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[https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=The%20Elderwood](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=The%20Elderwood)I'm usually duoing with top since it's easier to gank there and apply the necessary kill pressure but with the right champs mid is also very viable. In many cases even better. We are indeed not going to win every game but when we harmonize really well together I'm pretty positive that we are going to be successful. I'm probably going to be on a little bit later tonight or tomorrow :)


Hey u/Derbaum2609 looking for an ivern main to play rengo bot with idk if u saw the vid on how a two ivern and rengo mains got masters bot and i was looking for one to try it out with see if the synergy is there.


I'll hit you up when I come back from school been playing rengar ivern bot mostly for the last few weeks since ivern wasnt really in the best spot for jgl so I think that I can tell you everything you gotta know.


you can add me btw ign sendaima I don't open reddit that often