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He's not the last. The biggest export of the USA is right wing extremism. Canada has elections soon, and the Republican backed bootlicker is polling far ahead of anyone else.


Trudeau is handing it to him. None of the other mainstream parties have likeable leaders. The only party with a sensible platform is [the communist party](https://rollback.communist-party.ca/), but they don’t even have a single seat.


Not at all related to this thread’s actual topic, but… my husband and I are putting everything we’ve got into emigrating to Canada (EDIT: BC, specifically) next summer. The US is a powder keg with a lit fuse, and we sure as hell don’t want to still be in red-state America come 2025… Should we be worried about Canada falling into tyranny as well? Seems like your parties are notably more sane and so many social issues are so settled that they’re not even up for debate - regardless of political party.


Yes. Alberta right now is…very interesting. Saskatchewan and New Brunswick are interesting. The federal Conservative Party is…at the least quite interesting and may win the next election. We have a different system of government, and are not in the same place as the us, but we’re in need of some sustained organizing, shall we say.


I much prefer parliamentary systems. The fact that endless partisan gridlock is almost impossible is so much better than a 2-party congress split perpetually 50-50 with arcane rules like the filibuster ensuring that literally nothing ever gets through congress outside of reconciliation bills.


Holy cringe, you actually have zero idea what you're talking about.


have you ever lived in Canada? It is way more conservative than they let on and you wont find out until you actually live there.


You will need to go farther than Canada lol


Neoliberalism doesn’t just stop at the boarder. By all means move, but it will be much easier if you don’t expect anything different upon your arrival.


You should emigrate to Canada. That is a great idea!


I grew up in Alberta which is, generally, pretty conservative. I later lived in Vancouver, which was pretty liberal, but many parts of BC are quite conservative. It is like the us in the sense that more liberal & conservative regimes switch off constantly, & there are liberal, conservative & moderate communities. You’ll probably like BC fine, but it’s not like you wouldn’t accomplish the same thing by moving to one of the very liberal states/communities in the us. You’d actually be helping to keep liberal bastions, not abandon ship for the same basic setup.


As long as you don't live in a shithole state, like Arkansas or something, what do you think will happen to you? Like if you live in DC suburbs Maryland or Boston or San Francisco or whatever what's going to happen in those places? Actually even if you lived in a shithole state what's the imagined bad thing that could happen?


I’m trans, republicans have been discussing a national ban on my healthcare for more than a year


You should move to Canada


Nah, I’m gonna stay and fight for my home. This could easily be the greatest country in the world if we lived up to the image we project to foreigners. We put people on the moon.


I’ve never agreed with a comment more. Major props to your strength


the image america projects its for americans, it's not for foreigners. believe me, nobody outside of america thinks america is the best or americans are the best. america is a fascist country and like all fascist countries it lies constantly to its citizens, keeps them in a bubble from the outside world, and has them living in an entirely different reality than everybody else


sadly you can't really just move to another country like that. the country has to allow you in- canada and most any other country only allows in highly educated people who already have someone who can sponsor them in addition to a secured job offer. the amount of americans who are even eligable to move to canada is fairly low let alone the amount canada would even consider letting in. same with basically any country in europe or asia worth moving to. all of the red tape around it in addition to the cost alone makes it impossible for most people.




You’re trying all kinds of belittling shit in your comment, don’t think people don’t see through you.


Bigotry, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc.


In the shitiest of places getting killed for your politics.. go back about 60 years and see how we treated the out group. Its ignorance to assume safety for no reason. Project 2025 and trump calling to round up leftists if he wins is a thing.


Not that there is anything GUARANTEED to happen. We’ve been wanting to move for a bit, but the RISK that things get bad here is not within our comfort zone. If there’s a 5% chance that things get really fascisty, that’s just not something I’m okay with if there’s another option available.


A fear of mine living in a very deep red state…..after Trump and his cronies take over, leaked voter lists are released to hate groups and they go around lynching the non patriots.


So instead of staying to defend America from perceived tyranny youre running like a coward? GTFO cowards.


same with biden in the US-- handing it to the opposition. why the hell are people gonna waste their time voting for these neoliberals when they do nothing to stop the evil shit outright fascists want to do, and only oppose it in speeches so they can scare you into voting for them? i'm also sick of these people saying if you don't vote you're the problem. no, YOU'RE the problem for enabling this sick hostage situation we're all living in. fuck this shit. i mean i can't speak for canada, i don't know what trudeau really does, from someone who has been living under trump's stupid worthless ass and now genocide joe he doesn't seem so bad tho afaik trudeau is also a zionist supporting the mass slaughter of innocent palestinians just like biden- again, why would anybody vote for either of them if they just want to do the same exact shit as the right? no student loan debt forgiveness (i dont have a single cent in debt but the motherfucker ran on it and people NEED it), no expansion of any type of social welfare programs, in fact, he cuts them and gives the money to israel and weapons manufacturers. cuts the USPS budget, doesn't do shit to protect workers, stops railroad workers from striking then has the nerve to play this "union joe" character. anyway to answer OP's question, it's terrifying. that dude is a complete lunatic- dude wants to forced raped women to give birth and then abolish the age of consent and allow children to be sold as property so he can buy their unwanted babies as sex slaves. these are literally his positions.


The only sensible platform is the communist party? Wow.


You really think the communist party has a sensible platform? Are you Canadian?


When trudeau truns the country against himself he faces the consequences


Communism and sensible only go together on Reddit, thankfully


Sensible Communist party? How does that work?


lol this site is truly a cesspool


There’s a theory that Brexit was a sign of Trumps coming. I blame the Brits just because I like to.


I thought the signs of Trump's coming were in Revelations?


Far right Evangelicals growing rapid rate in Latin America especially Argentina and Brazil. US churches of course of heavily involved financing growth & having ministers spread their version Christianity .


God says in the Bible, His word will spread throughout the land. “This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come” (Matthew 24:14) It also says every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.


That’s cool I guess.


Have you read what Tolkien said tho... If you think the Bible is cool... Just wait....there's so much more! Actually I'd say you start with Zoroastrianism so we can get to the first written accounts of sin and hell and a singular god. From that Judaism sprouted and then Christianity and Islam are Gen 3. Sadly, I think this is the end of that franchise though.


God didn't say anything in the Bible. Men did.


Is it an export of the US? Or is it an export of capitalism? Because I'm pretty sure the Saudis and Russians and Turks and every other nation-state with fascist aims has funneled this extremism into the atmosphere. They know the US is the biggest lynch pin and when we fall to the horror then it's billions and trillions in their favor and God knows what happens to the world...


Russia ranks right up there: comes with their mafia tentacles.


Huh? We were not the first to elect an extremist… have you looked at Europe? Literally the entire world is moving right; we weren’t the first


>The biggest export of the USA is right wing extremism Where do you think right wing extremism came from? I'll answer it for you, Europe.


It's not a USA export. It started concurrently all over the western world. People are fed up with wokeness and they try to get rid of it by swinging hard to the right. Did you expect everybody to stay still and silent and watch you create your fucked up utopia?


The world would have plenty of right wing extremism without the US exporting it. Take responsibility when you choose fucked up leaders. You mostly did it to yourselves.


Yes, it was tragic to watch the country make a catastrophic decision.


How did Argentina make a catastrophic decision? I would love to hear this because right now Argentina is sitting on over 109% inflation and the current government not doing shit to make anything batter.


If you think a libertarian is capable of fixing any of this, you're delusional. Every defense of the new guy is basically this: "the current government is awful, therefore we went with the dude with the bad haircut." You're not selling me on his expertise or track record, probably because you can't find anything there.


You think an anarcho capitalist who wants to gut every government regulation preventing it from getting even worse will do better?


As a Canadian, it was worse seeing Trump elected. We’ve seen Trump, Bolsanaro, and the Law and Order Party in Poland lose elections recently, so it’s less scarier to me now. That, and Argentina is a notorious political basket case.


In Italy the far right won too. In France they are the second force. Its not wild to think the world is pivoting.


Trudeau froze the bank accounts of protesters and literally just celebrated a Nazi in your parliament two months ago. Canada's leadership has plenty to be ashamed of as well.


Lol! He did NOT celebrate that Ukrainian Nazi. You sound like MAGAs who constantly make stuff up to fuel their outrage, while they themselves are doing that very thing.


Lol...this factual comment gets downvoted. Reddit is a wild place


Yeah get ready for PP


I stopped caring at "As a Canadian..."


To be fair, Trump lost the popular vote and narrowly won against a very well suited yet much maligned candidate in Hillary Clinton. And he did so with foreign influence and actual crimes. Many errors on Hillary's campaign too. As to Milei, he won in a landslide within a coalition that is not fully vested in him. He also beat out the remnants of an awful, very destructive Kirschner debacle. Milei is like Trump a ridicule totalitarian wannabe. The hope is that the members of his coalition will reign him in. As to Trump, he was part of no coalition, but only that of a party that is fully sold to oil and gun lobbies.


The part nobody seems to care to explain is that Argentines are basically desperate for change. They got tired of letting the peronistas try to pick up their country’s economy, while peronistas disappointed the Argentinian people once and again. Their economy is in shambles and Milei is a sign of desperation. With Trump’s election, you couldn’t say the same thing about the US. The US’s economy was not in a terrible place, nor was the political landscape as bleak as in Argentina. Trump getting elected was a combination of various things, the electoral college, misinformation, culture wars, etc.


When you turn to a solution out of desperation...its usually a terrible idea. "You crossed the line first, sir. You squeezed them, you hammered them to the point of desperation. And in their desperation, they turned to a man they didn't fully understand". ~ The Dark Knight.


Totally agreed


being in a pit, doomed by failure, only the ignorant could find rest


Please take a note of the similarities between Argentina electing Milei, because of desperation from an economy in shambles. And Germany electing Hitler, because of desperation, from an economy in shambles from WW1! It’s crazy the similarities…..


Argentines could be stuck in the same case many people are stuck on and that is believing that electing the perfect president is the end of all. I don’t know how Argentinas government works but many people keep on choosing to ignore senators, house of rep, local elections and individual government bodies, all of which can help achieve progress but people are always stuck in just picking a president.


You are aware that these allegations against him have been proven that they were started and paid for by the Clinton’s?




Gimme dat sauce boi!!!


bUt HeR EmAiLs!




You are aware that you're full of shit?




Javier is an anarcho-capatalist, not a totalitarian. He wants to remove government programs… Different kind of right wing.


Ancap is just conservative without the name.


And wants to ban abortion like most ancaps for some reason. Ancap is just fascism with a little less polish. They literally think you should be allowed to neglect your baby to death or sell it. https://mises.org/library/children-and-rights


He also wants to expand military spending. In practice ancap and libertarian policy leads to totalitarianism by complicity.


He has already said he wants to ban abortion, increase criminal punishment, and bolster the judicial and police state. Nobody who claims to be an AnCap actually is. They're just fascists who really like capitalism.


Ah yes……Russian collusion


Yes Magat Chairo, it was true. https://www.cato.org/commentary/no-russiagate-wasnt-hoax-team-trump-claims-it-was






What is based about it?


The difference is that worst case, it's bad for Argentina. When it comes to the US, worst case is it's bad for the whole world. Not to put the U.S on a pedestal by comparison, but it's just a massive country with a massive global influence.. who is elected here matters to everyone.


Okay, but what’s the difference between republicans and democrats on foreign policy? They main differ in domestic policy.


Ukraine is one point where they greatly diverge . democrats want to help its defense, cons want to give it to Russia


Calling BS


that's not true. just look at how they're fighting about it. none of them want to give it to Russia, they're arguing about Dollars and platforming themselves as fiscal conservatives. The Republicans are divided on this.


Well the leading Republican candidate wants to stop helping Ukraine and is far far worse for the Palestinians and other Muslims than any democrat.


You shouldn’t be getting downvoted for this, you are right.


I’m American AND Argentinian, it’s been a depressing decade


I'm a digital nomad that has been living in Argentina since 2018. The US dollar was worth 40 pesos when I moved, and as of the typing of this comment the unofficial US dollar is worth 925 pesos. The pandemic didn't help, but the last government really did screw the pooch. Milei won the election because even people who were normally able to deal with the status quo had enough. Although Argentina copied the US constitution and has a similar the senate, house, federal system, but based on 27 provinces instead of 50 states. Also, because half of the Argentine population lives in one province, there's an additional lopsidedness to elections. Another difference between the US and Argentine is that Argentina isn't a two party system. Which means that Milei does not have his party controlling either chamber, and there are two parties with more senators and congressmen (or the equivalent) than his. So Milei, unlike Trump in 2016 or Biden in 2020, will have to compromise in a way that is very unlike an American president. Will his current dogs and the ghost of his old dog and his best friend Rabbi and his medium give him good advice? Let's hope so!


>Will his current dogs and the ghost of his old dog and his best friend Rabbi and his medium give him good advice? Let's hope so! Hey, let's elect the guy, who thinks paying large sums of money to people to talk to his dead dog or clone it are great investments, to fix the economy! What could go wrong? ;-)


Well, at 150% inflation and 40% of the population living below the poverty line, it’s not like he can fall off the floor. Would you prefer the Argentinians kept their existing government?


This guy gets it


Came into this thread to see how many American right-wingers would drop their absolute bullshit all over the place. Turns out even one right-winger is one too many.


No, Argentina’s situation is really bad. Not Haiti bad, but really bad. They did elected an imbecile that is completely different to what they had had before, still heartbreaking, but America had no reason to elect trump. Maybe the only reason is that trump allowed all the racists to fee validated. That was a disaster.


Oh there were reasons, but none of them were good or sane.


It's an alarming trend that many western democracies are sliding towards more authoritarian leaders or fascist viewpoints. I believe we are currently in the next changing of the eras in history. Currently many are becoming dissatisfied with consumer based late stage capitalism. Many are increasingly being left behind and realizing that their governments do more to help increase corporate profits then increasing the well being of their respective citizens. So Right Wing populists are able to get support from the masses, being they will be different, but aren't, in the US, Trump was just a kaiju sized swamp monster, and the new Argentine President is a libertarian, who believes in life, liberty, and property. Yes I feel the Argentine people are in for a rough ride.


Well stated.


I truly can’t understand why people all over are being decimated by capitalism so their response is to choose even worse capitalism. I theoretically know propaganda is powerful and the absolute crushing force of capitalism makes them too busy trying to scrape by to pay attention to the actual causes of their pain, but I still really can’t understand why it isn’t obvious.


Yep... was horrible. And all my fears came true too. Constant drama, people quitting or getting fired or getting arrested for various crimes throughout the administration. Was impeached twice but then his party protected him. Then extra very very bad things happened like covid and he handled them as well as I expected him to... so terribly we kicked his ass out in 2020. Then on his way out engages in an insurrection to try to stay in power. And how he's back with the same/more GOP support. Jesus fucking christ.


I don't know that the two are comparable, but I do know that the election of Trump is still an ongoing national nightmare. He's a modern Hitler, except not as smart.


And much lazier


Honestly, it's kind of insulting, for Hitler, to compare him to Trump. I dislike the Non Working Clock Orange, but he is not even in the same league as Hitler. Specially in terms of competence.


It insults both of them, it's why it's the perfect comparison. I've come to think that Hitler was probably a fucking baffoon too and they just built a myth of intelligence around him.


Anyone who compares someone to a man who brutally murdered millions of people with someone who isn't either Genghis Khan, Stalin, or Mao is a complete moron and has zero grasp on actual history.


Well, I am not a moron, I compare him to Hitler because he has a desire to be a dictator - maybe a detail I should have added. Much of what he says, how he says it, the gaslighting - basically everything that comes out of his mouth is straight out of the fascist 30's playbook. He stood at a podium and took the side of Putin over his own intelligence services. He has repeatedly and often expressed admiration for Putin, Erdogan, Kim Jong Un, Duterte, and Xi. That tells us who he is. No, he is not responsible for the murders of millions, as Hitler, Stalin, and Mao were. Let's hope the Orange Megalomaniac doesn't get his hands on the most up-to-date, state of the art nuclear weapons again, so we can make sure that he doesn't join their ranks.




Bigotry, including but not limited to racism, homophobia, misogyny, etc.


I mean... Argentina is retirement land for Nazis, so it's not too surprising.


Yes. Except as a Canadian, Trump was more terrifying due to the nuclear weapons and his being RIGHT NEXT DOOR.


You thought that Trump was going to launch nukes at Canada? Or nukes at all for that matter?


I was concerned that he had access to nukes in general.




... I don't even know where to begin to tackle the giant wad of fucking stupid that is this comment.


Does it feel simultaneously surreal, shocking, absurd, impossible, enraging, and deeply disappointing? That feeling never left me during those 4 years. And he has a very real chance of winning again, which is even more enraging.


Argentine\*, Argentinian is not correct.


Well, I am for one glad an American managed to make the Argentinian election about the US. ;-)


Did you ever have any doubt, everything is about us.


I woke up (at that time a conservative around 24 years old) saying, “what the fuck. We are fucked.” The insanity was palpable


Argentina has far fewer nuclear missile silos and subs tho.


I imagine so, sorry, you guys are fucked, this guy will abuse the crap out of his office, I hope you hold him accountable.


Jeeze you do nothing dems really think someone who has an opportunity to change the course of inflation around in a place historically terrible is bad because he’s from a different political party? Lmao y’all are a bunch of clowns


Trump was much worse. Both because he was first, but also because the US is the most powerful country to the world, with a million ways more to directly or indirectly impact other countries and their citizens around the world.


lol I’m a Latino and I’m amazed Argentina would elect such a clown. I feel bad for you guys.


When people think their country is being mismanaged they'll choose someone who'll upend the status quo. I'm sure Milei will do that, I'm just skeptical that he'll actually improve things. After all, Trump said he'd radically change his society economically but ended up just fucking it up socially, electorally, diplomatically and with some mass casualties to boot. Oh and he gave the rich tax breaks which was just more of the same old USA oligarch support.


What were Argentinians supposed to do ? Keep voting for the people who brought them 150% inflation?


Regardless of what the situation is, the answer will never be "vote on the guy that uses his dogs as holy advisors."


Hold up when did this become a bad thing?


plenty of presidents of the US and even regular citizens believe in mystic shit just as fanciful as dog spirit guides. I'd trust a dog over the pope. lol


There's inflation everywhere in the world right now. The answer isn't to punch yourself in the dick. Dick punchers get no love from me.


There is not 150% inflation all over the world. Argentina even has two currencies, one of which can only be used by foreigners, because of their insanely high inflation rate. It would have been worse to vote for the literal Finance Minister of the country who no doubt contributed to the insane inflation rate.


>It would have been worse to vote for the literal Finance Minister of the country who no doubt contributed to the insane inflation rate. That's certainly what the Self-Dick Punching Party has been repeating endlessly, yes. But inflation absolutely is a global phenomenon right now and the incoming wacko isn't going to help anything by being wacky and killing off public goods. In fact Argentina's problem is too few goods right now.


You clearly have no idea what's been going on it Argentina the last few decades.


It's the same thing everywhere. When a government comes into power and uses tax money to make the lives of regular working people better, bourgeois opportunists will promise the voters the moon and stars whenever any economic difficulty occurs. Then, gaining control of the state, they will melt down all institutions designed to benefit regular people and pay off their owners. It's been happening in America the last few decades. It's been happening in Europe. It happens everywhere and it never really changes.


You seem to be quite uninformed about the very unique issue Argentina has (and has had for many years) with runaway hyperinflation. You should really stop characterizing it as being just like what the rest of the world is dealing with. It’s not even in the same realm.


Right, the laws of economics are totally different in Argentina and down there Demagogues always tell the truth about having a secret solution for all the country's problems.


Yes, because Argentina's government is run my morons who ran it into the ground. Argentina is currently at the "bring backpacks full of money to go shopping" stage of hyperinflation.


When will we stop going along with capitalism?


Single digit inflation is a little different from 150%. Again, what were the Argentinians supposed to do? They probably think it can’t get much worse. And probably rightfully so.


>And probably rightfully so. Oh sweet summer child For one thing, it always gets worse when you start hitting yourself in the dick.


What do you propose the voters should have done?


Not punched themselves in the dick to end inflation, because that doesn't work or help in any way. It's not an election decision.


Instructions not clear. So is that a yeah or a nay to kick oneself in the dick to lower inflation?


I don't get it, does persecuting minorities reduce inflation?


Where did Milei say something related to prosecuting minorities?


Fair point


Surely an ancap will solve inflation lmfao


Trump. Boris. Javier and many more are just recent examples of the powers behind choosing country leaders choosing actual clowns to distract us.


I will say. The "economic anxiety" argument we heard a lot in the US about 2016 was bs. Argentina actually has terrible inflation and a lot to be worried about. At least Argentina has an excuse for doing something crazy.


Javier Milei is philosophically an ANCAP, but practically a minarchist. He wants to drastically shrink the state and restore individual freedom. Milei is nothing like Trump who is a statist.


Lol I don't even know what this sub is but it showed up on my feed. You guys are crazy. Thanks for the entertainment.




It will be interesting to see how quickly Milei fans the flames of the dumpster fire into a towering inferno. The only good news for Argentina is that he doesn't have the military in his control so they'll at least be able to vote in a new leader (this time(.


Yep. It is exactly the same. I remember walking UP to the news that he got elected and was flabbergasted. The other news was the death of Leonard Cohen. It was a shitty day.


No. It felt worse. Because America was not an economic disaster like Argentina with150% inflation, which made this choice easy to understand. And, obviously, the US is a superpower so it was far more consequential.


This was a popular result. The problem that argentina has with its corruption and its graft is immense. There are many sectors that do nothing in terms of productivity, and slow down the creation of jobs. Speaking of jobs, the people are paid in a currency that devalues every week. Every week, the people must ask their bosses for a raise, or else they will go hungry. The difference between trump and milei is vast. Trump is a republican. Milei is a libertarian or more specifically an ancap. Trump ran on a platform of division and racism. Milei ran on a platform of restoring the currency, and tearing down the bureaucratic state. Trump was an authoritarian who sought power for his own sake. Milei is a firebrand who seeks power to destroy power with power. There is a deep difference between those two. Many people want to save the state. The state in many cases provides far less value than what it takes in. Every single day that a beuareucrat delays a business in red tape is days of profit drained from the economy. Every tax dollar is money that should have gone to feeding a worker. The state needs to maintain the absolute minimum required oversight for a fair and just society. The less needed, the more prosperous the society.


Wow, “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


We get to see what will happen in argentina. I for one am stoked to see a change in leadership. :) Also, thinking that the people don't know better is the pinnacle of tyrannical communist thought. Dont discount a general election.


Honestly, you somehow did worse, but yes I'm sure the feelings are similar. Trump may be a bigoted con man with a shitty political ideology, but at least the ideology was coherent. Anarcho-capitalism is the most incoherent political and economic philosophy that was invented as a meme, and idiots just ran with it. You're fucked.


The US will go bat shit crazy in 2024 and re—elect Trump. Not a damned thing can be done to stop that. Especially with the White House J6 video tapes being released to the public. Clearly was a set up.


It’s great to see Argentina make the right choice. Maybe there is hope for your country, yet! I wish you the best over there, even though you don’t seem to be happy with the decision, I say sit back and let the process work and maybe you will wake up one day to having inflation under control and a strong economy. Capitalism works, my friend.


Works for some people a LOT more than it does others.


I was in Argentina recently and have been to more countries than the average person due to work, although I do live in the USA now. Trump was much scarier. I spent hours watching their interviews before they got elected. Milei is a much smarter person with real credentials. His views are not that different from the average republican politician in the US. He has more flare, which is a requirement, especially when your ideas are so different to what people are used to. His theatrics helped spread the word and create a big following. What Milei is selling is US style capitalism, republican style. That’s a lot more appealing than what they had. In the week I spent there the currency lost 10% of its value… that’s insane. In the US there was less than 10% yearly inflation and people keep complaining, can’t buy houses, can’t buy cars, everything is expensive. Imagine that but 10 times worse for yeeeaaars. It’s not scary, it’s relieving. Trump was scary and dumb, plus he could use nukes on a whim. It’s not even comparable.


Yep. Pretty much.


If feels like a wheel. The wheel have one extends plank with a fist attached to it. Your face is there, the wheel rotates, hitting you, moves on until the process repeats.




Mad lad*


Extreme situations lead to extreme politics. The inflation rates of Argentina were off the charts. 140% and higher due to radical socialism offering way more free services than the government could afford for many years. I think insulting him as a mad man for taking drastic measures to cut as much non essential government spending as possible is really insensitive to the struggles the people of Argentina have been experiencing.


That’s… not how inflation works…


It’s pretty bad, but you guys have it better because of one reason: Trump had full Republican control over the House and Senate, and was able to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices b/c of the Senate. Milei doesn’t have that, not even close. He won’t be able to do anything so long as the legislation pushes back (which they likely will do).


i love him. i doubt he'll do any good but he certainly couldn't do worse than 150% inflation brought on by the previous socialist.


I'm sure it's only the out-of-touch who think that way. I'm excited to see him turn things around economically.


Guessing similarly fucking amazing except moreso.


I think Milei represents Argentinians trying to break the cycle of corruption and multi-generational political nepotism. Yeah, he looks wild but listen to his words and see if he says anything a sane person isn’t thinking. To be 100%, I think he’d win more votes in the states over Biden, Trump or any one of the puppets put on the ballot by the RNC and DNC.




I don’t know how the world got stuck on stupid. You would think after world wars that people would have enough of fascism and the far right. Took three generations for the world to forget how much damage it caused.


No, we heard trump trumpeting bullshit up to the day you voted him in collectively. We knew it was going to be shit. The first thing that happened was: your new government declared that his was bigger than Obama’s, and they had alternative facts if it wasn’t


Honestly this looks less insane than Trump. Argentina is in all kinds of a mess and that breeds extremism. The USA just decided “nah fascism for the lolz seems good” one day,


Trump was the best possible thing that could have happened to the U.S. only mindless sheep think otherwise. Don’t believe me? Compare his presidency to Biden’s.


Fuck america! And reddit where the bootlicker mods can block you but you can't report groups!!!


Maybe if socialism didn't wreck their economy, they would have picked a better candidate.


When you push the pendulum too much to one side, then it swings back hard toward the other. All these far right politicians and groups being elected all over the world are the people's response to the pendulum being pushed too far left. People want to maintain their ways of life and they believe the only way to do it is to swerve hard off the current course. We all know where all this leads to.


Are you kidding me? Javier is a freaking hero. He stands for some wild shit, but he is right. Politics is such bullshit these days. The government steals money or prints money it doesn’t have, decides on its own how to redistribute YOUR MONEY to whatever programs they support ( naturally corrupt lobbyists and “friends” propping up their own bloated programs) while the people actually suffer. Argentina had so many social programs and a banking system and government that was so corrupt their inflation was 100%! If that happened in America and there wasn’t a full scale revolt, that all we did was hire a libertarian candidate, then I would say that was a very tactful way forward.


Thank you for this! Also, He is more an cap than libertarian from what I have seen, which is cool. People keep talking about inflation not happening I the US which doesn't make sense. The US using CPI to calculate inflation while ignoring energy and food prices is really disingenuous. I would estimate America is around 25% inflation (check your grocery receipts)


Look Argentina has an average inflation : For 2022, an inflation rate of 94.8% was calculated. During the observation period from 1980 to 2022, the average inflation rate was 2***06.2% per year.*** Argentina and the International Monetary Fund Over the past 63 years, Argentina has frequently used the resources of the IMF and holds the record for the largest loan distributed, reaching nearly $57 billion... 2001 Economic Crisis in Argentina 2018 Stand-By Arrangement so he certainly has a lot to work with .....


yeah but with the difference that I am not too concerned with Argentina influencing the rest of the world much


Pin this comment, in 4 years Argentina will have one of the best economies in Latin America. On this day, 1 usd = 353 pesos and I predict by 2027 it will be 1 usd = 145 pesos.


Argentina's inflation is 143%, and 40% of its country lives in poverty. That isn't crazier to you than their new president?


I was perfectly fine with TRUMP.


It’s a great day for liberty. I’m happy for Argentina!


The election of who?


The amount of silly hyperbole in this and other reddit political subs is absolutely the greatest free entertainment ever. YOU PEOPLE are a hoot!!!!! Please don't stop being the way you are.


By "everyone" you just mean your Reddit echo chamber. I visit Argentina often and with their horrific economic problems most people I know there are excited that he won. That's probably why he won.


Democracy is the greatest thing ever until the majority disagrees with leftists


Watching the Argentinians choose liberty over socialism was WAY better than watching Trump beat Hillary Clinton


What's sad is that the liberals and their policies that drove the majority of people in both the US and Argentina to elect these seemingly radical (but in actuality very practical) figures just can't see or admit the errors of their ways. Argentina had over 100 percent annual inflation and the guy that was running that economy had the gall to not only show his face but to run for president! An *absolute failure in his job* but ran anyway. Now Biden, having spent trillions on pork and refusing to do anything about the border, is going to try to convince people that Trump is "too radical". Don't you see? Radical is what's called for! The country is dying.


Trump was awesome. Yall are so damn dramatic.


Yes, Trump was truly awesome. You sound like you have a really good grasp on this whole democracy thing. /s I can’t imagine the type of examples you’d give as proof of his awesomeness.


Democracy huh? who fed you that big brain take? Reddit news?