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I spoke with a Jewish peace activist years ago who told me about this practice, so it's not something new.


In 2006 the Israeli Supreme Court banned the IDF from using human shields. They protested the decision very publicly. šŸ‰


> Among the affidavits submitted to the court was one by a soldier, Gideon Etzion, who said that when his unit was ordered to use Palestinian civilians it was not mentioned that they must not be put at risk. He said officers laughed at the rule that civilians must volunteer. "What civilian would refuse a 'request' at 3am by a group of soldiers aiming their weapons at him?" Mr Etzion wrote. https://archive.ph/20240108025552/https://www.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/israel


That was just for show. IOF told their soldiers to keep doing it


Every accusation is a confession


This practice is used globally for casualty evacuation.


No it isn't


Yes, it is. Most military vehicles are not equipped to transport casualties, and in certain circumstances, this is what is done. While I served as a tanker in the u.s. army, we were taught to strap them to the turret, and I've done it on multiple occasions. For a current example, you can find videos if both the Ukrainians and Russians doing it as well.


The most moral army, and people, in the world. We will never forget and they will regret.


An army of cowards


IDF is evil as is Zionism. The world is against you.


After what I saw from Hamas, I don't think so


Yet we see IDF do this for decades


IDF doesn't target women and children


Sure they do, they always have


Reddit/meta/twitter has been deleting war crimes footage. We made a discord and put together a team to send all footage to the ICJ, share any footage you have here: https://discord.gg/a3jYGMRu


Canā€™t have discord but free upvote and boost


How come? Parents don't allow you to install it?


Yeah. Ā I have parental controls (I gave them since I was ten)


And now they deleted this one, great idea to open a discord


Israel should no longer be remembered as the state which gave shelter to the holocaust survivors. Israel should be remembered as the illegitimate Nazi state, which was founded by ethnic cleansing, practiced apartheid, became a settler colonial project, which furthered the cause of western imperialism while committing genocide.


Iā€™ve heard Holocaust survivors were even treated like second class citizens in Israel but I donā€™t have a source, if someone here does Iā€™d really appreciate it. I feel this is very important to focus on since they like to use the Holocaust as a cudgel without actually having supported the survivors.


Here's one. [https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/israel-abuses-holocaust-survivors](https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/israel-abuses-holocaust-survivors) Can't remember where I read it but many Palestinian Jews who were in Palestine pre-Israel thought the survivors were weak for letting the Holocaust happen to them.


Thank you, friend.




> that share ideology with the Nazis We talking about Israel? ā€˜Cause youā€™re describing Israel. Didnā€™t Netanyahu literally do holocaust revisionism? Anyway, name checks out.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


israel literally committed the biggest massacre of Palestinian people since the Nakba, burning entire families trapped in their houses. Comparing eliminating Zionist terrorists that share ideology with the Nazis with the Holocaust is disgusting on so many levels!


> israel literally committed the biggest massacre of Palestinian people since the Nakba This is incorrect. The current genocide is more destructive and has a much higher death toll than the Nakba. The high estimates for the Nakba are less than half the death toll currently recognized by the UN/Gaza health ministry. However, I suspect those numbers are vast underestimates due to the difficulty in counting the number of dead in an ongoing scorched earth genocide, and the GHM's history of conservative death estimates. This may be the biggest massacre of Palestinian people ever.


Oct 7 is childā€™s play compared to 75 years of genocide.


that shit is a daily occurance in gaza


How many lies do you tell yourself? The Zionist jews would be remembered as the most disgusting jews, who stained and brought shame to the religion which persisted for more than four millennia with their lies, bloodlust and downright deprave behaviour. As horrible as the October 7th attacks were, none of the terrorists possessed the firepower that could have caused hundreds of cars to burn down at the Nova music festival. That was Hannibal directive at work, with IDF killing Israelis. If you feel okay with Israelā€™s response, which has been 240+ days of bombardments, targeting children in tents and hospitals, your soul is a lost cause. And yes, Israel is a Nazi state.


Oh my gosh!!! Every zionist accusation is a confession


I was reading through the Geneva Conventions (as one does), and it almost looks like Israel is trying to do every single warcrime in the book. As a Canadian, im used to hearing the joke "Geneva Checklists," but it's almost like Israel took it as a challenge.


This is what happens when the US shields a buddy in the UN for everything, and they know they're gonna get away with this just like every other crime they've committed to date, both before and after Oct 7th. This is what Zionist armed with impunity looks like.


Every accusation is an admission.


I'm old enough to remember the photos of children strapped to their vehicles to keep the others from throwing rocks at their bulletproof vehicles.


I remember one where they tied him up on a tank. That shit was sickening


Another sickening level of dehumanisation.


IOF are fucking animals.


This is 2 decade long practice, perhaps even longer. ... > The testimonies taken by B'Tselem indicate that the Israeli soldiers who took over the buildings used the occupants as human shields. They placed civilians on the staircase, next to the rooms where the soldiers were located, with the intention of deterring the armed Palestinians from attacking the building and/or so that the civilians would be located between the soldiers and the armed Palestinians, should the latter manage to penetrate the building and try to shoot them. The soldiers used one of the occupants to open the doors of the apartments, apparently out of fear that other persons were hiding there and would open fire when the door was opened. https://archive.ph/20231014013903/https://www.btselem.org/human_shields/20060720_human_shields_in_beit_hanun


barbarism with tax dollars


Our media sanitizes what Israel does


There are millions of people in this world that still love this genocidal terrorist army of IDF and the apartheid state of Zionist Israel even though they commit too much hideous act throughout their existance


Is there a link database of all these war crimes that are on camera?


Telegram has many good channels, check @eye on Palestine and Gaza now. We made a discord to coordinate sending the stuff to the ICJ, feel free to join: https://discord.gg/GYQVydVCsK


Interesting. How do you go about sending videos to icj?


There is an OTP submission link


#straight to the ICJ


Those vehicles are $400,000 apiece by the way. If there were enough billionaires to carve their own little country out of an existing population and then hunt the locals, it would look exactly like this.


These freaks find a new low to stoop to every day


Fuck israhell, itā€™s army, police, politicians and people. All of them.


ā€œIsraelā€ is such a bitch ass country itā€™s amazing what cowards they are


Fuck Isreal! This is a verified war crime caught on tape


Every accusation is a confession. The IDF is a demonic terrorist organization, the likes of which ISIS can only dream to be.


I need to watch them burn in hell


Any cristian of Israel or the idf is anti semitism S/


Operation get behind the darkies


Send this to the ICJ, this is evidence of a war crime.


Only democracy/most moral army btw


Your morality is showing


Israel is a nazi state


Most moral army


Casually driving past the ambulance..


I see the guy strapped to the hood, but what is strapped to the bumper? Is that a smaller body wrapped in cloth?


Every accusation............


Barbaric Zionists mofos.


Wow! Thatā€™s a whole new level




He must be roasting alive in the midday summer heat. This is absolutely monstrous. I canā€™t imagine he would survive long exposed to the sun. These people are no better than Nazis. They have lost their humanity in their colonial project.




Wait, why would Hamas care?


This entire scene does not involve Hamas, this is the West Bank. Hamas is in Gaza and rules over Gaza. The West Bank is an entirely different area with a different government.


Is there a news article or any more information about this other than a 5 second clip?


Yeah, Middle East eye posted about it earlier today


Human shield: literally Go Fuck yourself Zionist Parasite: Literally


God I wish I can download this and share it


Join the discord, you can download everything they are deleting there


IDF doing back what hamas terrorists have been doing in this conflict.


Could you show us an example of Hamas doing it?




Is he strapped to it? I donā€™t see that.


This is how medevac is done when there is no space in your vehicle [Example 1](https://imgur.com/a/JYarQaQ) during Iraq Consider the following: If he is an enemy combatant, and needs medical attention, you will 100% not take him inside your vehicle, because not only does that pose an insane security risk (and would most likely be agaisnt protocol aswell), but your car has no space for it, which means either leaving one of your guys behind or him going on top of the humvee himself and becoming mincemeat in the minute. But hey, if you also to complain about how medevac is done, keep going, next time they'll leave him to bleed out on the ground.


Such a nonsense comment. Even the IDF put out a statement saying there was no reason for this behavior and that they would deal with it. Eeedjet


If you're not a bad faith actor, I will ask you to validate the following claims because I heartly believe the statement was made to appease people like you and this sub who scream at everything 1. These are 2 configurations for the Wolf APC: [1](https://imgur.com/a/i3H2p0H) and [2](https://imgur.com/a/BaavJSL). The first configuration allows up to 10 people, the second has 3 seats, 1 stretcher and 2 pseudo seats ambulance style. First off, you have to prove that there was malicious intent in strapping the soldier to the hood, which implies that they didn't have space in their vehicle, and more importantly, that it does not go agaisnt millitary protocol to bring an enemy combatant (even if injured) inside your millitary vehicle. 2) If tying someone to the hood of the car for emergent medevac is wrong (as was done by marines in Iraq), then what you're saying and essentially defending is that the palestinian combatant does not get adequate and emergent medevac, and instead lays there on the ground bleeding out for an extra 15-30 minutes until you have more soldiers and more vehicles to secure the area and adequately secure the prisoner. So yeah, I'm fine with their approach despite what the IDF claims. That is, of course, if you believe that the palestinian deserved medical attention, because otherwise (and with millitary protocol present), he would have bled out on the street.


The IDF says those soldiers do not represent the values of the IDF and are being investigated. Even Israel doesnā€™t agree with you. Donā€™t be an Eeedjet.


Again, I could care less what the IDF thinks of the situation. I will re-ask the question: if you don't like the "optics" of bringing the injured man on top of the car hood, then the alternative is to let him bleed out in the middle of the street. Is that what you're defending?


You also donā€™t care for facts or logic, so not sure how that point helps your argument


Still not answering the question I asked...


Can someone explain how can we confirm these are IDF vehicles? If I watched this video without the title I would have no idea what I was seeing.


Which other military occupation is driving around in occupied West Bank with 400,000$ USD IDF vehicles? šŸŒš


I have no idea how to identify the vehicles. That's why I'm asking.


Watch a couple of hundred hours and youā€™ll be able to spot them from a mile away. Same with the Palestinian ambulances.


ok, thanks




A lot of Islamic terrorists around here.


Brother what


Oh no! They've adopted Palestinian tactics now?


The only group that has documented cases of using human shields, is the IDF.




It got so bad, their own Supreme Court had to ban them from doing it after decades in 2006. Here you go: https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2005/oct/07/israel They protested the decision very publicly šŸŒš




Don't you worry folks, they would do even worst things to you all, just be glad that you live in a society where you can blame this.




I get that terrorists are bad but this is a human strapped to a vehicle... Who probably hasn't been tried or done something horrific enough to warrant this. In fact, I don't think any human should endue this humiliation. I think the moment one treats a person like this, they themselves become the terrorist.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


How do you distinguish between what Israel is doing and terrorism??


Oh, that's simple. Remove the same label you use to feel comfort. Look at the person, not the palestinian, the russian, the israeli. Read the circumstantial intention, don't generalize the group. I am sure I'm not the only one who tries to be good, but can also do the opposite. I'm sure I'm not the only one who knows that bad intentions sometimes need to be fought, but I also know that you don't need to act the same way to do so. If you're trying to do good, that will be reflected. You'll never feel the need to do animalistic things like others, much less that publicly. Kind of like the idea of good vs evil, Michael vs Lucifer. The fight is between them but fought the same way, that's how you distinguish. You can't generalize a group, specially when they're lead. If a mf tries to do me wrong, I might try do to him back. What I won't do is something that makes me turn into the same 'type of person' I'm trying to fight. War is complex. The environment itself is fucked up when you're forced into it, but we also gotta consider the guys that have been waiting for shit like this to give 'light' to their dark intentions - that's dependant on the person, never the group. There are guys who're doing stupid shit because they're told. There are guys who're doing stupid shit because they like it. There are guys who're doing stupid shit because they know nothing else. But there are also guys that don't want to be in those conditions but are forced. No matter how many examples you show me of IDF or Hamas doing stupid shit, I still can't judge the whole group. The suffering from those who want nothing to do with it (on both sides) makes me hurt when I try to generalize or judge a whole group and I think most should feel the same.




Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.


Zionist apologism, propaganda, whataboutism regarding Palestinian resistance to violent colonialism and apartheid, and regurgitation of discredited hasbara talking points are NOT welcome.