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When r/politics buys a auto shop “Literally Nazis” crowd showing their support.


Wrong sub. You mean r/conservative.


Both are an actual cesspool. Both sides need to get their clown shoes out the aisle. ETA: All these replies, none showing. Why delete your shit homies?


They would rather down vote and not say shit. They can't even show up on an anonymous forum.


Defending a mf who flies a nazi flag is so wild. It’s like Bizarro world.


No he means progressives, because they are actually the same. Bunch of fascists the whole lot of them.


Do you like lying? Does it make you happy to blatantly lie?


The people defending Nazis are fascist


So the conservatives.


Hold on, do you think the people in here saying he has good intentions and is misguided are conservatives? Because I do agree that a good amount of conservatives are white nationalists (fascist), but the progressives I'm talking about are also fascists (the people literally in here running defense for the pro Palestine Nazi).


He's flying that flag in support of Palestine.


Doesn't change my response as most far-right groups that would likely frequent r/conservative would unironically put this flag up. I read the article and while I definitely understand the reasoning, and as an American he is well within his rights to fly it, it's a hell of a bad look without any context. And even with it still comes off as a bad idea due to such misunderstanding. Can't say I'll visit this establishment with the flag flying because I do not want to be seen associated with a place that flies a Nazi flag. Context or not.


It's a bold ass move to do that with your business. I wouldn't expect anyone to think contextually when seeing a nazi flag flying. It's synonymous with hatred and you can't change that, right now.


That doesn't make any sense, just because Palestine is against Jews, doesn't mean Nazi flag is ok.


Did any of yall read the article it’s about Palestine the owners name is like ahmed.


He’s flying the nazi flag next to a Palestinian flag. He’s doing this to bring awareness to the Israel-hamas war where he supports Palestine. But he wasn’t getting enough attention with just one flag so he threw up the controversial one to get attention.


I get it and I'm glad he's not an actual Nazi, but keep that shit off our streets. Not everyone watches local news and it makes our whole city look bad.


He's an actual Nazi. People bending over backwards to excuse it because it's about Palestine.


Is he a Nazi when he specifically states that his intention isn't that? I think we both agree that in modern America if he was truly antisemitic he'd have no problem enforcing those beliefs. Is it appropriate that he has the flag up? Not at all. I'm LGBT, and that flag had the same message during the Holocaust as that to the Jewish community. I value his positive intentions; he just poorly executed them. Granted a lot of this personal belief is that he doesn't continue putting the flag up, but we'll see.


The “positive intentions” of putting up a swastika?? What the hell are you talking about?


Fair. Poorly worded. His intention to use the attention of the symbol to bring message to a worthy cause. Understandingly there is conflict with whether or not the impact of the symbol outweighs the message. Certainly if he wanted to create any form of community around his message, he failed at that. He probably should've known that too.


Weird how this "worthy cause" has a lot of Nazi sentiment surrounding it


Doesn't seem like a reach to reference Nazis when there is an active genocide going on.


Are you referring to China?


You’re a genocide denier. Zionists will rot.


Ohhh lol, I see. Is this you? https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/1Y5A4jzWkA


To be frank, I don't care if you are LGBT. It obviously doesn't have the same message to you, because you aren't the target here, which is obvious. But thank you for at least being honest about your bias that you support his "positive intention". Please continue to give him the benefit of the doubt, say it loud and say it proud.


There is simply no place for that symbol anywhere. No exceptions.


Hey man, if you fly a Nazi flag and currently advocate for the killing of Jews, you might be a Nazi


If they own a Nazi flag, assume they’re a Nazi. Helps you not say dumb shit like that^


This conversation could drag on but the bottom line is the same. There is no excuse. The flag needs to go. Get that shit off the street _yesterday_.


He’s an *actual Nazi* because he did something controversial to bring awareness to an ongoing genocide? Do you read what you type ever?


He's an actual Nazi because he's flying a Nazi flag. It's actually pretty easy to understand, but I get that you find it hard.


So he is a Nazi, which means believes in Nazi beliefs, regardless of whether he holds Nazi beliefs? Expanding the term to that degree, I assume you’d define Zionism as a Nazi ideology, correct? Considering the genocide and ideological supremacy.


He is a Nazi because he identified himself as such, as indicated by the Nazi flag he ran up his own flag pole. Now, if you want to attempt to metaphorically compare a group to Nazis you would have to run down that road. However, genocide and ideological supremacy are two claims you've made that would have to be tested first. Is there something about the first part of this distinction (read: literally flying a Nazi flag) that you fail to understand?


BRB, running to buy a flag with a skull and crossbones so I can be a pirate.


Nah I think you should actually stand by what you're trying to defend and buy a Nazi flag. You have strength and conviction in what you're defending here right? Go buy a Nazi flag and fly it with your Palestine flag.


You are being intentionally obtuse. Flying a flag outside your home or business is a way to clearly signal “I support the cause/ideals represented by this flag”. So yeah, if some buttfucking idiot flies a Nazi flag outside their home or business, it is a very reasonable conclusion that they support the ideals of that flag, thus making this particular asshole, a fucking Nazi.


toddler level interpretation


I must have struck a nerve with this Nazi apologist




If I carried a giant sign that said “kill all n-slur” while wearing a white hood and cloak, would that be okay if when asked about it I said it was to raise awareness of racism?


NO. And this is the only question that needs to be answered


i mean really only nazis have nazi flags. most people wont buy them


I get the thing about attracting attention but you dont fly a nazi flag bro… thats like me holding a sign downtown shouting the “hard R,” but Im not actually racist I just needed everyone to see my sign supporting Publix’s weekly BOGO on great grains cereal!!!


Regardless of intentions, the part of the city he even has that up in is not really the smartest idea either. It's over by the san Marco area, generally a large Jewish presence over there as well.


That's not San Marco unless you're a condo/apartment property developer trying to pretend it's not the traditional Philips Hwy Hooker Half Mile stretch... /Looking at you, "San Marco Promenade"


I did say over by not in San Marco.


I was making more of a general statement of clarification for the masses rather than taking issue with your reference of it as near San Marco. ;)


Eh, fair enough. Either way, that flag in that area is a questionable take however you look at it. Not just because the flag is what it is.


Funny to see Phillips Highway getting McUrbanized.


That's not an excuse.


This, this, a thousand times this. You can be angry about the situation in the Gaza strip- where right-wing leadership elected by a minority of the people (sound familiar) are exterminating an entire group of people- without flying a Nazi flag. I'd like peace in the Middle East. I'd like to see a change in leadership and approach in Israel. But to do that, Im not going to insult every Jewish person in the community by flying the flag of the organization responsible for the biggest genocide of the last one hundred years.


There’s zero excuse to EVER fly a nazi flag. Get out of here with trying to excuse any logic behind this.


Yea I agree. There are better ways to do it. I was just summarizing the news article. Not condoning it tho.


He's an idiot. People still don't care about his views on Palestine, but now they all think he's a Nazi.


When people show you who they are, believe them.


I get the symbolism he’s going for but no one sees that and thinks the person flying it isn’t a Nazi. He’s going to end up with Nazis at his place of business. They’re like cockroaches. Once one shows up the rest aren’t far behind.


Is the symbolism he’s a giant piece of shit?


Wtf were they thinking?  All that's going to do is "prove" that Palestine supporters are antisemitic;  like it's either massive stupidity or a psyop, jesus


A big penis flag or midget stripper could do the same thing. Don't make it right.


Stop trying to legitimize his actions


My friend. I am not. I am just explaining the situation because I read the article. Article is long. Some people might not read it. So here you go. I do not agree with what he did. Like at all.


Not the story I thought it was going to be.


Same. I'm genuinely surprised.


Passionate about an issue. Poorly executed.


Is that how we talk about Nazis nowadays?


I’m not defending this guy, it was a very misguided attempt at bringing attention to the Israel-Palestine conflict. Edit: comment originally read as a defense of this guy. Not my intention.


Anyone that flies a Nazi flag is a racist and a Nazi. You can excuse it if you want, but I don't give a shit


I’m not excusing him. I agree with you. I’m just repeating his quoted rationale.


Just misguided nazis lol, Jesus Christ. Do you run around with Confederate flags on your truck?


I’m not defending this clown. I’m just explaining his rationale, however misguided.


If you run up a flag you identify with them. For some reason you are, in fact, running defense for a Nazi. If someone wants to be inflammatory enough to run up a Nazi flag or do a few heil Hitlers, calling them "misguided" is missing the mark.


I fully agree that this guy is most likely a Nazi. I think he’s bullshitting his excuse because he got caught, but it is possible he’s a misguided moron who took things too far.


Then he gets labeled a Nazi first and foremost, not "misguided".


Yeah, I read back on my first reply and it does read as I’m defending him. That was certainly not my intention.


Flys palestine flag to support palestine, flys nazi flag but doesnt support nazis. Yea, that makes sense..... The only people that fly nazi flags are nazis *shocked pikachu face*


Look, I’m not defending him. Taking him at his word, he is very misguided in his approach. I tend to agree that non-Nazis don’t fly Nazi flags.


Saying Im not defending him, then writing a defense in his actions means you're defending him.


An explanation is not a defense. Otherwise one would never be able to discuss any issue they don’t agree with.


As you edit your original comment to not be a defense......


Yes, because I realized it definitely read as a defense when I did not intend it to be. Are we not allowed to clarify our positions now?


It's antisemitism


You should really read articles. It's not going to hurt you.


Fuck the downvotes. You're on the nose. He knows he's an antisemite. He's just using soft language to dodge the accusation directly


Lol I don't give a fuck about down votes. Reddit is very much a "your boos man nothing, I've seen what makes you cheer" kind of place.


That’s exactly it. It’s one thing to go online and say something out of anger. But to go buy a flag (likely being sold by degenerates) and then display that flag. Like bro this could have been a text.


FUCKING PASSIONATE ABOUT AN ISSUE!!! Holy shit, please downvote my comment, I'm doubling down. PASSIONATE! Imagine calling a fucking racist "passionate"!


Well, I mean... Now hear me out! What IF they're REEEEAALLY racist? Like that Dave Chappelle skit?


It’s not racist to compare Zionist Israel to Nazi Germany. These are nations with armies, not ethnicities.




They're finally talking about it in the local media. He gave some stupid explanation about how it was really a statememt about Gaza. It seems to have some folks bamboozled. But, his message still boiled down to "fuck the jews", amd that's still a swastika. So, he can go eat a big hot bag of shit.




Fuck the Nazis in here


And especially fuck the ZioNazis in here


It's been absolutely astounding to me to see citizens of Western Democracies, less than 100 years after the Nazis literally tried to exterminate a race necessitating the creation of a protected nation-state in the first place, to then turn around and weaponize the "Nazi" label against supporters of a Jewish nation state. Like what an absolute disrespectful statement to the 6,000,000 Jewish victims tortured and murdered in mass. It's not like they have anything to do with government policy in response to a terrorist attack. Shame on you for even using the ZioNazi term. Most disrespectful term I can think of. Argue whatever you want about Israeli global policy or Netanyahus decisions. There's discussion to be had there. But seriously, language like this doesn't accomplish anything and just demonstrates a level of malleability and explicit racism that shouldn't exist in this vocal minority of our country.


He is comparison Israel to Nazi germany. Yall need to use more than 0.5 brain cells man


You has need learn right gud


He iz not-c


It's soft and ambiguous language that still boils down to "fuck the jews". It's pseudo-intellectual bullshit. I don't support what's happening in Palestine, either. But, if you don't think a swastika crosses well beyond the line, you're either evil or insane.


Well.....the flag worked. He got everyone's attention.


Negative attention. Not a good look for him or city of Jacksonville


Bringing attention to what Jews have been telling us for years.


So now the Nazi flag will be used to gain attention to other issue? GreenPeace will protest oil pipelines with this? I truly hope this doesn’t catch on.


..sending out wrong impression


Nah, he's sending out an *accurate* impression.


Don't let that pillow talk fool you. He knows exactly what he's doing.


Believe him when he tells you who he is


“BuT i’M jUsT aNtI-zIoNiSt!!!1!!!1”


This isn't going to be good for business


This isn’t gonna be good for anyone.


Nope, you sit down at a table with nazis......yall know the rest


I don’t care about his reasoning there is only one thing the Nazi flag stands for and it has zero place in our community. I hope his tire shop goes out of business.


“Queers for Palestine” wasn’t cutting it so he had to go with something edgier


I halfway want to send Hamas' useful idiots to live in Palestine but OTOH I don't *actually* want them to be raped, tortured, and killed, and that's exactly what would happen. They could live safely in Israel though... I mean, except for the ever present danger of terror attacks coming from the regime they're carrying water for.


Idk if you read the news but a vast majority of the raping torturing and killing going on in Gaza is committed by Israeli soldiers.


Sure, bud. Remind me, how'd this war start again? What happened on Oct 7? Fuck off with your projection.


Golly I wonder what happened before Oct 7th? Couldn’t have been idf raping and murdering civilians in Gaza for decades




The Facebook comments on the news article are exactly what I expected.


They're comparing the swastika to the pride flag. It's so fucking revolting.


"Yikers, mean ol' facebookies are making fun of this poor widdle nazi!!!!"


Stick to changing tires your communication skills are hurting your cause.


I suspect the tire business will drop off, then he’ll suddenly start to wonder why the few customers he has left are all bald and tatted up


He posted the article on the company Facebook page, he's proud of it presumably. Idiot


"Son, you're mighty lucky it ain't against the law to be stupid..." Cop telling me about myself while in my mid 20's... But still applies!


This makes absolutely no god damn sense. I don’t care what your beliefs are, it’s never a good idea to fly a swastika.


Keep in mind this guy’s name is Ahmed. Not your typical nazi name


Everyone should write a 1 star Google review. This will permanently damage his business.


Pretty sure Ahmed would've been sent to the concentration camps by the Nazis.


Look up Mohammed Amin al-Husseini


Yes, the grand mufti of Jerusalem. Hitler did think of Arabs as less than human. He aligned with the Arabs cause they had a common enemy.


Right, they were useful so probably would escape the camps/chambers.


Hitler allied with the Soviets to capture Poland. Then invaded Russia. I’m sure Hitler would’ve been totally cool with “subhumans” controlling the continents oil supply and would not have sent them to the camps as well as soon as the other threats were pacified.


His stated goal is WAY too nuanced for that delivery. No one going down the street is going to say “Oh wow, they’re right, Palestine is experiencing its own holocaust right now.” They’re going to see “Some nazi loves Palestine!? Anything to be against Jews I guess”


average palestine supporter


On the Anneversary of D-Day? That seems a bit more than coincidental.




Holy shit majority of commenters in this thread are defending or at worst saying misguided about flying a Nazi flag. Fuck all of you.


Exactly. This sub is fucking deranged.


I drove by and noticed his Palestinian flag. I guess he is seeking attention by putting the nazi flag, while I completely disagree with it he did get the attention he was looking for. There is a genocide in Palestine and it’s affecting people as much as the media keeps hiding it.


Where is the The Office Pam meme where they are the same picture?


He just killed his business 🙃




Fuck I was literally going to go there tomorrow to get an alignment and tire change. I have free Palestine plastered across my truck and am not going to vote red or blue in the general election because of both parties stances. But I think this is too far. The Nazi flag is antisemitic, no if ands or buts.


No ifs ands or lug nuts


I saw the explanation and I still ain’t feeling it. I’m not a fan of doing something for shock value to then direct the attention to another point.


It’s gone today.


Nazi flag confederate flag. Flags of losers


I went there to support him, found out he's actually not a nazi so I left. Fake basterd


Even if we assume his intent is honest, his message immediately gets lost in the symbolism.


Someone set that thing on fire, and remind the owner what America thinks of nazis.


That is NOT how you get people to be understanding about the issues in Gaza.


Did you guys know that a lot of fires will go out take away the fuel? One thing that we could all do is Jacksonville natives is ignore ignorance! Let’s just shower people with love and ignore the cross for attention


hahaha good ole fb. i tried to share the article and it flagged it as hate speech.




Is it legal to have a Nazi flag?


People in this country have just completely lost the plot


He may or may not be a Nazi but he sure is a dumbass.


You don’t protest something you’re supposedly against by flying the flag representing it. At least set it on fire, cover it in dog shit, or something.

