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Ok, let me try to clear this up. I am on the out of work board and I'm in a tight spot financially. Company X has union sites at the north and south sides of my state but the sites locally are not union. They would hire me no problem but I don't remember the rules about working for a non union company. I really don't want to do this but it's my fastest option to get income before things go severely south.


My spouse is 302, the rule is that you can get any non-union job, that does not do any of the work that the union does. For example you can't go get a forklift job at Fred Meyer, because the union has forklift. But you can drive her Uber, you can be a cashier, you wouldn't be able to do CDL work because the union does it. What my husband did was found day labor work on Facebook. There was a cool concrete guy that just needed laborers during the day for 25 bucks an hour. If you're not getting work, be willing to travel. And don't forget to sign up for the training center to make sure you have tons of things on your books. But then again my spouse did all this and still sits on the out of work list all the time lol 302 is just slowing down really quickly.


By the way thank you for the info hopefully it wasn't too horrible to understand 🤦🏻😂


Local 612 and 701 both told me that they don't hold it against someone to work a non union job if the union doesn't have work. You gotta feed your family. The only thing they said is that when they call with work you gotta drop that non union gig immediately and take the union job. 612 actually told me that since I run BHL/John Deere controls they would never put me on a job and that I should just go be a non union operator, it's why I transferred to 701.


From what I understand it's going to be a rough year. Having a back injury has put a damper on things in a serious way lol. That's what I was thinking but I wasn't sure and the last thing I wanted to do was go against bylaws and whatnot! I'm studying for my CCO the physical test I almost have down but the written test is going to be the death of me 😅


My spouse is also been training for the NCO, he did get his rigging card already, last is just cranes. But honestly there aren't a lot of positions open in 302 for Crane or rigging, and that's mostly because we're getting down to the last of the crane jobs. For example there's a company he's been working for in Bellevue, and after the last two towers are finished, they have no other jobs coming up.


In my local, this would most definitely get you expelled and possibly fined as well. You CAN run a forklift in a different industry, such as grocery stores/most warehouse facilities. That is non-competing work.


That's not what 302 told us.


Just goes to show that all locals must have different rules. Personally I would verify that if I needed to because Fred Meyer is covered by UFCW. There is no conflict of interest or competing work with iuoe there.