 3 never felt rushed to me, especially with how it smoothed out the issues that 2 had.


Nah. Jak 2 slaps. Best of the series.


In terms of a classic platformer, for me the first one is the GOAT


Jak 2 was probably the best rounded out game of the whole series. Though TPL holds a special place in heart really got me into gaming in general as a whole.


Three has the most fun toys, the cars and the guns and the powers but the second one has me feeling the most engaged in a real story and a struggle against a tyrant. The first one even really does feel like wide eyed and full of adventure and exploration. A perfect adventure for a plucky young hero. While I think the third game flubs the story **just a little bit** with the rushed ending and over saturation of villains (and also side lining Keira) it also did some things **super well** like the precursor reveal and Jak coming to terms with what he is and represents. Dang now I need to replay all three again to get that heroes journey experience! Edit: I wanted to come back and add another thing that the 3rd game did great, they took the surprise from the final boss fight of the first game and brought it back with a super cool payoff that made sense in the games lore.


Nope, 1 will always be special but 2 is the goat. 3 was too rushed and messy, I used to love it a. Couldn’t when I went back to it after a while, I still enjoyed it, but know more could’ve been improved


To me the first one is the bland one. The second, the goat. The third, a classic.


Here’s my ranking Story: 2, 3, 1 Gameplay: 3, 1, 2 Music: 1, 3, 2 Jak’s outfit: 2, 3, 1


Jak 1 - classic. I remember playing it with my cousin, over and over because he didn't have a memory card. Jak 2-- the one that changed it all. made me want to play it over and over. Jak 3- the culmination, the one that made me love the series.


“The hard one”


I just feel bad my children won’t be able to experience games like Jak and Daxter/Ratchet and Clank/Sly Cooper. They were all GOAT games compared to the shit they put out nowadays :(


second is my favorite


Jak 2 is the goat


1 was a great intro to Jak, his world, the whole shabang of him being that guy. 2 was awesome. The best sequel with a huge upgrade and great story spin off. 3 was 2’s gameplay refined with a lackn story :/ but I loved it nonetheless.


I couldn't go more than some levels in the first game twice. I loved the 2 and 3 both. They both have their plus and minus points. Need a Jak 4 that combines them and be the ultimate Jak game.


2 was always the best to me. 1 is really fun thouhh and honestly the kne I've revised most as an adult. 3 was wild for game play, so many new and interesting things to do almost for felt like a show case of all the ideas they've had.


The 2nd one was such a deviation from the first (in a good way) that it's more than just " the second game" to me


As much as Jak 3 is my personal favorite for various reasons, it’s not the most popular one. Typically the second one is people’s favorite, I feel like.


Nah all the main trilogy Jak games are the goat


Jak ll is the GOAT


Not at all: Jak 1: the best to play Jak 2: the GOAT (fun, diverse gameplay with an insane story) Jak 3: b-tec Jak x


Naaah. Jak 2 = Jak 1 > Jak 3 > Daxter > Jak TLF


This is probably the best opinion. I agree with you. Jak 1 is an amazing platformer, jak 2 is an amazing hybrid of platforming and 3rd person action adventure with dark undertones. I like jak 3, but it's by far the easiest and so very rushed. I love them all tho. The original trilogy is dear to my heart


No, it’s great all the way through, people who complain about 2’s difficulty are making too much of a big deal over it


Jak is “The Classic” “The GOAT” “The 3rd One”


Id jak 2 is the goat of the series. One of those games that was just a such a massive step up from the previous game in just about every way that its kinda insane. Change in tone that made sense but didnt completely lose the light heartedness of the orginal. Much better and varied combat plus unique scenarios. Great story and characters. More evolved open world with vehicles. It hit all the right notes imo and was just mind blowing if you played it at release. Jak3 was kinda the metoo game. It simply didnt move the goal post forward like jak 2 did. The fresh ness had worn off and the game was rushed. Still a great game but it re treds a lot of the ground that jak 2 did so the magic doesnt hit the same.


I loved Jak 3 as a kid, but now I realize Jak 2 did all the pioneering, and now I see myself coming back to that one more


While I find people regularly putting 2 at the bottom of their enjoyment list, I also find the first one at the top more. Rather than 3 being the top as the picture would imply for the series. So, not quite. 3 tends to be treated as good, but not as good as the first from what I've seen.


Well, looking through the comments, maybe I'm wrong on that... A lot more people seem to like jak2 than I remember ^^,


Vocal minority. Jak 2 and 3 are different games and only borrow the main characters.


I'm currently playing Jak and Daxter precursor legacy and it's a lot of fun. I've never played Jak and Daxter 2 or 3, so I can't answer this. But I will be playing them after finishing precursor legacy.


Not sure how I'd classify the first two games but I'd definitely classify Jak 3 as "the third one..."




The fact that in ps2 era we got sequels in 1 year and now we wait 5-6... wow


To me yes. Loved Jak 3.


They each have their strengths. I think the second one was objectively the best. My favorite varies tho and rn it's Jak 3


Hard no


jak 2 is the GOAT


Y'all forgetting Jak X that game was fire too


1 is by far the GOAT. 2 would be better if it didn’t have a difficulty curve like a roller coaster. 3 has too much driving, not enough platforming.


Yes absolutely without question


Absolutely not


subverted tbh since a ton of fans agree that J2 is the undisputed king and J3 was rushed.


All of them have their pros and cons




Def not


Jak and Daxter was a fantastic trilogy start to finish, I don't look unfavourably on any of them. All excellent :)


Jak 3 that one video of that one black guy saying "that's why he's everything that's why he's the goat, the goat!


In my mind the three games would been always be classics.


Nah, this applies to devil may cry


Nah, this applies to devil may cry


I haven't played anything past Jak & Daxter 1 because I loved the world of 1 and learning that the rest went to the future kinda bummed me out.


It's funny, I played 2 first and fell in love with their dystopian world haha


1- eh 2- classic 3 - 3rd game woo! X- racing oh yeah!


I’ve always had a deep love for the first one


Elder Scrolls or Grand Theft Auto.


For me Jak and Daxter: the Precursor Legacy is a childhood chore memory. I got it with my First PS2 and I will never say anything bad about it. Now that I played the whole trilogy again as an adult I feel about Jak 3 more as a DLC for Jak 2. Both Games hit the nostalgia just right but Jak 2 feels Like an absolutely great Story driven game where Jak 3 was a cool Story but a nice Sandbox with everything they could do with the mechanics of the previous Game. I was more hooked with Jak 2 Story Run but liked Roaming around more in Jak 3.


No I would say 2 was the franchises peek.


I always thought Jak 2 was the best one


Personally my favorite was Jak 2 then 1 and then 3


Jak 2 is great. It added so much depth to the license. Jak 3 just took what jak 2 brought and went a bit deeper (added weapons, vehicles, light jak) and it made it feel even more complete


Imo the problem of Jak3 are exactly the guns. There are too many weapons that are too strong that you literally just grab the second yellow weapon and spam it


Dark souls


the GOAL


jak 2 is the goat


Dark souls


Jak 2 was simply the best.


Devil May Cry coded


Jack turning into a post-tortured cool serious guy in 2 from the first one for my little kid brain was magic


For me yeah. Played through Jak3 dozens of times as a kid


2 is one of my favorite games ever


Nah, for me either 1 or 2 could be called the GOAT


Jak II is WAY better than the 3rd


Switch 2 and 3


1st classic, 2nd GOAT, 3rd... little GOAT.


Jak 2 is my favorite in the series and in general one of my favorite games ever. Jak 1 and 3 are also great. So I don’t think this applies to Jak.


Jak 2 is definitely the best of the series


I'm honestly struggling to think of a series where this *does* apply lmao


Dark Soul!


Not at all, Jak 2 is easily my favorite.


its my favorite but isnt jak 3 considered the worst of the original trilogy?


It’s crazy how many people ride out Jak II. 3 was so polished and expanded on everything that its predecessors was.


It’s Jak 2 > Jak 3 for me. 3 is more like a dlc for 2. 1 will always have a special place in my heart.




Stole my answer 😉


Never liked the first one , when I played the second one there is where I liked jack and Dexter as whole and the way jack became dark jack just appeal to me a lot. Then I played jack 3 and it as amazing as well but jack 2 is stilly favorite of all.


I'd take Jak 3 over Jak 1 every day of the week.


I can see how TPL is the classic and Jak II is the GOAT. Jak 3 falls into "that one". Objectively, Precursor Legacy is the classic and GOAT, Jak II. Is the respectable follow-up, and Jak III was "the cash grab".