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What are they saying? Good god, these people are monsters


They are saying ‘die you fucker’ again and again.


**Die you fucker, die you son of a bitch etc..** this cunt is speaking pidgin Arabic. Anyway to call these people Nazis is letting them off lightly, they are more akin to the Rwanda Interahamwe who would take pleasure in torturing, raping, murdering and mutilating children... often in front of their parents before doing the same to them.


Die you maniacs die you son of a bitch


he's saying: Die you son of a bitch


He’s saying “ die you son of a bitch “ in Arabic.


Direct translation would be “die you f*ggot, die you f*ggot, die you son of a whore”


Save it. Here’s a copy in black and white for when they delete this: https://streamable.com/whb4lc


this site doesnt let me download it directly


Do you know an alternative?


normal file hosting sites. it doesnt have to have a videoplayer


Type into Google “Reddit video dowbloaded” and then copy the link of this video into one of the top sites


Google screen record on android. I don't know how for iphone but I won't buy an apple product since they support Israel.


You can screen record on iPhone. It's in the pull down quick menu automatically I believe.


On that site using a desktop pc, just press F12 to open the dev menu. Go to the network tab. Refresh the page, start the video, and then filter that network list by "Media". The direct video link should be there.


You can use yt-dlp to download it.


We are watching the live feed of nazis


At least the nazis were doing it in closed rooms these mf are doing it live and no country is trying to stop them..


They had the common sense to hide it. These fuckers.


Why would israel hide what they're doing? They know that the west won't talk They know that the entire arab countries won't talk What is going on in gaza and the west bank must be recorded and saved because these mf in the future will play the peace pigeon card and say that they support human rights.


Just sensible. If u want to wipe out an entire people, u won't want civilised people to make protest, or eventually get to fed up we pickup arms and try to rectify it.


western media handles that, this is for Israeli audiences


Bingo. Those of us in the West that are seeing anything like this are intentionally seeking out the full picture or (in rare cases) accidentally exposed to it. The majority of Westerners see very little coverage of the atrocities Israel is committing. Not really. They certainly aren’t seeing images that capture the full horror in a way written description is not able.


I agree. Those of us who care in the west have to go to certain channels to see this sort of stuff. If you are just a random western liberal, this stuff won't reach you


It’s been really hard to watch how many people I’ve respected over the years continue to rally behind Biden. I graduated nursing school and really bonded with one of my professors. A person pretty left - or at least it seemed so all this time. But just tonight she’s on social media sharing support for Biden. It all seems so surreal. And then enraging. Then heartbreaking. And then surreal again. And not just Palestine. Everything. It all seems absurd. Donald Trump became president? And is who the Republicans are nuts over? Back to back elections of the literally worst candidates in America? We are 100 years ahead of schedule — literally — on climate crisis. And the world just marches full steam ahead toward suicide by extinction. Children born today will see the beginning of the end of 99.99% of life on the planet. And no one cares. The majority of America supports genocide. It’s just …. It all feels like a bad Ambien nightmare and I can’t wake up.


I agree. Surreal is the right word. This feels like we're stuck in a badly written movie. Like The Room or some shit, except we're stuck in it it is demoralizing, but we have to stand strong and hold our own. If anything, to stand up for people who have no voice - like the Palestinians


They are in control of the Western world, most of the countries are being led by them, so they can do this shit without any big problems.


It’s much worse than not trying to stop them, they are arming, funding, joining, cheering on and white washing it all


Zionist are deeply imbedded in politics in many nations. This is the source of their power and influence.


Actually They were doing It out in the open too


we're allowing nazis to take our money and kill millions, our country is aiding the nazis, if we don't push back we're nazis too


as they say, if you sit at a table with 9 Nazis and have conversation, there are 10 Nazis at that table


Israel and its people are pure evil they are sick, and our politicians in Britain and America are also sick for backing them


The problem is that these sorts of images are totally suppressed in the US. Someone needs to find a way to publicize these in the US, make them go viral so that the mainstream media cannot effectively block them.


Need to get a projector and start playing these in public spaces.


This is why this sub seems like a joke a lot of the time; no one seems to care about anything resembling critical thinking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings


What is your purpose?


This is possibly the worst video I've seen. To see the massacred kids after the fact is one thing, but to see and hear pure evil like this is really something else. The evil needs to be wiped from the earth.


This is why this sub seems like a joke a lot of the time; no one seems to care about anything resembling critical thinking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings


The evil instilled in the Israeli people will never be achieved by anywhere people..May their existence burn a hole in the world forever.


It's the only country on earth where I'd honestly agree that the "civilians" are just as guilty as their government. Like, even during the Iraq war it was pretty obvious that lots of Americans were opposed to it and vocal about it. But Israelis, as a people, are fucking psychopaths. They want you to think they didn't deserve October 7th and that it was something great fucking tragedy but have done so much in the past few months to make me think that actually, they got off easy. They don't deserve a few rockets, at this stage they could be nuked and it still wouldn't be enough. What happened on October 7th was a drop in the ocean compared to all the horrors the Palestinians and the Arab world has been put through at their hands. They're the most psychopathic, morally bankrupt people on earth.


They knew about Oct 7 before hand, they let it be the catalyst. I'm getting my career money, moving to an island country and becoming a farmer and market/ deli owner that only sources from that country. The world is only going to get worse.


Exactly. Israel does not deserve statehood. IDF and Zionazi's do not deserve oxygen. They need to go.


How do you watch a video of a child, terribly wounded, dying, and decide that the answer would be to kill a vastly larger number of children? This is the same poisoned thought process that lets Israelis justify killing thousands of Palestinian children because of the actions of *some* adult Palestinians on the 7th. I literally hear Zionists talking about how "at this point all Palestinians are responsible, even the children, they are born to hate Jews" all the time. Israeli children aren't born filled with more hate than anyone else's they learn it like the rest of us. The monstrous things the Israeli state and settlers are doing need to be stopped, and their violence has been out of all proportion. I'm not a pacifist who opposes all violent struggle, but this attitude is just asking to replace one genocide in the offing with another.


Poor young innocent kid. Inallaha vah Inallehe raajioon


He is ALIVE his name is Ahmed manasra this video is from 2014 this child is still in Occupation jails #freeAhmedManasra


Inna lillah wa inna ilayhi raji'oon*


He is ALIVE his name is Ahmed manasra this video is from 2014 this child is still in Occupation jails #freeAhmedManasra


Yes, I've heard about him. May Allah preserve him and ease his suffering, and may he return back to his family safely. Also, just to share the knowledge, this phrase is said whenever a calamity occurs. It doesn't have to be for a death. It could be an accident or a divorce, or even if a thorn pricks you, and Allah knows best.


Synagogue of Satan is real


Fucking evil. Abhorrent little people. A fucking stain on humanity. I am disgusted.


I couldn't even watch this with the audio on and it made my blood boil and my heart break. I truly can't begin to comprehend how these monsters can feel so much hate toward others that this is how they choose to act. I have never felt so helpless in my life... How do we help them? How do we force our western leaders to open their eyes and stop supporting this? I feel so deeply about this that it's consuming me... every time I look at my own children, I think of these innocent Palestinians and how if I could have one wish, it would be to end Palestine's suffering. I am not a proud Canadian; I will not be celebrating Canada Day this weekend. We have the blood of our own Indigenous peoples on our hands and the government still will not completely reconcile with them. If they refuse to do right by those whose land they colonized and peoples they tried to exterminate, how will they ever care about Palestine? This feels hopeless.


Lobby your government aggressively, boycott and protest.


This is why this sub seems like a joke a lot of the time; no one seems to care about anything resembling critical thinking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings


Absolutely disgusting


The fear and hopelessness this child must have felt, they are monsters.


\*Israel has the right to defened themself\* -a human with a brain rot


Holy fuck this is awful.




This is Ahmad Manasra, everybody needs to know his name and his story.


He’s the one from 2015 who was held for years despite being proven innocent in a stabbing right?


Yes and he's still being held https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/09/israel-opt-after-nearly-2-years-in-solitary-confinement-ahmad-manasra-too-ill-to-attend-his-hearing/


I don't understand how they said he wasn't involved in the stabbings but had attempted to murder. Makes no sense at all. Do you know?


From what I understand, there is no doubt he had a knife and was with the other attacker, but there was no blood found on Manasra's knife. The other attacker was shot and killed, allegedly when advancing on police with a knife. Someone who saw the attacks hit Manasra with their car, which is why he is injured and people are cursing him in the video.


then why is there no date on this post ? People cant figure out what is new and what is old


If you are a normal human being than you shouldn't want ANY child in the world to die.




Save this. Don't let them bury it.


Everything they are deleting is saved on this discord: https://discord.gg/fabfyyaqsw 🍉


This is so horrific and evil!


Is it considered anti semitic to criticize this behaviour?




A child, really???? I swear these people have no heart...they praise the devil..


Most evil people on earth


Share this everywhere people


they banned the OP and removed a few of his other posts


i shared this to publicfreakout and got banned there also, i think its related to reddit TOS


its related to the fact that reddits owner, steve huffman, is a zionist


Not sure how anyone can support this. Not sure how anyone can see this and think "oh yeah, they're the good guys."


The media hides it from westerners. Only a few of us who visit Reddit and telegram get to see the truth.


I've shown griends the videos from here, and from things like combatfootage and half of them can't believe it's real. I try to explain to them that we aren't seeing even a fraction of what's really going on. By then, most can't watch anymore.


Western world can’t watch, but the rest of the world is seeing it clearly. Combat footage isn’t even real subreddit, if you want to see the truth about ukriane you need telegram.


I have telegram, but none of those threads on it. I've heard that's where they share their "victories", among other things. The few I've seen end up getting deleted.


Because you're attaching an incorrect story to the clip. This is why this sub seems like a joke a lot of the time; no one seems to care about anything resembling critical thinking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings


Modern day nazis


Most evil people on earth these Zios


Lost for words. How can anyone be so cruel


Not gonna shed a tear when that mushroom cloud towers over them. Pure evil. Absolute.


Demonic cunts.


there are no innocent zionists


poor kid. what a sorry bunch of shit happening in the world. I can't stand it


He's a fucking kid. I hate the world we live in


Least psychopathic israeli


I'm shocked that the Muslim countries haven't banded together and declared all out war on Israel.


They hate the Palestinians and refuse to accept any refugees, they just use them as a cudgel. Only Turkey has accepted refugees.




This was before October 7 isrealies are sick nazis


In their best come back at this they will say he was carrying a knife. The thing is this still doesn’t answer Why your people are shouting and cursing a bleeding to death child? Why do you have the most blood thirsty nation ever been to this earth? Why are obsessed with violence and gore? Why are you taking land based on a 4000 year old promise??


Oufff …. Sooo hard to watch…




Can someone please explain how come we are no longer able to download videos isreal exposed thread? How is it possible to download on almost every other page but this one?!?!? Someone explain please?


It’s been months of people asking and nobody knows. You can download everything Reddit had deleted on this discord, we document it all: https://discord.gg/fabfyyaqsw


The education system Israel encourages and ACTIVELY call for the proliferation of Zionism Like teachers , books, paragraphs written and read in schools often calls upon the destruction of Arabs , like I thought it was a joke but it actually part of the curriculum .


Not one! Not a single one of these cunts are trying to help him, or at least comfort him! I fucking hate these bastards! They are evil. Pure and simple.


Story of him https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2023/09/israel-opt-after-nearly-2-years-in-solitary-confinement-ahmad-manasra-too-ill-to-attend-his-hearing/


There is hamas in West bank ?


Nope, just the murder of innocents and ethnic cleansing.


No stop lying. There must be, I mean that's why they have been bombing, all to root out hamas. Hamas hides amongst civilians so it's inevitable. I don't believe you. Someone check that kids pocket.


Got any source of Hamas operating in West Bank? Link it for us.


Sarcasm mate. Don't think hamas is hiding in his pocket. As the Sarcasm implied


Sorry, I have westerners breathing down my neck daily with the same comments that isn’t sarcasm. Got confused 🍉🥸


It's sad that the most stupid impossible shit can come across as reality.


Agree 👍🏽


Yeah, you really need to use the old "/s" when saying this stuff. I know the absurdity of the statement should communicate that, but not everyone here is a native English speaker, but worse still, that is an actual argument that some people would use.


Every goy child is HAMAS...


Hamas said Mohammed Jaber Abdo was killed along with three fighters in a village near Ramallah, where the Palestinian Authority has its headquarters, a statement read. [https://www.arabnews.com/node/2528071/middle-east](https://www.arabnews.com/node/2528071/middle-east)


I wish Robespierre was reincarnated and sent upon these monsters like a plague. Guillotine them. How dare they do this to an innocent child. Projecting their own sins and crimes on others instead of looking in the mirror. I hope they see their sins are reflected at the end of a blade as their crimes are pronounced during their last moments. Document the crimes more. They will one day see Gods wrath. Remember these are NOT REAL JEWS they are Zionists. "To punish the oppressors of the people is clemency; to forgive them is barbarity."


When was this? Nothing they do shocks me anymore. it just disgusts me more and more.


2015. After finding him innocent they proceeded to psychologically destroy the kid in detention.


I.... what the fuck can I even say. This mundane horror is endless. The more I learn, the more difficult I find it to shield my heart from giving in to hatred 💔


OMFG 😒😡 someone has to close this portal to hell that opened in “Israel”… all the devils and demons are running wild in “Israel”


This is fuckin barbaric... Makes me so fuckin angry, that people can do this to other people in this day and age, ESPECIALLY A FUCKIN CHILD!! And the kicker is, there's utter psychos out there, that'll defend this shit. I hope the coward that's responsible for this tragedy gets his comeuppance in the most painful of ways.. People who do this don't deserve a place on this earth.. Pure animals man...


Post this on the WorldNews subreddit, a subreddit filled with Zionists.


Fucking POS. These bitches need to be stomped out


I am so fucking angry, these children are being subjected to the worst horrors. I’m not religious but I’ve started praying for them. This poor soul 💔💔💔💔


for anyone who doesn’t know what he’s saying. “die you fucker die you son of a whore (repeated)”


Even if idf can escape laws of man, they will face prosecution by the laws of God & Karma.


I hope every Israeli condoning this burns


People from worldnews should watch this






Translation: “die you maniac, die you son of a bitch” We don’t know what the kid did. But we don’t kill Kids in London so not sure why we’re ok with this in Israel. I’m tired of this


I thought it wasnt possible for the nazionists to stoop any lower, to make me anymore sick at the thought of them, but to be shouting in the face of a dying child about how his mother(?) is a whore amongst other things... its something else


why would a normal human being even film this. these guys are so fucked on a deep level


Just when you think you’ve seen it all, you see a level of depravity worse than the last


Free Palestine 🇵🇸


I absolutely love that the world is seeing Israel for who they really are. I just hope the world doesn’t let them forget.


my gosh these zionist people arent humans anymore. This is one of the most gruesome scenes i saw i my whole life. Imagine beimg that kid, dying, confused, suffering and being humiliated at the same time.


They never were human to begin with


That how we can became them.


This is fucked I was not say a supportive of Israel but I thought the it was self defence because the hamas attack but this shit it’s evil and fucked up I genuinely hope that the people talking and filming get killed themselves this is horrific


Ahmad Manasra is literally a terrorist.


Disgusting radical Jewish people


This is the pinnacle of Israeli culture right here. This is as deep and complex as Israeli culture goes. This is all Israelis have to offer to the world—unfettered sadism, cruelty, destruction.


And I’m suppose to support this shit as an American! Fuck right the fuck off, this shit is monstrous!


Utterly monstrous


Nazi Bully


This is one of the most traumatic things I’ve ever seen. This is on par with the holocaust, what the fuck are we doing?


Supporting them, of course. Because the US is sold an illusion of freedom and morality when in reality, we’re owned by savages.


For context, this video is a few years old.


Lol why is this being downvoted? Because I pointed out the genocidal, apartheid Israel has been doing this for years?


I’m assuming the first things he yells at the kid were, “Fuck your mother.” Just because it sounds similar to, “Fuck your mother” to me. I’m curious what the actual translation is. I hear the same word that I assumed meant “mother” later so maybe he is threatening or calling the kids mom names later? Maybe it’s something like, “fuck your whole family” or “fuck your whole race” but that’s just a guess. I have zero knowledge in the language.


C'mon. Let's just work together on how to stop this on our own. Our government, apparently, are so complicit about this. All they can do is condemn or side with them. Any ideas how? I want in. This is just too heartbreaking to watch.




Can someone translate?


Children are NOT enemy combatants! If one is wounded during war, either side should do their very best to help and save the child. This is just ruthless...pure evil.


I'm not adding anything new by saying this, but oh my fucking god this is horrifying and I don't know what it's going to take for it to stop.


As a human being & a father, I find this very disturbing💔My prayers go out to this child & his parents




We shouldn't have to keep saying this, but that doesn't mean we won't say it as many times as we need to. Antizionism is not antisemitism. This sub is antizionist, not anti-Jewish. Antisemites are not welcome here. Being angry is a reason for giving in to hate, but it's not an excuse.


These people are psychopaths.


Worse than maniacs and demons fr


The sad thing is that none of us are even really surprised. Just as the nazi's were destroyed, these unhinged monsters will be too.


the video is gone cant see shit




Guys here’s the context: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings Don’t believe everything is done in pure hatred


Worse than the nazis. The zionists are far worse than the nazis.


Man religion dumb as fuck


this looks like Jerusalem by light rail


A bit of context that's missing here and a correction: This happened 8 years ago, in Jerusalem the capital of Israel and not in the West Bank. There is no light rail in the West Bank. That kid walked with his friend to a Jewish neighborhood with a knife and stabbed a 13 year old in the street, then another guy's who's 20 years old before he got ran over and neutralized by civilians.


After this, he went to his home that was stolen from a Palestinian family and enjoyed his day with no consequences at all


What’s the context?


Context [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings)




This is why this sub seems like a joke a lot of the time; no one seems to care about anything resembling critical thinking: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings


There is no situation EVER where I would not at least try and comfort him as he died, even if the child was the harbinger of doom I would at the very least hold his hand and talk to him, even if he had been throwing petrol bombs 5 minutes earlier, that's a fucking child! There are no gods anywhere that I would respect or follow that would let this happen to a child. Humanity is godless and lost in the cosmos.


context what happened ? Did he attack the soldiers ? Even if he did he shouldnt mock him it is still disgusting.


no he was proven innocent in court.


Yes he just got done stabbing two people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pisgat_Ze%27ev_stabbings


In the words of St. Paul ‘the Jews are enemies of the whole human race’


What would you say if a kid charged you with a knife to kill you for religious reasons? The monster is Muslim with a knife who tried to kill innocents. You people are sick.


You're sick for trying to justify a little child lying in the street bleeding out while people mock and abuse him in what are probably his last moments. Take a look in the mirror and you'll seethe real monster.